Witch containment diary

Chapter 487: Upright Revenge

The earth trembled and the foundations of the palace shook.

It's so scary... I really want to retreat... I don't dare to go in...! Hayho shivered in the hall, not daring to enter the throne room to see what was going on inside. She suddenly felt a sharp pain in her buttocks, urging her to move forward, ...It feels like this again, woo woo...

Hide! Natsuki pulled Saho aside.

Boom boom——

The brass palace collapsed.

They saw the ceiling crack and hurriedly avoided the falling large metal blocks and beams. A terrifying monster they had never seen before was taking shape and crawling out.

Roar... It is the ultimate demon with seven heads and ten horns.

The seven snake necks trembled and undulated, and each snake head had a large mouth filled with fangs. The body was deformed and huge, and daunting. It twisted and expanded, spraying poisonous gas and miasma in all directions.

Uh- Saho almost fainted from fright, but the pain kept her awake.

This is a big monster! Natsuki dragged Saho forward and hid in a corner in a hurry.

The monster wreaked havoc and climbed to the top of the Brass Palace, seemingly absorbing the essence of the carnage around it.

The blood-red aura was like red poisonous snakes, swimming quickly and converging on the beast at the top of the palace, causing its body to twist and expand even more, as if it was completing some kind of evolution.

Natsuki realized that something was seriously wrong. She was scared and determined, and her heart was pounding.

After waiting for the earthquake to end, she rushed into the throne room with Saho in tow.

Natsuki blinked and looked at the devastation in front of him.

This place was once majestic and magnificent, but now the ground is in shambles and the palace is broken.

The floor turned into a wasteland, stone pillars collapsed, and were burned into cokes by the unbridled release of destructive energy.

Teacher! Xia Xi saw Zhang Su falling on the brass throne.

Da Su! Don't explode the gold coins! Zaohui felt a pain in his heart and rushed to Zhang Su's side, feeling his nose was sore.

Teacher Dasu has been defeated now, it’s unbelievable!

I want to cure him. Xia Xi injected all the power of sunlight into Zhang Su's body.

Endless light illuminated Zhang Su, soaking his body in the radiant warmth, restoring his body and repairing his dilapidated form.

The feeling of wanting to resist the disaster was so strong that it made Natsuki feel more focused than ever before.

As a little sun, it is instinct to shine on others, but seeing Zhang Su in such a situation, Xia Xi felt not just the drive of talent, but an urgent and active desire, wishing that she could get into Zhang Su's body to At the cost of his own sacrifice, he was reborn!

This thought became stronger and stronger, causing Natsuki's sunlight magic to overflow into Zhang Su's incomplete body, filling it and reshaping it into shape.

Zhang Su came back to his senses and sat on the brass throne, looking at the broken landscape on both sides.

...Okay, that's almost it. Zhang Su stood up.

What do you mean it's almost like this! Zaosui grabbed Zhang Su's hand, Hold on!

Something happened just now, but the good news is that now I am not only getting rid of the brass armor wrapped around my body, but also getting rid of the shadow of Edith in my heart. Zhang Su nodded to them.

What? Hayho didn't understand.

Edith has been feigning death and staying here with me. She has never died. She just borrowed my power to kill demons. No wonder she was always very excited when she heard me crush demons in the past, as if she was very happy. Because , the massacre of humans by demons is only part of the true meaning, the other part is the massacre of demons by humans! She only completed the first part after leading the blood army, and she completed the second part by living in symbiosis with me. Zhang Su said.

Edith is bad. Natsuki said.

It's a blessing and a blessing that I also gained the power to fight against demons. Zhang Su said, There is also the brass armor! After putting it on, it is difficult to take it off. To be honest, it already feels a bit like a prison. Leading the bloody The army is not something to be proud of. Sooner or later it will become depraved and go crazy. Fortunately, it has been destroyed now.

Zhang Su peeled off the remaining armor on his body and resumed normal actions.

A blessing in disguise? Hayho's eyes lit up.

It is true that they used me, but I also used their power to purify myself. Now, the Edith hidden in my heart has left, and the brass armor is gone. I am now 'Zhang Su', the clean and complete Zhang Su! This is much better than the previous state. Zhang Su said.

So, Edith is resurrected now, Hayho was confused, Who will I hit next? Is it her?

Yes, destroy this 'Sacred Beast of Slaughter'. You saw it just now. It is very scary, it is the transformation of Edith who crawled out of my heart. Zhang Su said.

Then you were beaten flat just now! Saho was scared.

It's okay. It's difficult to kill me completely. Lilucier and Hanak found that they couldn't kill me with their true intentions of massacre, so they gave up. Zhang Su walked up and looked at the sacred beast of massacre at the top of the brass palace. Now is the time to face your fears.

Deafening roars resounded throughout the world, and the towering Saint Beast of Slaughter was entrenched on the top of the palace, ordering the blood army to attack humans and the Ark of Foresight.


Roar—— A large number of Blood Army soldiers pointed their weapons at each other and shot at the Ark of Vision.

This is terrible! We must solve it quickly! Hayho looked up.

Lianwu will make arrangements. She is very smart and will not let go of details. She must have a plan for this kind of thing. Zhang Su raised his hand, summoned the magic crucible and held it in his hand.

Do you really believe in the eldest lady? Hayho questioned, Maybe the eldest lady is a fool, even dumber than me.

Let's take a look again. Zhang Su looked up.

Ho-ho-- The slaughtering holy beast roared and raged.

With the efforts of the little bees, the Foresight Ark quickly opened the protective shield to prevent the demons from shooting.

It fired flares into the sky, as if calling for reinforcements.

The sky cracked.

In the rolling crimson clouds, a ray of light suddenly unfolded, its light pierced the haze and illuminated the ground.

Here we come! Zaho's eyes lit up.

Dazzling and radiant.

The new nine-seat witch in the spiritual world has arrived in hell!

Kill all the demons! Gotis spread his twelve wings and ordered in the air.

Countless angels roared in, their bodies made of staggered hubs, decorated with countless eyes, projecting prism-like colorful light, burning and spitting fire to the ground.

Kill! Jiangqu rushed to hell with Levantine in his arms, raised the flaming magic sword, and launched a bombardment at the slaughtering holy beast.

Hell is big enough to accommodate the rest of creation. Congratulations... Quantum Bodhisattva opened the giant portal and walked out of a huge humanoid mecha. It was the one that punched out in the New Tokyo War!

It is now fully unveiled, with gorgeous appearance, fast and smooth movements, and unfolds its A.T protective stance to prevent demons from shooting.

What a sin!... It's time to kill this monster! Isaiah, the Great Redemption Witch, flew to the ground.

She restored the vitality of injured humans, wasps and witches, healed many beings almost instantly, and even revived those who had just died!

I'm so scared! Take another look... Hongyan poked her head out of the tunnel, with Princess Otohime next to her.

We are both Nine Seat Witches now, but when can we join the battle! Princess Otohime yelled.

Protecting me is of great significance! Hong Yan announced.

The sun fills the sky, Solaria is here! Shine on this desolate hell.

The most awe-inspiring thing was the appearance of the sanctuary. Under Qiong Heng's arrangement, pure radiance filled the earth, instantly suppressing the movements of the demons.


I can't move anymore...

I will open the 'ritual' that destroys evil thoughts and promotes the best. Qiong Heng, the witch of the great ceremony, guided the demon-killing barrier on the top of the sky that was originally used to defend the nine sides of China.

Carrying out such an ultimate ritual in hell is simply the most terrifying killing stance. It completely blocks the birth point of the devil, and the weaker devils are instantly wiped out!

Yue Huaji wore a silver satin dress and fell gracefully to the roof.

I won't let you... influence Lady Edith! The demon bride Liluciel stepped forward to fight Yue Huaji.

Full Moon Silence! Yue Huaji unfolded her moon barrier and dragged Liluciel into another dimension.

A large number of heavenly soldiers and endless demonic engines descended like raindrops to invade.

The Saint Slaughter Beast roared loudly and opened its huge mouth, as if it wanted to swallow them all.

But it is still unable to stop so many reinforcements as a monster.

The sky of the world that used to be occupied by humans split open and was flooded by falling demons. Now the hell of demons has opened up, and humans and witches are invading in large numbers!

Incredible! Everyone is here! Hayao shouted.

Because the witches will not miss this opportunity for revenge, and because they don't want us to die here, and they don't want to give up on us. I think this is the true meaning of the witch's completion plan, because the power of a single witch is very limited, but when aggregated, the witches can What we can do is limitless. Zhang Su realized that this gathered courage was precious.

It's time! I'll follow you! Zaosui followed behind Zhang Su.

She felt that this was a legendary battle that would be resounded throughout the ages. Humans and witches severely defeated the blood army. How famous this should make them!

Battle in heaven!

I'm going to find mom! Natsuki turned back into light and joined the bright light shining on hell.

Let's go, there is no way out, we must subdue the slaughtering holy beast. Zhang Su rushed up.

They climbed up a crumbling gravel road.

At this time, a familiar figure suddenly appeared, twisted and evil.


Its eyes burned with hatred and jealousy, and its lips curved into a sneer.

You summoned so many men and women to die, idiot! Do you really think your power has any hope of defeating the Holy Beast of Slaughter?! You don't have the power of brass armor now, you're just a useless person! Hanak yelled.

Before Harnak could attack, a slender ghost suddenly appeared behind it, and a long knife pierced its back!

Not even you. Li Yixin said evilly.

Take revenge!

Hanak whined for a while, and then was chopped into seven or eight pieces by Li Yixin in an instant. Its soul tried to escape, but was also swallowed by Li Yixin.

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