Witch containment diary

Chapter 488 The strongest female field rotates

Sister Yi Xin! I knew you could do it! Zaho was very happy, I saved you for nothing!

Yixin... Zhang Su looked at her.

Sorry, what just happened was too fast and I couldn't save you. Li Yixin kicked Hanak's remains away.

I know in my heart, it doesn't matter. However, do you feel bad now? Now, you can also openly say that you are a hero! Zhang Su nodded vigorously.


A trace of warmth flowed from the depths of Li Yixin's deformed soul.

It's really twists and turns, but you're right. Li Yixin looked up at the slaughtering sacred beast on the roof, I can finally call myself a hero.

Let's go. Zhang Su walked up with her, That's Edith.

Revenge with Edith in a dignified manner! Li Yixin shouted, And fighting side by side with you, it feels so great! I never thought that my life would be like this, but I am very happy to have such a result!

Li Yixin escaped into the subspace, waiting for the opportunity to move.

Zhang Su arrived on the roof.

The Holy Beast of Slaughter continued to devour the murderous energy around it. The troops of the Heavenly Army and the demons fought with each other, forming many new streams of massacre and continuing to strengthen their power.

Sensing the approach of Zhang Su and the others, the Slaughter Saint Beast turned around. Its huge head was like a totem, with torrents of evil energy spurting out from it, and terrifying pressure rippled in the air!

Be careful. Zhang Su protected Zao Sui behind him and waved his hand to use his energy to deflect the rapids that were too close.

Incredible! Zaohui saw Zhang Su standing lightly in the torrent, like a solid rock that would never yield, and the evil thoughts just separated from him.

Without the true meaning of massacre, without relying on the brass armor, I feel that the power has become cleaner and lighter. Zhang Su was not distracted, as if he had entered a state of unity between heaven and man, Finally confirmed, this is my way, Now I feel in great shape.”

After realizing his own power, Zhang Su can survive in the rapids.

Roar! The Saint Slaughter Beast continues to evolve, and its attacks become erratic and more unpredictable.

Arrows of destruction flew in all directions, killing humans and witches, and evil flames swept across the battlefield, scorching black wherever they passed, and destroying the palace into a wilderness.

Zhang Su felt the pressure increasing, resisting the terrifying energy rushing towards his head and face.

Even though his whole body became hot due to excessive consumption, he still did not waver in the slightest, guarding Hayho behind him.

Da Su! Zaosui was extremely scared, feeling like Zhang Su was carrying the whole world forward.

In less than a few minutes, the Slaughter Holy Beast had already annihilated several Heavenly Legions that came for reinforcements, killing them so bloody that it felt like the end of the world.

Its head fired beams in all directions, tearing apart the reinforcements' defense lines with ease.



I'm dead... The little bees escaped on the Ark of Vision. Many of the little bees couldn't bear the force of the slaughter and died miserably!

I'm going to help... Lianwu left the cab and headed to the top of the palace.

Lian Wu! Zhang Su noticed Lian Wu's arrival and hurried to protect him.

Lianwu sacrificed the precious phantom Eight-foot Magatama given by Yuehuaji, and landed it on the roof. She used the moon step to land without being disturbed.

The massacre light cannon will hit us! Zhang Su protected Lian Wu.

Let it not have so many heads! Lian Wu shouted.

How to do it? You can't get close! Zhang Su protected Lian Wu and Zao Sui behind him.

Oh! A family of three! Zaosui felt very happy being sandwiched between Zhang Su and Lian Wu.

Look at me! Lianwu deflected the magic power of the moonlight, condensed it on the eight-foot magatama, and then shot it at the beast with seven heads and ten horns.

female! field! change! move!

Under the powerful moonlight magic power, the Saint Slaughter Beast began to waver, and its figure continued to change and shrink.

The terrifying aura also changed and turned feminine!

The witches on the battlefield noticed this change and were surprised and delighted.

Moon magic!

It's working! They watched the beast tremble under the magic of the moonlight.

Roar! The Saint Slaughter Beast struggled desperately to resist the female in his body.

Its true body is Edith! You can drag Edith out! Lian Wu's forehead was covered with sweat.

She doesn't have enough magic!

Just like a rope cannot tie up a ferocious beast, the Sacred Beast struggled desperately and almost escaped!

let me help you!

Okay, I'll come too!

Come on! Mayumi, Muroka, and Qingxiao finally arrived, and immediately raised their hands to send magic power to Lianwu.

Isn't this our only chance? Let's start lending our magic power to her too! Isaiah, the Great Redemption Witch, sang, All witches, connect all your hearts!

A chorus of redemption hymns lingered over the Throat of Fury. Under the guidance of Isaiah, they formed a large ensemble that gathered magic power, and were woven into a pure magic bloom by the lotus mist.

Lianwu made up her mind and increased the power of the female field to rotate!

There are so many things that I long to do, so many things that I like, even though I am stupid and shy, but now, I really want to win this victory!

Drag it out!

Stop hiding, Edith!

Roar—— The Saint Slaughter Beast screamed miserably.

The roar was originally high-pitched and majestic, then mournful and soft, and its appearance quickly shrank, like withered flesh and blood, peeling off to reveal the original appearance of Edith underneath!

Edith! I knew it was you! Lian Wu was angry.

Destruction during the birth period. Edith had a cold face, raised her hand and let out blood light, forcing everyone back in an instant, ...it doesn't matter, I'll kill you all.

Hayho is scared and runs away.

Edith! Zhang Su walked towards her, It's over!

What are you thinking? Edith sneered, You are just a tool for me, you deserve to die. Can't you see how strong I am?

I know. Zhang Su said, But looking into my eyes, can you say that you have never loved me?

Ha-hahahaha! Edith let out a burst of laughter, I... will love you? Why do you ask such a stupid question!

It's just to buy time. Zhang Su said.

Hayho is already in place!

I'll stab! Hayho was so excited that he swung the shadow cone and pierced Edith's shadow, I'm going to get the head!

Edith's chest split open instantly, and the wounds on the shadow reflected back to her body, making her shocked and angry.

You - Edith raised her hand, and the wound healed instantly, You are so stupid, why do you think you, Xiao Sui, can defeat me?

Ah this. Saho was startled. He really felt that the touch did not kill Edith, and stabbed her again, What now? Will it hurt?

The head! We're getting it! A sharper voice sounded.

A huge ball of shadow magic flame rose from Hayho's soul!

She pulled out a bigger long knife and stabbed it into Edith's shadow!

Ah—— Edith's body instantly collapsed, and her soul surged wildly from it.

Shadow Witch!

Mom! You're killing me! Saho was shocked.

Kill the Hell Lord Edith! I...I completed the ninth ritual of breaking the throne! I'm going to ascend to become a god! Shadow Witch was so excited, K, your head is nothing!

You have been hiding in my shadow?! Hayho felt incredible.

Yeah, after I talked to you that day, I said I wanted to find a powerful demon to kill. In fact, I just hid in your shadow! Because I felt that sooner or later you and your teacher would kill a super powerful demon, and now I have done it. ! The Shadow Witch felt the endless magic power blooming from her body, and the shadow realm expanded infinitely.

Then my butt hurts...it's you!

Yes! Every time you dare to call Yuanzhi mommy, when you are scared, when you embarrass me, when you stop moving forward, I will give you a hard poke in the butt! Let me spur you forward! The Shadow Witch was proud of herself.

You are really the most rubbish mother in the world! Hayho was furious.

The Shadow Witch killed the hell demigod Edith! Gotis was shocked. Such an achievement will completely elevate her to godhood! Let's stop her!

It's too late! The Shadow Witch escaped into the real shadow, Haasui, come with me! Let's kill the Storyteller!

Da Su! Ah! I don't want to leave! Zaosui didn't want to leave Zhang Su.

Go find the Shadow Witch. Zhang Su chose to let go, She is worth following.

Da Su, I'll be back later! Zaosui saluted Zhang Su, then jumped into the real shadow and disappeared.

On the ground, Edith was torn apart and assassinated by the Shadow Witch.

Zhang Su walked to Edith's body.

At this time, Yuehuaji saw that the winner was decided on the main battlefield, so she no longer struggled with Liluciel, but ended the Moon Domain.

Edith! Liluciel rushed out and rushed to the side of Edith's body.

The devil doesn't shed tears, but the scream is still high and intense.

The fallen form of the slaughtered holy beast dispersed into nothingness.

Zhang Su looked at the demonic essences scattered in the air and refined them into the Qi Sea Core in his hand. Given time, he could use the demonic base to forge the World-viewing Pagoda.

In this battle, the most powerful supporter is the Shadow Witch. Zhang Su thought. Without her overwhelming strength and assassination skills to complete the final blow, I'm afraid it would have been impossible to defeat Edith.

There is such a mother and such a daughter. Zhang Su can only silently wish Zaosui happiness in the future...

Edith! Liluciel was still crying, moving frantically, and knelt down beside the remains of Edith.

Tears flowed down her pale cheeks, and her long fingers stroked Edith's empty remains, as if trying to convince herself that this was just a cruel illusion.

Liluciel! The soldiers of Heaven's Army were furious, raising their sharp blades and preparing to kill her.

When natural disasters struck in the past, Liluciel led the blood army to invade the spirit world and reduced it to a small paradise mountain.

Afterwards, Harnak completely broke the spirit world and caused it to sink into the subspace, making them even more furious.

Zhang Su stretched out his hand to stop him.

Okay. His voice made people dare not argue.

Hey, you guy! Jiangqu flapped his wings and flew to Zhang Su's side, Do you think you can really handle all this?

I can't. Zhang Su said.

That's great! Let's go quickly! Jiangqu was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately mobilized the Heavenly Army to retreat, Go back to Mount Olympus!

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