Witch containment diary

Chapter 478 The new commander of the Blood Army

So, this is the end?

Zhang Su was floating in the dazzling light.

"What are your plans?" Zhang Su looked at the three sun witches beside him.


"Aba Aba."

"Synthetic big watermelon." They looked the same, and there was no doubt that they were from the same family.

"Xia Xi?" Zhang Su saw that Xia Xi was about to turn around and leave.

"Ah?" Xia Xi turned around.

She looks particularly beautiful and holy now, with glittering gold all over her body and a sun halo above her head. Her age seems to have stayed at seventeen forever.

"...Go back to the earth and become a human. Everyone misses you so much." Zhang Su said.

"I can see everyone, it's okay." Natsuki said indifferently, "I am the sun. I now understand where I should be."

"You will only see them sad." Zhang Su said.

Natsuki blinked, as if facing the most difficult choice.

She recalled everything that had happened from the beginning to now.

She thought about eating watermelon rinds in Ansin, taking classes to read and draw, being used as a heating pipe while sleeping, having an orange rice cake party, quarreling with Saho, letting Zhazhao follow her, shining on Qingxiao, wearing a gold medal, and the Undersea Dragon Palace Castle. Adventure, lying on the playground with everyone as sunflowers, walking in the Svalbard Seed Vault, being saved by Murohua, returning to the path of the sun...

If you agree, you can come back at any time.

But children are fleeting and may never be seen again if not careful.

I don’t know why, but I miss them too.

"I'm going back." Natsuki looked up at the bigger mother and the older sun above.


"Yeah." Their attitude towards Natsuki was Taiyang-like indifference.

Natsuki nodded, not knowing whether this was a good thing or not, and finally just ran back to the human world.

After persuading Xia Xi back, Zhang Su looked at his shining body.

Inheriting Xia Xi's light, Zhang Su felt that he was really shining around him, and he had to work hard to put himself back together again.

He picked up the little pieces of himself and saw Isaiah, the great witch of redemption, coming.

"What's next?" Isaiah looked at him.

"What?" Zhang Su was a little confused.

"You have accomplished the greatest act of salvation in the world. Isn't that a win?" Isaiah praised.

"I don't know, I feel transcendent from the material world now. After losing the constraints of the physical body, I feel like I am immersed in a larger unified force field, more complete and harmonious..." Zhang Su said.

"Your willpower is too strong. No place in the world can restrain you. Come on, come into my arms." Isaiah opened his arms.

Zhang Su fell into the arms of the redeeming witch Isaiah.

He felt a greater degree of "selfless happiness", and something indescribable pulled at his spirit.

"That thing - is still there." Zhang Su looked down at the empty brass armor on the ground.

"Yes, the demon was banished back to hell, but its armor, this incredible artifact or... magic weapon is still there." Isaiah said.

Zhang Su saw the runes on the brass armor oxidizing under the incandescence of the fusion flame, and the evil thoughts that had previously clung to them seemed to have disappeared.

"I..." Zhang Su stared at the brass armor.

"There must be an Emperor of the Blood Army. If it's not Edith or Harnak, then it has to be another one." Isaiah said, "And you need to restore your physical body."

"Will you help me?" Zhang Su asked.

"Me? Of course I will help you. What you do is of great significance to me. My power is redemption, but I failed to save anyone. I can only watch the spiritual world deteriorate day by day, and my companions are destroyed by demons. Even if you take it away, you can't save it. Until you show up." Isaiah stared at Zhang Su.

"Thank you." Zhang Su said, "After this, you can also trust me."

"I know I can." Isaiah smiled, "You are more special than others, with unique courage, fighting spirit and experience. I have been praying that this war can turn around because of your appearance, and now I know I thought it right, this feeling is so... wonderful. Okay! I'm so happy, let's go."

Under Isaiah's protection, Zhang Su was able to safely receive the brass armor.

The shell of the brass armor began to melt and flow like wax, calling slightly as if waiting for a new owner.

Incredible, as if waiting for me. Zhang Su thought.

Under the sunlight, Zhang Su took one last breath of scorching sparks, and then, with fearless determination, immersed himself in the brass armor.

This is... the Blood Army's greatest treasure.

Zhang Su completely embedded himself in the brass armor.

The soldiers could not see the changes in the spirit body. They could only see the armor twitching and then standing upright again.

"Harnak is back!"

"what to do!"

"It's not dead yet!" They were surprised at first, and then gradually fell into greater shock.

The great witch Isaiah used the power of "redemption" to replenish Zhang Su's body and reshape Zhang Su's material form like a man made from clay.

The brass armor also changes its image with the addition of Zhang Su. Its face armor is carved out of Zhang Su's face, and its body shape becomes exactly the same as Zhang Su's, ensuring a perfect fit.

Zhang Su clenched his brass fist and looked up at the sky. The sky seemed to retreat out of fear.

Unparalleled strength, and Qi has returned.

He breathed through the mask of brass armor, and the energy in the air seemed to become sweeter, forming new rounds of heaven in his body.

He raised his hand to summon the Golden Martial God, which still formed a shadow standing tall behind Zhang Su.

He recalled the weapon Judgment Sword "Magic Crucible".

Now, it's complete.

Wearing brass armor, Zhang Su has stood at the pinnacle of the world's military force.

"...The spiritual world is too damaged, and it may really return to the earth. Before that, please restrain the blood army and let them retreat, and also defeat the army of flesh and blood realm to the east." Isaiah looked at the ground. The void cracks, realizing that the spiritual world cannot be saved.

Zhang Su walked towards the survivors of the Blood Army.

There are more than half a million demons to the west, still blocking out the sky and the sun at this moment.

Zhang Su summoned the true meaning of massacre represented by the bleeding cross, wearing brass armor, holding a magic crucible, and followed the golden god of war behind him.

This scene was imprinted in the hearts of the demons, instantly making them tremble and surrender from the depths of their souls.

"Brass armor..."

"The new master of the Blood Army?...!"

"The blood army rises!"

"Back! They're all back!" The demons roared harshly.

Zhang Su also felt a boiling sense of honor. Humans, witches, and the demon blood army were now all in his hands!

"The 'Flesh Coffin Palace' is now our enemy, annihilate Carmen and her tribe, and then return to the Throat of Fury to take over the Brass Palace!" Zhang Su ordered.



"Roar!" The demons roared loudly and followed Zhang Su.

The east side of the spiritual world.

The flesh demon Carmen has broken through the defenses, dragging a huge, beautiful and deformed body, and marching unscrupulously with a large number of bloodthirsty demons.

"..." Quantum Bodhisattva deployed a large number of fronts and tried his best to resist.

"Go! Ancestor!" Lian Wu threw out the moon rabbit in his arms.

The Moon Rabbit transformed into a giant lunar giantess with two horns and silver hair shawl, striding towards the flesh-and-blood demon Carmen.

Bang, bang - the ground was shaking!

Carmen, her hair disheveled, raised an arm that clearly did not belong to her.

"The direction, then reversed -" She rewrote the law.

Yuehuaji's pace suddenly changed, and she turned towards the mountains of the spiritual world, accidentally trampling many soldiers to death.

"You guy!" Yue Huaji turned around and moved with moon steps.

"Then...'Hurricane'." Carmen easily used a lot of magic to hit Yuehuaji with a storm.

Carmen's expression is coquettish, her appearance is unparalleled, and her every move is captivating. If you look closely, you can see that the entire face is peeled off from another witch.

"...I can't bear to read any more." Quantum Bodhisattva felt deep despair.

Carmen's twisted and huge body was attached to the limbs of other great witches, especially the entire face, which was peeled off from the face of the great witch Iona.

The beautiful face of the witch Iona is now printed on the face of a twisted demon!

"Now it's you, and you, and you." Carmen stretched out her seven left arms, tore open the east gate of Paradise Mountain, smashed the surviving soldiers into powder, and aimed directly at the remaining big witches, "I I have predestined you, Quantum Bodhisattva’s brain, Gotith’s wings, Hazy’s heart, Qiong Heng’s fingers, Isaiah’s feet…”


Carmen's body suddenly received a heavy blow.

After Yuehuaji got through the initial chaos, she rushed back in a panic and slapped Carmen back.

"Can't my power penetrate your eyes?" Yue Huaji swung a punch and hit Carmen's head.

It immediately summoned a large number of walls of flesh and blood to block it, but Yue Huaji's fist penetrated hard, hitting Carmen's head, and defeated it from the wall.

"Use the domain!" Lianwu shouted from afar.

"Drag you into the moon domain and then beat you!" Yue Huaji rolled up her sleeves and summoned the cold moonlight world, shrouding the world in the near-moon environment.

"Restore gravity." Carmen had just begun to float upward without weight, and now immediately used the stolen magic power to re-establish the laws of physics, "...and then, the witch's law of decay."

"What does this feel like..." Yuehuaji suddenly felt exhausted.

"You will die -" Quantum Bodhisattva reminded, "She has just set the witch's life decay period to one hundred years, and your life is already hanging in her hands!"

"Damn, it feels so hard..." Yuehuaji backed away repeatedly.

"Everyone, be careful!" Lian Wu arranged for reinforcements from the witch.

"I'm coming!" Hayho pushed forward, "I'm going to kill you!"

"We arrived on time! We didn't even have time to be sad!" Qing Xiao came with an army of plants.

"Eat my sword!" Zhazhuang swung his sword and pointed it straight at Carmen.

Carmen couldn't dodge, and in an instant, many of her arms were cut off by the roots, and she screamed.

He actually dispatched a witch to help, so quickly——

The pressure gradually gathered on his side.

Carmen was excited about the breakthrough just now, but now she feels that it is getting more and more difficult and there are more and more enemies. Could it be that the feign attack troops in the south and the bloody army in the west have been defeated? How can this be?

While Carmen regenerated her arm, she stared at Lian Wu who was quietly directing everything at the top of the palace in the distance.

This guy may be the most threatening.

"The demonic activities on the earth have disappeared...it's time for everyone to come to help, and it's time for Lord Bodhisattva to appear..." Lian Wu carefully planned everything, "...the south is over, the west is over...it's time to You ugly monster delivers the final blow——"

"The first reserve team, attack!" Lian Wu made arrangements.

The huge battleship Ark of Vision turned out from behind the Nine Halls of Paradise Mountain.

The little bees manipulated the missiles and fire control systems to severely attack the army in the Flesh and Flesh Coffin Palace.

"Yeah! Aim carefully!"



"launch missile!"

"Ease the mood of the fire ball!"

"Laser cannon level one preparation!" the little bees shouted loudly, trying hard to arrange the fire control and bombardment parameters, and fired desperately at the bloodthirsty demons behind Carmen.

Boom boom——

Boom boom——

The demons were hit hard by the Ark of Foresight, and their forward speed suddenly wavered.

"The second reserve team attacks!" Lian Wu gave the order.

"I'm here! Is this the world outside the tunnel?" Hongyan pushed the tunnel away, and the witches who stayed behind to guard the earth also joined the battle.

"Carmen! I'm here to kill you!" Chiyo Fujikawa stared closely at the flesh and blood demon, holding the thunderbolt tightly in his hand.

"It's so ugly! It's time to put an end to these ten years of suffering!" Akasawa Yoshio mobilized his magic power.

"The stone book says to blow the devil's head off with the Whale Killing Fist, so this should work." Princess Otohime was gearing up, and this was her first serious battle on the battlefield.

"...Set an example to the children!" Katie walked out of the tunnel and returned to her full glory. Her body suddenly expanded and turned into a silver-white dragon. Then she began to burn the earth and destroy the devil!

"We are really united!" Hong Yan looked out, watching the people on the chaotic battlefield desperately resisting the devil.

In the chaos, a small figure stumbled and ran.

As soon as she saw Hong Yan, she quickly pulled out her disguised horns, threw away her little wings, and rushed towards the tunnel crying.

"Who are you! Bodhisattva, I am very powerful! Be careful, I will crush you!" Hongyan was startled, eager to try, and looked like he was going to fight.

"I'm Sayuri!" she cried and ran towards the tunnel, "I finally found the chance to come back!"

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