Master, I'm back.

"Did Noah get hurt?

"Yes, this forest was fine."

Last thing I know, Noah's back, and we're all here, and Noah will be back in exactly three hours...

"So, I don't know, what kind of confrontation was it?

"... subhuman assassination battle"

"Yes! Individual fights without counting, except for the subhuman!

"It's a personal fight! It's a party game!

"Toshi-sama, this place was too weak for us to fight at the party."

"... is the Black Devil Forest too weak?

"Yes... even I in the basic rear guard can do it all in one shot..."

"Merrill? That much?

"Yes... so I talked to you on the way to a personal fight."

"Sure, everybody's getting stronger... but next time, if you're an individual, tell me first. I thought you were looking for monsters because everybody's signs were falling apart... but the number of monsters is decreasing..."

"Toshi is a little too worried."

"Luna, you... to tell the truth, I don't really want everyone to fight.

"I know. That's why I decided to make Toshi feel stronger."

I know we're all getting stronger... but don't worry... this is my self... this world is many times more female adventurers than male adventurers, if the basic numbers are different...

"Are you going to announce the results here?

"Well, it looks like time is still fine... why don't we take a break and count it?

"" Yes. ""

Everyone started counting the number of Magic Stones they took down... especially...

"Kaede, what's wrong?

"... it was easy to take down... it was very easy to take away magic stones..."


"If I punch, I'll fly..."

Toki too! Punch it and it'll fly amazing!

"Oh... did Toki and Kaede have any problems with their nails?

"Whoa, whoa! Now I'm gonna punch you... and the earth might break!

"Well... maybe not Earth... but what is this planet?

"I don't know!

"I don't even know Kaede!

I don't know the name of this world, I don't know the name of the stars... I don't care if I don't know what else to do... and they both start counting again, and the people who are done counting...

"I'm as fast as the two of you, until I'm defeated by magic... I can take the magic stone from there..."

"Well... should I have fought with a dagger?

"In total, magic is faster, and if you do well, you don't stick next to the magic stone."

"Isn't Toki faster than a sword?

"... did you have that hand..."

"Recently I've been just a heartbeat..."

You seem to have forgotten the existence of a sword... others...

"Tanya, that's amazing..."

"Toshi-san... but..."

"What's wrong?

"I'm still sensing... the sooner I can spot my enemies... the sooner I can find them..."

"I see..."

"Tin bow?

"... I'll beat you with an arrow..."

Oh, yeah.

"Isn't it because of Arrow Toshita-san..."

"That's right..."

"It basically kills with a single hit, but if it comes off occasionally... it takes time to find it... and even if I kill it with an arrow, my body is intact, so I can take the magic stone..."

"I'm sorry."

"It's not so bad! It's just a limited number of time-limited matches..."

Talking to everyone who's done counting, it looks like they're done counting them all down… Isabelle will be announcing the results!

"Now I'm going to announce the results! The third place announcement!

"" "Ooh!

"Win 67 Magic Stones… Sakura!

"" "Whoa!

"... I couldn't win in a row..."

I wonder if this is a trick?

"Next up, 71 in second place!

"" "Oooh!!

"I'm announcing... Mr. Kaol!

"" "Ooooh!!!!

"... I lost..."

Looks like there were fewer monsters against the Enemy Speed.

"This is the number one announcement of prosperity!!!

Huh? Quiet at once...

"# 1... Get 107 Magic Stones!!! It's Noah!!!

"" "Whoa, whoa, whoa.

"Thank you."

"Huh? What happens to this?

"I see... what happens?

"What do we do?

What? Is there a problem with Noah winning?

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