Witch containment diary

Chapter 483 Passing through the Throat of Fury

The survivors of the Blood Army were stationed outside the Throat of Fury, watching in despair as the great demons raged in the middle of the palace, robbing the wealth that the Blood Army had hoarded for many years.

"The domain of the Massacre is crumbling, and the Blood Army will collapse if this happens!"

"It is a shame to allow those evil spellcasters to have unbridled control of the Maw of Fury..."

"The demons who use magic, stratagems, tricks and illusions are the lowest. Only axes, swords and shotguns can win!"

"Don't make any noise, I'm thinking!"

"The new blood army commander Zarzor will come to lead us!"

"We will definitely win!"

"Wait for the King of Brass!" The elite assault troops of the Blood Army still held on to a glimmer of hope, and at the same time, they strongly restrained the lower-level demons to prevent them from escaping.

For the Blood Army, both escape and surrender are extremely shameful acts.

They would rather wait here until the commander-in-chief takes them back to the Brass Palace!


"what is that?!"

With a flash of energy, they saw a strong magnetic field constraining the sky above, forming a dusk-like layer of ionized clouds, as strong as a giant shadow in the sky.

The warp engine technology of the Unbounded Alliance!

This made the Blood Army even more angry and immediately started shooting into the sky.

"Unbounded Alliance!"

"Wandering intelligent life..."

"Kill them!" The Blood Army immediately threw their anger into the sky and shouted loudly.

The low-level officers of the Blood Army immediately sent the Winged Demon to ambush around the fleet, waiting for it to appear and blow up the ship immediately.

——The jump is completed!

Arriving above the Throat of Fury, Farsighted Ark was immediately greeted by dense warnings.

"There are enemies on all sides!"

"The monster is coming!"

"Ah! Enemy!" Scout Bee was so frightened that she fell off her chair.

"I'll handle it." Zhang Su jumped out of the ship.

He stretched out his big hand, wiped out all the demons lurking around him, and pressed hard to the ground.

"Wow..." The demons were all knocked to the ground by the powerful pressure, unable to move.



"Wait! King of Brass Zarzor!" The demons looked up at Zhang Su's figure.

Zhang Su overlooked the vast hell camp, and the air was filled with the stench of sulfur and burnt internal organs.

The demons were squirming on the ground, roaring, and hissing loudly.

But when Zhang Su arrived in brass armor, these restlessness quickly subsided, as if Zhang Su represented absolute discipline!



No one disobeys.

Without Zhang Su's orders, the demons all saluted him and then knelt down, lowering their twisted or horned heads, and lowered their weapons and claws.

The wild wind howled in the wilderness.

The remnants of the Blood Army, more than 200,000 demons, are spread all over the mountains and plains, waiting for Zhang Su to fall.

They are undoubtedly exciting.

The commander of the bloody army wears brass armor and will lead them to victory, they have no doubt about it!

Faced with the admiration of the Blood Army, Zhang Su also had to deal with it seriously.

Think about what Edith would do, think about what Liluciel or Harnak would do.

Zhang Su thought silently.

This is the most disciplined force in hell and must be used in a practical manner.

"I am the new commander of the Blood Army!" Zhang Su raised his arms.




The strong primitive instinct drove the blood army to kneel down one after another. They were in awe of Zhang Su from the bottom of their hearts. They pressed their huge paws on the gray sand dunes, leaving traces of kneeling in worship.

This sense of reverence originating from the bottom of my heart, like a prairie fire, burned even more vigorously, forming an order of absolute obedience and spreading throughout the vast military camp!

In the square formation, the burly and well-equipped demon centurions, warlords, and company commanders also bowed their heads in front of Zhang Su, and their huge helmets hit the ground with a muffled sound.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!" The Blood Army roared loudly.

Zhang Su vaguely felt this absolute "loyalty" washing through his body like a torrent of soul.

very good.

"You 'Blood Army' are supposed to be demons spreading the true meaning of massacre in hell. Now being driven out of the palace like this is like a lost dog! Now, obey my will. My first order is: kill all the intruders." ! Take back the Brass Palace! Wash away your shame!" Zhang Su pointed at the palace.

It's like driving a blazing torrent.

When Zhang Su saw the blood army, he immediately began to break camp and attack, and began to move towards the demon army besieging the Throat of Fury!

It feels incredible.

It was completely different from ordering the human army or letting the little bees work. Zhang Su felt that the demons worshiped him, just like worshiping an irresistible divine leader!

Compared to commanding an army of absolutely loyal demons, everything else pales into insignificance.

Zhang Su also suddenly wanted to lead them to complete the great cause of slaying demons.

"...There are too many demons. There are at least more than seven million demons surrounding the Throat of Fury. You can't see the edge at a glance." Lian Wu's voice came.

"There is only one bridge that can connect the palace to the outside of the Throat of Fury. We have to capture it first, and then rely on the terrain to consume the demons." Zhang Su saw the bridge at a glance.

It is the reason why this place is called the "Throat of Fury". Once the bridge is guarded, no amount of demons can flow in.

Zhang Su went straight to the bridge and brought the fastest demon vanguard with him.

Horrible carnage had clearly occurred on the Throat of Fury, and the once formidable pass was now shattered and dusty.


"Damn intruder!"

"Hateful!" The demon elites were furious when they saw their hometown being burned.

The flame demons who stayed behind the bridge bared their teeth at Zhang Su.

Zhang Su smashed the two Fire Demons guarding the bridge with one punch, smashed the two Worm Demons who tried to ambush into a pulp, and used the Qi Explosion Sky Star to crush all the demons on the ground and threw them into the bottomless abyss under the bridge. .

After clearing away the miscellaneous soldiers, Zhang Su saw a huge, black beast lying in the center of the bridge, covered in scars and beyond recognition.

Hundreds of little demons gnawed at the beast, tearing away its burnt flesh with their sharp claws and mandibles.

As soon as Zhang Su and the vanguard of the Blood Army arrived, the little devils retreated one after another, some howling and some cursing.


"Enemy!" They rushed over.

But before they could take a step, Zhang Su exploded them all!

All the little demons were destroyed, and the huge power knocked them into nothingness, just like a gust of black wind.

"Huh...huh..." The huge black monster was saved.

It lay prone, eagerly devouring the souls of the little demons floating in the air.

Zhang Su rushed over to check its condition. It opened its dark red slit eyes and opened its bloody mouth.

"——You——" its voice was hoarse, "rude invader...get out of my way...you are not allowed to defile...the Brass Palace."

"Are you the blood army watchdog? I have heard of the name of 'Black Blade' Moglas." Zhang Su inspected its remains.

Moglas was exhausted, but he still recognized Zhang Su.

"You...you are Edith's subordinate. A mortal...you are so...daring to wear brass armor, 似...do you want to dominate the Blood Army? Occupy the Brass Palace? Everything here...is... It's not something you mortal races can imagine." Morgrath was angry.

Despite the huge pain, relying on his hatred of the invaders and his contempt for Zhang Su, Moglas dragged his huge body to stand up.

It habitually bit the Catastrophe Demonic Sword in its mouth, but this magic weapon had long been robbed.


"Moglath..." The Blood Army looked at it in surprise.

Even though it was incomplete and almost shattered, Moglas still supported his dark skeleton, retained every trace of its anger, and stared at Zhang Su condescendingly!

"I challenge you!" Morgrath roared.

"You are not worthy of challenging me." Zhang Su raised his hand.

The evil power of the brass armor stirred up, and under Zhang Su's guidance, it merged with his original energy, forming an unparalleled powerful idea that shook the entire bridge.

"Roar!" Morglas roared in surprise, feeling the true intention of massacre stirring in the air!

The rubble and stone slabs trembled and hummed, succumbing to Zhang Su's sheer power.

When the phantom of the blood cross appeared behind Zhang Su, Moglas was even more shocked. It was a symbol of the inheritance of massacre!

"I'm here to recover, I'm here to recast, I'm here to take back everything." Zhang Su said coldly, "If necessary, I will raze this place to the ground. You are of no use to me, let alone stop it. I."

Morgrath the Ebon Blade tilted his head downwards and finally gave in.

"Then I will have your flag hoisted in every military camp, every training ground, every slave pit and demon hatchery, and every war fought in your name." it breathed, "You are The successor of the Blood Army! You will lead us to the new slaughterhouse and win new victory!"


"Morglath recognizes the new King of Brass!"

"Long live the Order of Massacre!" The demons roared excitedly and crawled to the ground.

Zhang Su turned his attention to the palace.

The place was already crumbling, shining with bursts of magic light, and an extremely large and weird enemy was squirming.

"The last resistance is still taking place there?" Zhang Su frowned.

"It's Harnak who was defeated by you. It became weaker after rebirth, but it still defended the palace and fought against the leader of the invaders, 'Lord Yanhuang' Zarathos." Moglas turned his head.

"Guard the bridge with the 'Foresight Ark' I brought, and I will kill them all." Zhang Su said calmly, and then began his invasion of the Brass Palace.

Moglas stared at Zhang Su's leaving back.

Is this the new commander you chose for the Blood Army? Edith? Is your judgment right or wrong?


"Old dog, let's hold the bridge!" The vanguard of the Blood Army stayed with Moglas.

never mind……

Morglas withdrew his gaze and squatted on the bridge, glaring at the intruders in the distance who were trying to take risks.

As long as we can protect the legacy of the Blood Army, it's all worth it.

Immediately afterwards, the Ark of Vision also drifted above the bridge and began to bombard the demons in the distance, consuming ammunition and protecting Zhang Su's retreat.

"Let's go down too!" Hao Suo led everyone to help with the fists.

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