Witch containment diary

Chapter 476 The main battlefield of existence

The main battlefield against the Blood Army is in the west of Paradise Mountain.

Zhang Su stood on the sloping ridge and looked at the demon army coming from the west.

Some of the soldiers who were assisting in the battle were covered with silver aura and originally planned to rush into the battle without hesitation, but as soon as they arrived at the front line, they couldn't help but stop.


"too horrible……"

"how so?!"

Everything in front of them was terrifying and ghastly. The soldiers who were captured alive were tied and cooked alive in large pots. There were at least hundreds of such large pots. As far as the eye could see, they were all soldiers who had their armor removed and were soaked and boiled in the big pots.

Due to the healing effect of heaven's spiritual energy, their skin was constantly burned and destroyed, but it healed instantly, making the pain last longer.

The flesh of the prisoners was boiled white and rotten. Due to the absorption of water vapor in the pot, each of them swelled to three or four times its previous size, like a white flesh bubble filled with cysts. His eyes, fingers, and hair could no longer be seen clearly. Nothing more.

The demons roared and played around the cauldron, weakening the morale of the defenders of Paradise Mountain.




There are even more crazy sounds approaching.

The undulating sea of ​​rotting corpses surged forward, all composed of haggard men and women.

These twisted human corpses were controlled by the Puppet Demon, forming an army of obedient demonic corpses, frantically attacking the front line formed by the defenders of Paradise Mountain, forcing them to kill the evil enemy who had the appearance of a partner.

"This is called the 'Green Fertile Field'. It is a place consecrated by Qiong Heng and Isaiah. Soldiers can be reborn quickly here, but the demons use this method to insult." The voice of Quantum Bodhisattva came from afar. to.

"What a damn devil." Zhang Su frowned.

"The hope of victory lies with you. Since you have vowed to turn things around on your own, please be sure to fulfill your promise." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

Zhang Su looked at the condition of the soldiers.


"do not be afraid……!"

"Damn it..." The armored warriors of Heaven's army fought less and less.

As soon as a human being dies, his soul is snatched away and squeezed, his body and bones become a puppet, and being captured alive is a torture worse than death.

The morale attack was effective, the blood army advanced without any hindrance, and Gotis's heavenly army continued to collapse.

"...I will try my best to use war machines to provide fire support, but we need to deal with the battle situation in the south first. You have to withstand the pressure from the front." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

"Take care of those children." Zhang Su clenched his fists.

A loud shout rang out, attracting Zhang Su's attention.

In the direction of the blood army with thick black clouds, a God-chosen Balrog wearing brass armor noticed Zhang Su's presence. Seeing his hunting heart, he immediately drove the "Blood Crusher" mechanical steel bull and rushed towards Zhang Su.

"It's the God's chosen Balrog!"

"Be careful!" More than a dozen Heavenly Soldiers who formed a skirmish line blocked them with all their strength.

"Let's fight." Zhang Su would not stand idly by.

He clenched his fists and flew away. Like an exploding star, he rushed in front of the Overlord Flame Demon in an instant.

"Roar!" The God's Chosen Overlord Flame Demon swung the giant battle ax in his hand and slammed it towards Zhang Su.


At this time, Zhang Su had kicked the steel bull and blasted it out violently. In an instant, the armored beast exploded with force. The energy exploded in its body, blasting it into a mist of blood!

The God-chosen Balrog felt that he had suddenly lost his strength, and his body fell suddenly. When he lowered his head, he found that his mount had been blown away, and half of his legs had also been blown off!

"Ouch——!" God's Chosen Balrog was astonished.

Is there this level of power? !

"Death!" Zhang Su punched out, but before the fist hit the Balrog, the scalding storm of energy arrived first, scraping the entire demon into pieces, leaving only a quarter of the remains blown away. Get out and scatter all over the floor!


"Two clicks and that's it—"

"This is too easy!" The soldiers in heaven were stunned.

Such a God-chosen Balrog is simply a human killer dominating the battlefield. In the previous battle, he was able to break through Heaven's defense line at will, but now he was knocked out by Zhang Su with a punch?

On the other side, there are a large number of bloody army sharp blade demons who are attacking the front line.

The defenders gritted their teeth and fought back, using the heavenly military weapons in their hands to chop and shoot, but with little effect. The low-level demons of the Blood Army were also well-equipped and difficult to break through, so the attacks were ineffective!

Zhang Su flew over to support him and raised a storm over the battlefield.

"Wow ah——"

"Quack--" The sharp-edged demons instantly felt their bodies unbalanced, and were blown up into the sky by the violent storm. They then collided, strangled, crushed, and smashed into pieces until they were crushed into a black demonic slag ball!


"It's that guy!"

"It's time to dispatch the generals...!" The demons realized Zhang Su's presence, and the entire front's offensive slowed down instantly.

All the frontline commanders were trying their best to gather the demons, big and small, and ask them to retreat to a safe place to avoid being massacred by Zhang Su in vain.

The morale of the army in heaven is greatly boosted!

"This way there is hope!"

"Go and rescue your comrades quickly!"

"Come on!"

"A rare opportunity!" Thousands of soldiers wearing silver armor jumped out of the bunker and went to rob the captured soldiers.

They broke the cauldron and released their colleagues who had been boiled alive a thousand times.

The survivors whined and wailed soundlessly, and their bodies began to melt as soon as they hit the ground, becoming as soft as grease.

"Just survive!"

"Be braver……"

"Now with Zhang Su's support, maybe we can win!"

"Be careful!" the soldiers insisted through gritted teeth.

Zhang Su absorbed the demon souls floating in the air and refined them into the energy he needed. Unknowingly, he had officially reached the six hundredth level, one step closer to the perfect thousand-level power.

Just as he tried to regroup his defenses, a loud bang exploded, as if the world was cracking from the middle.

Everyone and the demons turned their attention to the center of the battlefield, where there was a huge obsidian crack, from which swirling evil thoughts emanated.

"Be prepared." Zhang Su asked the soldiers to retreat to a safe place.

"War is not that simple..." The voice of Ebony King Ceronax came from it.

It slowly walked out of the portal. Its body was majestic, more than ten meters high, showing a human-shaped outline.

The Ebony King is surrounded by strange black light, which gradually condenses into a gorgeous and close-fitting armor, as if it has become its second skin.

Under the helmet, the Ebony King's blood-red and cold gaze was directed at Zhang Su, without a trace of pity or sympathy.

"We meet again." King Ebony said.

"..." Zhang Su recalled the battle where King Ebony, "Vampire" Volas and several other demons raided the moon together. That was the first time he showed his true intention of killing in space, "Are you looking for death?"

"Hahaha, don't think too much." The Ebony King exuded a terrifying aura, which made the demons and soldiers on both sides very afraid.

The fertile fields are dark and quiet.

When Zhang Su and Ebony King looked at each other, no one dared to move. They were all suppressed by the pure strong aura and could not move.

Zhang Su moved first.

Apart from them, humans and demons could only see a dazzling bright red flame, like lightning that was changing rapidly.

That was Zhang Su's attack.

His attack was very dazzling, as fast as a meteor, hitting the Ebony King's armor hard, and the resulting explosion was powerful enough to shake the earth.

However, despite such a fierce attack, the majestic body of the Ebony King did not fall.

It just trembled and then absorbed the power.

The Ebony King simultaneously danced the magic sword in his hand and counterattacked Zhang Su.

Zhang Su's speed was extremely fast, and he was unscathed. His movements were accurate to a millimeter, and he avoided the tip of the knife at a molecular level.

Passed by by mistake.

The Ebony King stood there, with Zhang Su behind it.

"Yeah." The Ebony King looked down at the huge cracks in his armor, the edges burning red, "Incredible."

"Right." Zhang Su put the judgment sword "Magic Crucible" on his shoulder, and the scarlet outline of the shovel-shaped blade buzzed.

The Ebony King fell to the ground at the sound, and his soul returned to hell.


"Roar!" The demons of the Blood Army were horrified, watching the Ebony King collapse to the ground, lying on the fertile field and turning into a hollow wreckage.



"Great!" The people in Heaven's Army were extremely excited.

They have been bloodbathed by demons, abandoned the eight outer worlds, and been expelled to Heaven Mountain. The army has been wiped out. Now there is finally a glimmer of hope for victory!

Zhang Su stood erect on the spot, with endless power still surging in his body.

He ignored the demonic army in front of him, and behind him, Heavenly Mountain stood firm.

The demons are still waiting.

At this time, the fallen form of the Ebony King has cooled into obsidian fragments, and the residual heat from the sword just now is still being released in the air.

Zhang Su did not pursue.

He felt an invisible threat gradually strengthening, and an ominous omen gradually approaching.

Electricity surged in the air and continued to grow.

Thousands of horns sounded, and then a dull and heavy sound came, as if a huge thing was approaching the battlefield.

On the horizon, a faint red light began to flicker, gradually condensing into the doomsday glow.

The final battle has come.

Zhang Su took a deep breath and pressed strength into his chest.

On the ridge behind the demon, "Carnage Incarnate" Harnak appeared, wearing heavy brass armor.

Everything before was just a prelude, now is the chance for his eternal enemy to show up.

"Kill it."

"Kill it."

"Kill it." Edith's hazy whisper sounded in Zhang Su's heart. Right, you hate it too.

It was time to put an end to the natural disaster. Zhang Su raised his head and made up his mind.

At this moment, the long sky was suddenly illuminated by endless sunlight.

Both Zhang Su and Hanak turned their attention to the distant south side of Heavenly Mountain, where an unprecedented sunburst event seemed to have erupted. All the light shot into the sky, and then began to shine on the earth.

This sunshine...is it Natsuki-chan? Fallen witch Hypania? Or the Great Sun Witch Solaria?

Zhang Su couldn't tell, but he could feel that this light was on his side.

With such help, victory is closer!

Harnak raised his hand, and his power exploded like a red supernova, instantly shattering the world.

"Go to subspace and fight me."

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