Witch containment diary

Chapter 484 Rescue the Demon Bride

Zhang Su took a deep breath, crossed the bridge, and came to the burning brass palace.

"Zhang Su, don't you want to create a world with me?" Edith's voice echoed in Zhang Su's heart.

I think about it, I really want to. Edith. So isn't this on the way?

The air was heated to the point of gleaming, and the massive fortress in front of us twisted in the heat.

As far as the senses can reach, the whole land is burning and bleeding, completely transformed into a burned molten field, stone turns to glass, glass turns to steam.

With every step he took, the ground began to explode, and particles shot out in all directions like an ionized aura, like thousands of fireworks.

In the distance is the Flame Demon King "Yanhuang" Zarathos.

Its territory borders the Blood Army. "Flaming Bottle Seven" is also its collection, no wonder these worlds are so close.

Zhang Su could feel that there was a strong will waiting in front of him, ancient, greedy and unimaginable.

Zarathos obviously didn't want Zhang Su to interfere. Zhang Su flew forward, and the fire exploded without warning, blocking his way.

The flames burn so brightly that they can destroy all matter.

This is similar to the "fusion fire" summoned by the three Sun Witches before. The temperature exceeds tens of thousands of degrees Celsius, which is enough to contain or damage the wearer of the brass armor.

The source of the devil's power is "fear". Zhang Su thought silently.

The more people fear a demon, the more powerful it is.

Nowadays, many people are afraid of fire. They are afraid that the high temperature of the flame will harm the body, and they are afraid that the fire will completely burn down the house.

This caused the fire in front of him to completely change from "ordinary fire" to the ultimate burning fire that affected the mind or will. Just by getting close, it felt like the brass armor was heating up.

Maybe the armor can withstand fire, and Zhang Su's immortal body can also withstand the dissolution of fire, but this will definitely be very slow and will greatly weaken Zhang Su's body-protecting energy.

Without the Guanshi Pagoda, Zhang Su's energy has become precious and needs to be used carefully.

Zhang Su tried to bypass the wall of fire in front of him and went straight to the center of the palace where the fighting was taking place, but with little success.

He tried to bypass the wall of fire from high altitude, but the flames were chasing after him, making it even harder to deal with!

"Come this way." A familiar voice came out.

Zhang Su followed the sound and immediately descended.

He saw a figure with a light body and graceful posture. She jumped over the fire wall without hesitation, as if leading the way for Zhang Su.

Yes, if you go that way, it should be possible...

"So far, so far away. Zhang Su..." She ran away briskly, and Zhang Su quickly followed.

She seemed to have cracked the trajectory of the Demonic Fire Wall, and was very familiar with the structure of the Brass Palace.

Under her guidance, Zhang Su ran quickly, passing through rounds of blazing corona, and finally broke through Zarathos' trap and arrived at the side of the palace.

From here, he can go straight to the main hall.

Fortunately, I had the help of a strange person. Do you know her? It feels like déjà vu…

He had to figure out who this helper was.

"You are -" Zhang Su rushed over.

The moment he saw him, he felt an indescribable surprise and shock.

Beautiful spirit demon Ilini!

"I'm here." Yilini smiled slightly, "Do you still remember?"

"Of course I remember, the little beautiful spirit demon of Hongye Mountain." Zhang Su stretched out his hand to hold Yilini's hand, "I..."

"Ever since I was fucked back to hell by you, I have been collecting information about you. I told you that once you come to hell, you will meet me sooner or later, and I will help you." Ni said with a smile.

"Thank you." Zhang Su was surprised, "...I have occasionally thought about the circumstances under which I would encounter you, but now, at this moment, it is unbelievable."

"I'm so surprised that I actually put on this armor. It suits you very well. Brass armor, an unparalleled magical weapon." Illini sighed, "You have grown into an adult."

"You have become even stronger and can actually break through the flame maze." Zhang Su said.

"I can't do it on my own. I'm still the little beautiful spirit demon with no outstanding strength. In fact, I'm just here to help according to Liluciel's will." Illini nodded.

"Liluciel? The Demon Bride? Where is she now?" Zhang Su realized that Liluciel was still there.

"She had a conflict with Harnak before and was imprisoned." Illini explained. "She must be released so that she can have a chance to defeat Zarathos."

"...Liluciel can influence the situation of the battle, and her prestige is even higher." Zhang Su immediately understood the winner.

Liluciel is extremely powerful. With her help, the Blood Army's territory will be restored soon.

"... Harnak is about to be defeated. You must help with the resistance, otherwise Zarathos can enter the throne room, seize the essence of massacre, and kill us all." Illini looked towards the main hall, where there was a Harnak's war cry, but each one was weaker than the last.

"If I stop Zarathos, then who will help Lilucier?" Zhang Su felt that the matter was complicated.

"Didn't you bring a strong reinforcement? I can take them through the Fire Demonic Wall." Illini nodded vigorously.

Yes, if the children could walk through the fire, they might be able to do something. Without Illini's help, they would definitely be destroyed, and it would be impossible for them to pass through the magic flame maze just now.

Zhang Su can only trust her now.

"Yes... I'll help you." Zhang Su nodded, and then resolutely rushed to the decisive battle with Zarathos.

"I wish you happiness, Zhang Su." Yilini bowed to Zhang Su.

She turned and looked into the fire, thinking about how to get them to safety.

"Who are you?" a voice said.

Illini turned around and found Natsuki standing next to her.

Hayho and the others were also stopped by a shocking sea of ​​fire.

"We're suffocating! We're going to run away!" Hayho breathed in the sulfurous miasma that exploded around him, feeling dizzy.

"Let me just say that the war in hell is too scary for us!" Mayumi stepped back, staggered by the unbridled flames.

"Damn it, I'm going to rush over!" Bakuba rushed forward.

"Be careful!" Shihua shouted.

An explosion roared, and a scorching vortex spread outward.

Thanks to Murohua's instinct to release the defense wall to block the powerful fire storm, Bakubo was saved from being burned to death.

"I want to go there! It should be possible here!" Bakubo did not slow down and tried his best to keep up with Zhang Su's pace.

"Has Xia Xi already passed?" Qing Xiao found that she couldn't look at Xia Xi.

They tried to make their way through the intensifying firestorm, but it seemed that with every step they took, the demon's rage and cruelty escalated.

Flames erupted, scorching everything.

"I have to block... block..." Shihua tried his best to maintain the defense wall and weaken the threat of the flames, but he felt that his magic power was severely consumed.

"The shoes are about to burn, let's step back!" Reio felt that this was really not the place they should be.

"Natsuki! Natsuki! Where are you!" Only Yuanzhi was still working hard to find the stray child.

"I'm here!" Natsuki shouted from a distance, "I saw my beautiful sister, let her take you over!"

"Who is it!" Hayho shouted.

"Follow me." Elini suddenly appeared and led them to guide them on the path in the flames. "You only have a few seconds. If you miss it, you will be burned to death!"

"Follow me!" Saho felt like he was about to be burned to death by this place.

It was so hot, just like what we encountered during the battle at Paradise Mountain, it turned into a violent sea of ​​light and heat.

Saho could only bite the bullet and follow, otherwise the situation would be too desperate.

The witches reacted very quickly, trying their best to keep up with Ilini's footsteps and cross the traps in the flame maze.

"The floor is so hot..." Only Reio felt more and more tired.

"Senior! Let me help you!" Saho picked up Reiyang and ran away as fast as flying.

In the flaming maze, following Illini's instructions, an escape route seemed to appear, allowing them to pass through the magic flame!

Rush over!

"Hooah--" Saho hugged Reiyang through the sea of ​​fire, with a gray face.

After rushing to the other side, they all felt lucky to have survived the disaster.

"...If we are burned for even a second, we will all disappear..." Qing Xiao felt desperate, "Why are they all the main battlefields that are not good for plants?"

"Hurry, hurry." Illini urged them to stay away from the hellfire.

"Ah! This is the Brass Palace, the source of the demonic invasion!" Mayumi was really frightened when she noticed that the Ring of Peace team had reached such a deep place.

"Please, the next thing is the most important." Illini led them towards the depths of the burning palace.

"Where on earth are you taking us, you guy!" Hayho ran forward.

They came to the great prison of the Brass Palace.

It is itself part of a fortress, defended by uncannily thick giant obsidian walls.

"It's right here." Illini breathed a sigh of relief, "Liluciel is trapped here, please open the wall."

Behind the fence, they noticed the Demonic Bride Liluciel.

She looked cold and wore a black veil, as if she didn't particularly care about what was going on outside.

"You...you seem to be the commander of the devil! We can't release such an evil guy." Mayumi remembered that there were records of Liluciel in the archives.

"Please, without Liluciel's insight into the Flame Demon Palace, you and even your teacher Zhang Su would not have been able to pass the trap! We have saved your lives, haven't we?" Ilini requested.

"What if she comes out and kills us instantly?" Hayho protested.

"Children." Illini said patiently, "My purpose is just to save Zhang Su. I know that this decisive battle will be difficult and may even lead to defeat, unless Lord Liluciel helps."

"But the devil is bad, and we can't confirm it... No, no, it can be confirmed completely. We just need to let Senior Sister Reiyang take a look at Lilu Xier's sincerity." Qing Xiao said suddenly.

"Yes! Sincerity for sincerity!" Saho came back to his senses, "Great senior!"

"...Okay." Lian Yang walked towards the prison, "You can ask us to open this dark prison, but you must open your heart to me without any reservation, so as not to be betrayed after we release you."

"I am the heir of the Blood Army, the Demon Bride Lilucire." Lilucire was very arrogant. "Who are you? If you dare to pry into my heart, I will also penetrate your treasure and see all of your Secret." Liluciel opened her heart of darkness, "Do you dare to step into the abyss of thinking now?"

"I don't have dark and heavy secrets, they are all light and bright." Reio took a step forward, with a calm expression, and began to guide her "sincere" magic power to embed into Liluciel's will.

Take a look at why this bride looks like she is now.

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