Witch containment diary

Chapter 479 Against the Flesh Demon

Lianwu stared at the abomination, the flesh demon Carmen's strength was still outstanding.

The ancient witches, the great witches, the witches from the Mesozoic era, and the little witches who have just grown up are all working hard!

For some reason, Liluciel did not participate in the battle.

This is their only chance to defeat the devil once and for all. Lianwu must gather the strength of everyone and fight hard to live up to expectations.

"...Lian Wu, Zhang Su is busy reorganizing the army. Before that, try to stop Carmen." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

"Yeah." Lianwu took back her hand and analyzed it carefully.

After sewing up multiple arms, Carmen's appearance is beautiful and deformed. Although she has so many new limbs, she still maintains delicate balance and symmetry.

Carmen's powers include pure beauty, control of advanced chaotic elements, limited reality tampering, and high-speed regeneration...it must be defeated in one go.

Although she didn't know where the army Zhang Su had reorganized came from, she believed in Zhang Su.

Help Zhang Su buy time!

"——Zhao Zhao, when Katie flies over, she will use the white dragon fire to burn her, and you take the opportunity to use the knife!" Lian Wu looked at Carmen who was regenerating at a super speed.

"Damn--" Zhazhi had a bad temper and wanted to cut Carmen into pieces immediately, but he calmed down under Lianwu's order.

"Roar!" Katie flapped her wings and soared.

She violently fights her way through a horde of bloodthirsty demons before spewing clouds of fire at the flesh-demon Carmen.

Cady's spirit became brighter after she decided to kick her addiction.

Dragon fire is coming!

Dragon fire is a flame that cannot be extinguished! Sustained damage reduces the effectiveness of regeneration.

Carmen immediately tampered with reality so that the air would no longer act as an accelerant, and the flames that Katie spewed out instantly became smaller.

"Cut!" Bafang used the knife again. Carmen's body was bloated and her dodge ability was poor, so she was hit again.

This time it was cut in half!

Carmen's body was cut off directly and fell to the ground, turning into poisonous blood.

"Kill him!" Zhafang opened his eyes wide.

Immediately afterwards, a large mass of flesh and blood quickly regenerated from the severed area.

Carmen is whole again!

"The speed of resurrection is too fast! It's too late!" Qing Xiao shouted.

"The words of Wild Wind..." Lianwu pondered.

"I dare not go there!" Qing Xiao shouted.

"Ice magic ring! Meteor and fire shower! Doomsday judgment! Chain lightning! Your magic is so useful." Carmen waved the arm that originally belonged to the Great Witch of Elements.

It easily summoned a large number of magic spells to destroy the surface, making the witches dare not approach.

"Eat my heavy blow!" Akazawa Yoshio condensed his infinite determination in war and turned it into a giant spear, stabbing Carmen hard from behind.

"Ah——" Carmen's chest was pierced by a giant spear. She immediately turned around and drove lightning to repel Akasawa Yoshio.

"Avoid!" Chiyo Fujikawa used her lightning magic to resist. The two lightning bolts collided for a moment, resulting in a big explosion.

"Huh..." Akazawa Yoshiyo rolled dexterously and dragged the spear back.

"Die!" Carmen fired furiously in all directions.

It sprouted thousands of arms from its ribs, and wildly threw out a large number of blades, spears, thunder and flames.


"Quickly retreat!"

The battleship Ark of Vision was severely damaged and was immediately on the verge of collapse. The little bees drove desperately to drive the ship back to a safe place.

"Roar!" The bloodthirsty demons continued to approach and invade Paradise Mountain.

"...Back off." Although Xincheng Meiyu was worried about Murohua's health, she still showed up on the battlefield and opened up the defense wall to block most of the attacks for Tiantian Mountain.

"The enemy is strong! Retreat!" Hongyan asked Princess Otohime to run back.

"I'm crazy! I don't dare to get close. Think of something." Yuehuaji clenched her fists.

Lianwu racked her brains.

You have to come up with a good way to deal with Carmen!

"The speed of resurrection is too fast. Any attack that threatens her will be distorted by her 'temporary law'... How to fight this?" Mayumi felt her hands trembling.

The power of the pure and beautiful witch made Carmen beautiful, and the soldiers were fascinated.

The power of the Archwitch of Order allows Carmen to temporarily change the status quo and distort everything.

The power of the Great Witch of Elements allows Carmen to control basic energies such as earth, water, fire, and wind.

With so many useful arms on her body, Carmen's strength far exceeds that of all the witches present!

"Tiantian Mountain will fall before Da Su comes." Lian Yang also felt worried, "Is it time to consider retreating?"


After Carmen forced back the witches who besieged her, she immediately climbed up Paradise Mountain again, very fast!

"Roar!" "Vampire" Volas marched among Carmen's tribe, assisting her in commanding the bloodthirsty demons to ascend the Heavenly Mountain. At this time, all the Heavenly soldiers who resisted were killed and turned into victims.

Seeing the presence of Wallas, Lian Wu suddenly remembered something.

"Still - the devil engine!" She asked Yuehuaji, "Ancestor! Do your best to attract Carmen's attention!"

Yuehuaji said nothing and took another long stride towards Carmen.

She was so huge that she could even crush Carmen under her feet.

Carmen's attention was instantly attracted by the huge albino moon witch, and she immediately accepted the challenge.

At the same time, Lian Wu immediately asked Quantum Bodhisattva to dispatch the Demon Engine troops.

While Carmen was climbing Paradise Mountain, the Demonic Engine immediately jumped up and ate away at Carmen's flesh and blood.

"Insects? But I am immortal!" Carmen didn't care about these demon engines at all.

——Until every piece of her bitten flesh becomes food for the demon engine!

The nanobots in the demon engine crazily consume Carmen's infinitely reborn flesh and blood, and use this to cultivate themselves.

Their numbers are increasing, their sizes are getting bigger, and the number of replica mechanical demons they create is also increasing instantly!

"You - what kind of monster are you!" "Vampire" Volas was climbing a mountain, and when he turned around, he saw the mechanical body Voras appearing.

"Roar!" Mechanical Volas roared and immediately began to refill the equipment with ammunition.

"I'll kill you!" Volas waved his sword and rushed towards the mechanical body.

Mechanical Voras instantly activated all his armor, and the overwhelming missile swarm flew away.

Twenty-four floating cannons fired more than a hundred energy bullets, Stinger, Gargoyle and Red Dragon large and small caliber artillery fired salvos, Metal Storm tried its best to fire, and finally ended with a small-yield nuclear bomb!


After the indiscriminate bombardment with super-powerful force, Voras's body was riddled with holes, and his soul poured out rapidly.

"You - have I lost?" Wallas's demon soul was horrified.

Mechanical Volas sent out a large number of swarm drones, which instantly decomposed the fragile demon body like a swarm of ants gnawing at the bones, turning it into nourishment for itself, making it even bigger!

On the other side, the flesh-and-blood demon Carmen is also deeply affected by this "demon cancer".

"Why! Like an ant - damn -" Carmen was horrified.

These nanotech demons completely inhibit her regenerative abilities!

Tear, devour, copy...

No matter how many Carmen is resurrected, the Demon Engine troops will take them all as ordered.

Carmen's huge body has become an important guarantee for their continuous evolution!

The demon engine poured into Carmen's body crazily, eroding a huge hole in it that could not be restored!

"Hoo, ho... damn..." Carmen was in a panic and immediately began to retreat from Paradise Mountain.

Hell must have a way to restrain this kind of nanorobot, and maybe it can find a more powerful demon to deal with it.

No matter what, staying on Paradise Mountain will only lead to defeat!

At this time, a large number of portals appeared.

Groups of demons emerged from it.

"The devil is coming!"

"Damn it!"

"There are reinforcements!"

"An unexpected enemy?!"

"We can't fight anymore!" The witches were surprised and even more exhausted.

"Look! That pair of brass armor! It's a super devil!" Qing Xiao stood on tiptoes, "We are finished!"

"Ah——" Lianwu opened her eyes wide.

"Hanak! You are finally here -" Carmen turned around and saw the brass armor and a hundred thousand teleported demons.

She was pleasantly surprised at first, then confused.

Because what shines on the armor is not a familiar aura!

But some kind of... human traces!


Zhang Su swung a punch with such force that it smashed Carmen's upper body into pieces ten kilometers away.

Carmen struggled to be reborn, this time much weaker and even more frightened.

"You——brass armor——could it——" She almost lost her voice.

"... Just leave it a little bit and make it an infinite raw material for the devil's engine." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

Zhang Su punched Carmen again, smashing it to the ground and grinding it into powder.

Carmen returns to her original shape, but much smaller in size and significantly weakened in strength.

"Hiss...ah-" Carmen looked up and saw Yuehuaji.

Yuehuaji was already very big, but now she looks like a mountain.

"Hmph, I finally became a little devil." Yue Huaji opened her big hands, grabbed Carmen, and lifted her up high.

"Block their retreat, and kill those who don't surrender." Zhang Su waved his hand, and the Blood Army troops roared and charged forward.

"Come on!"

"Long live the Blood Army!"

"For the true meaning of massacre!"

The loyal Legion Demon, the swift Blade Demon, the elusive Phase Demon, the huge and ferocious Flame Demon... have now become the backbone of Zhang Su's men.


"The Blood Army is coming!"

"We surrender to the Blood Army!" When the bloodthirsty demons saw the front of the Blood Army, their morale plummeted, and the demons who resisted were completely destroyed.

Zhang Su absorbed the aura of massacre floating in the air and felt endless power.

"The Order of Massacre! We have killed those cowardly bloodthirsty demons. Next, shall we receive the Brass Throne?!" the excited Lieutenant of the Overlord Flame Demon reported to Zhang Su.

"Slaughter Order?" Zhang Su has not yet adapted to his new identity.

"Yes! Lord Massacre Order!" The Tyrant Flame Demon bowed to Zhang Su.

At this time, these big demons are full of sincerity, and they are bound to devote themselves to Zhang Su's hegemony, and at the same time satisfy the murderous desire in their hearts.

"Lead the army to camp outside the Throat of Fury and wait until I arrive before marching." Zhang Su gave a brief order.

"Yes!" The Overlord Flame Demon turned around and roared at the other demons.

The Blood Army was well-organized and highly disciplined in Hell. After cleaning the battlefield, they immediately retreated in an orderly manner and returned to Hell through the portal.

"A new massacre envoy has appeared!"

"The Blood Army is rising again!"

"The Blood Cross leads us!"

"Defeated Harnak, the stronger blood army commander is fearless!"

"No one in hell is our opponent!" Their morale is high, and every demon dreams of the great cause of the Blood Army in the future.

A larger territory, more wars, and a larger bloody army!

It became calm outside Paradise Mountain.

This siege was perfectly resolved!

"That's Da Su?!"

"Incredible!" The witches gathered together and looked at Zhang Su in the distance.

Wearing brass armor, it looked strange for some reason.

"Is that still our Teacher Dasu?" Mayumi couldn't help but ask this question for everyone.

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