Witch containment diary

Chapter 50 The gods of Anyin

He had to find the god of Anxinyuan first. Zhang Su suspected that the witch containment diary in his hand was sent by her, otherwise it would be difficult to explain those magical effects.

After lifting the psychic vision state, Zhang Su and Les Colin slowly walked through the garden together.

Under the care of the little bees, the garden gradually improved. It was no longer as messy as it was at the beginning. It was full of flowers and plants and looked particularly beautiful.

It should be here. Zhang Su squatted beside the trees in the garden.

In the previous life, the guardian or god of Anxinyuan suddenly appeared from here. At that time, the god looked around for a while, and because he was afraid of the devil's breath, he picked up something and ran away.

I wonder if I can get in touch with the other party this time.

Come and help. Zhang Su asked Lescolin to go to the kitchen to get pastries, and asked Xiaofeng to collect some flowers. He himself went to get some candies and put them at the door of the crack.

But there was no reaction.

What are you doing? Xiaofeng was curious.

There are other friends living at the other end of this rift, but it seems difficult to make contact. Zhang Su observed.

According to the scene seen in the spiritual world, the coordinates are here. Zhang Su thought. But now there is no trace.

Zhang Su thought for a while, then took out his cell phone and asked Miss Lianwu to come.

After all, the gods seem to have lived here for many years and should recognize An Yin's bloodline.

? Lianwu left her bedroom and came to watch.

Although Miss Lianwu is the shrine maiden of Anxinyuan, she has never worshiped the gods. It is said that the gods of our Anxinyuan live here. Zhang Su pointed to the small altar piled with candies and flowers, which were neatly placed on the dogwood. Under the shade of the trees, there is something presentable.

Lianwu stood on tiptoes, jumped up and poked Zhang Su's forehead. She seriously doubted this nonsense.

Give it a try, I'm not joking. Does Miss Lianwu have any clue? Zhang Su rubbed his forehead.

Lianwu squatted down, thought for a while, and then reached out to touch the trees.

She read a word without sound.

Suddenly, patches of mist lit up in the air.

The gap in the spiritual world in Lescolin's eyes widened, but in reality, the space also appeared broken and stacked, like a folded mirror.

Zhang Su saw the god's face flash past, but it quickly disappeared.

A brisk voice came from the crack:

I'm very busy, digging a tunnel. What's going on? God asked.

The god of peace in the courtyard! Summoned successfully!

It's true! Xiaofeng was shocked.

! Lian Wu took two steps back in fear.

...Fairy? Lescorin opened her vision of the spiritual world.

From her perspective, she could roughly see a petite figure wearing a vest, communicating with the outside world through the cracks, squatting like a rabbit in his cave.

We are here to worship the gods, please enjoy the tribute. Zhang Su said.

Oh? Are they all for me? the guardian was curious.

Yes, it's absolutely true. Zhang Su followed suit.

A small hand reached through the gap and grabbed a piece of candy as fast as lightning.

It's been a long time since I had an offering, she said.

Accompanying the sound was the sound of unwrapping candy wrappers and chewing candy. It seemed that the gods liked such tributes very much.

You said 'digging a tunnel', why? Zhang Su asked.

Hide from demons. The god said with candy in his mouth, I have my own secondary world.

Small world? How big is it? Zhang Su was curious.

Let's make it 10 meters wide. I'll find a way to make it wider. I'll have to work hard every day. God said.

Why not go to the spirit world? After all, you are also on the path to ascension. Leskolin asked.

Nowhere to escape, the god said simply.

Demons will overwhelm the world.

Do you have a name? Xiaofeng put his hands on his knees and bent down curiously.

My name is Hong Yan. The god said briefly.

Red flame! Finally I know the name of the patron saint of Anyuan. Zhang Su nodded secretly.

~ Lian Wu pointed at the candy in front of her and pushed it in the direction of Hong Yan.

Hong Yan quickly reached out from the gap and grabbed flowers, cakes and honey to decorate her 10-square-meter world and store food for her tunnel.

If we provide you with gifts on a regular basis, can Lord Hongyan give us a reward? Zhang Su asked.

Of course. Hongyan felt good.

The abandoned An'in courtyard finally returned to normal rituals, with witches and priests, and she was able to get tributes that met the specifications.

Can you show it to us? Zhang Su was curious.

Hong Yan tinkered inside for a while.

Soon, she grabbed the gap with both hands, kept her body inside, stretched out a thin white foot without shoes, and stepped on the ground.

The moment the toes touched the ground, a green wind blew, and green ripples radiated outward. Wherever it passed, grass and trees grew, flowers bloomed, and the plants grew vigorously at an astonishing speed.

The flowers that had been planted were now in full bloom, white and yellow irises, purple morning glories, fragrant camellias and clusters of morning glories.

There are also those fruits, wild plums, mandarins, strawberries and kiwis. Although they are wild fruits picked by bees, they also grow up in a few seconds, becoming plump and juicy, with a pleasing appearance. The most eye-catching watermelon, the seeds scattered on the ground, are now sprouting, and the huge melon bodies are pushing each other!

Awesome! How did you do this? Little Bee was intoxicated in the garden.

Because everyone has worshiped me like this for many years, thinking in their hearts and respecting the gods of An'yuan, thinking that I can bring protection and blessings to this place. That's why I have such power. Hongyan explained.

The witch on the ascension path is good at absorbing the wishes of intelligent creatures. It seems that Hong Yan also needs the incense of An Yin. Zhang Su secretly said.

It would be nice if I could come more often. Zhang Su invited Hong Yan.

That's impossible. The outside world is too dangerous. Hong Yan was afraid, I don't want to meet the devil.

...Then what if we can defeat the devil, for example, close the gate of hell in Kagura Mountain? Zhang Su asked.

Hongyan thought about Zhang Su's proposal seriously.

You don't understand the threat of demons, but if you can drive away the demons in Kagura Mountain, I will come out to meet you. Hong Yan said.

By the way, I think... Zhang Su still had something to say.

Hongyan hid uneasily, closing the crack like closing the curtains of a small house, and then there was no sound again.

Zhang Su still has many questions. He wants to know the origin of the witch's containment log, what Hong Yan plans to do with Yuehua Ji, and why she doesn't go to the spirit world, but chooses to open a small world by herself? Mysteries abound.

However, Hongyan was so afraid of demons that Zhang Su couldn't disturb her.

Sure enough, the demonic threat still needs to be dealt with first. If the demonic army in the neighboring Kagura Mountain can be driven away, Hongyan may be willing to return to Anxinyuan to live.

! Lian Wu felt amazing.

It seems that she is indeed a god who enjoys the incense of An-yuan, so offering sacrifices to Hongyan has become part of the witch's duties, Miss Renwu.

~ Lianwu thinks it's okay. Anyway, she can grow up as long as she feeds her candy.

We have been suppressed by the Gate of Hell in Kagura Mountain. After we defeat the devil, this place will become safe and she can appear. Zhang Su gradually came up with an idea.

In his previous life, he had never succeeded in sealing the Gate of Hell on Mount Kaguraku. As a result, during the natural disaster four years later, the demon rushed directly from the mountain into Ansin, without the ability to fight back.

If the Hell Gate of Mount Kagura can be sealed, Ansin can become their stable rear.

... Lian Wu showed concern. Demons are just too scary.

But if the demon is not defeated, Hongyan will have no choice but to hide in that small tunnel... Zhang Su felt something was wrong.

! Lian Wu thought it was reasonable. No one should live in such a narrow place. If Hongyan could be brought into this world, her life would probably be richer.

The little bee didn't care. She went to pick flowers and fruits, harvest their seeds, and sow them again.

Thanks to the blessing of the red flame, the growth of plants in the entire garden seems to be extremely vigorous, but I don't know how long it will last.

It's incredible. It's the same path to ascension, but I'm far from being able to do such a thing. Les Colin felt regretful. She can only use her spiritual vision, while Hongyan seems to be a broken witch who can open up a space by herself.

Don't say that, Miss Lescorin, let's check other beacons together. Zhang Su looked at Lescorin.

Yes. Lescorin stretched out her hand and shared her unique vision with Zhang Su.

In the state of spiritual vision, Lescolin can locate the object carrying the beacon at any time, breaking through the distance limit, and seeing the details of the target at a glance.

After leaving the beacon on Little Bee's collar, the second projection locked on Youfa Lin.

Insect King Youfa Lin is still in a long sleep, and the Witch Countermeasures Bureau will not let her wake up easily, because once she wakes up, she will secrete the next derivative. However, when the bug in her belly grows up, Youfa Lin will also wake up, which is very difficult.

The third projection locked on LaRouge. She leaned against the mirror, lowered her head and ate the simple food brought by Katie, looking strangely depressed.

The fourth projection locked on Akazawa Yoshio. She kept making sword dancing gestures in her cell. Again and again, Zhang Su guessed that she still planned to hack him to death. Her swordsmanship is very terrifying, Zhang Su has learned it in his previous life.

Lescolin needs to consume magic power to activate her spiritual vision, which is quickly recovered.

This is my ability to monitor prisoners. Lescolin bowed to Zhang Su.

This is really amazing! You seem to be very close to the spirit world. Zhang Su was impressed by Lescorin's power. Not only can prisoners be monitored at all times, but they can also see where Hongyan lives.

The spirit world... Lescorin pondered.

Witches on the ascension path only have one ritual to break their status, which is to successfully reach the spirit world while in a state of spiritual vision, join their comrades, and rarely return to earth after that.

The Nine-Seat Council of Witches is also located in the spirit world. It can be easily accessed through the ascension path, but only witches from other paths can reach it if they are strong enough.

Hongyan would rather live in the 'underground' than go to the spiritual world. This is strange. Judging from the remains of the 'Bodhisattva Seat', Hongyan also came once in ancient times and communicated with the monks and witches at that time. . She may have lived for hundreds of years. Zhang Su said.

I dare not guess what Hongyan did. If I say why I didn't go, it's because I don't have the courage to go to the spirit world. There are many tests on the way. The spirit world is already too crowded. In addition to witches, some humans are also trying to immigrate. Lescorin said silently, with a hint of weakness in her tone.

Then it's better to live in An'an Hospital. Zhang Su said.

...Thank you for taking me in. I hope I can help, even a little bit. Please let me play my role when needed. Lescolin left a word almost begging, and then fell silent. left.

He sensed Lescolin's uneasiness. As for where this fear and doubt come from, Zhang Su is still unclear.

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