Witch containment diary

Chapter 51 Echoes of Sword and Plow

The next day, Zhang Su asked Xiaofeng to take care of the garden, while he took Xiaofeng's place and continued farming with Akasawa Yoshiyo.

The former sword master of the dojo and the assassin who cared about the country is now farming in Anxinyuan. Zhang Su looked at Akasawa Yoshio, her eyes were still sharp, no one would regard her as a real peasant woman.

It's still spring, so it's a great time to plant seeds.

Yoshiyo Akazawa slammed the hoe into the soil hard, cutting off the roots of the weeds with one blow and digging them out.

As she walked among the newly opened field ridges, mud splashed onto her calves and trousers. Even if her trousers were rolled up, they were still dirty, and her feet were covered in dust and yellow mud.

She didn't care, there was something more important than looking tidy, and that was running away!

If you continue to live, live like an animal, you may be able to escape from An Yin in the future. There is always a chance to escape. On the first day she came to the hospital, Akazawa Yoshie was observing and waiting.

Akazawa Yoshie squatted on the ground, mercilessly pulling out the weeds on the ground. When she tore, the rough grass stems rubbed against her hands. Although it hurt, she did not stop, but took the frustrations of these days into account. Take your feelings out on the weeds.

She heard the heavy sound of a hoe not far away, and turned around to see Zhang Su working with a hoe.

He worked seriously, knelt down on one knee, pressed the seeds into the newly turned soil, and planted them in a reasonable and dense manner. Fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead as the sun shone.

How could he stand working with prisoners? Akazawa Yoshiyo frowned. Why should he work like ordinary people?

Akazawa Yoshiyo was plowing the land while observing Zhang Su. He was very tall and very strong.

With men like this around, why do we need cattle for plowing the land? I'm afraid he can pull the ox plow with the strength of his arms.

Even though he was blocked by the director's uniform, Akazawa Yoshiyo could still distinguish his strong arms and thigh muscles, which were hard.

If given the chance, I really want to fight this guy.

Are you very proud of your previous work? Zhang Su looked at Akasawa Yoshio while farming, Those assassinations.

That's justice. I killed the entrepreneur who adulterated baby food with inferior chemicals; I killed the congressman who advocated discharging wastewater into the sea; I published a book advocating that Dongming give up its sovereignty, sell out its interests, and take refuge The 'experts' of the human defense plan were also killed by me. I want to kill all the heartless lackeys in this world. Instead of letting them be rescued by money and lawyers, it is better to make them pay the price. Yoshiyo Akazawa stared at the hand. hoe.

The Human Defense Plan is indeed fighting against demons. If the world coalition had not won the Battle of Dongming, there would still be 100,000 demons in Tokyo. Zhang Su reminded.

It's normal for you to treat them. You receive their wages and you have the insurance they bought. They plundered Dongming's property and distributed it to you, but what about me? The burden falls on countless Dongming citizens. They Living outside the protective umbrella, they can only sell their blood and sweat in order to survive. They live like dogs and endure corvee labor! In this era, there are also forced conscription! And unfair acquisitions are robbery! Isn’t Anxinyuan a place that is occupied by humans? Was the defense plan confiscated and converted into a shelter? You...are just bandits. Akasawa Yoshiyo waved his hoe and sounded resentful.

I am not your enemy. Zhang Su planted seeds where she had cultivated.

Akazawa Yoshiyo's breathing gradually became steady, and she plowed the ground in silence. Her movements of swinging the hoe became smoother and smoother.

She worked until after five o'clock in the afternoon to complete the plowing and planting before dusk fell.

Akazawa Yoshio slowly straightened up. She was no stranger to hard work, but this kind of exertion was still very tiring. What was worse was that she was hungry.

The farmland became smoother, and she and Zhang Su cleared a fairly large open space.

For some reason, Yoshiyo Akazawa had an inexplicable emotion for the land she worked on. She silently looked at the 5 acres of field ridges she had reclaimed in one day. They were arranged vertically and had a kind of orderly beauty.

It's time to rest. Zhang Su also worked all afternoon, and the labor made his muscles feel like they were growing.

Now it's time for dinner~ Yuan Zhi walked over quickly with a basket in her arms, her cat ears twitching along with her movements, and a gentle smile on her face.

Kitten... Akazawa Jiashi frowned and looked at Yuori.

Sit down quickly. It's been a hard day. Yuanzhi took out a blanket and asked Akazawa Yoshie to sit on the edge of the field. Then he opened the basket, which contained rice balls and bottled water.

...Thank you. Akazawa Yoshio picked up the rice ball and stuffed it into his mouth, taking a bite.

She found that it contained tuna meat and pickled plums. The fragrant seafood fish meat and the sweet and sour taste of the pickled plums were mixed together, creating just the right taste on her tongue.

The plump rice grains are distinct, soft and fragrant, providing her with the much-needed satiety.

Having such a big mouthful of rice after hard work will melt countless sugars and carbohydrates into the body at once.

Akazawa Yoshiyo picked up the water again and took a satisfied sip, feeling the smooth taste of the liquid as it flowed through the esophagus. This is so delicious, nothing tastes better than a full meal after a long day of hard work. She eats all kinds of food.

Eat slowly, eat slowly. Yuori looked at him carefully and wiped Akasawa Yoshio's mouth with a small handkerchief. It's all dripping from the side of the mouth.

Thank you for the hospitality... Akazawa Yoshiyo was a little at a loss. She was least good at dealing with kittens like Yuori. Will it make any sound if she cuts it with a knife?

Like a magic trick, Enori took out a towel and wiped the sweat from Akasawa Yoshiyo's body.

Are you tired? It must be very hard on the first day of work. Yuan Zhi hung the empty food basket on his arm again and asked seriously.

It's so annoying...! Akazawa Yoshiyo couldn't stand this kind of meticulous care. She stood up violently and strode outside.

Ugh... Yuanzhi didn't say anything when he saw Akasawa Yoshio like this. He just put everything away and followed him.

She is a very independent person and will never show weakness. Zhang Su came over.

But she worked very hard, very hard. I can feel that she seems to be very tired, not only physically but also mentally. Yuanzhi looked at her from afar.

Perhaps in her world view, good intentions come with a price. Zhang Su said.

At night, before being forcibly returned to the East Prison District, Akazawa Yoshie escaped from Anxin Hospital.

She discovered a fatal weakness.

Katie is always too lazy to stand guard, preferring to sleep in the Dragon's Nest command tower.

Robot Roy patrols for a period of time, and sometimes he has to find a place to pull a battery for himself.

In other words, when Katie returns to the Discipline Tower and Roy walks away, Akazawa Yoshiyo may be able to escape over the wall.

Such an obvious gap looked like a trap, but Akazawa Yoshio couldn't stand it anymore. She felt that farming here would only waste her precious energy and strength.

She ran away.

These days of combining work and rest, her physical fitness has recovered a lot. Akazawa Yoshie listened carefully to her surroundings and scanned the vehicles in the parking lot at the door, Dongzhou Industrial's cars, and a pickup truck.

She didn't dare risk attracting the attention of Lianwu's AI car, so she avoided the vehicle and took a detour into the forest, trying to find like-minded companions.

Akazawa Yoshie ran away quickly up the mountain and through the forest, each step a small victory.

But as Akasawa Yoshiyo got further and further away from Ansin, an inexplicable fatigue seeped into her limbs, her legs became heavier and her breathing became more rapid.

What happened?

It was as if there was an invisible black hole consuming her power. Yoshiyo Akazawa leaned against a large rough tree and listened to the noise coming from the direction of the shelter.

There was no sound and they seemed unaware of her escape.

Is it a collar? Akasawa Yoshio touched the ring around his neck. No one knew what kind of props the Witch Countermeasure Bureau had developed. She raised her head, pushed away the bark, and kept walking.

Now she was fighting against that suffocating force with every step she took.

No... The residents of Dongming Kingdom are still waiting for me. Those lovely people, the people who live in injustice, still need to use my sword to fight for justice for them.

Akazawa Yoshiyo spurred her tired body with a fiery fighting spirit, sweat flowing in front of her eyes.

The moonlight in the mountain forest also became blurry, but she still persisted.

Hazy, Akazawa Yoshiyo advanced several hundred meters in severe pain and exhaustion. She felt that she had reached the edge of Gozenmachi, and the hazy light in front of her eyes was like the light and shadow of the town.

Stars twinkled in the sky.

Akazawa Yoshiyo took a breath of air, but her cells seemed to be dead and unable to convert it into energy.

Invisible restraints wrapped around her ribs, Akazawa Yoshio had difficulty breathing and staggered.

At this moment, she was suddenly grabbed by a strong hand. Turning her head, it was Zhang Su!

You—— Akazawa Yoshio scolded angrily.

Hush, someone is coming. Zhang Su pulled Akazawa Yoshio to prevent her from being seen. At this time, Akazawa Yoshiyo's strength was taken away by the chain around his neck. His waist was so weak that he fell back into Zhang Su's arms.

You... Akazawa Yoshie felt that Zhang Su's body was particularly strong, like a wall.

Zhang Su dragged her back, and saw the car lights flashing, and an old car stopped on the street in front of her.

That white-haired guy... is the mayor of Gozen Town, Kobayashi Kikiharu! He drove the car to the door of his house, opened the door, and heard several female voices laughing and charming. Xiaolin Muchun actually walked into his house with several middle-aged women in his arms!

Together with Kobayashi Muchun, he drove Reina to Anxinyuan, thinking that he would just have some free time at home to raise a few wives?

Does this guy still have any energy left? Zhang Su felt incredible.

Old bastard...I'm going to kill him... Akasawa Yoshiyo walked towards Xiaolin's house.

Don't worry. Zhang Su paid careful attention, and he could detect an unusual aura among the girls hanging out with the mayor.

How... Akazawa Yoshio frowned.

Those women have the smell of beautiful spirits and demons. Zhang Su pondered. Beautiful Spirit Demons are the most gorgeous type of demons, but Zhang Su is not afraid. His winning rate against them in his previous life was 100%. No Beautiful Spirit Demon can withstand him.

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