Witch containment diary

Chapter 480 Rescue the Miracle Witch

The demon succumbed to the new master of slaughter and retreated after completing the sacrilegious sacrilege.

Rumors are also spreading in hell.

"The Blood Army of Hell, which has been leaderless for a long time, has a new commander!"

"The new massacre envoy is named Zhang Su!"

"What? 'Zarzor'? It sounds like a powerful demon!"

"Glory to the Order of Massacre!"

"Damn it, we have to plunder the Brass Palace before this 'Zarzor' comes back!" The demons were ready to move and began to invade the Maw of Fury.

The neighboring demon lords saw this as a good opportunity to loot the Blood Army's treasures, and began to attack one after another.

The earth shook and the entire Brass Palace faced a powerful invasion.

"Roar!" Morgrath, the guardian of the Maw of Fury, stood guard on the bridge, holding the Catastrophe Sword in his mouth, barking at the besieging demons, "Roar! Roar!"

"Big black dog! Get away!"

"The Massacre Order hasn't come back yet, so you're no match for us!"

"Roar!" Morglas raised his body and showed his sharp claws.

Only the Blood Army can enter and exit the Maw of Fury, and only the Order of Slaughter can order it to retreat!

At this time, the backbone of the Blood Army was basically lost. Ebony King Ceronax, Conqueror Sifron, "Vampire" Volas and other cadre-level combat forces were basically killed by Zhang Su.

The only one left in the Brass Palace was the Great Executioner Saratur, who stood at the door, suddenly anxious.

With Morgrath, there was no way to stop the army that pillaged the Brass Palace.

It goes to the prison to ask for a meeting with the demon bride Liluciel.

"Harnak, the Avatar of Carnage, has been defeated," Saratul reported. "We must ask you to regroup."

"Harnak is not dead yet." Liluciel said calmly, "It is angry. Don't get yourself into trouble at this time."

Sure enough, Saratur heard a roar from the depths of the Brass Palace, and after Harnak was defeated, he was reborn in hell.

"But, its brass armor..." Saratur hesitated.

"Isn't it covered with the real envoy of the Massacre? Wait patiently for him to come back to restore order. In the meantime, just pretend to surrender to Harnak." Liluciel said.

"Yes." Saratur went to swear surrender to the resurrected Harnak.

No matter what, the Brass Palace must be defended. This is the most important fortress of the Blood Army.

After the war, the outskirts of Paradise Mountain were desolate, and the earth was burned into glass.

Because the huge crater created by Harnak's initial shattering of the void was too dazzling, the spiritual world could not be saved at all. The witches were evacuating and planned to move to Mount Olympus on Earth.

Zhang Su stood on Tiantian Mountain, sitting on the edge of a peak cliff, supporting his body with one hand.

He felt the deep truth of the carnage, somewhere inside the brass armor, fused with his soul.

Zhang Su felt that he had reached the ultimate state of perfection and indifference. His mentality was like the gods in many stories, and he gradually lost the weight of emotions, as if he had been deprived of his humanity.

From humanity to transcendence? It feels so...amazing. It’s as if past emotions have turned into hallucinations and become less real.

He has surpassed himself at any time in the past. I don’t know whether he has ascended to become a god or just degenerated into another great demon.


"Move things quickly."

"Be careful." The witches were retreating, dragging away the nobles enjoying themselves in the garden.

"The teacher is alone there, is it okay?" Mayumi looked at Zhang Su worriedly.

"It's okay. Didn't the eldest lady go over to look for him?" Saho sighed, "Let's mourn Natsuki."

"Didn't Natsuki eat watermelon in the garden just now?" Mayumi was confused.

"Ah?" Saho's eyes turned to the garden, and Natsuki slipped away like a mischief, "Don't run! Let's go visit Muroka!"

Lian Wu left the palace and walked towards Zhang Su.

All the witches were ready to leave, but Lian Wu remained, walking beside Zhang Su.

Of course she will not leave Zhang Su, not now, not ever. This thought made Zhang Su feel good, as if an inseparable part of his heart had surfaced again.

Much closer now. Zhang Su was a little hesitant, not knowing how he looked to her wearing brass armor.

Lianwu blinked and glanced at Zhang Su. Although she felt strange, she still smiled.

"You have to get used to it." Lian Wu reached out and held Zhang Su's armored hand.

"It's hard to put down this armor." Zhang Su said.

He felt that Lianwu was even more beautiful than before, and the temperaments between them were rotating and connected more closely.

"Then keep wearing it." Lian Wu poked Zhang Su's heart with his hand, and his fingertips touched the material of the brass armor.

This subtle contact made Zhang Su's soul become clearer, more effective than any purification, and an indescribable joy emerged spontaneously.

"Wearing brass armor means immortality. If our original oath is still valid..." Zhang Su said.

"Spend a lifetime together, yes, it doesn't matter how many seconds it is, eternity, billions of years, or an infinite cycle, who cares." Lianwu sat next to Zhang Su, looking into the distance, imagining the distant future.

Zhang Su could feel Lian Wu's body pressing against the brass deck through the armor. Her expression was calm and serene, not bothered by this change at all.

She has already overcome all difficulties and psychological barriers, and now she is even clearer than Zhang Su.

Zhang Su now understands that no matter how things develop, the small sparks between him and Lian Wu will continue to burn, or even burn brighter.

"From a mortal to the ultimate life like today, if it is really too lonely to live alone, I am very happy. I love you, Lian Wu." Zhang Su held Lian Wu's hand.

Lianwu just smiled softly.

After so many years of trouble, she felt like she had truly entered Zhang Su's heart today.

This can be regarded as a kind of great victory, and it is more beautiful than any victory.

In the center of Heavenly Mountain, Gotith stood under the huge cross, looking up at the hanging figure.

Zhang Su and Lian Wu watched from a distance.

"When the battle was at its most difficult and dangerous, Gotith didn't take action. She was bad. We worked hard and we were good," Lianwu said.

"Let's go and take a look." Zhang Su walked over, "Gedith? We have already won."

"But the spiritual world has also collapsed, and there is no way to repair it." Gotis murmured, "Everything about us has fallen."

"What about Hao?" Zhang Su raised his head.

Hao was still nailed to the cross, her head hanging to one side, maintaining an expression of neither sadness nor joy, and a tear was forming.

"She's crying..." Lian Wu watched silently.

"Long will stay here, and eventually fall into the subspace together with the collapsed spiritual world." Gotith looked up.

"Subspace is not a good place." Zhang Su warned, "Aren't you going to kill her?"

"Yeah," Goldis said. "Yeah. Kill her."

"You once said that if we defeat the devil, you will grant each of us a wish. My wish is to put Lun down from the cross." Zhang Su said.

"Change it," said Gottis. "I can't do it."

"What on earth do you hate about Long?" Zhang Su still couldn't understand.

"She is still alive and has achieved great miracles. That miracle is very close. It was probably a drop of her tears that turned into a great power to tamper with the world and did something unprecedented. I don't know what it is, but I vaguely feel that the whole world has changed, very recently, maybe in the past ten years, but what has been done? I don't know." Gotith looked up, "But since she is alive, why doesn't she apologize to me? "

"Maybe you have to apologize to her first." Zhang Su said.

"I don't know." Gottis was a little tired. "That's how we witches are. I won't let Hagi go. She deserves to die."

"You must apologize to Haori. This is the witch's 'original sin'. As the master of the spirit world, you are also the most powerful among the surviving witches. If you set an example, the fate of the witches will be very different. "Zhang Su said.

"Okay, then you will see the consequences of being put down!" Gotis reached out to lift the cross.

A stream of white light hits the cross and it shines, transforming the white light into a kaleidoscope of thousands of colors.

With a deafening explosion, the cross shattered into pieces, and the fragments rained down, making a tinkling sound like thousands of bells.

In fact, Zhang Su had been looking at the huge, translucent "Long" standing behind the cross, and her face was expressionless from beginning to end. Zhang Su felt as if only he could see Long.

After Gotis destroyed the cross, Long's body fell downwards, and Lianwu ran over to catch her.

"..." Lying in Lianwu's arms, Lun looked ethereal, with a few hairs hanging down her face.

Zhang Su could discern the slightest ups and downs in her body, probably still in a deep sleep, and there was a... gentle feeling. Zhang Su could no longer see the shadow behind the cross.

"Hazy?" Zhang Su walked over.

"Are you satisfied now? She is the Miracle Witch! She can kill all of us with just one thought, and she can do whatever she wants." Godis said, "Congratulations on releasing the greatest evil in the world from the cross. come out."

"..." Zhang Su didn't look away from the sleeping Lun, "Can't you feel it? Lun has no intention of hurting us."

"The nuclear arsenal is just lying next to you. Repent when the world is destroyed." Gottis was disgusted.

Lian Wu didn't listen. She knelt next to Hao and touched the outline of Hao's face with her slender hands, with an almost maternal tenderness.

Her eyes met Zhang Su's and they were firm.

"We'll 'take' him in," Lianwu said, "and take good care of him."

"You are asking for your own death," said Gottis.

"Have courage." Lian Wu said.

"You have never even thought about the power of Miracle Witch." Gottis snorted coldly.

"This also means that for the first time we have stepped into a new world with infinite possibilities. With Hao's magical wishing magic, we can do more things than before." Lian Wu smiled, "Besides, if Hao is omnipotent, If so, I wouldn’t have been crucified by you in the first place.”

"..." Gotith frowned.

"Let's go." Zhang Su picked up Long and brought her back to the world. "Gotis, don't worry. Containing the most dangerous witch in the world is what we have been doing from the beginning."

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