Witch containment diary

Chapter 477 The decisive battle with Harnak

Harnak's shockwaves shattered the shells of the earth and the spirit world, tearing open the bloody mouth of the Warp.

The battlefield seemed to be washed away by a black tide. The next second, he and Hanak were both rolling in nothingness, facing the subspace storm!

The last remnant of the spiritual world shattered behind him and disappeared without a trace, and the entrance back to the spiritual world became a distant ray of light.


Zhang Su clenched the magic crucible in his hand, tried to find the right direction, summoned the God of War, and barely stabilized the current coordinates.

The surrounding...is a super-dimensional space, an area where the Unbounded Alliance once roamed, and even demons dare not break into it.

Can't see clearly, can't hear, nothing, five senses are confused——

Hanak's cold gaze triggered Zhang Su's instinctive counterattack. He turned around and struck hard, hitting the brass fist from Chaos, and his body was knocked out.

Wearing the "brass armor" of the Furious Maw, Harnak kept a close eye on Zhang Su and was ready to crush him to death.

In this desolate subspace, they will have a final battle, not limited by physical conditions.

Zhang Su used the blood of beasts to increase his nerve regulation ability and reflex speed, and held the magic crucible tightly.

With an explosion that distorted time and space, Harnak's heavy blow hit Zhang Su in an instant, sending him flying immediately.

So fast!

This time he failed to block it. Zhang Su never saw Harnak injured because it was too fast! No one can beat it.


His strongest defensive means, the "Arrows Cannot Chase Turtles" Noble Phantasm, was completely damaged by the hit just now.

This is the result of being directly hit by Harnak. Even this treasure of the level of a legion commander cannot withstand it. It is declared destroyed and turned into dust.

Zhang Su's body broke through the barrier and entered another world.

This is a wider world.

Zhang Su regained his balance in the sky and saw a huge town below. Strange intelligent creatures raised their heads and pointed at Zhang Su. A steam-driven airship was gliding in the sky. A golden giant stood astride the sea gate, reaching out to touch the ship. Boat.

Harnak follows and blows up the world with one punch!

The entire planet cracked open and landslides spread across the earth. It harvested souls and became even more powerful!

There is no way to continue like this——

Zhang Su drove all his energy into the magic crucible, and then controlled the God of War to swing his sword, expanding the scarlet sword edge of the magic crucible to a length of seven kilometers.

Then, he attacked Harnak in one go.

There are more than 5,000 powerful energy gathered in the magic crucible, which is strong enough! It would be great if I could hit it!

"Despair unfolds"!

Zhang Su opened his eyes wide, thinking rapidly, and had a splitting headache.

To measure a powerful enemy like Harnak is as difficult as climbing to the sky!

The "Imaginary Number Traversal Tree" that appeared in front of Zhang Su had hundreds of millions of branches! And there is only one way to hit it.

In all other branches, Zhang Su failed and was killed by Hanak!

As long as I can win...this is the last time.

Zhang Su's own talent and experience blocked most of the path, allowing him to fall into the fork closest to victory.

There is only one tenth left, which is more than 10 million possibilities!

Edith's residual illusion gently fluctuated, making choices for Zhang Su, and then helping him eliminate two-thirds of the wrong answers.

Among the remaining three million paths, there are only a few means of victory.

Can you see clearly?

For a moment, Lian Yang's eyes overlapped with Zhang Su's.

It's the true magic power borrowed from Reio, ah——it turns out that Hanak's behavior is like this.

Even if he can only pre-read the soul fluctuations for a ten thousandth of a second, it will facilitate Zhang Su's exploration.

This would eliminate a lot of clues, leaving only more than a thousand possibilities.

In the end, I can only rely on intuition——

"Have you had enough trouble?" Hanak shouted loudly and punched him, causing the entire tree of imaginary paths to burst into cracks!

"!" Zhang Su swung his sword based on the chance he had found before.

"The premise of "Desperate Situation" is that you must be stronger than me, but you are far weaker than me, so go to hell! "Hanak swung a punch, smashing through Zhang Su's body, shattering the world again, and rolling back to the subspace!

Zhang Su's magic cauldron hit the brass armor, and the Judgment Sword only left a red-hot wound that could not penetrate and did no harm to Hanak's body!

And he himself has a big hole in his waist and abdomen, rolling in the subspace, bending to different coordinate systems.

In such a weird place, you can't even breathe, you can't even replenish your energy...

Zhang Su was among the Martial Gods, even to the point of consuming the Martial Gods to heal his body.

Hanak's attack power is too terrifying!

You must return to the spiritual world to replenish your energy!

Zhang Su wandered in the subspace, trying his best to return to the direction of the spiritual world.

It was being lit up by the sun now and was like a beacon of home anyway.

The subspace turbulence was also fatal to Harnak, and its speed advantage was weakened a lot, giving Zhang Su a moment of opportunity to evacuate.

Seventeen seconds.

Zhang Su calculated that Hanak would catch up with him in seventeen seconds, and they would have to fight again.

However, if you want to return to the spirit world, you have to move cautiously in the subspace for at least sixty-five seconds.

It’s too late, we must fight!

In these last ten seconds, we must come up with a strategy!

If you get hit by Harnak one more time, you'll die. Damn it...

Rely on your own wisdom and experience of fighting against demons for a lifetime, and try to think of a way to win!

That news...

Before Li Yixin was defeated by Hanak, he finally sent a short message back to Earth, which Lian Wu conveyed to Zhang Su.

"right hand"

Li Yixin said this, the "right hand" is the key to breaking through Hanak!

Yes, in the Scarlet Garden battle, I once penetrated with one breath and made a small hole in Hanak's right fist.

So small that you can't even see it now.

But Zhang Su wanted to take a gamble.

The "small hole" on the right fist, since Li Yixin emphasized it so hard, it means that it is real!

Seventeen seconds passed quickly, and Hanak rushed to Zhang Su.

"Die!" Zhang Su mobilized the remaining more than a thousand energy, gathered it on his right fist, and clashed with Hanak's fist again.

Avoid its left hand, and then fight with its right hand——


Zhang Su's punch collided with Hanak's right fist, and the two fists collided, destroying the world.

His energy found the flaw in Hanak's right fist, and he blasted it in!

"It's still there! I knew this armor couldn't be repaired!" Zhang Su yelled.

Harnack was calm.

"Did you forget..." Harnak whispered, "Qi Jin reaction organ?"

An explosion came from its right arm, completely digesting the energy Zhang Su had injected into it.

It is the Qi storage organ used by the devil to counterattack Zhang Su!

In this way, it would be useless no matter how much Zhang Su punched in, they would all be returned!

"It's very desperate!" Hanak roared, "The news that Li Yixin tried so hard to pass back was because I deliberately let her escape alive! I knew you would be fooled, so go to hell now!"

It stared closely at Zhang Su.

Hanak wanted to see an expression of surprise or fear on Zhang Su's face. That would be his number one reward for joy! But it only saw a hint of... excitement in Zhang Su's expression.

The large amount of energy rebounded from the demonic organ instantly formed a storm, blowing Zhang Su in the opposite direction and back to the spiritual world!

"The spirit world is the main battlefield! I'm going back!" Zhang Su quickly retreated, speeding up and down the subspace.

This is his escape route!

Is this also part of Zhang Su's calculations? Harnak wasted no time in pursuit.

Zhang Su fell back to the edge of the spiritual world.

As if jumping out of a big pit, the survivors hid at the edge of the Heavenly Fortress. At this time, they were surprised to see Zhang Su returning from the void.

"came back!"

"Come back alive?!"

"Hoo, ho, ho..." Zhang Su absorbed the energy from the spiritual world, and his body quickly healed under the nourishment of the environmental aura.

The surviving spirit world soldiers all looked at the void cliff that Hanak had knocked out in horror.

Its attack completely destroyed the integrity of the spiritual world, causing the spiritual world to start earthquakes and collapse towards the subspace. It would be okay if Harnak died, but if it had not died, the spiritual world would have completely collapsed!

"Angry..." Zhang Su stretched out his hand.

The soldiers of the Heavenly Army were all breath-eaters, and they quickly raised their arms.

"We'll lend you our energy!"

"Come on!" They worked hard and the air flow flew around, making up for Zhang Su's lost energy.

"Huh...huh...huh..." Zhang Su turned around and saw that Hanak had jumped out of the void abyss, and he was obviously filled with murderous intent.

"Death!" Hanak threw a punch, his blood energy exploded, and the color of the world changed.

It knew that with this punch, the God of War would be blown to pieces, his flesh would be destroyed, his precious phantom would have disappeared, and Zhang Su would be helpless!


The ground cracked, more parts fell into the subspace, and the nine halls of the spirit world shook violently.

The soldiers were all thrown away and crashed into the Nine Halls of the Spirit Realm, with no way to retreat!

"It's so unreasonable..." Zhang Su appeared from the shadow.

"...Magic..." Hanak realized that Zhang Su could still use the borrowed witch power.

"This is the spiritual world, the home of the witches. Today, I can finally feel the help from them." Zhang Su stretched out his hand, "If it is to protect this place, I can do anything. What's more important is to protect this place. Knock you down."

"If you want to cheat, do it early. This armor can block everything." Hanak rubbed his brass fist with a stern attitude.

"...It's Xia Xi who's here." Zhang Su felt the sunshine shining on his body.

"Let's go." Xia Xi held Zhang Su's head with both hands and motioned for him to follow.

"Then, let's do this, let the guy in armor see how powerful we are. If it's Natsuki, maybe he can take us out!"

"Yes." Xia Xi hugged Zhang Su and transformed him into a pure light energy body.

Hanak struck with a punch, but noticed that Zhang Su had completely disappeared in front of everyone!

In the light and shadow, giving up the body, can you be invincible? Harnack hated it. Then I will destroy the spiritual world!

Then, a bright light shines on Harnack, like a final judgment!

"This is-" Hanak suddenly felt the gathering sunlight condensing on him.

"This is pure 'light', how do you defeat a beam of light!" Zhang Su's voice sounded from the strong light.

The trinity of sun witches has merged,

From oldest to youngest, the ancient great witch Solaria, the misguided Hypania, and little Natsuki.

If you look carefully, they all have very similar looks, manners, and temperaments.

The vortex of the sun formed a beam of light and bombarded Harnak. It shrank to the limit, folded together in a reverse implosion, and became a "fusion fire"!

This is the nuclear fusion reaction that is going on all the time in the center of the sun, and it is also violently crushing Hanak's brass armor!

"Roar!" Hanak raised his arm, and the air twisted and rippled outward, forming a shock wave visible to the naked eye.

With pure evil thoughts, Harnak tenaciously resisted the burning of the fusion fire.

"This power! It's still not enough-" Hanak evolved again under the bright light!

Its demonic essence twisted, was destroyed and then reborn, evolving into a form more resistant to fusion reactions and becoming lighter.

"...What you did is wrong, you just let it transform into plasma form!" Quantum Bodhisattva scanned all this, "Once the change is completed, it can instantly burn through the entire spiritual world, the earth, and even drag the solar system into annihilation. What must be done Click something! Detonate an object of the same mass! Interrupt its evolution!"

Zhang Su glanced at the Guanshi Pagoda that had fallen to the ground and raised it up without hesitation.

"——Guanshi Pagoda?!" Quantum Bodhisattva was also surprised.

"I swear to save all the misguided witches in the world, and I will work hard after you! So, goodbye!" Zhang Su threw the Guanshi Pagoda towards Hanak, and then began to detonate the sea of ​​air inside.

The dark stick body of Guanshi Pagoda suddenly cracked, and a sea of ​​ten thousand qi roared out!

Under Zhang Su's guidance, the sea of ​​​​qi was melted in the strong light and returned to its original limit state. It became increasingly hot and dazzling until it exceeded the limit of Hanak's demonic senses!

"What is this?!" Hanak was eager to transform into an extraordinary demonic thought, when he suddenly felt the most powerful "righteousness" in history.

"It's over!"

The Guanshi Pagoda exploded from it, erupting with infinite gravitational force, dragging all adjacent matter into its polarized existence.

Harnak's half-melted body was extracted alive from the brass armor, merged into a primitive gravity well hotter than the core of the sun, and both fell into nothingness!

——Then, as the flames filled the sky, the empty brass armor knelt heavily on the ground.

The Guanshi Pagoda was also reduced to pieces.

"Hanak has lost 85% of its mass. Destroy it quickly, otherwise it will be reborn." Quantum Bodhisattva scanned the battlefield.

"That's all I can do. Goodbye, Hanak." Zhang Su stretched out his hands and made an inverted cross sign to it, ""Destruction by birth date." "

Hanak raised his head weakly, staring at the vague fragments of the true meaning of massacre in Zhang Su's soul, and understood everything in an instant.

"Edith? No-!"

Everything was silent.

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