Witch containment diary

Chapter 95 The Memory of the Ancient Dragon

Zhang Su and Xiaofeng started digging.

Can you see water if you dig it down? Xiaofeng looked around.

It's like digging a well. Our home is on the mountain. There is an aquifer underneath. As long as we dig there, there will be water in the pond. Zhang Su slammed the shovel into the mud and stepped on it with his feet.

It’s really physical work. Zhang Su wielded his shovel and dug out piles of algae and dead leaves. But he and Xiaofeng were working hard, and he didn't feel it was hard when he saw her by his side.

The bees groped through the murky soil, trying to find the aquifer holes drilled by ancient monks.

After an hour of work, the bottom mud of the pond was basically dug out.

The little bee stood at the bottom, stretched out her hand to separate the black humus, and earthworms emerged from it in panic.

Here! Xiaofeng shouted.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Su heard the sound of running water and turned around to see a stream of cheerful water emerging, bursting out on its own due to underground water pressure.

I did it! Zhang Su was pleasantly surprised.

Seeing the fresh trickle appear, they all breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that their work was not in vain and that they had been busy for so long.

In this way, with the groundwater at the bottom of the pond filling itself and the mountain springs flowing in, the pond will soon be filled with water! In time, this dirty pond will eventually regain its clear appearance.

Let's repair the shore again. Xiaofeng strives for perfection.

Okay. Zhang Su loved Xiaofeng's hard-working character. They spent some time repairing the bank of the pond, raising it, leveling it and tamping it down, to ensure that the pond would not overflow during heavy rains.

Huh...huh... Xiaofeng returned to the pond and sat down. She seemed a little tired.

Are you tired? Zhang Su walked to her side.

Although I am very tired, look, look, the water is slowly rising. Little Bee stared carefully, and the pond that had been neglected for a long time was now gradually being reborn.

It's amazing. Zhang Su measured the distance from the mountain stream to the pond again, and found out that by digging about 40 meters, he could redirect the stream and connect it to the pond.

[This is our achievement]

Your talent evolves very quickly. Zhang Su listened to Xiaofeng's spiritual transmission.

A smile appeared on Xiaofeng's face

[This is all thanks to you. I really hope I can do something to repay your kindness. One day, when my real Insect King appears...]

It's enough to see you grow up slowly. Zhang Su sat next to her, Why don't you take a rest?

Xiaofeng nodded, she closed her eyes and faced the warm sun.

Still a little childish, but there's no denying that she's grown into a woman.

Even though her innocent nature is still there, Bee's insect blood is slowly awakening, changing her behavior.

After resting for half an hour, Zhang Su turned his attention to the pond.

Green grass grows wildly at the bottom of the pond, but the water has already flowed out. Sooner or later, these plants will be submerged, and will be replaced by an endless green pool.

In the future, there will be lotus leaves, pond scenery and swimming fish, and a pavilion will be built next to it.

It's going to rain soon, and the rain will fill this pond. Zhang Su said.

Bee's attention was no longer on the pond.

[I will be more beautiful and stronger than now, a qualified insect king]

At some point, Xiaofeng had already placed her hand on Zhang Su's, while her eyes looked to the other side out of shyness.

Of course, Little Bee had the urge, but she found that her eggs were not ready yet, and she still needed to accumulate a lot of evolutionary energy.

Together they stared at the thin stream that would fill a third of the pond tomorrow.

Little Bee likes this place even more. Every time she works, the garden in An's courtyard will look better. Her nest is the garden of An's courtyard.

She couldn't help but think that once the insect swarm was completed, she would give birth to many little wasps.

Let's build this huge garden together.

Eat, learn, imitate, grow, evolve. Until he becomes the most powerful heart of the swarm.

Soon, heavy rain came unexpectedly.

Zhang Su put all the donated materials piled in the open air back into the warehouse, and soon An'an Hospital was shrouded in heavy rain.

Because rain would affect the quality of construction, Engineer Sugisaki promised to wait until the weather cleared before laying the foundation.

Thanks to the pond silt that had been dug out to restore the size of the pond, rainwater also quickly raised the pond water level.

Although it is turbid sewage, it can also attract frogs, insects and birds to visit. During the heavy rain, a group of small animals discovered a brand new pond and migrated into the garden. Birds sang by the pond, filling the garden with vitality.

Unable to go out due to heavy rain, Zhang Su settled accounts in the office and summarized the current situation of Anxin Hospital.

Funds: After investing in the construction of the new building of Ansin Hospital, there is still 14 million yen left, which is enough to support the hospital for 4 to 5 months.


School building: The learning situation is not bad, and teaching needs to be further divided into different levels, and the accommodation conditions for the children must be improved.

Animal farm: 30 chickens are bred to 45, and there is also a cow named Xiaohua. The eggs and milk produced every day are given to the children, considering that there will be more prisoners (labor force) in the future. You can consider expanding it.

Farm: Vegetable fields and crop fields, producing some vegetables, beans, and fruits.

Garden: Blessed by red flames, it will produce many flowers and fruits, and some ornamental fish can be raised in the pond. Farming fish is difficult because the pond water quality is not good.

Activity Center: It is under construction and will take 2 months to complete. It can be completed in June at the earliest.

In this way, on the one hand, it is to continue the education work, and on the other hand, it is to make full use of the new prisoners who will be transferred to Anxinyuan soon.

There will be a large number of prisoners in this group. Zhang Su estimates that there are more than 20 witches.

The good thing is that their danger level is very low. Just like Ruizi, they don't cause trouble or cause trouble. They commit crimes because of cheating, petty theft, etc. There are only a few scammers and those who deliberately attack are more cunning.

The bad thing is that they refuse to change despite repeated admonitions.

According to statistics from Zhang Su's previous life, among witch criminals, the most common ones are thieves, followed by those who use magic against humans in violation of regulations.

There are always witches who try to take shortcuts by using their natural supernatural powers.

The joyful path and the malicious path can manipulate human emotions, the chaos path likes to see society overturned, the betting path likes to play with luck, the shadow path is best for petty theft, and the formless path will reduce one's sense of existence, and then do whatever one wants.

Some people have the impression that witches who are imprisoned are their first time, but this is not the case.

In fact, Zhang Su made statistics in his previous life and found that witch criminals who entered the asylum for the first time accounted for only 7% of the prisoners, those who entered the prison for the second time accounted for 20%, those who had been in prison for the third time accounted for 30%, and the remaining 43% were witches. Squatted more than three times.

Locked up for a few months and then released, only to be caught again...

Zhang Su worked for 4 years in his previous life and saw hundreds of witches caught and released. He was used to it.

Apart from committing crimes, they don’t know what to do for a legitimate living.

Some even took the initiative to find trouble, and then went to Anxinyuan to serve their sentences, eat and sleep. After all, Anxinyuan was built very well by Zhang Su.

Zhang Su found Katie and went to check the cell together.

Currently, the special cells include LaRouge's mirror cell, Akasawa Yoshio's special defense cell, and Youfa Lin's psychic echo cell, but other cells also need to be improved. Zhang Su patrolled.

... Katie looked much more awake than at the beginning.

Some highlights gradually appeared in her originally pupilless ghost eyes, which seemed to be a sign of recovery of consciousness.

The cells were small and dilapidated, all of which were left over a hundred years ago. The faded stone walls leaked due to rain, and the rusty fence seemed to bend with force.

Let's tear them all down. Zhang Su and Katie took down the old iron fences. These scrap irons can only be sold as scrap.

Zhang Su looked at Katie's movements, and she seemed to have regained some memories of the past.

He no longer staggers when he walks, and he no longer makes strange roars when he talks. His whole person has changed a lot.

She began to regain her memory, break through the blockade of trauma, and regain her proud bloodline!

He had to comfort and protect Katie's fierce and fragile soul, letting her know that she was safe here. Zhang Su thought.

Do you still remember what it was like in the past? Zhang Su tried to help Katie.

How long ago? Katie held the abandoned iron railings in her arms and piled them aside, making a clanging sound when they landed.

Just before being drafted to go to the battlefield. Zhang Su said.

Katie's nerves tingled.

She looked at Zhang Su, and he carefully distinguished the emotions in her eyes, recognition, sadness, anger? Zhang Su hoped that he and Katie could achieve a profound spiritual connection like Xiaofeng, but he couldn't. Katie's spirit was covered with a thick barrier, which was the restriction left by her family.

She turned suddenly to her work, her movements stiff with restraint.

Make a mistake...make a mistake...make a mistake... Katie repeated stiffly.

Her eyes scanned the surrounding cell doors over and over again, forming a metal maze just like her sealed memories.

I plan to expand the vents and skylights for lighting, and rebuild the sewer pipes. Zhang Su changed the subject.

He thought that this prison area could be very beautiful.

The central ceiling is opened, and elevators connect various platforms. The top is a glass dome, providing sunlight pouring down.

Past life experience has proven that witch prisoners love the sun. Even if they are thrown into prison, Zhang Su will protect their basic rights.

... Katie remained silent.

She took down all the rusty things in the cell and threw them away so that it would be less troublesome to renovate.

Katie slung her black uniform over her shoulders, sweat soaking through her shirt and dampening her skin. Katie never wears an inner layer, so when she takes off her jacket, she can see everything. Her strong muscles were broad enough to look like a dragon without spreading its wings.

After the cell was cleared, Katie leaned against the wall and looked at Zhang Su: What do you know?

...the Mancias family once flourished, but now there are only three dragons left in the world, and Katie, you are one of them. Zhang Su said.

Where are the other dragons? Katie's eyes changed. Zhang Su saw the illusion flickering behind her eyes.

That's where your memory is blocked. Zhang Su said.

I think about it, I was very young at that time, I was so small that I could hold it with one hand. I was sitting in a gorgeous villa, and a maid was combing my hair and waxing my dragon horns. Katie said slowly.

Keep thinking. Zhang Su stared into Katie's eyes.

She tied up my long hair and put on hair accessories for me. Katie looked away, looking dazed.

Keep thinking. Zhang Su said.

Let's go back to the dragon's lair, take me back. Katie escaped.

If you think about it, there's more. Zhang Su repeated.

She stuck the knife into my ear and slit my throat. If I'm dead, who am I now?

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