Witcher's Atelier

Chapter 508 Victor's Battle Plan

In the Balder Mountains on a winter night, a witches' night party was being held. This was not the first time for Victor to participate in carnivals like this. He had attended one held by the elves a few years ago.

In his opinion, although humans are slightly inferior to elves in terms of musicality and dance, the number of participants was even greater than the most exaggerated imagination beforehand.

Pairs of well-fed men and women sing and dance around the campfire. If they like it, they go hand in hand to the dark tent, lay out a blanket and do some exercise, or do some farming on the haystack.

A real large-scale social gathering!

In such a hot atmosphere, as long as the appearance is not too sloppy or has obvious flaws, most people can find "a happy love" through the cover of alcohol.

Well...maybe it's more than one relationship, and it may not be love, but happiness will definitely keep you satisfied!

However, all this excitement has nothing to do with Victor. From the beginning of the party, he has been in the corner of the camp leading to the mountains, activating his unstoppable "money power", occupying a small area of ​​the camp alone, and waiting for those who want to wait.

And the elite scouts he sent lived up to expectations and easily found the designated target in the vast sea of ​​people - the lively and pretty Xilia. Fiona. Ellen. Rayalen; and her adopted father who was traveling with her──Geralt, who was given as a free phone call.

Although I had a premonition when I met the happy Angouleme, I have to say that it was still quite embarrassing to actually see Victor with his hands and feet intact and sit in front of the campfire with a toast.

He traveled thousands of miles to avenge someone, but in the end, the victim seemed fine, or in other words, it was far less serious than imagined...

After being invited to take a seat, Bai Lang carefully observed the young man's prosthetic limb, but he could not find any flaws in it, no matter whether he drank wine, ate meat, or fetched objects.

Shirley also picked up the prosthetic limb and kneaded it for testing, but she came to the same conclusion as Kayla. Regardless of the hardness of the frame, the tough muscles or the touch of the skin, every part was like the real thing.

And he himself did not take "missing" seriously at all. He spoke freely and smiled brightly. His demeanor exuded a mysterious and confident "frivolity", and there was no "repression" of modesty and caution before the decisive battle.

Encountering this kind of oolong situation, Xili, who was originally full of righteous indignation and came to seek revenge, suddenly felt a little bit dumbfounded. Although she still hated the cruel three witches, she had another goal of the trip. The Wild Hunt of Illerith, however, naturally showed signs of taking a "dark turn."

However, Victor still expressed high recognition and gratitude for the actions of their father and daughter, "Don't worry, there is no need to change the goal. I have long seen that the three witches are very unhappy. They have come here. Killing them is completely for God's sake." Walk the walk!

Illerith is also full of evil. Remember Hetherton? The entire village was hunted and slaughtered. This was not the first time they had done this kind of thing. One by one, Ain. There are no innocent people in the El tribe.

In short, I have made a plan for this battle, so I don't need to worry about the old woman named Sikora.

At the beginning of the night party, I quietly observed that she was missing an ear, which meant that she was the ear and eye of the 'Whispering Woman'; that perverted old witch wore human ears as decorations on her body and said anything near the owner of the ear. Everybody can hear it.

Therefore, it is a waste of time to seek the qualifications to enter the mountain from Sikela. They only want handsome men and beautiful women. Of course, Xili will definitely pass, but the other three of us should not even think about it. It will only increase the chance of being cheated, or even scare the snake!

The simplest way is to sit here and wait for a while, and the villagers will pick out this year's carnival guests and send them to the mountain. We will knock those people unconscious on the way and just take the key to open the door. "

Victor's plan made several people look at each other. Considering that it would hurt "innocent" villagers, Geralt was a little hesitant.

"Wick, if it's so simple, why don't we go directly to the old woman Sikla to steal the key, and then sneak into the top of the mountain?" Angoulan asked, vaguely flattering, before Geralt and his daughter expressed their opinions.

"It's very difficult. The old woman has magic items with her, so it's easy to notice something is wrong.

Unless you are mentally prepared for a massacre in Livia or Lomugna and kill all the people present, the best option is to intercept them halfway.

Look at the thousands of Willen villagers at the venue? If we let them know that we are here to kill the three witches, believe it or not, they will immediately pick up pitchforks and crossbows to surround us and kill us. "

At this point, Victor winked at Geralt, "They are used to sacrifice, they are insensitive, and they will kill anyone who wants to destroy their happy life.

If a quarrel really breaks out, the only thing you can do is to do whatever it takes, kill until blood flows into a river, and kill until they are conscious and in awe. Otherwise, if you are a little merciful, you will be stabbed to death by a pitchfork.

I don't really care that much about whether the villagers live or die, but I think you all don't want a massacre. "

After hearing what he said, Geralt shook his head with a cold face, and Ciri also crossed her chest and nodded. Although the movements were opposite, the meanings were the same, "No massacre, and agree with Victor's plan."

Seeing this scene, Angoulan raised the corners of his mouth, showing a satisfied smile.

Sure enough, as the group leader explained in advance: people like Uncle and Xili, who may seem aloof and free-spirited, or stubborn and willful, are actually the best targets for "moral kidnapping."

When the morality in their hearts makes them feel dilemma, they usually choose to escape, that is, choose nothing; and if they are forced into a corner, they can only "passively accept" the will imposed by outsiders.

Therefore, we must consider the actual situation in advance so that they are not harmed and can continue to maintain their morals. We must rely on "informal" people like us!

Not long after, Sikla's maid Malika, escorted by several heavily armed villagers, led three handsome boys and girls to the top of the mountain happily, and then they were all knocked unconscious, bound and thrown into the tent.

As the group of four people headed towards the steel gate on the top of the mountain, Victor was obviously in a very happy mood and even used the player on his right hand to play brisk music.

Angouleme was accustomed to this kind of behavior, and it was difficult for Geralt to speak. Only Ciri slightly frowned and showed concern.

"My dear, the injury seems to have changed you a lot. I remember that before the decisive battle in Kaer Morhen, you were very... cautious?" She paused for a moment to consider her words, "And you look like this now, as if in your heart, the witch woman Or is Wild Hunt not worth mentioning at all?”

He raised his eyebrows, "Oh, thank you for your concern, dear, but that's exactly what I'm thinking..." The melodious music set off the warm tone, "You don't need to worry about my situation. I'm not becoming frivolous, I just don't want to be frivolous." No need to suppress anymore.

I already have nothing to be afraid of..."

He took out a wolf sect badge and stuffed it into Ciri's hand, "I almost forgot, this amulet is for you. After I specially prepared it, it can effectively interfere with the fluctuations of loss when casting magic. As long as you wear it, Wild Hunt will It’s impossible to locate your exact location.”

Hearing what he said so absolutely, Geralt and Ciri were immediately surprised. After all, it really worked like this, which almost meant that the endless pursuit of Wild Hunt was over.

"I personally experienced the coldness of hoarfrost, and then was severely taught by the power of the blood of the elders. I have had a profound experience. I now roughly know how to deal with them."

As Victor spoke, he used the key he grabbed to open the sealed steel door on the top of the mountain. Immediately, rumbles of footsteps could be heard in the damp cave, approaching the people standing in front of the door.

Under the illumination of the campfire, the maker of the footsteps gradually became clear. It was a twelve-foot-tall demon. Its dull and dull appearance looked like a troll with underdeveloped intelligence.

"For example, I can do this now!" No matter how close the monster was, the young witcher didn't even look at him. He raised his middle finger with one palm and said, "Alder Hoarfrost!"

The sudden cold shock was exactly the same as the effect caused by hoarfrost, freezing the demon completely and forming an ice sculpture.

"Hoarfrost is just a blizzard mixed with unique magical wavelengths. The scary thing about them is their numerical advantage. It is not difficult to imitate them in practice."

His pupils were dilated due to surprise, and Geralt was deeply shocked by his strong performance.

But at this moment, there was new movement in the shadows nearby - a horse walked up and stopped in front of Victor.

Its body is slender and strong, its fur is black and moist, and it is a veritable black beauty. However, the strange thing is that it not only has a pair of scarlet eyes, but it can also speak.

A female voice that sounded deep and hoarse said: "Go down from this cave. The betrayers are cooking food at the bottom. I have set up a barrier around the outside so they can't escape. As for the Illerys you want, he is at the oak tree on the top of the mountain. Drink and have fun, but keep your weapons."

"That's it, thank you for your help!" Victor nodded in approval, then turned to Geralt and Ciri, "You two, that's what happened. She is the assistant I invited to provide intelligence and blockade services. Three Witches My mother, Lady Fairy, is the ultimate insurance for this operation.

All in all, the time before dawn is limited, so let’s split up here for the time being!

You go down and eradicate the evil old witch, and I am going to the top of the mountain to meet Illerys and spend a good time together.

..., I want to enjoy the delicious cold dish of revenge with a happy mood. "

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