Witch containment diary

Chapter 49 The shackles of those who worry about the country

Zhang Su nodded and took a step back.

Yoshio Akazawa labored painfully, the soil cracking under her blows.

Her thoughts inevitably drifted to the Concerning Society. Are the teams you have raised still executing your will, continuing to clean up the moths and purify Dongming Country?

Are they still practicing the techniques and concepts you taught them? Were they also caught?

Akazawa Yoshiyo felt a dull pain in his chest when he thought that after he was arrested, the Concern for the Country Society might fall apart.

Even if he is now a prisoner, others must struggle and continue to work towards the glorious goal until the real rising sun rises above Dongming Kingdom.

Yoshio Akazawa clears rocks and destroys weeds with a hoe. Her movements are precise and deadly, treating the weeds as imaginary enemies.

I hope that the consortium that stole the Dongming people's wealth and the ministers who were lying on their backs will all die!

Even when farming, Akazawa Yoshio has a violent aura, frantically killing clods of soil and rocks, which is completely different from the little bee who digs the soil honestly.

Until noon, Yoshiyo Akazawa looked back at the land he had plowed.

It's really...a different kind of beauty.

Rows of fertile land were reclaimed, the previously compacted fields were completely broken up, and the aeration of the soil was improved so that plants could take root, allowing water to penetrate and roots to grow downward.

In time, this wasteland will be lush and green, filled with rows of vegetables and grains.

Akazawa Yoshiyo was silent.

She despised the menial work, but the job was done. Thinking of how green this place would look in the future, Akazawa Yoshiyo felt a strange sense of expectation. Are you born a peasant woman?

She looked down at her hand. It didn't hurt. This kind of labor was still too easy compared to swinging the sword hundreds of times day after day.

Unfortunately, she felt that her sword was being dulled by the rock and earth instead of being polished on the whetstone.

Mud covers bare feet,

As Zhang Su blew the whistle, she and Xiaofeng walked back to the canteen. The other children had already finished their work and ran back to the shade. They sweated a lot under the hot sun and had a deeper understanding of manual labor.

This land has been awakened by you. Zhang Su turned his head, You have all made great contributions to Anxinyuan.

This is what I should do! Xiaofeng was very happy.

... Akasawa Yoshie walked forward calmly. After putting down the hoe, he felt even more uncomfortable.

This is what happens when inexperienced people use a hoe. The force and posture are incorrect, causing severe pain in the muscles and joints.

A feeling of fatigue enveloped her limbs, as if she had been shackled by four extra layers.

Fortunately, Yoshio Akazawa can get used to it.

Working is also like practicing swordsmanship. The important thing is to maintain the balance of body and mind.

Looking at Akasawa Jiayo's back, Zhang Su nodded. Maybe she can get used to life in An Hospital.

[Educate the witch successfully, reward 2 containment fragments]

[The output of the shelter is increased, and 2 containment fragments are rewarded]

The manpower increased and the resources doubled.

Originally, you could only collect 2 points per day, but now you can collect 4 points per day. It cost 100 points to build cells for them before. If this continues, it will be completed soon.

After sending them to lunch, Zhang Su went back to look at the resume of the Concerning Society.

The Worrying Society, established by Yoshio Akazawa 2 years ago, launched a major campaign to purify Dongming, aiming to free Dongming people from hard labor and shackles.

The consortium is running amok, squeezing manpower and producing shady products. cut!

Corrupt officials eat up resources, and profiteers act recklessly. cut!

The human defense plan deployed troops and spies to monitor and suppress the citizens of Dongming. cut!

As for the mouthpieces of vested interests, unscrupulous media, and unscrupulous platforms, they will be cut down.

Over the past two years, an average of one or two people have been killed every month, and the tragedy has been reported in the press.

Therefore, in the past two years, no one dared to publicly support the Human Defense Plan, no second-generation consortium dared to show off their wealth, and no experts made ridiculous assertions in the media that angered the public. Entrepreneurs also improved their business style and created a positive image.

It is because of fear of assassination by the Wangguoshe. And the people among the people are also in danger, afraid of being targeted by them if they say something.

With the arrest of Yoshio Akazawa a few months ago, the activities of the Worrying Society also ceased.

Zhang Su felt strange when he thought that such a person was locked up under him.

In fact, she did a pretty good job, bringing some changes and tremors to the dim Dongming Kingdom. Unfortunately, Akasawa Yoshio offended too many people in his previous life, and was eventually taken to the execution ground for execution. He spent one year in Ansinin before being beheaded.

Zhang Su didn't know if he could save her on his own.

Unless Akasawa Yoshie can make meritorious deeds and prove his worth. Otherwise, her enemies will work secretly sooner or later, causing Akazawa Yoshiyo to die suddenly.

In short, we must first let her give up her intention of running away and work honestly in the shelter. She must not get into trouble.

New staff member Les Collin knocked on the door, and Zhang Su asked her to come in.

Les Colin was sitting in a chair, holding an official tablet tool, preparing a routine report. Her blond hair was pulled into a single ponytail, and her black silk stockings were covered in leather boots. Zhang Su felt that her aura was very serious and couldn't help but observe her several times.

[Memory of Lescorine: A mysterious witch from the West who once worked as a housekeeper in a noble family. She had a noble background, but decided to give up everything and start over in a place where no one knew her, working as an unknown witch. Containment work]

It turns out that Lescorin is also a witch, but memories have not yet revealed her path. Zhang Su secretly said. Maybe it's because her magic power is special? It may also be because he had never met Les Corrin in his previous life, so the memory effect was relatively weak.

I'm here to report information about the 'IV type magic control ring'. It is currently equipped on the necks of prisoners Yoshio Akazawa, Laruge, Xiaofeng and Youfa Lin. They can be used by you, the director, in the asylum. The master key opens it, but it is not recommended to use it this way, Lescolin explained.

Yes, we won't let them go easily. Zhang Su nodded.

They can detect and quantify magic power, and customize the limit threshold for each prisoner. In addition, they are also equipped with distance-based magic suppression technology, which means that once they leave the safe home, their strength will become increasingly weakened, and they may even be unable to move. Les Colin said.

The technology of the Countermeasures Bureau is still very powerful. But do they know the effect of the lock ring? Once they escape from Anxinyuan, they will become powerless. Zhang Su asked.

They don't know, and this is only half of the containment plan. According to Director Edith's order, I also prepared a 'spiritual vision beacon' for the four of them. Lescorin shook her head.

Are you able to perform spiritual vision? Zhang Su's eyes lit up.

Please try to use my power, Mr. Supervisor. Lescolin stretched out her hand.

Her eyes were filled with demonic flames. Zhang Su reached out and shook hands with Lescorin. In an instant, he shared Lescorin's vision!

The whole world was instantly immersed in dark shadows, and Zhang Su could easily see the distant spiritual world hanging far away on the other side of the world.

It turns out to be the path to “ascension”! Lescorin's power is very strong and she is expected to leave the material world in the future. Zhang Su secretly said. He looked into the spiritual world, as if he could see the witches in the highest heaven.

I have hidden magic beacons on them so that I can observe them at any time and in a state of spiritual vision. Lescolin's voice also became ethereal and distant at this time.

Zhang Su first located the little bee, and sure enough, his vision tracked the little bee. At this time, the little bee was working hard to find flowers and collect nectar all over Anxinyuan, secreting little bits of honey from her fingertips.

At the same time, in his spiritual vision, Zhang Su did see a gap at the Bodhisattva Seat in the garden area, which led directly to the spiritual world. The witch guardian of Anxin Academy would appear from there at some point.

That gap... there seems to be unusual magic power fluctuations at the other end. Leskolin observed the cracks in the spiritual world in the garden. According to rumors, there was a favor coming to the ancient Anxin Academy, and the real ascended witch preached on the bluestone.

According to my experience, there is the guardian witch of Anxin Academy living behind the crack. Thanks to the psychic vision effect, we can now accurately locate it. I will try to lure her out with candy. She should be the type that is easier to talk to. Zhang Sudao .

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