Witch containment diary

Chapter 85 The Tribulation of Akasawa Jiayo

There was hope for a cure for Yuanzhi's condition, so Zhang Su took little Yuanzhi to do what she had always longed for.

Saying goodbye to the children, Zhang Su took her to the medical cubicle of Anxin Hospital.

It is located near the prison building, where the medical robot Bai Jue is working.

Bai Jue has treated many soldiers in the past two days.

They participated in the Battle of Hongye Mountain, were transported to the rear, and finally shunted to Anxin Hospital to stabilize their injuries.

Hopefully their bodies and minds can recover from fighting the devil. Zhang Su thought silently.

Entering the small pharmacy, the smell of disinfectant filled the air, enough to sting their noses.

Yuanzhi stared at the dazzling array of medical supplies on the shelves. They reminded her of her sickly body.

It was also because he knew how painful it was to be sick that Yuan Zhi wanted to help others alleviate their pain.

Are you ready to study? Zhang Su found a triangular white nurse's hat on the shelf and put it on Yuan Zhi's head.

The fluffy ears lightly pressed against the edge of the hat look particularly cute.

Yeah! Yeah! Yuanzhi was very happy.

Bai Jue levitated and moved near the medicine shelf. It was short of assistants and quickly accepted Yuan Zhi's request.

Task: Use disinfectant hand sanitizer to clean hands. Bai Jue's body is like a diamond-shaped white suspended machine, constantly extending a manipulator with a rubber hose to rummage through the shelves for medical consumables.

Okay! Yuanzhi ran out quickly.

She squatted beside a faucet and washed her hands carefully.

Zhang Su checked the supply status of the medicine shelves.

The top row is bandages, sterile gauze and antibiotics. In the middle are common medicines, such as paracetamol, hemostatic spray and antifungal cream. At the bottom are crutches, plasters, thermometers and fracture splints.

Bai Jue rummaged for supplies, the robotic arm buzzing. She was looking for powerful military-grade drugs, including treatment needles, X-injections and anesthetics, which needed to be purchased and replenished in time.

It was too small and Zhang Su couldn't turn around. The entire pharmacy and ward needed to be expanded.

Now that he has some free time, he intends to carry out large-scale construction of Anxin Hospital and build another comprehensive building.

Yuanzhi was already ready. She nodded to Zhang Su and walked into the ward under his encouraging eyes.

There are still traces of the ancient buildings of Anxin Hospital. The wards still have dark wooden beams, faded tatami mats on the floor, and rows of brand-new medical beds along the walls on both sides, 10 in total.

Every two beds were separated by green curtains, and a slight sigh filled the air.

Task: Practice using therapeutic needles. Bai Jue showed Yuanzhi how to inject therapeutic needles into injured soldiers.

It first plays demonstration animations and action points on a monitor on the chest.

Different from traditional injections, modern treatment needles are automatically injected. There are a large number of medical nanorobots in the polymer vial. As long as you press it, the needle tip will penetrate the cortex and inject the suspension containing the nanorobots into the veins.

Because the use of treatment needles is very simple, Yuan Zhi also tried hard.

She pressed the treatment needle into the injured soldier's upper arm, pressed the button-shaped metal trigger, and then the hollow microneedle penetrated the soldier's muscle and injected the contents into his blood vessels.

The intravenous injection is completed. Bai Jue observed and confirmed that Yuan Zhi did not deflect the treatment needle.

The soldier was still a little weak at first, but whether it was due to psychological effects or because the treatment needle took effect, he suddenly seemed to be more energetic.

Thank you! The soldier nodded gratefully to Yuan Zhi, then looked at Zhang Su next to him, Thank you, commander!

Yuori smiled shyly. Zhang Su also nodded to him. The soldiers who survived the battle on Hongye Mountain were all human heroes.

Task: Learn to use the vital signs measuring instrument and feed back abnormal conditions to the nearest medical robot unit. Bai Jue took Yuan Zhi to check the vital sign measuring equipment next to each hospital bed.

In the past, humans were guiding the robots in their work, but now AI is leading humans and witches. Zhang Su found it strange.

Yuan Zhi works very hard and is extremely careful.

She didn't want to miss out, and showed her usual serious nature, focusing on learning the treatment methods from Bai Jue.

Bai Jue moved back and forth, and the little Yuanzhi delivered medicine and took care of the wounded. She learned how to give injections, change dressings, and debridement to the wounded. She became more skillful in her movements and accumulated medical experience.

Teacher! I have learned a lot of things! Yuanzhi smiled at Zhang Su.

Yuanzhi works really hard. Zhang Su praised her. Yuanzhi's little white ears twitched and she felt even happier at work.

Zhang Su wanted to use Qi to heal his injuries and reduce Yuan Zhi's workload. On the side of the infirmary, Zhang Su found Second Lieutenant Moritani lying on one of the beds.

Moritani is here too.

Zhang Su still remembered the scene when he and Moritani were commanding soldiers in Hongye Mountain. Moritani collapsed in the chaos and disappeared. Fortunately, he was rescued in the end.

Moritani was pale and dull before, but when he saw Zhang Su coming, his eyes lit up, as if he had been reborn.

Supervisor Zhang! Moritani tried to stand up and salute.

Zhang Su hurriedly waved his hand to signal him to lie down and rest.

Are you okay? Zhang Su observed the multiple gunshot wounds on Moritani's ribs and waist. They had been bandaged and the blood was no longer seeping out.

It's okay. I received first aid on the front line. I'll probably be able to walk around after a few days of rest. Second Lieutenant Moritani murmured.

Zhang Su glanced at the nearby vital sign monitor.

It continuously monitors Moritani's blood oxygen saturation and provides a summary report showing that Lieutenant Moritani's injuries are moderate.

One bullet penetrated the abdominal cavity, causing damage to the small intestine and liver. It was fatal but did not damage any key organs.

Were the soldiers controlled by the whispers of the mind to fight? Zhang Su asked.

Yes, it was my guard. He kept apologizing afterwards... Moritani sighed.

He fainted at the last moment of the battle, otherwise he would have accompanied Zhang Su to the Wall of East Continent. If Moritani was here, the matter that day would have been resolved more quickly.

Bai Jue came to perform the final sewing work, and Yuan Zhi also watched.

I saw Bai Jue using a milky white foam to treat internal bleeding. It released therapeutic factors, accelerated coagulation, promoted cell repair, and had an anesthetic effect, making Moritani unaware that he was being operated on.

Then, Bai Jue re-sutured the broken skin tissue and used a biological antibacterial film to stick the skin on both sides together to prevent infection.

It's amazing... Yuanzhi saw it in disbelief. She couldn't imagine that one day she and Bai Jue would be able to complete the operation independently.

You will be so good in the future. Zhang Su encouraged Yuan Zhi.

You can eat for the first time after 6 hours. Bai Jue said.

Thank you. Lieutenant Moritani turned to thank the robot.

My program is set to help human beings heal unconditionally. Bai Jue shifted his position without any emotion, and left after the operation.

Anxinyuan will provide food. Zhang Su comforted.

Thank you... Commander, there are many things I want to thank you for. Without your help, everyone would have died on the front line. Second Lieutenant Moritani said sincerely after regaining his breath.

Zhang Su sat on the stool next to him. Memories of the battle flashed by.

The group of demons crawling up the mountain, the vicious screams of the dying, the sound of gunfire, the choking smell of blood and the torn apart internal organs...

I hope the follow-up troops can consolidate our achievements. Zhang Su said.

Second Lieutenant Moritani raised a hand, moved it to his forehead, and saluted Zhang Su.

At this time, his face was pale and he was not wearing a military cap. Zhang Su observed carefully and realized that the other person was still a child, less than 25 years old.

...Commander... We haven't achieved such a great victory for a long time. Sitting on the wall of Dongzhou, looking north year after year, not only have we entered the erosion zone, but we have also defeated the devil. Now only the Gate of Hell is left. Itself... it's just like a dream. You are the hero of the investigation outside the wall. He murmured.

Everyone says so, but the honor belongs to all of us. Zhang Su resigned.

Without you, I can't change all this. I thought we would fall apart, but I didn't expect you to win. Second Lieutenant Moritani took a breath, with infinite enthusiasm in his heart, ...They said that as long as they see you on the battlefield, The devil will be frightened by his silhouette.

After the battle at Hongye Mountain, Moritani already regarded Zhang Su as a true hero in his heart.

The rumors are exaggerated. I just did the necessary work. Did they promote you? Zhang Su turned the topic back to Moritani.

Yes... Second Lieutenant Moritani closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then weakly opened them again, Honored by the line of fire, I am already a captain. I can lead an entire company and will advance to the gate of hell soon.

It's a pity that I wasn't here at that time. Zhang Su said.

I understand. Captain Moritani nodded, I saw this place, An-yuan. It is very beautiful. The gate of Hell in Mount Kagura is so close to it. No wonder you are willing to face the devil directly.

Zhang Su felt that Captain Moritani was someone he could use.

The opponent has a calm personality. He was able to lead the entire army in the Battle of Hongye Mountain. He remained calm in the face of danger and was loyal to him. This is really rare. He also has a decent memory line on his body, so he would not die suddenly on the front line.

To be realistic, Zhang Su needs someone to help him in the Earth Defense Force, and maybe Moriya can be of great help at some point.

...Kui Yi and Jiangqu are in charge of the front line now. I will send a letter asking them to allow you to take charge of the battalion-level unit. Zhang Su said.

Hearing this, Moritani was even more grateful.

In this way, Zhang Su is not only a savior and a hero to him, but also a noble person.

Thanks to you, I will not waste this opportunity. I will definitely perform well on the front line and fight against the devil! No matter where you go, you will be my commander! Captain Moritani said excitedly.

May we achieve a great victory. Zhang Su said.

Yes, humans will definitely defeat demons... Captain Moritani was too tired.

He closed his eyes and his last voice was as thin as a mosquito.

As a captain of Bisengu, Zhang Su was filled with emotion.

It is truly a great blessing for mankind to have such soldiers protecting this world. As long as history is not over, they will fight to the end. Zhang Suzhen hopes that history will remember everyone who came forward.

There was some commotion on the other side of the ward.

Zhang Su opened the curtain and found Akasawa Yoshio tossing and turning on the bed.

After being knocked away by an air raid bomb, Akasawa Yoshio suffered serious external injuries. Now he has healed a lot, but his spirit seems to have been damaged and he doesn't look right.

Akazawa Jiayo opened her eyes in confusion, and Zhang Su sat next to her.

What's wrong? Zhang Su asked.

I don't know... Akazawa Yoshio raised a hand, My skin feels hot.

Indeed. Zhang Su touched Akaze Jiayo.

I dreamed about Elini repeatedly in my dream. Is she really dead? Akasawa Yoshiyo asked.

Devils with names can often be reborn in hell. She is very good at destroying people's hearts, but sooner or later you will wake up. Zhang Su said.

She laughed at me and said I was a prisoner, Akasawa said irritably.

...You are indeed, but a prisoner is just an identity, a label. It cannot change who you are, Akazawa Yoshio, the female swordsman of Dongzhou, the descendant of Xiuzhu style... Zhang Su advised.

I don't need comfort. Akazawa Yoshie said forcefully, and she found that her voice was harsher than she originally thought.

You are a warrior and want to bear all this alone, I understand. But a little help won't hurt, Zhang Su said.

He said nothing after that and just sat next to Akazawa Yoshio.

Akazawa Yoshiyo lied, she really needed comfort.

When she is weak, the shadows of the dead will appear in Akazawa Yoshiyo's mind, those she killed, and they all question her blade.

People like Zhang Su have bottom line principles, and monsters like demons can go completely crazy, while Akasawa Yoshie is in chaos, and no matter which way she leans she feels something is wrong.

Kendo advocates balance between body and mind, but Akazawa Yoshiyo has fallen into a state of decline.

She put her hands behind her head. Fortunately, as long as Zhang Su was here, the tightness in Akasawa Yoshie's heart would be relieved.

However, Zhang Su's existence evoked another pursuit.

Irini is a beautiful spirit demon. She once severely corroded Akazawa Yoshie. That power made Akazawa Yoshie feel...


A kind of restlessness that only Zhang Su can solve.

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