Witcher's Atelier

Chapter 506: The Ancient Oak Tree of Whispering Hill

Willen region, around the village of Lower Walen.

Starting many years ago, I don’t know how many years ago, the villagers have spread the word by word of mouth: when they are active in the Whispering Hill, they often hear mysterious sounds, asking people to leave as soon as possible.

Most of those who refused to believe the voice's advice died with their bodies intact and were eaten beyond recognition; only a few villagers who narrowly escaped death were able to publicize their horrific discoveries.

Werewolf! There is an extremely strong and bloodthirsty werewolf who keeps wandering and hunting in the mountains.

According to "Lucky" Adu, it stood up to the height of two people... and disembowelled his companion with just a few swipes of its sharp claws, and it only took a minute to dismember the body!

Moreover, his testimony was not an isolated case. There were other survivors who all described similar situations in unison. As a result, Whispering Hill soon became a restricted area that villagers would only venture into as a last resort.

However, there are exceptions to all rules.

One day in the winter of 1272, two young travelers, each leading a horse, braved the cold wind of snow powder in the evening and approached this infamous hill.

Mysterious echo: "Leave, leave, leave quickly. These powers will not show mercy..."

Hearing a hoarse contralto voice, which seemed to come from all directions, conveying unclear warnings, caused the two travelers to temporarily stop.

The shorter one sneezed and rubbed his nose rudely, "Captain! This so-called fairy mother will at least remind people to leave. Doesn't it feel good?"

"Not bad? No, that's it." The taller traveler snorted, "What they do is actually similar to that of the nobles. They all enjoy offerings and get what they ask for; it's just that the Fairy Mother and the Three Witches are extraordinary creatures. , being able to show many special abilities makes him look superior.”

"Hey... don't stop!" He patted the horse's mane and signaled to continue moving forward, "So don't have high expectations. The reason why we went into the mountains this time was just to take a look, and because we were supported by our colleagues.

Comparing the two, even if the fairy mother uses the body of a horse, it is still a horse with beautiful features, at least it can be negotiated and cooperated with...

On the other hand, the three old witches with solid evidence of crime not only tried to murder Ciri, colluded with the Wild Hunt, but also committed the heinous "crimes against human appearance". If they look at them twice, they will have to make a sanity check!

I don’t want to recall their appearance at all. They are so ugly that you have to be mentally prepared. Eat as much as you want before meeting the witch women, and you will vomit after meeting them..."

Curses and curses were heard endlessly, and the two of them left four clear lines of footprints on the snow.

Mysterious echo: "Go away, don't come any closer...I know why you're here.

Turn back, turn back, turn back. Turn back immediately..."

The shorter traveler scratched his hair and said, "Captain, the Fairy Mother doesn't seem to welcome us?"

"It's Tsundere. She just hasn't seen a handsome guy for a long time and is shy." The taller traveler gave the answer.


"What's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing!" Forcibly suppressing his desire to complain, Angoulin directly changed the focus and talked about a topic that the other party would definitely respond to. "I'm just worried about missing the date and not being able to catch up with the witches' night party at Balder Mountain."

As expected, Victor laughed heartily, "Don't worry, everything is according to my plan. When I passed by Lower Wallen Village yesterday, I asked the village chief about the date of the harvest festival.

Ignoring today, we still have at least three days to travel. Thanks to Keira's help, we may now be closer to Bald Mountain than Xili and the others. "

It was so convenient to have the support of a sorceress who knew how to teleport. He could forcefully transport the Phantom Troupe from Kaer Morhen to "Midcorpus" in Velen across half a continent, which served as Keira. The place where he lived in seclusion last year naturally had corresponding teleportation arrangements.

However, the sorceress did not come with her, and the reason was not complicated. She wanted to continue to overcome the difficulties of secondary mutation, help other witchers mutate, and study information about the Catriona Plague.

Mysterious echo: "The powers that protect me sense the purpose of your visit.

Go, go away, go away quickly, get out of here..."

The warning sounded again. Angouleme and Victor just pretended not to hear it and kept walking through the snow. Their goal was very clear, which was the majestic "ancient oak tree" located at the top of Whispering Hill.

Legend has it that centuries ago, blood rituals in the name of the Lady of the Wood were held under the tree, and locals still believe that a dark force envelopes the place.

Echoing the legend, the oak tree is very huge, with a girth that can only be embraced by dozens of people, and a height of at least twenty-five or even thirty yards; the full crown of the tree is as tall as a canopy, and the smooth dark gray-brown bark. It shows that although it is getting stronger with age, its vitality is still quite strong.

The Phantom Troupe, who were chatting along the way, quickly found an open space close to the roots of the trees according to the sense of magic. Judging from the obviously shorter vegetation, it might be the square where ceremonies were held in the past.

But at this moment, Angoulan suddenly reached out and took the young man's arm, "There is a monster watching in the grass opposite, and it looks like a werewolf."

In the face of Eagle Vision, ambush is easier said than done.

"Oh~ It's a very suitable target, just to test the combat power of my Silver Hand!" Victor nodded and smiled to express his pleasure, "You stay here, don't move around, I will be back soon."

Feeling a bit of bad taste in the words, the girl responded with a grimace, lowered her posture and pressed the hilt of the sword, ready to fight but not moving forward.

She was indeed very curious about how Victor's magical right hand would perform in actual combat.

Mysterious echo: "Ah..."

The long sigh of the contralto served as the background.

The roar of "Awoo~" shook the square, and the ferocious figure of the werewolf rolled up the afterimage, and pounced on its victim from the bushes - the seemingly defenseless witcher.

The next second, "Bang!" Victor's right hook hit the werewolf's side first, making a loud explosion, and then a very incredible situation happened. It was beaten directly to the ground and vomited.

This phenomenon is completely unreasonable! Although this punch is fast, fierce and accurate, the size of the two sides is not proportional at all.

Under normal circumstances, even ordinary blunt blows will be offset by the werewolf's muscles and thick skin. How can humans have such a strong force to penetrate the internal organs?

The scene was quite challenging to common sense, and Angouleme was stunned for a moment...

Wait...I seem to have seen this situation before! ?

She clapped her hands and suddenly remembered that a few years ago in the Archipelago Arena, the captain had beaten Olaf's champion giant bear with his bare hands and turned him into a bear sauce!

By analogy, the girl figured out the principle at once.

The so-called vibration effect of Victor's right hand is simply a more powerful version of the "God Fist Bandage", which is specially used to treat all kinds of disobedience! Whether it is armor or thick skin, it can't stop the shock and heavy blow from his right hand!

It can be called a human weapon that kills without blood!

And the next action of the young man made Angouleme shrink her neck, and a chill rushed up from her spine.

Compared with the action of knocking his head on the day he woke up, Victor's right hand went straight up and down, and hit the monster's top of the head heavily!

"Dong~~" A dull sound echoed with the lingering bass, and she got goose bumps when she saw the monster's eyes bulging. It is completely conceivable that the werewolf's head must be a mess now..., and he has no idea at all.

Since the functions of the toy are so powerful, the other parts will surely not disappoint. The girl quickly built up enough psychological preparation, and the following test really opened her eyes.

The lightning fist, which was a small test, made the werewolf twitch all over. The high current even emitted a faint smell of burning. She speculated that the young man might use it in combination with the seal in the future, but she didn't know which lucky person would get this honor!


Not long after, he stopped his hand and stopped the action. The witcher drew out the "Sigh Frost" and swept the silver sword to behead the monster.

Angouleme shrugged his shoulders, "Is it over? In terms of its bloodthirsty nature, it is not worthy of mercy. I thought you wanted to try the machine gun or machine axe again?"

"There is no need to whip the corpse. There will be other opportunities in the future. Don't mistake the process for the result. We are here to find the Fairy Mother." Shaking off the blood stains, Victor put the sword back into the sheath.

Mysterious echo: "Why are you here? Why do you want to do it?"

Still ignoring the ghostly voice-over, the girl followed the leader's footsteps, followed the direction of the magic sense, and drilled into the cave under the roots of the "ancient oak tree".

After a winding path, they finally saw the creature with the most intense magic reaction, a strange existence that should be called "Fairy Mother".

God have mercy! She is so ugly, her appearance is like a bunch of deformed tumors covered with spikes, and it is pink... and she is so ugly, Angouleme suddenly became curious about how exaggerated the three witches are?

"I am the Fairy Mother of the Velen area. I am trapped here by magic. I am wandering endlessly in the maze of leaves.

Young witcher, are you here to take my life? Or do you want me to regain my freedom?"

Although they were all blocked in their old home, this tumor monster still maintained its superficial dignity and continued to speak in a contralto echo, and the choice of words was also quite stylish.

As usual, the second in command of the brigade remained silent.

The first in command, Victor, stroked his stubble and said with a smile: "Fairy Mother, I'm here to negotiate terms.

Be happy! I'll give you a deal you can't refuse!"

Thank you for your subscription, monthly ticket and recommendation ticket. Thank you for the reward and encouragement from the book friend who is still sleeping late.

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