Witcher's Atelier

Chapter 507: Field Trip to Bald Mountain

So Temeria. South of Willen.

Under the afterglow of the orange-red sunset and the reflection on the lake, Geralt and Ciri, father and daughter, each holding a long pole and holding a small boat together, approached Bald Mountain by water.

"My dear, this is very dangerous. Are you sure you know what you are doing?"

"I know, and I want to do this! I will not let Illerys go. Victor who lost his right hand is so pitiful. In addition, those three old witches and I also have some accounts to settle."

Looking into Ciri's stubborn eyes and feeling her firm determination, Geralt nodded, "Of course, I will support you."

Not long after, the ship docked.

She landed lightly on the sand, "Ah... just like what the people in the crow's nest described, a barren rocky mountain! Ad Serbin (ancient language: Bald Tree Mountain), this is the lair of the Lady in the Forest.

Ordinary people would not dare to come here, and the Bloody Baron even thought that the Lady in the Forest was just a story to scare children. By the way, Geralt, do you know how the Baron is doing now? "

"..., he successfully found his wife and rescued her back to the crow's nest, but both Ms. Anna and her daughter Tamara lost their memory. The family is now trying to figure out how to get along with each other again."

Recalling what Angouleme had told him, Geralt paused slightly and selectively omitted the real reason for their amnesia.

Although he didn't appreciate Victor's tough approach, he had to admit that using "Yaxi" was an effective solution, at least on the surface.

"That's good, the Baron is a kind man." She sounded happy as she bent down to adjust the tightness of her leggings.

The white wolf looked at the illuminated pavilion halfway up the mountain. There was a lot of noise and bustle in the distance, "Are you familiar with this place? Are you sure you can find Illerith?"

Standing up straight and shrugging her shoulders, Swift led the way to the stone stairs, "Hundreds of years ago, this was the sacred place for the Druids of the Balance Sect. After the three witches murdered the Fairy Mother and captured this place, they took Willen The ring was completely destroyed and the "sacred oak tree" on the top of the mountain was corrupted and deformed.

The witches' night party is held every year at this time, and nearby locals will attend to enjoy themselves. Avallac'h told me that Illeryth would also be attending as a guest, and that he would indulge in wine and meat, and that he would never let an opportunity like this pass him by. "

Geralt raised his eyebrows and said, "You are indeed a knowledgeable sage." After saying this, he noticed his daughter's proudly raised chin and added with a smile, "You are an excellent student."

"No! I don't count. 'Navigator' Caranthir is Avallac'h's student," Ciri shook her head and corrected, "That guy is very difficult to deal with, he is low-key and pragmatic, and he and Ilerith are both Aris Ting's right-hand man.

Illerith has strong combat power, but his weaknesses are also obvious. He is vain and likes others to show awe and admiration, and he is addicted to pleasure. "

"I see, then there is a guy who uses a two-handed battle ax?"

"Nisilila? He's just a cruel and ignorant bastard."

Winding and twisting up the mountain, the two walked and talked. As they unknowingly approached the mountainside, several farmers holding crossbows and pitchforks blocked the way. They were the ones responsible for maintaining order at the venue.

As heavily armed foreigners, the Witcher and Ciri would of course not be allowed in or out, and the atmosphere was even tense for a time.

Fortunately, an older man intervened and asked the guards to put down their weapons, announced that they were special guests, and invited the two of them to warm themselves by the fire first.

Considering the need to gather information, Bai Lang and Yu Yan looked at each other and tacitly chose to accept each other's invitation.

"Sit down, please sit down. Today is a very important festival!" The elder asked the two of them to sit down. The elder stroking his beard was obviously in a good mood. "You are welcome to come and have fun together. We have set up bonfires along the road and provided rich food and wine. You are welcome to join us today." You can enjoy it tonight. If you are lucky, maybe the lady will show up this year and let us have a glimpse of them.”

Listening to the other party's words, Da Lala sat on the wooden stake and Xili crossed her legs. "If you're lucky? You mean they might not show up?"

"Ah~ that's right. Under normal circumstances, only those who are selected by the bird screen are lucky enough to pass through the blocked steel door and see the true face of the lady. Although boys and girls go up the mountain every year, there are never more than three people."

The elder's words brought back bad memories in Yu Yan's mind, "Let me guess, those boys and girls who were chosen are all gone forever, right?"

Hearing the sarcasm hidden in her tone, the elder frowned, "No, of course they will come back, and they will be full of joy and radiant. However, very few of them stay in Velen, but go to the wider world to make a living. "

"I see, then under what circumstances will Mrs. Lin appear in public?" Geralt spoke and cleverly shifted the focus.

Taking out his pipe and stuffing it with tobacco, the elder picked up a twig and lit a fire, "Fufufu...perhaps when they take pity on us...my father said that when he was five years old, the lady once appeared, listened to everyone's wishes, and healed all wounds. Pain, however, only for those present at the time.

Therefore, we will come here every year to wait, hoping to see the madam. Although they rarely appear now, they will still give precious blessings regularly. "

"You said Madam will bless you?"

"Yes, thanks to the acorns produced by the sacred oak tree. The diluted sap extracted from it can improve the poorest soil, allowing us to live in abundance and not suffer from poor harvests."

"Such a good thing. So, elder? What is the price?"

"The madam is very generous. As long as we sincerely give gifts throughout the past year, they will bless us tonight."

"Haha! Really?" Xili laughed mockingly, "Speaking of which, I once encountered one of your gifts to the old witch in the forest."

Her eyes were as fierce as a lion cub, "A little girl about eight years old, crying and frightened. Have you ever thought about why Madam needs your child?"

"We don't know, and we never ask." The elder shook his head with a wooden face.

Recalling the leftover children's body parts she saw with her own eyes when she was under house arrest by the three witches, Ciri suddenly became angry and said, "You really don't know? Then let me tell you!"

"Shut up! I don't want to hear it." The old man interrupted harshly, "Unless you can tell me first, how should a farmer whose youngest son is about to starve to death treat another homeless war orphan?"

His expression became cold, "Foreigners from other places, we have lived like this for the past hundreds of years. You don't understand anything, so don't judge us by the laws of other places!"

The chilling atmosphere was stiff and solid, this was the so-called chatting to death!

Fortunately, there were no other villagers around and the sound did not spread, otherwise things might become serious.

"...Ahem, I think we should go." Geralt said softly, "Elder, thank you for your warm hospitality, and please forgive the rude offense of a young girl.

Then please satisfy my last curiosity. I am very curious about the generous and beautiful lady you mentioned. Can you tell me how I can be selected and go into the mountains to meet them? "

There was a moment of silence.

"Stranger, don't cause trouble, don't cause trouble for yourself!" The elder warned the two of them with doubtful eyes, then stretched out his hand and pointed his halberd, "If you want to see Madam, go to the most spacious tent to the east and stand there. In front of Sikara, she is responsible for deciding who is eligible to see Madam.”

Knowing that she had just lost control, but unwilling to compromise, Xili stood up silently, strode away with long legs.

She knew Geralt would soon follow….

But she didn't go very far when she suddenly stopped because an unusually familiar sound of joyful laughter came from her.

At a glance, it was clear that it was Angoulaine who could get along well with everyone. This cheerful female witcher was sitting under the pergola, playing fistfights and drinking wine with several younger peasant women.

At the same time that Shiri recognized her, Angouleme suddenly turned his head and looked at the blue halo that represented the color of his partner.

Then the deputy leader of the Phantom Troupe. The Temerian golden eagle waved his hand to indicate that he would not drink for now, left his seat and ran towards Ciri with a smile.

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