Climbing through the Asking Heart Ladder, you can reach the psychic realm.

This is what the chess player told him just now.

Ling Yu has always been curious about what her own natal spiritual experience is like.

Now, is there finally a chance to witness it?

Forgetting everything before, Ling Yu took one step forward.

The chess player behind him shook his head.

It's just that he couldn't utter a word anymore, and the phantom dissipated.

The chess player could see that Ling Yu was destined to be unable to break through the psychic realm this time.

His heart was still not firm enough.

And it is very unwise to pin breakthrough on foreign objects.

The chess player deliberately told him the legend of Wen Xin Lai, just to tell him a truth.

Cultivation has always depended on one's own.

Ling Yu took the last step.

But nothing happened.

He didn't have a breakthrough, or even a little change.

what happened? Was cheated by a chess player?

This was Ling Yu's first thought. It was reasonable, but not very reasonable.

Reasonable in the identity of the chess player.

The two have been in a hostile relationship.

Unreasonable, the chess player has just helped him, there is no need to lie to him by saying such unwarranted things.

There is only one possibility.

That is, he couldn't pass the questioning ladder at all.

In other words, not completely through the questioning ladder.

Ling Yu also understood a little.

He came by with the help of the chess player, otherwise his heart might have already collapsed.

At present, he has not completely gone through the state of mind that asked the heart ladder.

Therefore, it is not possible to break through, which is also reasonable.

From here, he can also see the difference between himself and the psychic realm.

His strength exploded, even comparable to the False God realm.

But in terms of state of mind, he is not as good as the general psychic state.

It's also because he grew up so fast.

He has always felt that his two lifetimes add up to well over forty.

Not to mention whether it can be counted.

Even if it is really over forty, it is still very small for Kaishuo in the psychic realm.

Not to mention those arrogances, ordinary people have reached the psychic realm, and they are almost hundreds or thousands of years old, and they are already at the level of the ancestors.

And those who can reach the psychic realm are actually one in a million.

So, Ling Yu is really still young.

This is not to say that Ling Yu is weaker than those geniuses.

It's just that he missed an opportunity.

In today's younger generation, very few people have attained psychic power.

Take Fang Lin as an example, he is the Prince of Da Yuan, and he has a heavy responsibility that is higher than many people.

And the reason why he was able to break through the psychic realm, or rely on the frontier battle.

Alone with a million troops in the crotch.

In that battle, there was not a single living person behind him, only the hundreds of millions of ghosts in Youdu were supporting him.

In that battle, he hovered between life and death countless times, so close to Death.

In the end, he blocked it, and after this battle, he was able to successfully break through the psychic realm.

Otherwise, it may take a long time for him to make a breakthrough.

And Fang Can, because of that illusion.

It was not easy for her to summon the courage to tell Ling Yu what she liked and what she experienced.

This time, if Ling Yu can really fully experience this questioning.

The chance of breakthrough is still very large.

But if the chess player does not appear, he is very likely to completely fall into this questioning ladder, let alone breakthrough.

Instead of worrying about gains and losses, Ling Yu continued to move forward.

He still remembered what he was here for.

Asking the heart ladder is not his purpose.

He was there to help the master by going out of the world.

"Oh, the so-called Emperor Xi, is this strength?"

"Looks like those guys are blowing you too far."

During the battle with Xi, the three alien generals gradually discovered that Xi was not as terrifying as they thought.

They also know that Xi's current state is not right, and they have seen it when he killed the Quartet.

But given such an opportunity, how could they not make fun of it.

When I return to the eternal world, I can still brag about it.

They have beaten Emperor Xi, and they can chat and laugh while fighting with him.

What? Three on one?

so what? At the beginning, more than 20 people had not been able to fight, and the three of us were able to press each other to fight.

Goal has already figured out how to brag when he goes back.

"Need help?"

Yunyan said feebly.

She wants to recover now, for a long time.

Even if it goes up, it can only be a disservice.

Damn it!

Xi's face was ugly. If he was in his prime, there would be only three trash fish, one for each slap.

Some exaggeration, but not impossible.

It's really a tiger falling into Pingyang and being bullied by a dog.

Xi is now composed entirely of Spiritual Qi, and many methods are not available.

At this time, it would be nice if someone else came to help.

Xi thought, glanced at the seriously injured Yunyan, and shook her head.

If he had come one step earlier, Yunyan hadn't been seriously injured, and the two of them could completely suppress these three livestock.

But Yunyan's current state is obviously not good.

At this time, Xi also thought of Ling Yu in the world.

For Ling Yu, he knows best.

Xi knows at least 90% of Ling Yu's secrets, if not all of them.

Whether it is the Ancestral God Finger or the power in the Profound Opening Mirror, they all have the power to change the world.

Absurdly, Xi actually longed for his own apprentice to help him.

"Those who disturb my homeland will be killed without mercy!"

As the sound fell, a boundless blade of light slashed down.

This knife seems to split the entire passage in half.

The three alien generals were in a panic and had no time to dodge, so they could only resist the sword.

But the power of the knife light is completely beyond their imagination.

The three of them resisted the sword light at the same time, but no one blocked it.

General Gore's right arm was cut off, and a deep knife was drawn in Qing'er's abdomen.

Another general, Tyr, was completely cut into two pieces with one knife.

Facing such a scene, Xi did not pursue the victory.

"Uncle Master?"

Xi's voice trembled.

This knife, he has only seen one person use it, it doesn't seem to have any fancy knife, but he once cut mountains and rivers into land with just one knife.

Xi was stunned when he saw it.

The person here is Commander Fang, Fang Chen is Xi's master, and he is naturally Xi's uncle.

In Xi's opinion, Uncle Shi's strength is not inferior to that of Master at all.

But he was reluctant to shoot many times, always standing behind his master, who was happy to protect his Little Brother.

Until the battle where Xi Shen died, he also took action.

With just one slash, the heads of the two alien generals were beheaded.

What happened after that, Xi did not know, and he also did not know where the uncle went.

This uncle, in his eyes, has always been the most mysterious existence.

"meet again?"

When Commander Fang saw Xi, he seemed very enthusiastic, and it was not different because of Xi's identity as a criminal.

Even if they carry the astral projection with them.

Even their conversations will be broadcast live to the world.

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