Witch containment diary

Chapter 94 The Pheromone of the Bee

Bugs, bugs, looking for food all day long.

This is the first time since the little bee was born that it has been full.

She was once the tiniest bug in the swarm of Youfalin. The other bugs feasted on her, stabbing her with their sharp horns and sharp bladed feet, driving her away and making her bleed.

She is so small that the Witch Countermeasures Bureau considers her a token of Yufa Lin instead of a witch.

Now the little bee has an owner.

A person who is willing to raise her is like a beekeeper preparing flowers for bees. She knew she had to work, make honey, hide the poisonous needles, and not be discovered, that way she would be safe.

The little bee is smarter now.

She forced herself to show a flattering smile, folded her wings, and came to Zhang Su humbly.

Thank you for the feast. Xiaofeng imitated Youfa Lin's accent.

The insect king Youfalin also groveled like this, but when Youfalin grew a little older, she ate the original owner and created her own insect swarm.

To Xiao Feng's surprise, Zhang Su also knelt down on one knee.

He put his arm around XiaoBee's back and patted her along the back.

What do you call a gift? This is earned through your efforts, little bee. This is earned by taking care of the garden day after day and night after night. Zhang Su said.

Really? Xiaofeng raised his head.

Really. Zhang Su took a step back, Xiao Feng, don't bow your head. It's you who got the chance to grow up. Stand up, Xiao Feng, stand up.

Xiaofeng felt flattered. She looked around and became even more shy.

Empty sacks and broken crates were scattered all over the floor. She ate the entire trolley, eating iron to replenish iron and wood to replenish fiber.

Many birds and insects can eat and defecate at the same time, ensuring that food is digested as quickly as possible and improving gastrointestinal processing efficiency.

But none of them can compare to the wasp. Her digestion speed is astonishing, and it only takes a few seconds for food to go from tongue to the ground.

The digestion residue of the wasps filled the entire bag, and Zhang Su even used a shovel to shovel it aside. They had been digested by the bees until they could no longer be digested, and they looked dusty and hard.

Zhang Su heard that the insect swarm quickly decomposes food into nutrients, and magic power can extract genetic material from organisms and integrate it into its own genome, thereby gaining unlimited growth opportunities and continuously optimizing the genetic template of the insect swarm.

Devour, evolve, copy, reproduce, and eventually become the only dominant group in the world.

For a wasp, 30 minutes of eating is equivalent to 10 years of growth.

The wasp grows 10 centimeters tall, and its thin, fine-striped wings expand to twice their previous size.

Her child-like figure had grown significantly and turned into an elegant young girl.

Even the facial features have changed, become sharper, and are not as round as the wasp stage, showing the real insect's demonic beauty, which is naturally attractive.

Beautiful, really beautiful.

Zhang Su fed the little bee three times in his previous life, and now he pulls it up himself, showing a kind of nurturing beauty.

Although she is tall and beautiful, Zhang Su still wants to call her Xiaofeng. And after she evolves, her power will be enhanced in all aspects.

The dark warehouse makes the little bee yearn for the sunshine outside.

Her wings flapped rapidly for a while, as if she was learning to fly again.

Experience your new power, Xiaofeng. Zhang Su guided Xiaofeng to adapt to the power of the insect swarm in its mature stage.

Hmm...! Xiaofeng tried hard to learn.

At this time, Zhang Su felt that she was like Xiaofeng before, always looking like she was working hard.

The little bee first learns to fly.

In the past, a single wing could fly far. At that time, the wasp was as light as hollow.

Now her wings are bigger, but her body is also heavier, and she needs to flap her wings desperately to fly slightly above the ground.

During the flight, Zhang Su saw rainbow-like powdery scales scattered down, which were poisonous.

Have you seen these powders? They are poisonous and can cause hallucinations. Zhang Su reminded.

He stepped forward and sniffed a little.

The powder reminded Zhang Su of some false memories, as if he was in a chaotic and upside-down world.

These are my innate powers! Xiaofeng gradually entered the state.

Her formerly withered limbs were now strong and powerful, with soft curves accentuating her smooth torso.

Congratulations, you grew up all of a sudden. Zhang Su thought it was amazing.

My strength has also become stronger! Xiaofeng tried hard to push Zhang Su.

Zhang Su felt a powerful force pushing towards him, but he couldn't push him yet.

It's indeed strong enough for a little bee. Zhang Su had to admit.

[Can you hear me? ]

Zhang Su looked at Xiaofeng. Her lips were not open, but her eyes were locked on Zhang Su.

Well... Zhang Su nodded.

[Amazing! ]

The voice sounded directly in Zhang Su's mind.

This is the spiritual resonance that the insect swarm relies on to transmit information. Youfalin also used this method to remotely control the wasp before.

However, Youfa Lin is now imprisoned in a cell that isolates her soul, and she can no longer project her voice into Xiao Feng's heart.

Your talent is stronger than I thought. Zhang Su looked at Xiaofeng carefully.

According to his experience, Bee's psychic projection ability is very powerful, and this silent communication link can reach as far as 1 kilometer away.

[I can talk to you like this forever]

Xiaofeng was suspended in the air, looking at Zhang Su with bright eyes.

...! Zhang Su felt that Xiao Feng's eyes were particularly hot.

The next second, Xiaofeng rushed over, hugged Zhang Su, and pressed her cheek against Zhang Su.

She let out a soft breath, and Zhang Su felt his ears itching. It's like this again, little bee...

The little bee's small tentacles were close to Zhang Su's forehead.

My pheromones have been marked on you. The little bee said to Zhang Su's ears, You are mine, and you will help me build an entire insect swarm, an insect swarm bigger than Youfa Lin.

Little bee, little bee, warrior bee, queen bee.

The little bee is now a warrior bee and will become a queen bee next time it evolves.

The throne-breaking ceremony is to establish an insect swarm, from which thousands of insect eggs will be born.

The magic power of the insect swarm is very magical.

Thank you for your recognition. Zhang Su couldn't help but touch his forehead, and there was a small mark on it.

They were like some insect larvae or spores, trying to penetrate Zhang Su's skin and affect his spirit.

The pheromones the wasp left on him were very special.

A swarm witch can only pass once in her life, and the little bee couldn't wait to calibrate him!

This pheromone is an extremely rare and specific biological pheromone that can greatly increase your potential.

As the pheromones penetrated into the nerves and blood vessels, Zhang Su felt that his muscles became stronger, his body energy increased significantly, and his anti-toxic ability was also improved, enough to resist toxins.

Zhang Su can also gain some spiritual vision ability, which allows him to vaguely see a unique world that ordinary people cannot see, improving his ability to distinguish things.

Bee's pheromones also induced Zhang Su's synthesis of dopamine and serotonin, making him feel more focused and his sense of happiness also increased. After all, it was the unique aura that Xiaofeng gave to the future king of the swarm. She hoped that he would be happy.

Xiaofeng looked at Zhang Su with a smile.

The instinct of the insect swarm is to treasure this once-in-a-lifetime pheromone. Once it is handed over, it cannot be synthesized again.

Every witch who aspires to become a queen will leave pheromones to the most valuable and ideal candidates in her life.

But in Xiaofeng's view, there is no need to wait, Zhang Su is her choice. This is the only gift she can give Zhang Su in return.

Under the influence of pheromones, an almost permanent low-level psychological connection was established between her and Zhang Su.

In this way, she could also feel Zhang Su's psychological experience.

How does Zhang Su feel about Xiaofeng’s changes?

Xiaofeng closed her eyes and couldn't wait to feel it quietly.

Joy, relief...satisfaction? happy? Happy...regretful? Any regrets? And fear? What is Zhang Su afraid of?

Xiaofeng stepped forward and gently touched Zhang Su's face.

Little bugs like her are very brave, so what are adults like Zhang Su afraid of?

She got it.

Zhang Su was afraid that all this would be fleeting.

Even if we die, we will be together... Xiaofeng murmured.

Xiaofeng's thoughts were linked to Zhang Su's, and he could also feel Xiaofeng's emotions, shyness, nervousness, joy...

This is his little bee, a little bee that will slowly grow bigger and become more beautiful than now, better than Youfa Lin, better than everything else.

...Let's go. Zhang Su cleaned up the mess.

Xiaofeng nodded, she smiled slightly, and left the warehouse in a happy mood.

The others were astonished to see the taller and more beautiful bee, but the bee flew as hard as she could, flying about her garden, tending her little kingdom.

Thanks to the efforts of the little bees and the blessing of the red flames, the garden is now able to steadily produce fruits, fruits, flowers and herbs.

Every Sunday, bees will comb and harvest them and send them to the warehouse for everyone to take.

The opportunity to eat was earned through her own hard work.

Zhang Su also plans to dig a large pond to raise fish.

Now he and Xiaofeng are close, and they quickly start the project.

The original pond in Anxinyuan has been blocked by silt. It's a pity. Let's find a way to dig it out again and connect it to the stream on the mountain. Zhang Su felt very motivated.

His physical strength, endurance and strength are now far beyond ordinary people, and he can completely suppress ordinary people when participating in traditional sports competitions.

It's also because everyone is used to seeing her in An'in Hospital. If she goes outside, she will attract attention wherever she goes.

Yeah! Xiaofeng is also willing to work.

The nature of the insect swarm is special. After the previous overeating, she has stored a lot of energy in her body, which is enough to support her working without sleep for many days.

Now that we are engaged in labor, we can avoid waste.

There used to be a large pond in Anxinyuan's garden, but it had been covered up by dark, damp algae and mud. It looked like just a small pit, and Zhang Su had to dig to the bottom in one go.

It originally had a diameter of 25 meters, a depth of about 2 meters, and the bottom touched the bedrock.

The original monks carefully designed it with impermeable clay lining to prevent water leakage in the pool, and at the same time drilled holes to draw water from the aquifer.

It is said that many koi carps were raised here before, but now the pond has completely dried up, leaving behind years of silt.

So... let's get started!

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