Wizard: I can extract identities

Chapter 153 Withered Aura

"Sir, you are new to Edge City, right? Do you need a guide? I am very familiar with Edge City. You only need to pay a few magic stones..." After Ximan walked into Edge City, before he had time to observe the situation in Edge City, he heard a slightly flattering voice.

A thin man who had been standing by the door for a long time and had been looking at the people entering the city came up to Ximan immediately after seeing him, with a respectful and flattering expression on his face.

Ximan stopped and looked at the thin and ordinary-looking guide in front of him: "What's your name?"

"Just call me Blair, sir." Blair answered with a lowered eyebrow.

"Well, let's talk to me about the situation in Edge City while we walk."

"Okay! Please follow me, sir." Blair led Ximan to the center of the city.

Ximan listened to Blair's introduction while observing Edge City.

Edge City is more prosperous than he imagined. The place where he is now is not the central area, but it is already very prosperous. People come and go on the streets, and most of them are wizards.

There are shops on both sides of the street, and there are all kinds of shops. There are signs hanging at the door of each shop, marking the types and prices of goods in the store. Most of them sell items needed by wizards.

In addition, there are some stalls on the side of the street, where various items are placed, some real and some fake, and bargaining and shouting are endless.

In addition to wizards, there are some alien races among the pedestrians, such as sea people with scales and patterns on their bodies, and orcs with animal hair and animal features, but most of these alien races are servants or slaves of wizards.

"Do you know the withered halo?" After listening to Blair's description of Edge City, Ximan suddenly asked.

"Withered Aura? Isn't that a medium-sized wizard force? Do you want to join the Withered Aura?" Hearing Heman mention the Withered Aura, Blair was immediately surprised.

"Oh? Is there any problem?" Heman saw Blair's expression and raised his eyebrows and asked.

Although Heman inherited Calais's memory and identity, Calais had left Ongsha for decades. Calais didn't know what changes had taken place in the Withered Aura during this period, so he asked.

"Uh..." Blair hesitated for a while before continuing: "Although Withered Aura is only a medium-level wizard force, it has four third-level wizards, which is also the top existence among medium-level wizard forces."

"However, Withered Aura seems to have encountered trouble recently..." At this point, Blair shook his head: "I don't know the specific situation, but Withered Aura seems to be targeted by other forces."

"Are you sure you don't know?" A cloth bag appeared in Heman's hand, which contained more than ten magic stones. Then Heman stuffed the bag into Blair's arms: "Do you remember it now?"

"Thank you, sir." Blair took the cloth bag and opened it. After seeing the more than ten magic stones in it, he happily put it away and patted his head: "I remember it. Look at my memory. I forget things so easily."

"It's good to remember it. Then tell me what you know." Heman smiled faintly.

Blair quickly replied: "In theory, with four level 3 wizards in charge of the Withered Aura, there will be no trouble at all, but there is an extremely important person in the Withered Aura, that is the Great Wizard Qina."

"Great Wizard Qina? What happened to her?" Ximan asked.

Level 3 wizards are often respected as great wizards because of their powerful strength.

"I don't know the details, but according to rumors, the great wizard Qina is extremely talented and is the third-level wizard with the best chance of being promoted to a Morning Star wizard in the Wengsha area. Therefore, the three high-level wizard forces and other wizard forces will unite to fight against the Withered Aura."

"After all, no one wants another Morning Star wizard to appear in Wengsha to divide their rights and interests, so the Withered Aura has been in trouble during this period."

"I see." Ximan nodded, thinking. Ximan originally planned to go directly to Qina, but he didn't expect Qina's situation to be bad, and it was even involved in the three high-level wizard forces. Ximan temporarily gave up his idea. He decided to stay in Edge City for a while and break through his strength to the liquefied stage.

"But, sir, you asked about the Withered Aura, shouldn't it be to join them?" Blair asked again.

"Haha, of course not." Ximan shook his head: "Since the Withered Aura is in danger, I certainly won't join them."

"That's true." Blair nodded with deep concern.

"I want to live in Edge City for a long time, so I need a place to stay. Take me to a place where I can rent a house. The facilities, environment and security should be first-class!" Ximan did not dwell on this issue, and he turned to talk about another thing.

"If you want to live for a long time, then renting a house in the Edge Alliance is the best. There is no problem with the environment or facilities." Blair said.

Blair knew that Ximan did not know Edge City, and then he explained: "The Edge Alliance is an alliance formed by several major forces in Edge City. The purpose is to resist foreign forces and safeguard their own interests. The houses rented by the Edge Alliance are very popular."

"Okay, let's go there!" Seeing Ximan nodded, Blair's face was happy, and he quickly led the way.

Heman was his client. If he could make this deal, he would definitely get a lot of money. Blair was naturally very happy.

About half an hour later, Heman followed Blair to a large building with five big characters "Edge Alliance Public Station" written on it.

In front of the door of the public station, there were two rows of guards on both sides. They looked quite imposing. Their strength had reached the level of third-class wizard apprentices. They also had a strong smell of blood and murderous aura. It was obvious that they had experienced a lot of life and death battles. They should be wizards who were responsible for fighting.

"Edge City is roughly divided into two areas, namely the outer city and the inner city. The outer city is for ordinary people and apprentices to live in. The public security is average. As long as you have a token of temporary residence, you can enter and exit at will."

"Only those who hold a token of long-term residence can enter the inner city. The inner city is relatively more prosperous, and the public security and environment are better. The most important thing is that the concentration of elemental particles in the inner city is also higher." Blair introduced Heman while walking towards the public station.

As an honorable and formal wizard, He-Man enjoyed many privileges, one of which was not having to queue.

So, He-Man and Blair passed the people queuing and walked into the public station. This scene fell into the eyes of the people queuing, and they couldn't help but envy them, but they didn't dare to complain at all.

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