Witch containment diary

Chapter 77 About Heroes

Illini drew a few big X's, not knowing what they meant.

Zhang Su thought of the future promised by Hell and the natural disasters caused by the King of Slaughter, and was speechless.

He closed the file. In any case, he had collected enough information.

Immediately afterwards, he collected some demon jewelry in Elini's safe house, worth about tens of millions of yen. If the Forging Witch can provide assistance in the future, these demonic jewels will be reforged into human treasures.

As for other large items that are difficult to carry, soldiers will later recover and seize them.

Zhang Su also found a list that recorded the beautiful spirit demons under Illini lurking in the world.

He frowned, a total of 37 beautiful spirit demons had sneaked into New Tokyo. Zhang Su had to hand it over. If there was no action from above, he would have to go to New Tokyo to deal with them in the future.

A few hours later.

The soldiers cleaned the battlefield and finally found Zhang Su. He was actually more than 20 miles away from Hongye Mountain. It took everyone's efforts to find him.

After removing the external traps and going deep into the safe house, they finally met up with Zhang Su.

Great! We found the Witch Supervisor. He has defeated the 'Innocent One' Illini. The target is confirmed dead and burned to death. Only black ashes are left on the scene. There is another powerful demon who has also been killed. Kill me! The sergeant of the rescue team quickly took photos of the safe house scene, then reported it and requested the aftermath troops.

Not only did he kill Illini, but he also killed DeMorgan, and led the troops of the fourth extra-wall investigation to advance triumphantly. Such a great achievement is enough to shock the world!

Zhang Su made great progress in training. He walked out of the cave and held on to the rugged rock wall.

Looking out at the bloody setting sun, he let out a sigh of relief.

The sound of cannons, shouts of death, and demonic screams that had lasted all day were now gone.

The battle is over. Zhang Su thought silently.

The demons in the erosion zone were severely damaged. They love to follow the strong and must have fled to the gate of hell, asking for the leadership of a more powerful demon general to continue fighting against humans.

Not even a Balrog appeared in today's battle, but this was not the norm.

High-level demons are about to crawl through the gates of hell, and upon hearing the news, they will come to hunt humans. Zhang Su closed his eyes and thought silently.

The demons are accumulating strength, waiting for a full-scale march in four years. Hell leads to countless worlds, and the earth we are on is just one of their targets for conquest.

Four years later, the King of Carnage will launch a full-scale attack, ready to destroy the entire planet in one battle. Zhang Su needs to accumulate strength before then.

Hongyan probably knew how big the demon invasion was. No wonder she was focused on digging tunnels and never thought about resisting.

The car is ready, sir. Are you not injured? The sergeant saluted Zhang Su.

I'm fine. Are you from the Wall of Dongzhou? Zhang Su shook his head.

He did not go into detail about his confrontation with the beautiful spirit demon Irene. She was reduced to ashes and Demorgan was killed. That was enough.

Yes, sir, Sergeant Park is reporting to you. The sergeant said enthusiastically, You are a fighting hero!

Let's go. Zhang Su got on the off-road vehicle.

The headquarters issued a priority order for the commander to return to the base and set off! Sergeant Park got into the co-pilot.

The driver stepped on the accelerator and the vehicle started.

Off-road vehicles speed through the harsh wasteland.

A great victory is always soothing. Zhang Su thought of the motto he had heard repeatedly: the joy of victory is fleeting, but the bitterness of bloody battles will last forever.

There are endless demons to kill. In the eternal burning hell of fire, billions of demons are sharpening their claws and waiting in line to pour into the world.

The off-road vehicle rolled over the gravel and vibrated continuously. Zhang Su leaned his body and leaned firmly against the side of the vehicle.

At this time, a larger outer front had been established around Hongye Mountain.

Are there more and more reinforcements? Zhang Su watched.

Yes! Sir! This is our only successful extra-wall investigation. We can't miss this opportunity. If everything goes well, we can really close the door to hell! Sergeant Park was particularly excited.

The huge remains of the Soul Breaker fell on the wilderness, and many smaller demons were smashed into pieces.

A group of captured demons were imprisoned and kept jumping up and down in cages.

Many demons were once humans. Witches will go berserk and depraved after being corroded, and humans will completely turn into demons after being corroded. Zhang Su thought silently.

Some of the demons they killed today were the humans who disappeared during the investigation outside the wall. They betrayed human secrets and made the devil more cunning.

When the off-road vehicle returned, Zhang Su got off the vehicle.

What greeted us was the cheers and praises of the soldiers! Everyone was enthusiastic and the survivors celebrated their victory from the bottom of their hearts.

They waved to him from above. Roy and Li Yixin were also there, running over to see Zhang Su return.




Director! They waved to Zhang Su.

As they shouted, more heads turned, immersed in the joy of victory, which moved the soul more deeply than any magical influence.

More soldiers came over, patted the vehicle, and greeted Zhang Su.

Their tired faces were filled with expressions of victory and admiration. They had been waiting for such a great victory for a long time!


We finally defeated the devil!

This will clear the way to the gate of hell!

Even a leader-level demon like Irene was defeated... We humans are so strong! They were very excited.

Zhang Su was slightly moved. The soldiers who participated in the fourth extra-wall investigation were all real warriors.

Leaving the protective range of the East Continent Wall, stepping into the dark erosion zone, just to regain home inch by inch, take back the lost hometown, and block the cracks through which demons invade the human world.

Where is Second Lieutenant Moritani? Zhang Su turned to ask Sergeant Park.

He was seriously injured and was transported back to the rear. Sergeant Park explained.

Understood... I hope he is healthy. Zhang Su nodded.

Many others were injured.

Zhang Su came to the field barracks and planned to use Qi to treat them.

The most conspicuous among them is Yoshio Akazawa.

She fell to the ground with serious injuries. Roy sat next to her. The airstrike injured her. It's really unfortunate.

Akazawa Yoshiyo was in a coma.

Zhang Su stretched out his hand to touch it through the bandage, and slowly chanted, and the Continuous Breathing technique took effect.

Her breathing gradually became steady, and it seemed that she had gone away from hell, but she still didn't wake up.

After Akasawa Yoshie's condition stabilized, Zhang Su went to treat other soldiers. The rescued people weakly thanked him. When they saw Zhang Su, they all felt that they were hallucinating. They didn't expect that besides his violent side, he could also heal injuries!

Zhang Su worked silently, and more people were buried in the barren wilderness.

Their bodies were diligently recovered, distinguished and pieced together.

This is the normal state of the human defense plan against demons. Zhang Su noticed many professional personnel who dealt with the aftermath.

They came from the rear to solve the soldiers' worries. Give them money, gifts, and medals, communicate with their families and significant other, and hope that they can stay here forever and guard the border wall.

Zhang Su saw another acquaintance, Priscilla, among the injured.

She was in charge of logistics and manufacturing and got shot.

What's wrong with you? Zhang Su was concerned.

...It was chaos. The person next to me suddenly went crazy and hit me. I fought back and killed him. Maybe we will have to go to a military court. Priscilla shook her head and there was an ugly wound on her shoulder. .

That's the whisper of Yilini's heart. How could you be guilty? Zhang Su shook his head.

Fortunately, you defeated Elini, otherwise the situation would have been much more difficult. Maybe I would have to be imprisoned for questioning. After all, I am clumsy with my tongue and cannot speak clearly during the interrogation. Priscilla lowered her head.

Crazy soldiers may kill more people. Zhang Su said.

I can't figure it out. Priscilla sighed, I just want to make something quietly by myself.

If you need to testify, I can vouch for you. Zhang Su nodded.

Yes... Priscilla wanted to say something, but she grimaced in pain.

Supply lines were overloaded, and Priscilla was left to hold on until the next batch of medicine arrived.

Zhang Su concentrated his senses and treated Priscilla.

She felt a strong vitality caressing her wound, and this energy trickled down, enough to heal the injury.

Thank you. Priscilla nodded gratefully, and the pain dissipated. This power took effect faster than the medicine.

Outside, Sergeant Park took over the defense of Hongye Mountain as the other officers were killed or wounded.

He arranged for the soldiers to prepare ingredients, cook sumptuous dinners, organize barbecues and drinks, and ease people's tense emotions.

Many of them were originally new soldiers, but after intense battles, they gradually became accustomed to the scenery in the erosion zone. They also boasted about their bravery to other reinforcements who had not been involved in the war, and received their praise and admiration.

Sergeant Park found Zhang Su in the medical tent and respected him even more. With Zhang Su's support, many lightly injured soldiers have recovered as before.

We have all heard your heroic deeds, and it seems that no one can defeat you. As long as you are stationed here, we have hope! Sergeant Park grinned.

No. Zhang Su shook his head, I'm going back.

Edith picked up the wine glass.

The amber liquid surged in the cup, and she overlooked the dazzling city of New Tokyo from the panoramic window, with trains whizzing past on the elevated maglev track.

Cheers. Mihashi Yu's voice sounded behind her. She turned around and saw Mihashi Yu grinning, holding another glass of wine in his hand, Celebrating Zhang Su's victory on the front line!

Edith picked up the wine glass and took a sip, savoring the smoky feeling.

He won. Edith said softly, How good, another comprehensive victory over the devil.

Haha! Don't you think he will win? Thanks to Zhang Su, those demons were beaten back to the hellish place where they were born. Mihashi Yu smiled.

The devil will come back, always, over and over again. Edith's body turned back to the window.

I know. Mihashi Yu nodded, But such news is enough to inspire the enthusiasm of the people and promote the recovery of the economy. We must ignite the hope in people's hearts. Only with good expectations can Dongming Country develop. Even if it is just a sign. It’s enough to help us tide over the difficulties.”

Of course. Let's give Zhang Su some rewards and fame. Edith raised her lips, as if she was also infected by Mihashi Yu's enthusiasm.

Yes, to exaggerate his reputation, when I saw the battle report, I was shocked! He is so powerful! Mihashi Yu nodded vigorously.

Billions of people will get the joy of victory from this...seeing the arrival of a hero, a hero of our time. Dongming is in need of a hero, a hero who can represent the glory of mankind. Edith said slowly.

Hero! Praise him as a hero! Director Edith, what you said is really good, we will promote him in this direction. By the way, will you promote him to senior supervisor? Mihashi Yuhu asked.

More than just a senior supervisor? If he can seal the Hell Gate of Mount Kaguraku, I will be transferred by the headquarters to the South Pacific Theater. At that time, all the witches in Dongming will be driven by him, and you will meet him just like you met me... ... Edith looked at the window, as if Zhang Su's face could be reflected on it, and she couldn't help but have the urge to kiss him, and a heavy rain suddenly started.

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