Witch containment diary

Chapter 481 Leave Hao at home

Zhang Su took Lun back to An'an Hospital, planning to free up the underground palace to house Lun and let Yuehuaji be released from prison.

"Now we are no longer the ancestors in the prison." Lian Wu stroked Yue Hua Ji, who had transformed into Yue Rabbit.

"The power shown in the previous war is only one-tenth of its peak. After I come out, I will dominate the world." Yuehuaji was very satisfied.

Even so, Gotith, Quantum Bodhisattva, and Isaiah have all returned to the human world and will act as a check and balance. Zhang Su thought silently.

The most important thing is that he himself has the strength to defeat Yuehuaji.

On the contrary, Hagi, because she is an incredible miracle witch, must find the safest place to contain her.

"Large incense..." Renwu returned to the ancient shrine and began to light An-in's family incense.

The smell inside was warm and intoxicating, and wisps of smoke slithered and coiled in the light like snakes.

Zhang Su used the director's badge to open the spiral staircase and entered the bronze underground palace.

This place has a history of more than a thousand years, and every step you take on the stone feels like a long time.

Zhang Su knew that many people had passed through the corridor before him, and the largest number of them were undoubtedly the witch ancestors of Lianwu, generation after generation, generation after generation...

Lian Wu's eyes were lowered. This time she was also wearing a miko's uniform. Her white hakama skirt hung low and rustled when she walked.

In the end, Zhang Su pushed open the stone door, and the heavy underground palace door opened quickly under his power, like a pair of paper doors.

Yuehuaji's true body is still locked here, dressed in gorgeous clothes, huge in size, broad-minded, with long white hair, and thousands of sealing charms hanging from the top of the cave.

"Those things restrict my thinking!" Yue Rabbit glared at the double-helix silver-white spear that pierced the main body's head.

That's a "reality anchor," a rare thing.

"Sacrifice..." Lian Wu walked to Yue Hua Ji and knelt down, clasped her hands together, closed her eyes and bowed solemnly, and then presented a bouquet of flowers as a sacrifice.

"Hmph, I want carrots more now, big carrots." Moon Rabbit jumped into the main body and disappeared.

Yuehuaji slowly opened her eyes.

Zhang Su raised his head, and this time he felt something more.

Lian Wu's chant became lower and lower until it became silent, turning into the wordless chant of the Moon Man.

The flames of the surrounding lamps swayed, as if washed by invisible winds.

At the end of the chant, Yue Huaji opened her silver-purple lips and let out a low moan. The chains around her jingled, and the anchor of reality began to shine.

Zhang Su flew to Yuehuaji's head and pulled out the reality anchor with both hands.

The double spears were entangled with some kind of brain-like essence, leaving a pair of holes after being pulled out.

The first one, the second one, the third one, the fourth one... It wasn't until all nine spears were pulled out and the chains were removed that Yue Hua Ji was completely released.

In this way, the mission of Anxinyuan as Yuehuaji's asylum ended, and it became the "Hazy" asylum from then on.

"..." Lianwu was still a little nervous when she saw her ancestor was completely rescued. She turned around and reached out to pull Zhang Su.

Zhang Su hugged her into his arms and comforted her tacitly, feeling the tension slowly subside from her body.

"Why are you so scared? I am an ancestor, right?" Yuehuaji leaned forward and moved her hands and feet, and the cave swayed slightly with her movements.

"Bones...be careful." Lianwu asked Yuehuaji to shrink.

"Hmph, the nameless descendants can only be seen coming and going, and in the end the gods and humans decline." Yuehuaji despised her descendants, "If these people didn't get in the way, I would have ascended to become the God of Witches long ago."

Lianwu gritted her teeth.

If it were the previous Lian Wu, he would definitely remain silent.

But now she suddenly spoke, and said more.

"They died because of you!" Lian Wu said.

"I don't need these descendants of witches. Generations of people have nothing to do but spy on me. It's ridiculous!" Yue Huaji didn't appreciate it.

"Don't you feel lonely?" Lianwu said silently, "They are here to protect you because you are no longer lonely. Otherwise, you will definitely be sad."

"..." Yue Huaji turned her head and looked at the densely packed skeletons on both sides of the cave. The witches of Anxinyuan's family would all die here after aging, staying with their ancestors forever. "...Disgusting, I just feel disgusting! They stopped them. My great cause is that all the people in Anyuan’s family are ignorant sinners and slaves.”

"Then why has this love shaped me?" Lian Wu said seriously.

"...Love?" Yuehuaji frowned.

"Without true love, there would be no witch. At the beginning, ancestor, who did you fall in love with, and what future did you create that is worth remembering?" Lian Wu murmured.

"I have a splitting headache..." Yue Huaji pressed her hand on her white forehead, "...the one I love, the one who loves me..."

Yue Huaji closed her eyes. Her brain had been completely dulled by years of suppression, and her temper had become cruel, closed and irritable.

But when Lian Wu said this, a figure appeared in her mind like a dream.

At that time, the land was still quiet and the forest was endless. She stood on the mountain at night.

Waiting for someone to come see her, someone...

What does love feel like? Yuehuaji has long forgotten.

But that scene is unforgettable, under the full moon, deep in the mountains.

This scene is profound enough, bringing back a series of hazy memories, leaving a sweet and heart-pounding feeling.

It seems that a long life becomes wonderful only for these two moments, and the years of suffering become everlasting.

"...I'm leaving. Leave this smelly underground cave to Hao, and remove all these bones." Yue Huaji was a little sad. She became smaller and could now enter and leave the underground palace. She took a deep look at Lian Wu, and then looked at Zhang Su, "Be kind to my descendant, she is counting on you."

"Yes." Zhang Su also regarded Yuehuaji as his mother-in-law and watched Yuehuaji leave.

"What kind of job can our ancestors find in modern society?" Lian Wu pondered.

"Let's draw a Coca-Cola advertisement on the moon." Zhang Su looked at the underground palace, "...Should these remains be moved to the family cemetery?"

"Stay here, the sealing doesn't have to be done here." Lian Wu sighed.

Compared with the underground palace that houses Yuehua Princess, "Long"'s holding area is smaller and simpler.

She was originally nailed to the cross on the top of the mountain in the spiritual paradise, but now she is placed in the center of the glass coffin.

"Connect this, connect that. Okay, every move of Hazy is being monitored." Hongyan rubbed his hands and made a bunch of equipment.

"Well, maybe it will get better." Zhang Su looked down at Lu.

"It's so dangerous, Miracle Witch." Hong Yan caressed the deceased person across the coffin, "What kind of miracle did you perform to cause you to fall asleep?"

"Long's magic power must be very powerful. As the head of the nine witches, her magic power may be stronger than anyone else's, and she is the only one who has entered the 'god's realm'." Zhang Su said.

"But she must have done something that prevented her from even recovering her most basic consciousness!" Hong Yan was convinced.

Lu's appearance is still beautiful, so clean that no one can bear to be disturbed, and there are no scars left by punishment on her hands.

"That must be a very incredible miracle." Zhang Su concluded, "Maybe she saved us all, but we still don't know what she did."

"I think so too." Lianwu also thanked Long, "Then, let's live with gratitude from now on."

"Where are you going next?" Hongyan turned to look at Zhang Su, "Wearing this brass armor, I feel like the emperor among emperors."

"You are right, there is an entire legion waiting for me to take over, and a hell waiting to be emptied." Zhang Su understood.

"I'm going too." Lian Wu turned around, "I'll go help after I finish repairing the Ark of Vision."

"Yes!" Zhang Su nodded vigorously, "Soon, let's go to the Throat of Fury together!"

"Real or not? Throat of Fury, Demon Realm! Is that place so attractive to you?" Hong Yan was curious.

"There is a reason why I have to go." Zhang Su listened helplessly to the voice in his heart.

"Go." Edith's vision gently called, "Go."

In order to prepare to dominate the Blood Army, Zhang Su needed to adapt to the weight of the brass armor.

It is a creation of the Chaos Hell. Human beings would not be able to wear such an artifact, but Zhang Su's essence has long been extraordinary and immortal in the world, so he can adapt to this weight.

In the deep sky of the galaxy, Zhang Su activated the full power of the brass armor and tried to explore its offensive and defensive limits.


Zhang Su punched out.

The spatial structure in front of him hummed, and "reality" was distorted, sending out infinitesimal tremors.

This punch created a wave that was enough to affect Jupiter. Since the movement of light takes time, Zhang Su only saw a slight ripple appear on Jupiter's brown surface an hour later, leaving a circular dent.

He still held back his strength, fearing that he would accidentally break Jupiter into pieces.

The power is increased to the limit, and the energy brought by a punch can boil the oceans on the earth, scorch the atmosphere, and propel the moon to fly.

The speed has also become faster. Zhang Su flew around the earth and found that he could circle the earth in 15 minutes at a speed of 68,000 meters per second, four times faster than a space rocket and 170 times faster than common aviation technology.

Being able to defeat everything, conquer everything, and destroy everything is an unsolvable existence in the solar system. Even in the infinite hell, it can still defend one territory and dominate the world.

Taking into account the risks brought by rashly starting a war, the hell lords also have to think highly of Zhang Su.

Quantum Bodhisattva launches herself into the orbit of the universe, looking for Zhang Su.

"...How do you feel?" Quantum Bodhisattva asked, "I scanned the energy readings that are different from what they used to be. You are already the 'god' of this world."

"Very good." Zhang Su understood, "What about you? How are you living on earth?"

"It's the same as usual. It's just that after the first spirit world hit the earth, the earth's axis deflected by 2.7 degrees, causing a lot of climate changes. This incident made me deeply uneasy. Could you please push the earth's axis back to its original position?" Quantum Bodhisattva said.

"What should I do?" Zhang Su asked, "I'm afraid I will destroy the earth."

"I will measure the precise position, come on." Quantum Bodhisattva took Zhang Su to the African equator, and Zhang Su fell on the ground.

"It's really vast." Zhang Su looked around at the desolate surroundings. "There is still a lot of reconstruction work..."

"Indeed. It will probably usher in a prosperous century of rebirth. But now, please stand on your head so that you can move the earth." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

Zhang Su turned over and pressed down with both hands. The crust cracked and the mantle shattered.

"Stop—" Quantum Bodhisattva stopped him.

"What? Did I do something wrong?" Zhang Su asked.

"It has been repaired." Quantum Bodhisattva said helplessly, "... With your push just now, the earth has returned to balance. With your cooperation, the earth will return to spring-like conditions all year round."

"That's it." Zhang Su stood firm.

Quantum Bodhisattva sighed silently.

The power Zhang Su just sent out was extremely pure, causing the plate tectonics to deform and the trajectories of the earth and stars to change drastically.

Fortunately, she had anticipated this situation and calculated the best point to apply force in advance, otherwise the earth would have been pushed out of orbit and flown directly to outer space!

Quantum Bodhisattva realized that Zhang Su would stand at the top of the world's power from now on, and the relationship with him would become very important.

He is no longer mortal.

"It feels like a big change." Zhang Su clenched his fists.

"Fortunately, your inner self has not changed, nor has your connection with others." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

"...Yes, the people who love me and the people I love are all here, so there is really nothing to complain about." Zhang Su raised his head, "The next step is to complete the last and final work."

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