Witch containment diary

Chapter 86 Resolving its erosion

Seeing Zhang Su, Akasawa Yoshiyo remembered how Zhang Su found the wet blade on the first day he came to Anxinyuan.

Even thinking about it now, this incident still makes Akazawa Yoshie blush.

Fortunately, everything can be blamed on the illness.

Why are you blushing? Zhang Su asked.

It's just that I took too much medicine, Akazawa Yoshiyo said.

I think you need time. Zhang Su gave Akazawa Yoshiyo a step up.

Yes, all I need is time, solitude, and meditation. The seniors of Xiuzhu Ryu have taught me a lot, and my will is far stronger than you think. Akasawa Yoshie murmured.

I know you can completely get rid of this influence within a week. Zhang Su said.

But there are endless demons, and there will be more demons who are proficient in psychic attacks in the future. Akasawa Yoshiyo frowned.

The Human Defense Project has a training course that specifically strengthens psychological protection. I can arrange it for you. Zhang Su went to Junbao for training in his previous life. Now he has saved a few months of effort and can directly teach Akasawa Yoshie.

Really? Teach me? How fast? Akazawa Yoshie was curious.

She is highly skilled in martial arts, and would be even more powerful if she could learn to resist mind control.

Akazawa Yoshiyo was made more and more uneasy by this thought.

Let's wait until you can walk. Zhang Su smiled and left.

Akazawa Yoshio closed his eyes in frustration.

Turning sideways, she imagined herself wielding a katana in her mind.

Even though she was unable to leave the hospital bed, she still had to practice her perfect sword moves over and over again in her mind.

She slept, but had nightmares.

Yoshiyo Akazawa dreamed that history had been tampered with, that the war she initiated was refuted and belittled, and that later generations would regard her as a brutal serial killer.

Only God knows what Dongming will do.

late at night.

Yoshiyo Akazawa woke up from a convulsion.

Yuori was so tired that she was almost wheezing, but she heard the noise and came to Akazawa Yoshio, and found that Akazawa Yoshie looked wrong.

Please eat candy~ Yuori put a piece of candy on Akazawa Yoshio's bedside table, hoping that this serious big sister would get better soon.

Yuanzhi has a lot of candies, and many of the candies used by Lianwu as tribute to Hongyan were also exchanged from Yuanzhi.

Akazawa Yoshie's face became worse and worse, and she felt a familiar impulse burst out, running through her limbs and bones.

The erosion on her body... is about to explode!

...A kitten like you will disappear if you cut it down...so hurry up. Akazawa Yoshiyo told Yuori to run away.

Woo...! Yuanzhi was startled, quickly retreated, and ran to find Zhang Su.

Zhang Su quickly returned to the ward.

Hu-hu- Akazawa Yoshio stood beside the bed.

At this moment, she was eroding into her brain, staring at Zhang Su closely, and punched him.

... Zhang Su immediately raised his palm to catch Akasawa Jiayo's attack.

The other sick soldiers were resting, and now was not the time for a big fight in the ward.

Seeing Akasawa Yoshiyo's bloodshot eyes, he quickly picked her up by the waist, put her on his shoulders, and hurriedly took her to the garden and placed her on the bluestone of the Bodhisattva Seat.

Let go! Akasawa Yoshio gnawed and bit Zhang Su's shoulder along the way.

Fortunately, he has rough skin and thick flesh, so he can withstand it.

It smells of erosion. Hongyan's voice came from the crack next to it.

Yes, and it's very serious. Zhang Su muttered, Please help me to prevent Akasawa Yoshie's erosion from breaking out.

No, the erosion is too bad. Once a witch encounters a demon, she will be easily infected by the erosion, so I never want to go out and face the demon... Hong Yan sighed.

Can't Lord Hongyan really help? Zhang Su turned around and asked.

Hong Yan squatted at the crack and watched.

I don't want to go out. I hate demons and I'm afraid of erosion. Hong Yan said frustratedly.

Akazawa Yoshio's situation is very dangerous, and he will fall completely if he is not careful.

Black blood vessels began to appear on her skin.

Akazawa Yoshiyo must try to resist before being swallowed.

The erosion has spread to all five senses. Even though the garden is exuding the fragrance of fruits and flowers, she only feels a nauseating sweetness.

It's too late...corruption... The edges of Akazawa Yoshiyo's vision became darker and darker.

She became stunned and held the hilt of the sword that did not actually exist.

The huge abyss continued to spread in her mind, and soon she would be completely swallowed.

I'm going to kill the entire Dongming Kingdom! She lowered her voice and roared like a madman.

Suddenly, a pure white light surrounded Akasawa Yoshie, like an upside-down transparent white bowl, stabilizing her mind.

Zhang Su sat cross-legged on the ground with Guanshi Futu on his knees.

I don't know when Zhang Su's qi had flowed into Akasawa Jiayo, giving her a glimmer of hope of rescue.

She had no choice but to seek help like a drowning person,

Trying hard to get out of this predicament...

She can't hear me anymore. Zhang Su saw that Akasawa Yoshiyo had closed his senses.

This power can compete with erosion. You have to maintain her physical and mental balance and let her know what to do! Hong Yan lay down at the crack and observed carefully. As an ascended witch, she can observe details with spiritual vision.

...I will maintain the balance, but she must choose the path herself. Zhang Su closed his eyes.

——In the bottom of Akazawa Yoshio's heart, she needs to make a choice.

Akazawa Yoshiyo once hunted the enemies of the people in Dongming Kingdom, and also saw the mountains of corpses and seas of blood in the demon battlefield.

She could return to the world and find a way to save Dongming Country and eliminate the corruption from within.

People may hate her now, but one day they'll thank her for it. Akazawa Yoshie likes the tragic sight of those who speak nonsense falling behind her. She will kill anyone she sees saying something disgusting.

She can hunt demons and protect humans.

At least her abilities will be taken seriously, and she doesn't have to be afraid of wielding a knife. There are enemies everywhere in front of her, as long as they are slaughtered. This is a path with absolutely no worries. Killing demons is natural justice.

She could also put the sword away and return to Anxinyuan.

Farm during the day, practice kendo at night, and return to a peaceful life. Her parents took such an ordinary path, and they also found their own life value from it. Why should Akazawa Yoshiyo strive for more?

But if she chooses to kill the country, she will hear the screams of soldiers being massacred by demons, and will be far away from the peaceful life of Anxinyuan.

If she chooses another path, she will be forced to watch the Dongming Kingdom sink into decline and corruption, become insensitive and lifeless!

Every road calls for Akazawa Yoshie to turn his sword towards him.

Zhang Su placed the Guanshi Pagoda across his lap and guided him silently.

With the protection of holy objects, at least evil thoughts will not grow in Akazawa Jiashi's heart, and the boiling darkness will be suppressed by righteousness.

She is struggling. Hongyan judged.

Anyone would be like this, but Akasawa Yoshie will understand how he should live after going through this tribulation. Zhang Su said.

She can't think of it, you can choose for her. Hongyan said.

She is not that kind of weak woman. She will understand eventually. Zhang Su shook his head.

Hiss... Every time you solve an eroded witch, it will be a great contribution to Anxin Academy. Guanshi Pagoda will recognize you more, and I will support you. Hong Yan asked.

Trust is the first lesson in treatment. The witch shelter has confidence in the witches. They are fully capable of doing what they want to do and becoming who they want to be. Zhang Su said.

What I want to do... Hongyan thought.

As time went by in the second half of the night, the erosion on Akazawa Yoshio's body gradually faded, and he survived the outbreak period.

She opened her blood-red eyes and began to adapt to the glory of the world again. Her long silver hair reflected the glow in the moonlight.

The breeze rustled the grass. The branches and leaves of jasmine fruits, mandarins, melon vines and berries seem to be whispering.

In the night, she saw a leaf spinning and falling to the ground.

Its turns in the wind are graceful enough to make Akazawa Yoshiyo's soul feel peaceful. In that moment, she seemed to glimpse the truth beneath the struggle.

She raised her hand and found Zhang Su beside her.

Yoshiyo Akazawa was not surprised, because Zhang Su had promised to suppress her when she was corroded and prevent her from going on a killing spree.

When I was in the No. 1 Witch Prison in New Tokyo, once I had the tendency to corrode and go berserk, I would be sent to a hibernation chamber, where ice and drugs would cover my internal organs. Fortunately, it is not necessary here. Yoshio Akazawa murmured.

I can use Qi to maintain your physical and mental balance. The difficult thing is to defeat yourself. Zhang Su said.

What should I do? Akasawa Yoshiyo gently held Zhang Su's hand, If I go hunting demons, I will leave the foundation of Dongming Kingdom, and those who pursue justice will be ignored.

She cast her gaze toward the garden: Maybe I should put down my sword completely, seek peace, and ignore the yelling outside.

There was a look of self-blame on her face: But there are so many annoying people and things outside, how can I consider retreating to the countryside? I can't... I can't do so many things at the same time...

She sobbed and buried herself in Zhang Su's arms unconsciously. His physique seemed stronger than when she first met him.

Zhang Su waited for a while until Akasawa Jiayo's sudden burst of emotion passed.

What should I do? She looked at Zhang Su.

Zhang Su turned his head, and Akasawa Yoshie also followed his gaze, and his eyes fell on Kagura Mountain in the distance.

The time has come to make great achievements.

...Yes, the only problem is that I am not strong enough. OK, then I will become stronger. I only need to complete a war to achieve the second breakthrough. Akasawa Yoshiyo wiped away tears.

Let's capture the Gate of Hell. Zhang Su pointed into the distance, Isn't that the battle you want to join?

Yoshiyo Akazawa also felt an inner calling.

In the last battle at Hongye Mountain, her blade was full of the devil's black blood, which made her feel unprecedented pleasure!

At least she can kill demons with dignity and dignity, without caring about other people's opinions.

The more people participating in the war, the stronger the magic power, so much so that wielding the sword can draw out thousands of miles of light, annihilate the army in twos and twos, and devour war with war. This is the correct way to apply the war path.

I will only feel happy if I do something I really like. For me, that is fighting. Akasawa Yoshiyo said seriously.

Then, after you recover, I will send you to the front line. You are needed on the front line against the devil. First, you will perform meritorious deeds as a sinner, and these merits can offset the crimes you committed; secondly, if you are killed by humans, If you like the defense plan, you will be protected by the Witch Countermeasure Bureau, so you don't have to worry about being killed in the future, or being provoked and retaliated. Zhang Su said seriously.

...Understood. Akazawa Yoshio sighed.

at this point.

She also knew that her worry about the country had killed many powerful people. If she didn't find a backer in time, she would die at some point.

It is only safe to start as a prisoner witch who has committed crimes, gradually downplaying her identity as an assassin, and becoming a witch who protects humans. She completes her second break by participating in a large war, and then returns to the human world of Dongming.

Then, I will teach you a spiritual protection course tomorrow, and then you can set off. Zhang Su nodded.

Are you eager to learn? Akazawa Yoshie felt that Zhang Su had been a great help.

It's not a day's work, otherwise I would have taught you a long time ago. Zhang Su shook his head.

It takes at least many years of hard work to form a fixed mindset, so that the mind is closed like a black box, so that the devil cannot pry into it. However, he himself will also become cold, so he should always find some happy things for himself.

Thank you, thank you again... Akasawa Yoshie thanked Zhang Su seriously and then left.

Hong Yan hid behind the crack and looked curiously.

You're pretty good at solving problems, Hongyan said.

Compared with the gods, you are still far behind. You are a witch who truly has the power of ascension and can make wishes come true. Zhang Su said.

Indeed, I am quite strong after all. Hongyan said proudly.

So how is your tunnel digging going? Zhang Su was curious.

Ah, we have to dig a tunnel. Hongyan patted his head, I only care about chatting with you, but I have to dig a tunnel, otherwise it will be over when the devil comes!

I will protect you when the time comes. Zhang Su turned to look at the crack, Don't worry so much, Lord God.

Protect yourself first! She hasn't gone far yet. Hong Yan closed the crack and went back to dig a tunnel.

Zhang Su looked outside and saw Yoshio Akazawa waiting in the night outside the garden. He thought she had gone back.

Take me to your room. Akazawa Yoshie raised his head and said.

What? Zhang Su was confused.

When my father was alive, he once said that people like me must find people who are strong enough. I will go to the front line immediately. This is the last moonlit night, otherwise it will be difficult to see me again. Akazawa Yoshiyo said.

Zhang Su understood.

A word, a kiss, a glass of sake, and everything is ready for Yoshio Akazawa.

——I did this with honor, and I hope you do the same. Akasawa Yoshio stared into Zhang Su's eyes.

Her hands were itching, looking for something sturdier than a sword hilt.

When she found it, Akasawa Yoshio's serious eyes turned into a hint of tenderness.

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