Witch containment diary

Chapter 78 The Effect of Moonlight Magic

Discussions about Zhang Su are still continuing.

The King's Castle is willing to send 100,000 more troops to the Gate of Hell in Mount Kaguraku. Many generals are planning to go to the front line to command the troops to fight against the demons. It's funny. They all refused in every possible way before, but now they see the signs of victory and are flocking to it again. It's completely Regardless of the risks. Mihashi Yu sighed.

At the same time, Zhang Su will be pushed to the forefront. Edith looked at the rain outside the window, He will become someone he doesn't want to be. After being pushed to a high place, his weaknesses will also appear, and the spotlight will surround him. Twinkle, no secrets to hide.”

It would be easy for Zhang Su to be ruined by his reputation, Edith thought. Every move he made was magnified, and all his comments were dug into. From now on, he could play anyone, except Zhang Su himself.

It's okay. He should also take some responsibility. Our progress is faster than the rest of the world. This victory will turn everything around. I plan to go to the front line to give him the award in person! Mihashi Yu's expression became more and more excited.

Every news of victory can help his campaign for the prime ministership next year. He was glad that he chose to cooperate with Zhang Su. Zhang Su was a rare talent.

At this moment, Edith saw the message coming from her device.

She smiled softly, then glanced at Yu Mihashi.

...No, there is no need to go to the front line. Edith put down the wine glass, Just go to Anxin Hospital, Zhang Su is going home.

Go home? Go home after victory? What does he want? Is the small place in Anyuan so good? Mihashi Yu frowned.

He is a hero, a smart hero, and he values ​​Central Hospital more than anything else. I understand. Edith murmured.

Then how else can we win over him? We have to find a way. Mihashi Yu frowned.

us? Edith stared deeply at Mihashi Yu. The young politician seemed to have misunderstood something and returned a serious look.

You give him whatever he wants. After all, he defeated the enemy. God, I really like him. Edith's eyes became blurred.

late at night.

Lianwu sat on the viewing platform at the top of the East Island Wall, absorbing the moonlight.

The cold night breeze blew through her black hair.

Lianwu's eyes looked straight at the desolate and empty land in the distance. The physical properties of the erosion zone were different from those of the human world. It was difficult for her to see the distant landscape clearly.

She missed Zhang Su very much.

She felt very bored without Zhang Su by her side.

When will Zhang Su come back? Lian Wu thought silently. Fortunately, she came to the wall of Dongzhou and could look at it. If she had stayed in Anxinyuan and waited for Zhang Su, she would have been extremely sad.

Shui Li serves as a guard beside Lian Wu, providing silent companionship.

Her eyes flickered, and the light tubes inside her eyeballs flashed at a specific frequency, capturing high-precision frames from which to analyze potential dangers.

Cheers sounded from the military camp on the East Continent Wall.

? Lian Wu gestured to Shui Li.

It's a pity that Shui Li is not Zhang Su and will never be able to understand Lian Wu's series of silent conversations.

So Lian Wu could only continue to wave her hand in the distance, stubbornly thinking that Zhang Su might be able to see her movements and get blessings from Lian Wu.

I hope Zhang Su stays safe and sound on the front line and comes back to accompany her soon.

Lian Wu picked up her cell phone and took some photos of the damage to the Dongzhou Wall. Her cell phone photo album is full of records and evidence.

She was sitting here. The observation deck at the top was 50 meters high, almost twenty stories high.

We should go. Shui Li leaned forward, Someone is watching us, it's not safe here.

! Lian Wu followed Shui Li obediently.

Shui Li sometimes walked in front of Lian Wu to clear the way for her, and sometimes stood behind her, guarding against threats from the rear, until she was sent back to the door of her room.

The master's order is to protect Miss Lianwu's safety. Shuili leaned against the door, Please let me stay in Miss Lianwu's room.

. Lian Wu nodded.

Shui Li turned around, Lian Wu looked in the direction of Shui Li's vigilance, and saw a mysterious person at the end of the corridor and around the corner.

The other party left in a hurry, looking like just a special guard, and seemed to have followed them all the way.

Other soldiers were celebrating.

Extra batches of drinks, barbecues and music were provided, and most of the soldiers were enthralled by the entertainment.

Now Lian Wu knew the news that Zhang Su had won on the front line and would soon return to her side. This news diluted her unhappiness.

Zhang Su will be back soon!

! Lian Wu returned to the room, sat on the bed, put her phone under her pillow, and then lay down on it, but she couldn't sleep.

...Miss Lianwu, we have to move. Shui Li felt a sense of crisis.

Although the soldiers outside were celebrating, some soldiers were monitoring Lianwu's movements.

~! Lian Wu also realized that with so much evidence of guilt in his hands, it would be a better outcome to evacuate to a safe place in time.

Lian Wu quickly packed her things and retreated under the cover of Shui Li.

Arriving at the garage, Lianwu got into her bulletproof car.

Dongzhou Industrial, sincere service. The car announced, Welcome, Miss Anxin Lianwu.

Shuili hid in the steel structure cantilever at the top of the garage, alerting himself to danger and activating the anti-scanning chip on his right arm to avoid detection.

? Lian Wu saw the light of a powerful flashlight piercing the darkness of the garage.

An officer appeared, and Lian Wu vaguely remembered that he was the deputy commander of Dongzhou Wall, and his surname was Ba Chang.

The opponent has been cooperating with Commander Takagi Seibei to defend the Wall of East Continent, and has deep qualifications.

Major Ma Chang tried to stop Lian Wu, but his movements were rigid and his expression was cold.

In the corridor, the faint emergency exit light shone behind him, and there were more than 10 soldiers with live ammunition.

Lianwu turned on the large lights on the roof of the car. The suspicious details from before made her feel extra vigilant.

...I'm sorry, Miss Lianwu. I want to stop you from continuing to investigate the East Continent Wall. I don't want you to take the evidence out of this place. Major Baba walked over quickly.

... Lian Wu remained silent as always.

Major Baba stepped back and waved for soldiers to surround the vehicle.

The soldiers wore masks and had cold expressions, and there were several robots behind them. They were defenders of the same style as Roy.

Your investigation into the East Continent Wall has gone too far. I know how much evidence you have in your mobile phone. They cannot achieve the effect you want and will only lead to death. This investigation ends here. the major reminded.

... Lian Wu glared at the other person from the car, hoping that her gaze would make the horse field major understand what she meant, and she would not back down.

The project was in decay and the Dongzhou Wall was deeply eroded, weakening the protective effect of the wall on humans. It was tantamount to supporting the devil in disguise. How could Lianwu turn a blind eye?

I'm sorry. Major Racecourse lowered his head, But the secret of the East Continent Wall will remain in this place, and the wall has a different purpose. Your safety will be maximized.

First meeting - Shui Li had been hiding in a high place using the technique of instantaneous shadow since the beginning. At this time, she quickly landed and struck at the head of the horse field major like an eagle!


She directly knocked the horse field major to the ground, stretched out her mechanical right arm quickly, and suppressed the opponent's neck like a bear trap.

——My name is Shui Li, please give me some advice. Shui Li stared at the other person closely.

The iron hand grabbed the neck like a lizard.

——You—— Major Baba struggled, but was suppressed by Shui Li and couldn't move.

The accuracy of Shui Li's movements is calibrated mechanically, without any deviation.


Damn it, where are you hiding-

Be careful! The soldiers quickly pointed their guns at Shui Li.

Shui Li didn't say anything. She stared at the Major of the Racecourse with her eyes, and the light tube deep in the vitreous body of her eyes shone blue.

Once the opponent makes another move, Shui Li will burst out with strong light, instantly piercing the eyes of the horse field major.

However, that's all.

There are 10 human soldiers and 3 robots around. Once they use force at the same time, Shui Li will be defeated. Now they are just worried about the life and death of the horse field major.

Miss Lianwu, please be careful. Shui Li said in a deep voice.

Lian Wu scratched her hair.

At night here, she would go to the top every night to look at Zhang Su.

The light of the moonlight has been shining on her for many days, and now, she has accumulated enough moonlight on her body.

She opened the car door and got out.

Miss Lianwu—— Shui Li repeated.

Lianwu waved her hand, and the blinding moonlight flashed across the entire underground garage.

In just a few seconds, these moonlights were still swirling, lingering on the soldiers and the racecourse major.

They screamed and screamed, feeling a special taste rushing through their bodies.

The soldiers' originally strong muscles gradually shrank, their hard skin became soft, and their strong body contours changed into elegant and delicate curves.

The strong, large chin gradually narrows to an oval or tapered shape, and the hair becomes longer and spreads out in waves.

Their uniforms were stretched so tight because certain parts of their bodies began to expand rapidly.



Help! Help -! Their voices became thinner, and their screams became more subdued and sharp.

These soldiers have all turned into women!

Except for one female soldier who survived, the others were rolling in pain on the ground, feeling that the place had become empty.

And their torture didn't end there.

Soon, the blood was rushing.

Under the influence of the magic power of the moon, they are all experiencing their first menstrual event!

The ordeal was unfamiliar and painful enough to render them incapacitated for several hours.

Shui Li felt incredible. Is this the true power of Moon Witch Lianwu?

It is said that An'in's ancestor is the most powerful Moon Witch in history. How much power has Lian Wu inherited?

She let go of Major Baba, and the deputy commander of East Continent Wall was now a pussy, bleeding.

Lian Wu took out her mobile phone and played the pre-recorded voice.


Miss Lianwu, we are here to serve you wholeheartedly, the high-end car AI responded.

AI peace command. Lianwu said again.

Yes, robot peace stance deployed.

Under the coordination of Lianwu's defense vehicle, the expressions on the chests of the three defender robots immediately changed from serious to neutral.

? Then she looked down at the desperate-looking Major of the racecourse.

——Don't pursue it, Miss Lianwu... This is for your own good... Major Baba lowered her voice. She didn't want her sharp voice to be heard by her subordinates. If the decay of the East Continent Wall becomes known to the world, , then the reputation of Dongzhou Industrial will fall to the bottom, and our Anxinyuan family will be in danger...!

Lianwu closed her eyes and patted her cheeks hard, once, twice, three times.

The wall of Dongzhou belongs to my family and is not yours to control! Lian Wu was angry.

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