Witch containment diary

Chapter 472 The witch completes the plan

"Didn't you agree to play Witches' Coven for the rest of your life?"

"Why are you leaving!"

"You bitch!"

"I kill you!"

Strong resentment lingers in the chief position of the Witch Council, and just approaching it feels like a raging storm.

Quantum Bodhisattva stared at the bloody seat and glanced back at the witches.

"You have all seen bleeding, so there is no need to cover your mind with a cognitive mask, and you can use your most accustomed eyes and ears to witness the fate of the chief witch." She said.

At the top of the clouds in the Heavenly Mountain in the spiritual world, there stood a huge cross. A witch wearing a white prison uniform was nailed to it. Her head hung to one side, her hair disheveled, blood dripping from it, and she fell to the mortal world.

The entire cross was crafted with malice, glowing a vengeful purple-red color, emitting a hallucinatory light.

Facing the intrusive bright light, they felt as if their brains were being pried open.


"what is that!"

"It's so scary-" They were all startled.

Only Lian Yang, because he was used to attacking and defending his mind and had the protection of the treasure, could keep his gaze for the time being.

"Get behind me." Reio pulled the timid Saho behind him and stared at the victim on the cross with squinted eyes.

She looked so beautiful, so dreamy, still young, with a carefree face, as if the execution on the cross was the first suffering she had ever suffered in her life.

The expression was calm, sweet, and melancholy. It was hard to imagine that one face could express so many complex emotions at the same time.

Is she the chief witch in the spiritual world and the world's number one witch? Reiyo felt incredible.

"It's too cruel to tie her up so tightly." Yuanzhi couldn't help but say.

"I can't find a gentler means of suppression." Quantum Bodhisattva's attitude is more serious. "Once she escapes from the bondage, the bond that maintains the balance between the spiritual world and the human world will be broken."

"The spirit world has hit the earth before." Lian Wu said.

"Indeed, this is the first awakening of 'Hazy'. In the previous battle, Liluciel's fatal blow penetrated the defense of Heavenly Mountain, causing the cross to shake. Hazy's momentary awakening caused the spirit world to briefly appear. And hit the earth, Gotis was also transferred back to suppress Hazy..." Quantum Bodhisattva murmured.

Yuanzhi looked at the cross.

She felt a very strong connection between herself and the pinned witch "Hazy", but what exactly was it? She couldn't tell.

"What is her magic power?" Zhang Su had the answer in his mind, but he still asked.

"'Miracle'." Quantum Bodhisattva stared at the cross.

"Isn't that the legendary miraculous path? The most powerful witch! Great, no need to say more!" Hayho poked his head out.

"They know Miracle Witch very well, but...but..." Quantum Bodhisattva couldn't continue, and seemed to have strong emotions, "...Sorry, I am still committed to overcoming emotional obstacles."

The witch crucified on the cross is huge, with her head tilted and dripping blood into the world.

The expression on his face remained dreamlike, defying precise definition in human words.

This scene made them unable to take their eyes away.

Can anyone know how they look when they dream? Qing Xiao stared closely.

You smile when you have sweet dreams, and you are nervous when you have bitter dreams, but that is also how you see yourself in the eyes of outsiders.

And the look on Miracle Witch's "Hazy" face is exactly the "dreaming look" in her heart. When Qingxiao thought about this, she felt incredible about the witch.

"Okay." Quantum Bodhisattva came back to his senses, "'Miracle' is the ability of one's wishes to come true. At a certain moment in the past history, Hazy's thoughts transcended this world and were embedded in many dimensions. Her magic power can penetrate deep into Asia. Space is beyond the limits of our world, and she can also withstand the huge power released by manipulating multiple dimensions. She happily came over to tell me about her new ability..."

"As they all know, Yu was the youngest. At that time, he didn't know what was going on. He hadn't even broken the throne a few times. He only noticed that Gotith became furious."

"The traces left by her anger appeared like glass-like ablation marks on the edge of the spiritual world. That was where the demon first invaded. It was the only wound that even the Stardust Brick could not repair."

"Then, Yu Deng was forced to go to war with Hao and defeated her. The former master of the spirit world, Hao, was nailed to a torture device, while Gotis temporarily ruled the spirit world."

"I am mourning that now her beauty, miracle and great personality can only be tied to the cross. But I don't have any better way, I...can't figure it out."

The form of Quantum Bodhisattva is folded like a book.

Mayumi looked a little nervous.

"I don't know, this is incredible to us. The most powerful witch! Can tamper with reality and do impossible things with just one thought? Doesn't that mean that the world is essentially in her thoughts? ?" Mayumi asked.

"Indeed." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

"I...I hate this feeling, as if everything I do has become meaningless." Mayumi couldn't help but said, "Then why not execute her?"

"You have also discovered that Yu has behaved erratically many times since arriving at Hagi's sealed place. This is because Yu cannot overcome his 'love' for Hagi, and even for other witches in the gathering."

"This means that there is no way to return to the original state. In other words, at a certain moment in your life, I permanently gave a part of myself to others. As a result, you can never cut off the connection with others. Until death and annihilation, that person will no longer be that person." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

"I, I don't understand!" Hayho shouted.

"Haohui! If I die, I will leave a deep impression on you!" Qingxiao turned around and explained loudly, "So you can never leave me!"

"I forgot about you soon!" Hayho was angry.

"What about me?" Reio lifted up Saho, "If I die, will you forget?"

"Woo... I understand! We are all already a collection of small fragments of others. We can never be as clean and unconnected as the mother's first pregnancy, and we can never return to the happy and self-satisfied world we were in at the beginning. Status! From now on, you have to look at other people’s eyes to confirm yourself!" said Saho.

"Indeed." Quantum Bodhisattva's body seemed to be distorted into a state of lying on the ground praying, "Part of the rest has been split to Lung, and there is Yu's existence in Lung's heart. Therefore, Lung's suffering is also Yu's suffering. Oh. , Hazy… Hazy… Hazy…”

No matter how they called after that, Quantum Bodhisattva no longer responded.

Quantum Bodhisattva is almost in a state of death, which makes them very worried.

"Butt hurts." Hayho rubbed his butt, as if he had been stabbed, and walked closer to Hagi, "She is a witch who can bring miracles, so every once in a while, the 'Hazy' that passes through the earth's sky Are the stars her tears?"

"I've seen enough," Moon Rabbit said.

"Why?" Lianwu picked up Yuetu and held her in her arms.

"This kind of power is beyond my reach in this life. Is there a natural difference between the witch's path and the path of the witch? The 'miracle' path is more powerful than the 'moon' path. A single thought can tamper with the world. Just like other children , I did feel scared and nauseated." Moon Rabbit said.

"It's okay." Hayho rubbed his sore butt and turned his head, "When I have a chance to find the legendary storyteller, I will eliminate him and everyone will be free."

Zhang Su stared at the huge cross.

Behind the injured hazy, he also saw a super giant "hazy".

Completely transparent to human vision, but able to see clearly in his realm.

That Hazhi was simply a gigantic, pure white female giant, standing silently behind her own suffering body, her eyes scanning the entire spiritual world, and finally stopping at Quantum Bodhisattva. Her eyes could not tell the difference between sadness and joy.

Like "wait". As for what Hao is waiting for, no one knows.

"Go back by yourself when you're ready." Zhang Su sighed.

He took the first step and left this magical moment to everyone. After all, it was the witch's business.

When passing the fourth seat of the Redemption Witch Isaiah, Isaiah stopped Zhang Su.

"Fighting the devil is a huge project, and I will help you when necessary." She said.

"Thank you." Zhang Su looked at the petite and injured witch, "Your power seems to cover all the power of 'rescue'... which is quite comparable to the great cause of saving the world."

"The obsession to save the world is unparalleled. I have also seen a considerable degree of 'saving' in you, but I want to ask you one last thing." Isaiah asked.

"Please say."

"After everything you've been through, I know there's a lot you want to save. But is there one biggest priority?"


"Tell me, tell me, what is the person you most, most, most, most, most want to save?" Isaiah asked seriously, "If you can't answer, you will lose and die without a burial. place."

Who to save?

To save Hasumi, Edith, Saho, the earth, humanity, the world, Muroka, Natsuki, Mayumi, Reio, Yuori, Baku, Qingxiao, Kati, Hongyan, Li Yixin, Princess Otohime, Xiao Feng, Shui Li, Chu Xiangyan...

...No, no, no.

And... and more! besides!

What is to be saved—the most important thing—

"It's me." Zhang Su was relieved. "I will fight for everything myself, just for myself. Because I want to change everything. From the beginning, this is a story about saving me."

"Ah! Doesn't this lighten the burden on my shoulders?" Isaiah smiled, "Now, I finally see the chance of winning."

hazy cross.

After Quantum Bodhisattva regained his mobility, he saw that the other witches had not gone far.

"Why are you staying here?" she asked.

"I can't leave you alone like this." Hayho said.

"...I am hundreds of millions of times more powerful than you, so you don't need to worry about it." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

"What? We are all heart to heart, and now I care about you, so that you will always have fragments of me, King Hayho, on you. Even if I delete it, it will leave traces." Hayho disagreed.

"...You have been well educated." Quantum Bodhisattva turned around and took off, "You have also seen that among the nine witches, only Yu, Hao, Godis, Isaiah, Solaria, There are six seats in Qiongheng, and we still need to recruit three talented witches to replace the three who died. Do you have any candidates?"

"The Great Bodhisattva of Red Flames! She can make orange rice cakes. Nowadays it is popular for everyone to become a great witch." Hayho waved his fist, "Miss Renwu is a great person, and she is also a great witch. And then there is Princess Otohime, you guys It’s long past time to bring Princess Otohime to the spirit world, and now you must let Little Otohime join us! Otherwise, we will fight against Heaven Mountain again!”

"Although it was motivated, we did report the three most suitable candidates." Quantum Bodhisattva turned around, "If the spiritual world can survive the war, it will surely usher in a new era. However, the root of the witch has not been solved yet. .”

"The origin of the witch?" Hayho scratched his head.

"Do you feel very sorry? These great witches in the spiritual world like you are nothing more than a group of motivated, selfish and partial guys. I have been looking for advanced life forms that are free from the influence of basic emotions, but you also know very well "The witch has too many flaws... Unless there is a way to fill in the witch's flaws." Quantum Bodhisattva left.

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