Wizard Bloodline

Chapter 4 Erosion

"Excessive meditation leads to a large amount of energy particles inside the body that cannot be discharged, which then erodes the body's organs and causes varying degrees of damage to the body's functions?!"

Ronan looked through the memories of his predecessor and finally found the cause of his "symptom".

“Will meditating too much hurt your health?!”

His face suddenly became a little ugly.

He now finally understood why this body's physical condition was so poor.

I originally thought it was because he was a young nobleman, but he didn't know how to control himself at a young age, and his body was drained by drinking and sex.

Now it seems that the main reason is that it has been corroded by energy particles for a long time.

“Because of my poor qualifications, I spend more time meditating than others.

There is a large accumulation of energy particles in the body, and we cannot afford magic medicine to resolve it, so our body is getting worse and worse, and it is not even as good as an ordinary person."

Ronan looked gloomy.

His fused memories were fragmented and incomplete. In addition, he had never learned meditation before, so he never noticed this.

Looking back now, I realize that many wizards have the problem of bodies being eroded by energy particles.

But it wasn't taken seriously.

Or because of the sentence at the beginning of "Basic Meditation" - the soul is the destination of immortality.

For wizards, the ultimate goal of spiritual practice is to pursue the so-called eternal soul. Apart from this, there is nothing that cannot be given up.

This also includes one's own body.

Moreover, when a wizard apprentice is promoted to a formal wizard, his physical body will be slightly enhanced.

Moreover, the body can be transformed later through spells.

"No wonder all the wizards this guy has seen in his memory are either extremely old or ugly. Is this the current situation of low-level wizards?"

Ronan felt powerless for a moment.

He is not a person who pays much attention to appearance, but he can accept that his external image is poor, but he cannot accept that at the age of sixteen, he is wearing a sixty-year-old body.

If he continues to practice at the current trend, it feels like he will have to rely on a cane to walk before long.

It’s probably impossible to climb a tree, so I have to eat, drink, and defecate in a tree every day.

"That's so fucked.."

Ronan imagined in his mind the scene of himself trembling and holding on to a tree branch while peeing in his pants in mid-air. He really couldn't look straight at it.

It is actually very simple to solve the problem of energy particle erosion.

One is to control the frequency of meditation.

Reduce the number of meditations and increase the time between meditations.

After one meditation, wait until the body slowly expels the excess energy particles before doing the next meditation, and the situation will ease a lot.

But this will undoubtedly greatly slow down the speed of cultivation, making Ronan's already terrible talent even worse.

Another way is to take a magic potion.

But this method is even more unfeasible.

The cheapest bottle of defuse potion costs more than ten low-level magic stones. With this money, Ronan might as well use it to buy auxiliary potions that can directly enhance his mental power.

If you don’t want to slow down your practice and don’t want to spend money, then you have no choice but to...


Ronan let out a short breath and said dullly: "From now on, physical exercise will be officially included in the daily practice items."

This is the stupidest way.

Train your body to be strong, and then fight to the end against those invading energy particles!

The poor can only rely on themselves.

After working hard for half an hour, Ronan collected a jar of morning dew.

This stuff is a kind of relatively easy-to-obtain wizard material. Ronan started to collect it consciously after reading a few books last night.

After placing the jar filled with morning dew in a cool place, Ronan grabbed a handful of sage leaves, crushed them and stuffed them into his mouth, brushed his teeth hastily, and then began to prepare his breakfast.

Breakfast is also very simple, a small pot of multigrain wheat porridge.

There were no side dishes to go with the porridge, so I added a little bit of stone honey that had been stored for who knows how long.

I didn't expect it to taste pretty good.

Ronan squatted at the door of the hut with a bowl in hand, drinking porridge, and opened his character panel.

[Name: Ronan Damien]

【Age: 16】

[Talent: No Attribute Affinity]

[Strength: Level 1 Wizard Apprentice (86%)]

[Skill: Basic Meditation (Introductory 5/100)]

Over the course of one night, his strength progress remained unchanged, but his proficiency in meditation increased by five points.

Ronan's mood was no longer as exciting and joyful as last night.

The main reason is that he studied this panel all night and found that it seemed to have no other function besides displaying his cultivation status in real time.

"If you dare to love, you still have to rely on your own liver."

Ronan was feeling a little depressed, so he finished breakfast hastily, washed the dishes, and then climbed down the tree along the long vine in front of the house.

Now is a good time for morning exercise.

The task of improving physical fitness is urgent, and Ronan takes action now.

He planned a little bit of his morning jog route.

"Follow this path and go right under the fourth oak tree. When you see a quagmire, go around to the left."

"Whenever you encounter danger, immediately return to the original route!"

Ronan felt that he was about the same, so he started running slowly along the forest path.

The road in the woods is not easy to walk, it is high and low, and sometimes you will encounter stones and dead trees blocking the road.

But it just works as a workout.

Ronan ran for a while, and began to sweat, and his breathing became much more rapid.

In fact, the grass by the lake is the best place for exercise.

But since the wizard fight yesterday, Ronan has not planned to go there for the time being.

The grass has a wide view, and if you run into anything, there is no place to hide.

The robe on his body was soaked with sweat, and it was very uncomfortable to stick to the skin wetly. The fat sleeves and hem were also in the way.

Ronan thought about changing clothes later. He remembered that there was a set of light hunting clothes in the clothes left by his predecessor, which was more suitable for activities in the forest.

"What kind of wizard etiquette is still being paid attention to when you have come to this point? Wearing a wizard robe does not necessarily make you a wizard."

Ronan was panting with exhaustion, and the roots of his hair were wet.

He pushed aside a bush and saw water gurgling out of the tree hole under a big tree in front of him, so he gradually slowed down his pace.

"I've probably run about seven or eight miles."

Ronan didn't know for sure, so he took out a golden pocket watch and checked the time.

It had been nearly an hour and a half since he left the tree house.

He had been scratched by branches in several places, leaving bloodstains, which hurt like a fire after being soaked with sweat.

"Fortunately, there are no large beasts in this area, otherwise I wouldn't dare to go so deep."

Ronan thought as he walked towards the tree hole in front of him where water was gushing out.

When he got to the tree hole, he scooped up a handful of water and tasted it twice, and found that it tasted quite clear and sweet.

After a simple scrubbing, Ronan took off his shoes and soaked his feet in.

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