The announcement of the results is over, but in a strange air...

"Er, what's going on?

"This product was the same as last time."

"You're making me tiny again!

"///... no,///... the right to like toshi"

"Again on your own... yeah, Noah..."

"It's a tentative contract... what should I do?"

"Noah! Can I talk to you for a second?


Call Toki, Phia, Kurl, and Noah who were playing cookies with tokoli...

"Is there anything Noah wants?

"... does the product change?

"Noah?! Aim for Toshi?!

"... I wanted you to fight for 24 hours."

"... really?

"Yes, with the strongest person I know... can't I?

"But it's narrow over there... just the two of us...///"

"If you can't, I'm just a maid."

"It doesn't matter, it's not what you say after the game is decided. If there's a problem, it's better not to say it first. This has nothing to do with maids or slaves."

"I see... I'm sorry."

"Well, I wanted you to tell me about the product first."

"... that can't be helped."

"I can't help it... just do what Noah wants."

"Thank you, Master..."

Well, it's not a good idea to make a difference with this... it's unexpected to fight for 24 hours...

"I'm ready to go home!

"Lily, I'm sorry I left you to it!

"I'm fine! They all helped me!

"Thank you, everybody!

"" Yes. ""

After this, we'll have a relaxing conversation, but in an hour we'll arrive in Rhino and take Isabelle to the castle...

"What? Why?

"No! Shit!!!

"Wow!! Ufuuu!!!!

I took Kuru and Tokori to the front of the castle, and Kuppy couldn't leave...

"Go away, both of you!

"Why? Why can't Kuru and Tokori do it?

"Toki and Yukina are the same age! I'm going to the tokori too!

"Why... I live with Toshi-san! That's why I'm just leaving!

"Kuru lives too!

"And the tokori!


This... can't be grabbed and ripped off... with my little hands and feet firmly attached to my head until I get to the cuppy... wouldn't normal people have their heads crushed?

"... I don't mind if I let you stay for today."


"You guys... I've never heard that voice before..."

I'll come back tomorrow for the rest of the crusade.

"Huh? But in today's crusade... you've crushed more monsters than you asked for?

"Not yet, because it was competitive, so I didn't say I thought it was going to be bad, but it seems that there are more subhuman settlements in the back."

"" Huh?!

"I'll go there tomorrow. I left it there because there was no sign of anyone."

"Ah... thank goodness..."

I left it because it was completely different from the place where Kuppy was, but I can't leave it like this. As a result of my intensive detection, there was no doubt that people were caught only by monsters. The signs of people and monsters were completely different, so there should be no mistake.

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