Witch containment diary

Chapter 475 The Sun is finally reunited

Natsuki jumped off the 100-meter city wall and fell on the ground. It was very painful and her legs were almost broken, but she still ran in the direction of her mother.

"Natsuki! No matter what you are doing! Get back here!" Mayumi stepped on the brick wall and shouted at the top of her lungs.

"I have this!" Natsuki raised the shining golden treasure in her hand, "I want to show it to my mother, and she will wake up!"

It looks like a solid, huge box. This Noble Phantasm is one of the treasures awarded last time and can instantly activate the energy of the sun.

"It seems to be a very heavy thing - can't you turn it into light and send it over? If you rely on your legs, you will have to run a long way to reach Hypania! Stay awake." Mayumi was shocked.

"I want to show it to my mother! It must be possible! Help me!" Natsuki continued running forward holding the Noble Phantasm to deliver it to her mother.

For this reason, it spans 20,000 meters!

"Go and save her!" Hayho jumped up and shouted, "Let's go!"

Saho also wanted to jump down, but Mayumi held Saho back hard.

"You'll faint just by looking down!" Mayumi stopped him.

"I-I-but you-work hard! Don't let Natsuki die, okay?! Let Natsuki live and send the Noble Phantasm there! Help her!" Hayho cried.

"Let's cover Natsuki! Try to stop the actions of Hypaniya and the devil!" Jiangqu ordered.

"I'm such a useless person!!" Saho has never hated his fear of heights so much. It would be great if he could keep up with Natsuki!

Just then, Muroka came to Saho.

"Muroka?!" Hayho yelled, "Muroka! Can you help me?"

"You don't need to tell me that I can do it too." Murohua smiled at her, "It is my responsibility to protect Natsuki."

Muroka's body was even harder and she was an indestructible guardian witch. She jumped off the hundred-meter-high city wall and followed closely behind, trying to catch up with Natsuki's pace.

"..." Mrs. Shinjo Meiyu stood nearby, wearing silver armor, watching her daughter chase Natsuki away.

Hayao was helpless, trembling all over, and could only watch Muroka risking his life.

"Natsuki! Idiot! Idiot! When he saw his mother, he lost control and wanted to put the Noble Phantasm in her face. Do you think that the evil witch will become good when she sees the sun? No, she is a bad guy. ! Reunion will only bring about... tragedy! Wait, my butt hurts..." Hayho stepped back.

"Shoot!" Jiangqu asked the soldiers to shoot Hippania and the demons around her.

"Ah ha ha ha! Perish!" Hippania bloomed with the magic power of the sun.

Her figure turned into a blazing sun, instantly lighting up the entire southern battlefield.

The full strength of Lieyang!



"It's so hot——"

"The weapons are getting so hot!"

"I can't hold on any longer!"

"Turn around!"

The coronal mass ejection is like a rain of fire covering the sky! The incandescent light poured down and violently impacted the military formation, instantly burning through the bodies of many people!

Once hit, their bodies were quickly melted by the high heat of the sun, falling apart like black coal and turning into ashes!

The soldiers retreated, desperately seeking shade and hiding in the shadows created by the battlements.

"The world, the end of the world..."

"Overheating! Overheating!"

"Haoho! Hide! You will die!" Qingxiao summoned a potato wall, but it started to burn instantly, "Damn, it's so hot -!"

This is the most terrifying power! The ground suddenly began to heat up, everything began to burn, and even the demon engine had to retreat quickly, dragging the severely injured figure to distance itself.

"Destroy under the scorching sun!" Hippania unleashed terrifying solar magic unbridled.

"It's so scary, I really want to cry, I really want to die..." Saho lay on the ground, trembling under the absolute restraint of the sun's magic.

If you go out, you will be shattered by the sun in an instant!

"It's so hot, I'm going to be burned to death..." Yuanzhi sighed in pain and discomfort, and the cat hair on his body was about to ignite.

"I have never seen the sun become so big! The sun magic that Xia Xi usually uses is not like this at all! Is this the cruel sun?!" Qing Xiao was the most painful.

"Shields and armors...can't do it..." The soldiers of the Heavenly Army also had to remove their armor to cool down.

"..." Xincheng Meiyu unfolded the defensive wall to slightly weaken the sunlight, but she could only turn her back to the scorching sun and could not look directly at her.

How to survive this horrific solar tyranny? !

The earth steamed, and the molten ground softened into a molten form.

Natsuki stumbled forward, and a huge burst of hot golden flames erupted from where he paused.

Hypania's high-pitched and cruel laughter sounded, and Natsuki flew back like a burnt leaf.

If this happens, it will be destroyed and rolled on the ground...

"Mom!" Natsuki raised her head and looked at the bright and huge sun in the sky, "It's me!"

"I have no daughter!" Hippania responded disdainfully, but further strengthened the terrifying power of the sun.

On the city wall, the army was almost completely destroyed.

"The eyes are going to explode!"

"I really want to help her, but...it feels so uncomfortable..."

"The body is burning... I can't..." The soldiers of Heaven's Army tried their best to resist, but they could not withstand the increasing temperature and had to retreat and escape.

"I'll kill you!" Jiangqu drove Levantine and wanted to attack Hippania.

But that's the sun itself!

The brightness was so high that even she couldn't look directly at it. The wings burned and melted in the process, and her body fell to the ground.

"The ground has been... so hard... the vocal cords..." Mayumi ran back.

"The stardust bricks are all lit up, we will die!" Reio hugged Saho, "Let's go quickly, okay?"

"Muroka is still down there, Natsuki is still down there." Hayao whined, her hands were burned to pieces, and although the stardust bricks couldn't be destroyed, they were still scalding hot.

"Hipania is already strong. I'm afraid she has been transformed and strengthened by the demons thousands of times. We are no match. We have to wait for Teacher Dasu to deal with the main demon force before we can come to support. We have to retreat." Lian Yang said.

"Senior..." Saho looked at her with a cry, even more horrified, "Your hair is on fire! You go first!"

"I want to protect you. This is my sincerity. Before my body fluids boil, hide it here." Reio hugged Hayho.

"Wow wow..." Hayho cried.

"Burn to death, burn to death." Qing Xiao wanted to run away, "The power of the sun..."

"The sun has turned the ground into a barbecue grill, let's go quickly!" Yuanzhi had no choice but to turn into a big cat, pick up Qingxiao and retreat.

The demons marched against the sun.

"Hahaha! We demons have no eyes and are not afraid of heat!"

"Now we can march!" The demons moved forward quickly, following the soul in the soul's field of vision. That was the soul they truly loved and was not affected by the strong light.

"Kill that girl!" They shot at Natsuki who was stumbling on the ground.

Thunder and lightning struck, fireballs hit, javelins and magic arrows hit, curses and aging hit!

Natsuki's head was smashed, and the blood was dried as soon as it came out.

I really want to go to my mother...Mom... Natsuki raised her head and looked at Hypaniya weakly.

A little closer...!

Natsuki trudged forward, it was so hard, so hard... her feet were about to melt and her knees were about to break.

They're still beating themselves up. If this continues, the hand will be cut off and nothing can be taken out... the body will fall apart...

"She's still moving!"

"Kill!" The demons continued to throw weapons at Natsuki.


Natsuki saw a blurry figure running over in a blaze of light, surpassing herself.

The huge battle ax flew over but was bounced away, as if a solid barrier appeared.

"Hey...!" Murohua fell back with his back to Natsuki, and at the same time spread out the defense wall, "Come here quickly."

"It's very hard..." Natsuki moved forward tiredly.

"It doesn't matter, it's just walking around. You have to persist! It's the same as in the past!" Shihua stepped back.

Every step she took made a sizzling sound between the soles of her feet and the earth, exuding the aroma of barbecue.

"Just walking around." Natsuki's eyes became aimless and she staggered forward.

"Hold on! You want to meet your mother, right?" Murohua turned his back to the sun to avoid being blinded by the sun, and tried his best to use his blind sense to help Natsuki block the demon's firepower.

"Meet mom..."

"That's right! I've finally spent these three years with my mother. It's been hard but also very happy. So I know it's best to be with my mother!" Murohua opened the way to Natsuki, deflecting the demon army's shots. Countless gunfire.

"Mom...Mom!" Natsuki stepped forward.


An evil scythe bypassed the wall and hit Natsuki, causing her to spit out some more blood.

"I don't dare to turn around and face the scorching sun. This still has limitations." Shihua nodded, "Then I have to turn around and run forward with all my strength. It's too dazzling and I will probably fall. You must speed up. Speed! Once I fall, that's your limit! Just do whatever you have to do!"

"Yeah!" Natsuki pulled out the sword and ax stuck in his body.

Shihua turned around.

ha! Hypania's fallen sun!

The boiling golden light exploded in her eyes, and she fell into darkness again, but she felt that she could see extremely clearly.

Isn’t it familiar to trek in the dark? !

"It's time to move forward!" Murohua deployed maximum defense and ran forward.

Natsuki followed, trusting her completely.

"They are the only two who dare to advance against Lady Hypania, kill them!" the fallen witches roared loudly.

"Shoot!" The demons stepped forward and attacked Murohua's defense wall.

The bombing of fallen elements, storms, thunder and lightning, the curse of aging, bombardment, slashing with knives and axes, freezing...

No matter what kind of attack, it will be blocked! Shihua stepped forward, moving forward without any scruples.

But... we have reached our limit!

Murohua's feet had been scorched and carbonized by the hot earth. Now he was moving forward with two pieces of calf bones, and his body was teetering on the verge of falling.

The magic power was exhausted in the process of resisting the demon bombardment. Murohua fell to the ground blindly and bleeding.

"Shihua?" Natsuki was startled.

"Don't be afraid! Fly!" Shihua tried his best to support his body with his hands, "Step on me and get up!"

"!" Natsuki jumped forward, used Muroka's back to jump up, and leaned to a place less than 2,000 meters away from Hippaniya.

Finally delivered!

Natsuki unfolded the Noble Phantasm "The Moment of the Sun" in her hand!

Thank you everyone...for helping me get here!

Here, it can be done!

The reforged treasure burst into astonishing flames, melting Natsuki's body in the brilliant light.

Natsuki's body was destroyed immediately and merged with Hippania's brilliance.

After unfolding the Noble Phantasm at such a close distance, Hippania's mind was instantly struck by the light.

"Mom!" Natsuki turned into pure light and merged with Hippaniya.

"Ah -" Hippania's figure flowed and turned into a ball of shining sun discs, "...you...who are you?"

"Mom! You are no longer alone now! Have you seen the light of this treasure? It was brought to you by everyone and I. Mom, I miss you so much. I'm so tired."

"Really...Then let's...rest. Look, there is a bigger sun there. Isn't that what I've been dreaming about?"

The two rays of light were tightly connected, no longer distinguishable from each other, and then rotated up to the sky, connecting with a larger light.

The scorching heat has calmed down and the sun is no longer dazzling, but people still feel frightened when they look up at the sky.

"The Demon Engine has regained its mobility, we won this battle!" Jiangqu asked the Demon Engine to continue assaulting and hunting demons.

"Natsuki! Where's Natsuki?" Saho leaned out and looked out.

"Huh...huh..." Qing Xiao had been severely burned and was unable to help.

"Natsuki is missing?!" Mayumi had multiple burns on her body, but she still tried her best to look out and opened her eyes with difficulty.

"I can't see Natsuki, nor can I see Hypania." Reio looked around.

Qing Xiao lay on the ground with her mouth wide open.

Looking at the bright sky, she felt so warm and warm. Suddenly she understood something and couldn't help crying.

"Natsuki...Natsuki is everywhere now...!"

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