Witch containment diary

Chapter 473 The rotation of things in the cup

"Ahhhhhhhhhh--go to hell! Go to hell!"

Sent to the front lines of Heavenly Mountain before the blast, he was now firing at the demon tide from the top of the Stardust Brick Wall.

She balanced on the top of the wall, holding the pink-white power of destruction in both hands, her eyes arrogant.

"Hurry up! Demon! Come here!" She looked down at the group of demons trying to climb the stardust brick wall, and projected terrifying magic downwards, destroying them all.


"Wow ah——"

"I'm going to die quack——"

"Our witch troops must attack!" The demons were beaten to a pulp, and they generally believed that they must ask the fallen witches to attack, especially the powerful leader Hippania. I hope her appearance can bring a chance of victory.

Fangzhang feels that the most enjoyable thing about fighting demons is... they are "endless"!

In the three months since she arrived at the front line, she had killed at least more than 100,000 demons, but it was still not enough.

With the support of Tiantian Mountain, Zhizhang even completed his third break. After all, he could become stronger by pouring destructive magic power on the devil.

"Kill! Kill!" Bubang was killing with great joy.

The terrifying magic of destruction bloomed from her hands, exploding large volcano-like burning pits in the queue of demons, as refreshing as crushing a nest of insects!

The demons trying to climb on the wall were easily wiped out by the blast, raining down like scattered debris.

"Roar!" A tall flame demon angrily led more demon soldiers to attack forward.

"Are you ready for a big fight?" Biaobo jumped into his black beast armor.

"You guys are really a madman! In this case, I can only fight side by side with you. After all, I was thrown into the furnace of creation to kill the devil. This period of time is undoubtedly my most important Glory, the day when the largest number of demons were killed." Armored Ghost Lydia acknowledged Blast's strength, "...You are as brave as your father."

"Haha!" Bamboo pulled out the commander's sword from behind the armor, and a deadly gray light bloomed on the blade.

Bloodthirsty thoughts have never been so swollen.

Bakubo roared and ordered to use the knife.

Kill it!

Under the erosion of the destructive magic power, the blade that was originally slashed out was twisted into a sharp wave, gushing and crushing in the direction of the devil!


"It's your command to use the sword - retreat quickly!" The Demon Tyrant was chopped into pieces before he could attack.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" Blast slashed wildly at the top of the city, releasing astonishing sword energy.

The battlefield was instantly cleared for more than a hundred miles, and the demons that were still advancing in large groups could only flee with their heads in their hands.

Today's wave of demons was completely crushed, and no one could pass the explosive destruction magic!

The defenders stationed on the southern defense line looked at the scene of explosion and destruction in horror. This crazy witch easily destroyed the group of demons they fought so hard.

Encouraged by the explosion, they also regained their confidence, straightened their backs, fought back, and used military weapons from the spiritual world to clean up the demons on the battlefield.


"Is this the witch of destruction trained in the mortal world?!"

"It is rare to see a witch who has not been corrupted by the immortal delicacies at all and is willing to continue fighting!" The surviving soldiers of the Heavenly Army sighed.

Before the bombs were sent, they were still fighting hand-to-hand with the demons on the city wall, relying on stardust bricks to build defenses.

On the first day after the bombing came, the demons could not gain a foothold on the city. After a week they were driven off the walls and the frontline camps were blown up.

As of today, the demons have been driven back hundreds of miles!

Thanks to the witch, I'm safe now! I can finally tell Lord Gotis, the Lord of the Spirit World, the good news! So good, so good... The soldiers in heaven all admired Zhazhao.

Very satisfied.

In the outside world, she cannot be accepted.

But here, everyone regards her as a hero and hopes that she will continue to serve in Paradise Mountain and contribute to this beautiful world!

After the day's battle, she turned to look at the beautiful Nine Palaces of Heaven. She felt really proud to see this beauty that had not been eroded by hell.

The exciting sense of accomplishment is unparalleled.

"Hey, little champion!" Shihua walked over.

"Shihua!" Biaobo jumped out of the armor and hugged Shihua.

"It's so amazing, Zhazhuo. He was just a little kid back then, but now he's a big hero!" Shi Hua admired Zhazhao very much.

"Hmph, hum..." Zhazhang felt his nose was a little sore, but he couldn't cry in front of everyone.

These soldiers cannot be allowed to find themselves, the little witch, little soldier, and little champion crying.

They also count on her strength to defend Heavenly Mountain, so she must be strong and unshakable like the foundation stone.

And tomorrow, she will protect Paradise Mountain with her comrades like she did today, and launch more large-scale battles.

She thanked Zhang Su for sending her here. She finally felt her worth deeply, and the Demonic Battlefield was indeed a good place to unleash the power of destruction.

"I'm hungry!" Zhazhi said coquettishly.

After spending so much magic power protecting Heavenly Mountain today, she was already hungry. No one would look down on her because she ate and drank so much.

"Zhangzhuang, everyone has arrived at the Nine Halls." Shi Hua carried Zhazhuang back to Tiantang Mountain.

"Everyone?" Fangzhang was stunned.

"Everyone, everyone we love and care about deeply. Everyone who loves us." Shi Hua led Zhazhao to a white griffin used for commuting.

"Okay, okay." Zhazhang wanted to cry even more now, "I miss them too."

Bakubo flew down the gilded corridor, her pigtails slinging behind her like the tail of a comet. She almost bumped into a spirit servant and turned around before she could apologize and continued on her way.

rush! rush! rush!

She rushed out of the corridor, jumped four hundred meters into the clouds, jumped gently under its buffering effect, and then jumped into the beautiful green garden.

There is no gravity here, and you will not fall to death. The spiritual world is a place as beautiful as a dream.

Next to the fountain spewing gold and diamonds, she finally saw everyone——

"Taking a bath in the immortal gourd will make you feel more energetic." Zaohui swam in the immortal gourd.

"...The plants here are simply incredible." Qing Xiao did research.

"Watermelon army." Natsuki rolled on the watermelon.

"I'm coming!" Zhibo shouted.

Like the best dream she'd ever had, they all turned around, waving and shouting at her.

"Blow it up!"

"You're finally here!"

"Long time no see!" They put down their work, gathered around, and raised the bomb high.

"Ah! Murohua!" They also saw Murohua jumping down behind Zhazhao.

"I'm here!" Shihua was very happy to see everyone.

"Reunion! Finally reunited!" Hayao was wet and excited.

The arrival of the explosion was like an explosion. She heard everyone shouting her name happily, and her eyelashes were already wet with tears.

"Dad!" Biaobo shouted to Zhang Su in the corner of the garden.

"Come." Zhang Su picked up Zhazhao, and now the anxiety and fear accumulated in Zhazhao's heart after days of fighting were completely gone, "How do you feel?"

"Thank you, thank you for sending me to the battlefield." Zhao Feo's forehead was close to Zhang Su's chest.

"If anyone were to say it, I'm afraid it would be ironclad evidence of bullying children, but since it's a bomb, it's the best." Zhang Su turned the bomb in his hand a few times, then held it by his side and led her walk.

"It's unbelievable. What a brave child. He was able to go to the battlefield and come back intact. The devil must have been beaten everywhere by you." Yuanzhi came over, gently touched Bianbang, and carefully checked whether she was injured. .

"I played with Shi Hua, and Shi Hua also worked very hard." Zha Zhao was modest.

"Ah, Muroka is here too! What have you been doing in the spirit world all these years?" Hayho was curious.

"Before the natural disaster struck, Da Su recommended that my mother and I take refuge in the spirit world. We have been building side walls with three or four lines of defense. We worked very hard." Shi Hua described the huge defense wall in the spirit world, "But the horizon There is a wound that cannot be repaired no matter how hard it is, and the demon invaded from there. Now we can only build a very narrow wall, and the enemy's invasion is getting stronger and stronger."

"No wonder we are asked to help out. There will probably be a large-scale battle next." Lian Yang said, "I don't know how many people will survive..."

"It's too scary. You must have fun in time." Hayho was scared to death.

"I will protect you!" Zhizhang turned around and shouted, "I will kill all the enemies, so there will be no problem!"

"Be a little more adventurous. You can now imagine what you will do after you win." Qing Xiao said happily.

"Actually, it's not bad to live in Paradise Mountain." Hayho suggested. "There are immortal delicacies everywhere here. Drink whatever you want to prolong your life and enjoy eternal happiness! You can enjoy it to your heart's content."

"I want to go back to Anxin Hospital..." Yuanzhi missed Anxin Hospital, "How long has it been since we all went back?"

"Then it's agreed that if we survive the Battle of Tiantian Mountain, we must go back to Anxinyuan to meet once. Even if we plan to go our separate ways later, we will reunite in Anxinyuan." Shihua said seriously.

"Komuro Hana has become mature." Mayumi was very satisfied.

"Well said!" Zhang Su raised the bomb to a high place, spun it around in the air, and then put the bomb back in Yuan Zhi's hand. "Never forget your origins, and never forget the important people around you. people."

"After this battle, we will go back to our hometown." Qing Xiao was very satisfied, "Take my roots back to Anxinyuan."

"I'm afraid we will become the most powerful and powerful group of witches in the world by then, and that will be great then." Hayho said.

"Maybe just relax and enjoy it like today, without any worries." Mayumi asked the Dumbos to bring the wine glasses, "I think we can just have a good drink."

"Oh!" They raised their wine glasses high, and Zhang Su also picked up a glass.

All those who are here at this moment raise their glasses to celebrate and look up at the sky in the spiritual world, which is holier than anywhere on earth.

All the important things in the world seemed to be spinning in the cup. Even if they would be dragged into a bloody battlefield tomorrow, tonight's reunion would be enough to comfort their hearts.

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