Witch containment diary

Chapter 96 Preparing to Make Dragon Eggs

The lights are dim.

Katie thought about the whole house being burned down, the hundreds of witch eggs in the underground pool being snatched, the dragons being chopped down, and being decapitated with an ax by a huge demon, and she was lying in a pool of her own blood, while the sea of ​​​​fire outside burned the sky.

Just like the elevator's cable suddenly broke, Katie suddenly felt a violent fall. She was uneasy, not knowing when she would hit the ground and fall apart.

What did you remember? Zhang Su asked.

A lot. Katie said distraught.

Come to me. Zhang Su hugged Katie into his arms.

He scratched along her neck and then rubbed her dragon horns.

Katie buried her head in Zhang Su's arms, seeking support. Zhang Su's chest muscles were like steel plates, and she bumped them hard several times.

Some vague badges and contracts emerged in her mind. Everything she once had, including the right to rule, was now gone. She should have been wearing gold-studded robes and attending high-class places, but now she was as slow as a beast. .

I should have looked like a princess. Katie murmured.

You were originally very influential in North America. You were a noble witch family. Zhang Su said.

Where? Katie asked.

Madre Mountains, Black Gold Plains. Zhang Su said.

These keywords awakened Katie's memory.

The lands ruled by the Mancias family contain oil. She vaguely remembered several mansions, countless bonds and equity, and oil drilling rigs that looked the same.

She once bathed in jet-black oil with her brothers and sisters, felt the oil flowing on the dragon scales, and then breathed fire to ignite them all, amusing herself in the flames.

Such fires can last for days and nights. Anyuan Lianwu's family may be rich, but their level of luxury is not one-tenth of Mancias's.

Sixteen years ago, demons attacked the Sierra Madre Mountains. The incubation room of the Mancias family was destroyed. The monsters killed and plundered most of the dragon witches and witch eggs. You were also injured at that time, Zhang Su said.

Where have they gone? Katie's chaotic memory is full of death, pain and farewell.

In hell, they were transformed into demon dragons, which in turn invaded humans. Zhang Su could only say so much to avoid hurting Katie's memory.

Katie tilted her head.

She looked at her hand. The entire hand transformed into a claw under the influence of magic. The dark scales were clearly visible, as if they had been burned by fire.

The Mancias are dragons as soon as they hatch, and it is difficult for them to transform back into their witch form.

I've been defeated more than once. She was discouraged.

Your strength will slowly recover and continue to grow. You must be patient with yourself. Zhang Su hesitated and then added, If you are willing, I can help you think about it so that you will not face it alone.

Katie raised her head. Zhang Su's face looked so serious and solemn in her eyes. He was always serious, but actually caring.

Zhang Su came prepared.

He sat down by the stone wall with Katie. He took out his mobile phone and entered the decrypted library with unlocked permissions. He could see Mancias' family tree at a glance.

Now Katie could see how she and her kind had been marked by humans.

Akari Mancias: Wingspan 110 meters, broke position 5 times. Former matriarch, died in the Sierra Madre.

Weeks Mancias: Wingspan 74 meters, broke position 2 times. Important member, died in the Sierra Madre.

Kati Mancias: Wingspan 15 meters, full body. One of the family survivors was completely eroded in a frontline battle and lost its military value. It is recommended that he be appointed to a second-line unit.

I'm really looked down upon, Katie said tiredly.

Now, Mancias' homeland has been taken over by the foundation of the Human Defense Project. The other two dragon witches, one Eliza Mancias went to Europe, and the other Yuli Mancias went to the spirit world. Zhang Su talks about his memories.

How to get back your birthright? Katie looked up.

There is a square window on the wall of the Witch Prison, like an exit. Now that she knows she has a wealthy land waiting to be reclaimed across the Pacific, the two surviving sisters are strangers.

I should have remembered these things. Katie paced the hallway.

Anxinyuan is a place to protect you, or to imprison you...because many people don't want you to return to the front line, let alone the Sierra Madre Mountains. Zhang Su said what he had not said before.

The Human Defense Project now occupies all of the Mancias oil fields.

Katie can be forgotten and abandoned, but she cannot go back to rob this wealth.

The money has gone to the Earth Foundation and is part of military spending.

...I want to go back and get what I deserve. Katie paused, ...eventually I will. But before that...we...we have to prepare a witch's egg.

Katie was pained by the destruction in her memory.

She must add, contribute to the survival of the dragon family, or the lineage will be wiped from the world forever.

Do you know how to make witch eggs? Zhang Su observed.

...How do I know, I don't remember... Katie said irritably.

For you, you have to turn back into a dragon first, and then I have to work harder. Zhang Su went to find a suitable ladder, otherwise the position would not be suitable.

Katie was extremely looking forward to what was going to happen next, a witch egg, from which witches hatched.

She closed the door of the prison area. What happened here did not need to be known to outsiders. Others could only feel the earth shaking.

I'm ready, Katie said.

To cultivate witch eggs, another prerequisite is love. A witch can only create witch eggs when she feels 'love and being loved'. Katie, so you... Zhang Su looked into her eyes.

...Zhang Su, Zhang Su, if this feeling can't be called love, then I don't know what to call it either... Katie said softly.

the other side.

The rainstorm has passed.

Hayao stood at the door of the school building.

She stretched out her hand to the fresh air outside. The children were all ready, and water dripped from the edge of the eaves.

Children, it's time for the annual Ansin Institute Summer Insect Catching Festival again! This time we are tracking the same target as last year, the 'Colorful King Butterfly'! Hayho announced with his hand outstretched, spreading his fingers into the air.

Yeah! Natsuki put an old insect net on her shoulder, eager to try it.

Let's leave early. Lian Yang held a glass jar in his hand with a kind smile on his face.

Reio organized the insect-catching competition, and later Hayho and the others came to help.

There is no entertainment in Anxinyuan, only catching bugs is fun.

Insects, flowers and plants... Yuanzhi needs to go outdoors.

There may be good luck this year. Murohua led the guide dog Pepper.

It looked faithfully at An Yin in front of it, its ears stretched back to listen to all of Muro Hua's instructions.

Let's go! Hayho led everyone to the garden of Anxinyuan.

Originally, the garden was in tatters and was a good place for them to dig for treasures and turn over rocks to catch bugs. Now, with lush vegetation, the garden has become a place for hunting bugs and catching butterflies.

Sister Xiaofeng has grown so tall! Xia Xi was completely shocked when she saw Xiaofeng.

Little Bee was not much taller than everyone before, but now she suddenly became an adult.

Isn't this Natsuki? Xiaofeng likes Natsuki.

She stepped forward, lovingly lifted Natsuki to a high place, then hugged her tightly and rubbed Natsuki's chubby little face.

The sunlight energy emanating from Natsuki's body is precious food for the insect swarm.

Xiaofeng looked at Natsuki like a moving energy storage tank, a compressed reserve granary.

I'm going to catch bugs! Natsuki said happily, and then she was put down and went to catch bugs.

They were busy in full swing. After the heavy rain, the insects that survived the rain hurried out to look for food, but they became the targets of their capture.

Haoho squatted low by the grass and stared at the flying butterfly in front of him.

Its wings are an intricate mosaic of sapphire blue, emerald green and golden yellow.

Saho doesn't accept anyone else but only respects Reio-senpai.

Reio has tried hard to capture and identify all the insects in the local mountainous area, and Saho is determined to help complete such a large project.

Hayho crawls forward and then pounces!

The butterfly dodged easily. It flew in an irregular trajectory in the air, flapped its wings lightly, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

This was an interesting competition that city children could not enjoy. Saho continued to track the butterfly and locked his eyes on its whereabouts.

The three-color butterfly continued flying, soon forgetting its previous fright, and landed gently on a dew-stained flower, with the sun shining on its wings.

Gotta catch it.

Hayho held her breath, slowly, slowly...


She escaped into the shadows, then emerged, covering the butterfly with both hands.

Feeling its wings flapping wildly in the palm of her hand, Saho's heart was pounding.


She triumphantly led the captive to the garden shed.

There is a whole row of glass jars and large glass jars that were originally collected from trash and filled with broken plastic bottles.

Now that they have the pocket money given by Zhang Su, they can buy better equipment.

At this time, other bugs that everyone caught were crawling around and buzzing inside, including a chubby bee, a green dragonfly, and three seven-spotted ladybugs hugging the grass stems.

Hayao found the reserved empty glass bottle, carefully put the beautiful butterfly into it through the narrow mouth of the bottle, and then closed the lid.

It was trapped in the bottle, flapping its wings anxiously.

I'll show you off to everyone, Hayho whispered.

There was a burst of cheers from the side of the full pond. Hayho turned his head and saw Natsuki holding Murohua's hand and rushing towards the pond.

Frog! Frog! Next to the lilies! Natsuki shouted.

Shihua couldn't see what the frog looked like for a long time, so he came over to touch it.

Saho's eyes lit up, she realized that an oversized frog would become her talk of the next few days, and she quickly swooped over.

Let's catch it! she yelled.

When she arrived at the pond, the palm-sized frog was alarmed and had jumped into the turbid pond, preparing to breed tadpoles.

You scared it away! Natsuki was anxious and pushed Hayao, Murohua needs to touch it. The frog's skin is so bumpy and cold...

Frogs are ugly things, and they're also poisonous. Hayho disagreed.

I can't see it, but it feels fun to touch. It's like this with many things. You think it's ugly, but I don't. Shi Hua said with a smile.

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