Witch containment diary

Chapter 474 Quantum Bodhisattva

After everyone else went to bed, Zhang Su found that the only noisy place in Tiantian Mountain was Quantum Bodhisattva's apartment.

Her palace is a giant "creation factory", from which new fused lives are constantly designed, cast, and produced.

"Don't you need to rest? Even machinery needs good maintenance." Zhang Su said.

"The catastrophe is approaching, but I hope we can still complete the last good deeds." Quantum Bodhisattva is still working.

Zhang Su stared at the huge mechanical Volas, which was made into shape by multiple automatic robotic arms. It was even stronger than when it was assembled on Earth before.

"Roar...!" Mechanical Volas roared, the compression cylinder on the side hissed, and the core matrix burned with soul fire.

It was once the leader of the demon army who dared to provoke Zhang Su. Its soul was reborn in hell, and its body was intercepted and turned into material for the demon engine.

Including it, the demon engines projected from the Ark of Foresight are now implanted with the "Nemesis" code by Quantum Bodhisattva, becoming war weapons to fight back against demons.

Zhang Su looked into the distance and saw that the demon engines were densely arranged. No matter how deformed and ugly the creatures were originally, they were now wearing brand-new and advanced metal armor, and there were about 40,000 of them.

"It has made them fashionable. They used to be cruel mutated monsters, but now they seem to be advanced sci-fi armored units." Zhang Su felt very satisfied.

From smoothbore cannons, laser-guided bombs, tactical nuclear weapons, swarm drones, floating guns, high-frequency vibrating knives to positron cannons, Quantum Bodhisattva continues to provide them with powerful weapons.

"The demons use an overly chaotic upgrade order. Only the demons who kill first can devour souls and evolve. For this reason, they are willing to kill each other and are extremely selfish. However, the AI ​​designed by Yu uses a more advanced computing strategy and will Let them consider the common interests of the entire alliance." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

"The Bodhisattva's ability is really...incredible. We knew before that the Quantum Bodhisattva was very powerful, but now it seems that it is much stronger than humans imagined." Zhang Su praised.

"...praising." Quantum Bodhisattva quickly put Zhang Su's words aside, "...Now, their cognitive programs and combat codes have evolved to the maximum extent. The most important thing is that they evolve by devouring demons. Proliferating and replicating itself, just like cancer cells, this is a virus designed for hell."

Zhang Su nodded solemnly and watched the mechanical Voras staggering forward.

It is huge in size, covered in nano-alloy armor, with a large shield belt generating a defensive field, and its mechanical mind makes it immune to psychic spells.

Under the control of the "Nemesis" AI, it has received a high degree of correction and is willing to obey orders.

"...If we can survive, Bodhisattva's wisdom and courage must be the key to victory." Zhang Su said.

"I have already stated that your compliment is not necessary. I only act according to the procedural plan and strive to maximize benefits." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

"But someone must say these words, otherwise, wouldn't the Bodhisattva feel lonely?" Zhang Su asked.

"..." Quantum Bodhisattva's figure flashed.

"Even robots need encouragement. Positive feedback can help you verify your decision." Zhang Su said.

"...Don't make any noise, I'm thinking." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

"I'm thinking too! A great being like Quantum Bodhisattva is different from all witches. He has gone to places that other witches cannot reach, but he has never received any praise in his life?" Zhang Su asked.

"...Don't interfere with Yu's judgment. Some of your words are incomprehensible to me, which causes...trouble. Yu's handling of emotions is worse than before." Quantum Bodhisattva's reaction was even more strange.

"Why? I think you are the best among witches, to be honest. You are not self-righteous or abuse your power like other witches. You just do research and use your research to save the world." Zhang Su said.

"...This was not Yu's original intention."

"My original intention was not a big deal, I just wanted to help myself. But in the process, I also saved many people and was regarded as a hero. The same goes for you! From this perspective, we are all similar, we are all like this The great savior of the world." Zhang Su said.

"...I don't have anything... You... are too easy to cause distress. The hidden meaning in Yu's words to you... is difficult to analyze. Yu's form is no longer that of a witch, and it has been for a long time, but you still yearn for it?" Quantum Bodhisattva is puzzled.

"I admire your spirit and character." Zhang Su said, "Maybe we can make friends."

"... Yu is a completely powerless witch when it comes to making friends. Please stop teasing Yu." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

"I understand, but when it comes to this, people don't often say, 'It's the end of the world, let's do some last indulgent things.' Using such a reason can also convince the most incredible things to happen."

"What exactly do you want?" Quantum Bodhisattva asked.

"In this last moment before the war, how about experiencing the feeling of a hug?" Zhang Su asked.

"...?" Quantum Bodhisattva hesitated, but still approached Zhang Su.

She looks like several colorful floating magnets, with fuzzy lines of gravity in the middle. She looks like a teaching aid for teaching, and also looks like a simple equation that will appear in advanced physics textbooks.

Quantum Bodhisattva passes through Zhang Su.

Her electromagnetic field resonated briefly but profoundly with Zhang Su's body, making him feel numb from his toes to his hair.

A fleeting...strong electric field.

To be honest, it's so comfortable.

"Incredible." Zhang Su recalled the aftertaste of just now.

"...I am not good at this. But if I can bring you a moment of joy, I can only leave a gap for you at the end of my helplessness." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

"Thank you." Zhang Su raised his head, "I think this is enough - a moment of indulgence before the end of the world."

He stopped talking and turned towards the direction of the Blood Army, preparing to meet and kill the incarnation of Harnak in a fateful decisive battle.

Quantum Bodhisattva watched Zhang Su leave.

She needs a cup of delicious food now.

Stardust brick defense line to the south.

According to Lianwu's plan, they will make a breakthrough here first.

"Arm up! The devil is coming!" Soldiers from the Heavenly Forces held laser guns and placed multiple "Gotis Blade" heavy tanks on top of the city, using them as turrets.

"This time it's a real war." Hayho saw the first wave of the demon's attack emerging from the bottom of the mountain.

"..." Mayumi held the gravity beam emitting device in her hand.

Although she and the other witches were only in their teens or twenties, she felt as if Zhang Su had been preparing for this since the first day she arrived.

Prepare for natural disasters.

Now that I think about it carefully, it is incredible. Those courses, education, training, and various teachings led them to see the glory of the city before the destruction of New Tokyo, and they were nostalgic for human civilization.

After going through trials, tribulations, separations and reunions, they are finally reunited and have created a complete ring of peace of mind.

All your efforts will be realized at this moment.

Mayumi turned to look at her friends around her.

For a moment, she thought she was still walking on the playground of Anxinyuan instead of facing an army of demons.

"Get ready to fight!" Kangqu raised the magic sword Lewantin in her hand, and her roar broke Mayumi's reverie.

"Explode! Explode! Explode!" The explosion is aimed at the devil, ready to release magic power.

"Stop! Wait until the devil gets close to one thousand meters before attacking!" Jiangqu ordered.

"Ah!" Zhibo shouted.

"The city wall under our feet is moving!" Yuanzhi felt keenly, "There is something running in the city wall!"

"That's not the enemy! Wait a moment! Wait for the order!" Jiangqu looked at the approaching wave of demons, "Listen to my order!"

"Three thousand meters!"

"One thousand seven hundred meters!"

"Thirteen hundred meters...hold still! Don't shoot!"

Zhazha gritted his teeth.

She looked at the trick demons and blazing demons that had started shooting at the city walls, as well as the flying wing demons all over the sky. It was incredible to be swarmed by so many demons!

"One thousand meters! Shoot!" Jiangqu waved Lewontin and summoned a shower of meteors and fire.

boom! boom!

Zangbang and others also opened fire instantly.

Endless destructive energy, explosive bombs, arrows, and spells bombarded the demon army one after another. A series of earth-shaking explosions tore the demons into pieces, and their broken limbs flew in all directions.

Even though the demons were torn into pieces, a large group of demons still rushed through the artillery fire, attacked without giving up, and devoured the souls of the dead demons in the air.

"Continue to attack—attack!" Jiangqu gritted his teeth until he suppressed the enemy's offensive, "—cease fire!"

"Ceasefire?!" Bubang felt incredible.


High up in the Nine Halls, Quantum Bodhisattva's apartment suddenly deformed.

The entire creation factory transformed into a huge, slender cannon, from which a red laser shot out, cutting straight into the middle of the demon front, as if cutting a large wave into two sections.


"The ground is cracking!"

"Ah——" The demons discovered that this beam of light cut into ravines on the ground, making it impossible for them to advance.

"Devil Engine troops attack!" Jiangqu ordered.

In an instant, the tall and blue stardust brick wall opened from it. The bricks rotated, opening the trap door, and countless demon engines jumped out from it.

"Roar!" Mechanical Volas charged forward with his giant sword, leading tens of thousands of demon engines to join the battle.



"They are eating our companions!" Cut by the Quantum Bodhisattva's calamity beam, the demons at the rear were unable to join the battlefield. They could only see the bombed remnants of the army in front being assaulted and slaughtered by the elite demon engines!

"There are more of us! They're useless!"

"It will be over in a while!" The demons gritted their teeth.

But what happened next was unexpected!

These "demon engines" kill demons crazily, then tear and devour their demonic substances, transform them into more nanorobots, and then use the demon's remaining limbs to piece together new demonic bodies.

The demon souls floating in the air were also forcibly captured by them, and stuffed into the improvised demon frames under the guidance of the program.

So, by cannibalizing the demon's corpse, a new demon engine appeared!

"Isn't this just cell division? One becomes two, two becomes four, targeting demons?!" Qing Xiao exclaimed, "This is the technology we want!"

The AI-controlled swarm of nanobots are like cells, and inside each robot is a complete set of blueprints for generating the Demonic Engine.

So as long as you find enough opportunities and nutrients for them, you can piece together a brand new mechanical demon!

In less than ten minutes, all the Demonic Strikers were wiped out, but more than 7,000 new Demonic Engines appeared on the Heavenly Mountain side!

The Demon Engine is an infinitely proliferating force that can assimilate all the demons it kills!

"To fight against the mechanized demon..."

"Damn it! Wouldn't this make our brothers..." The demons were indignant.

"I'll take care of it!" Hypania led the fallen witches out into battle.

"Fallen Sun" Hypania!

"A bunch of scum!" Hippania waved her hand and swept a huge blast of solar wind across the battlefield. The strong electromagnetic interference instantly caused a large number of demon engines to tremble, blacken, tremble, and lose operation!

Zaho's scalp feels numb.

She realized that the most terrifying thing was not the enemy's sunlight offensive, but the one next to it...

"Hey! Catch her!" Hayho ran.

"Mom!" Natsuki jumped off the wall, ran over, and stretched out her arms, "Mom! I miss you so much!"

"Mom?" Hippania looked at Natsuki, "I never remember that I had a daughter."

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