With One Finger, I Suppress The Heavens

Chapter 105, Past And Future

The little Stephanie in the picture added some white powder to Ling Yu's rice.

Said to be rice, in fact, some unsightly things, even the crumbs are even worse.

Even if something is added in it, if you stir it casually, you can't see it at all.

Ling Yu didn't know what was inside, but from Xiaoyou's expression, Ling Yu could also know, it wasn't easy.

Why is Xiaoyou hurting me?

Ling Yu didn't understand.

He remembered that time, he happened to be dragged by the host and beaten.

Then I didn't eat anything for two days.

So Xiaoyou's meal, he probably didn't eat it.

He also remembered that after that time, Xiaoyou was beaten to death.

what is this?

Ling Yu, who has always been a relative of Xiaoyou, wants to harm herself?

He couldn't believe it, and he had no reason to believe it.

fake! All this is fake.

It was fake from the start.

Ling Yu roared furiously inside.

But there was still a voice that told him in his consciousness that all this was true, and he didn't want to believe it, it was all true.

The screen changes again.

This time, what he saw was the blue Soaring in the sky.

But Ling Yu didn't wait for a moment to relax.

Soaring in the sky dimmed instantly.

Under Soaring in the sky, are Ling Yu's partners.

There is Qin Wei, Wang Jianyin, and his own aunt.

They were all tied up in an abandoned house.

There were a few people next to him holding torches.

These people are the same people who killed Ling Yu.

Impossible, Qin Wei and Wang Jianyin have clearly said that this is not the case.

But the old man's relatives and friends were burned alive like this, and the sound of mourning came one after another.

Ling Yu couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart.

Why, I know it's fake, why is it still so sad.

Ling Yu held his head, and the voice in his consciousness was constantly disturbing him.

You killed them, it's all your fault.

If it wasn't for you, none of them would die, it's all because of you.

No, no, it's all fake.


"Then let's look at the future."

Ling Yu failed to take a step forward, and the screen changed again.

A rubble appeared.

On top of this, there is a deeper mourning.

One by one living people were killed in various ways.

Buried alive, set on fire, or even late...

Ling Yu looked terrified.

Pictures like this are all over the entire Heavenly Spirit World.

These people have one thing in common.

That is, on the forehead, there is a deep "slave" word.

How could this be?

Can he really change anything? But why would the sinners be massacred again?

Ling Yu didn't believe it.

"Don't you believe it?"

"Think about it, what did you do this time? You made a splash in front of the entire Heavenly Spirit World and were called a hero."

"Do you think this is a good thing?"

"Unfortunately, if you do this, you will only make more sinners want to follow your pace, and then they will break through the cyclone state unscrupulously."

"The result? All sinners will be exposed to the eyes of the world and become living targets."

"It's all thanks to you!"

The sound is playful.

Is that so?

Ling Yu's head was about to explode.

Will he kill all the sinners?

But he didn't want to, he just wanted to rectify their names, just wanted them to be like everyone in this world, living under the sun, this is what the master has always longed for.

But is he really wrong?

The screen switches to Ling Yu's acquaintances again, this time, Fang Can and others.

The bright and attractive Fang Can was pressed to the ground and forcibly tore off his skirt, revealing his pure white skin.

And Ling Yu was doomed to the side by Struggle, unable to do anything.

Because he had been pinned to the ground with a long gun, Dantian and Internal Energy were all punctured.

The index finger of his right hand was also cut off again, and he lost all the strength to resist.

Qin Wei's blood was also blurred, and he fell in a pool of blood, his life and death uncertain.

And the blood in the pool of blood was Qin Feng's.

At a critical moment, he hugged Little Brother tightly, and he was tied into a hornet's nest, blood gurgling out.

Xi's spiritual body was caught in his hand, and it became more and more dim, and was about to dissipate.

Heisha was already dead, and Ye Feng lay beside him.

Even the chess players who have always been strategizing were trampled under their feet and were dying.

is this real?

Ling Yu began to gradually sink into self-doubt.

This is……

The voice in Ling Yu's mind hadn't fully sounded.

It was interrupted by another voice: "This is fake, it's all fake, only a little kid believes it."

Ling Yu's pupils tightened in disbelief.

"Long time no see, Ling Yu!"

"Chess player?"

Seeing the chess player under the man's feet, Rest became fierce.

He shattered the man with one punch and walked towards Ling Yu.

"Your cultivation time is still too short. Although your strength is good, your mind is indeed much worse. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to climb the ladder."

Ling Yu did not expect that the other party would educate him as soon as he came.

You must know that the two sides are hostile, and they still have the revenge of killing their father.

"What are you here for?"

The chess player floated in the air and said, "Naturally, I'm here to wake you up, otherwise you may not know how much time you will spend on this questioning ladder."

"It's the previous method again?"

Ling Yu was dissatisfied, the chess player must have played chess on him, otherwise he would not have been able to find him so quickly.

"What are you thinking?" The chess player said helplessly, "I'm just a useless spirit body."

"It's okay to wake you up, there is no hope for a fight."

Ling Yu understood that even Xi couldn't run that far in an instant, and even a chess player in the False God realm should not be able to do it.

"Don't forget, we are enemies, why do you want to help me?"

The chess player didn't care: "Then what? You want to kill me now?"

After the chess player finished speaking, the spirit body disappeared instantly, giving Ling Yu no chance at all.

His spiritual body, the task has been completed.

Although Ling Yu was ruthless, he also remembered this feeling.

He even had some doubts, was there any misunderstanding in what happened back then?

If a chess player wants to kill Fengyunhai, how can there be so much trouble?

He is a military division figure of the Sun Temple, and when necessary, he can even mobilize the old guys sleeping under the Sun Temple.

To deal with a sea of ​​wind and clouds, where is it worth his personal appearance.

But the chess player made the move himself, and the situation has repeatedly escaped from the chess player, which is simply reasonable. Without thinking any more, Ling Yu walked out of the picture and came to the top of the ladder.

Is everything fake?

Ling Yu thought of the Stephanie he saved in his previous life, Xiaoyou, his masters and friends, and the sinners whose corpses were piled high in the Heavenly Spirit World.

This made him in a trance, is this true, or is it just made up to confuse himself?

Ask the heart ladder, 999th floor, Ling Yu has now reached the 998th floor.

One more step forward and he will reach the top.

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