Witch Zanthia´s Little Shop of Horrors

Witch Zanthia´s Little Shop of Horrors

11 Chapters Ongoing Status

In the Scarlet Empire´s Capital a mysterious shop has appeared.The store´s owner is the Witch Zhantia, a dreamy young woman who fantasizes about getting rich and meet the man or woman of her dreams. Maybe even both. But it is not so easy to


In the Scarlet Empire´s Capital a mysterious shop has appeared.The store´s owner is the Witch Zhantia, a dreamy young woman who fantasizes about getting rich and meet the man or woman of her dreams. Maybe even both. But it is not so easy to change Fate and force the wild currents of destinies to alter their course. Who knows what might happen in the end? Fortunately she has some helpers: cool cats, a mysterious system and terrific nightmares. Fair warning: this story has a lots of little cute cats.

"Everyone dreams of something. If sometime in the past you were interested in the secrets of the Necronomicon or the Darkhold we have good news for you...Or maybe you are the kind of lonely person that wanted a love filter to get a boyfriend or girlfriend but you did not know where to get one...

Also, if you ever needed desperate healing of a terrible incurable disease at a modicum price, or if you dreamed of acquiring a wandering horror to torment a mortal enemy that you hate to the end (or failing that, an annoying younger sister ), well, you definitely came to the right place. Welcome to the witch Zanthia´s little shop of horrors! Just a friendly tip, do not grab the free candies ..."

Sales speech of the cats of the Scarlet Empire (approved by Little Sun, Shadow and Moon)

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