Wizard: I can extract identities

Chapter 154 Flower Demon Stone Like Flowing Water

The internal space of the public quarters is very spacious. There are many small compartments inside, and there is a receptionist in each compartment. At the same time, there is a giant crystal wall erected in the center of the public quarters, with various information constantly scrolling on it. Some are renting apartments, posting tasks, and some are looking for shopping...

Blair took Seaman directly towards the most luxurious compartment, which was dedicated to official wizards. In the middle of the compartment were a sofa and coffee table as well as oil paintings hanging on the surrounding walls. The sofa The coffee table and coffee table were wiped clean and tidy, without a trace of dust.

"Hello! Do you need anything?" The person in charge of reception in the cubicle was a beautiful blond woman wearing a black dress. She smiled at Heman and said.

"I want to rent a house with complete facilities, a laboratory, and a defensive witch formation that must reach at least level one." Seaman simply stated his needs.

"Okay, wait a moment, I will help you look up relevant information now." The blond woman picked up the crystal ball next to her and started looking up.

"Sir, I have found a total of five houses that meet your requirements. Which one do you want?" the blond woman said while tapping the crystal ball in her hand.

The blue crystal ball suddenly emitted a dazzling light, and an illusory projection appeared in front of Seaman, forming five three-dimensional images.

Seaman must pay attention to where he will live in the future. After careful inspection, he found that these five houses are all located in the inner city of the edge city. They are all independent villas with large areas and their own gardens, laboratories and swimming pools. and other facilities.

Seaman randomly projected a little bit on one of the villas, and the villa projection immediately zoomed in, showing all the structures inside and outside the villa in front of Seaman.

When Seaman looked over, the information about the villa also appeared in Seaman's eyes.

"Current location of the villa: Inner City of Edge City, No. 123 Kara Avenue. Comes with its own laboratory, defense witch formation, garden..."

Looking at this kind of technology, He-Man felt a little emotional for a while. Even the technological level of He-Man's previous life could not reach this level.

"Well, that's it! I want this one!" Seaman said, pointing to the villa he clicked on just now.

"Okay, sir, the rent for this villa is 1,200 magic stones per month." After hearing Heman's choice, the blond woman showed a professional smile on her face.

"No problem, please help me with the procedures!" Seaman nodded, took out the magic stone and handed it over: "I'll rent it for half a year first!"

Then, the blond woman took away the ring on Seaman's hand, imprinted a strange symbol on a disc-shaped object, and then handed it to Seaman respectfully.

"The entry and exit runes of the villa defense witch formation have been imprinted on your ring. With the ring, you can enter and exit the villa at will, but you cannot damage the items in the villa."

Then, the blonde woman introduced some precautions to Seaman.

He-Man then walked out with Victor.

Victor looked at He-Man's calm expression and was a little surprised. It would be difficult for an ordinary formal wizard to take out nearly ten thousand magic stones at once, but He-Man not only took it out in one breath, but also had such a calm expression. This made Victor It further confirmed He-Man’s extraordinaryness.

But Victor didn't know that He-Man's heart was bleeding at this time. Although He-Man had a lot of magic stones, taking out nearly ten thousand magic stones at once would be very painful to Sea-man. How could he not feel pain in his body? !

You must know that the magic stones on his body were obtained through hard work by refining magic items and snatching them from enemies. In addition, Ronald's gift made him so wealthy.

This time, he suddenly spent most of his money renting a house, which made Seaman almost cry with heartache.

Seaman secretly decided in his heart: "I must be frugal in the future, and start refining magic weapons to earn magic stones!"

"Take me to another place, these magic stones will be yours, and the deal between us will be over!" Seaman smiled and took out a few magic stones.

This is the reward promised before.

"Of course, no problem. I'm very happy to help you!" Blair put away the magic stone and said with a smile.

"Take me to the best pharmacy in Edge City, the one with a pharmacist in charge." Seaman said. He also needed a lot of materials for refining the Moonlight Potion, so he could turn the materials into potions as soon as possible. .

"There is no problem with this. There are three pharmacies in Edge City that are staffed by pharmacists. They are No. 23 Mahogany Street, No. 32 Yunwa Street and No. 34 Sapphire Street."

Blair smiled and said: "The pharmacies at No. 23 Mahogany Street and No. 34 Sapphire Street are staffed by veteran pharmacists who can refine second-level potions. But I suggest you go to the pharmacy at No. 32 Yunwa Street."

"Oh, why?" Seaman asked doubtfully.

"Because the pharmacist at No. 32 Yunwa Street is an independent pharmacist and has not joined any force. The attitude and price of the medicines he prepares are very good. As for the pharmacists at No. 23 Mahogany Street and No. 34 Sapphire Street, they are both marginal. The pharmacists in the alliance have a rather arrogant attitude, and the refining prices are also very high. If you go there, you may not be able to get the two pharmacists to refining the medicine for you," Blair explained.

"I see, then go to No. 32 Yunwa Street!" Seaman understood and was ready to listen to Blair's suggestion. Anyway, the medicine he wants to refine is only a first-level medicine, and does not require the help of a second-level pharmacist.

Soon, Seaman followed Blair to the door of the store at No. 32 Yunwa Street and walked in.

"Hello, what do you need?" The two walked into the shop, and a young man in a white robe came up to them.

The man had a warm smile on his face: "We have many kinds of potions here. If you need to refine potions, we can also serve you here."

"I'm looking for Belle Metz. I want to refine some moonlight potions!" Ximan said directly.

The man was stunned for a moment, and then he quickly reacted. He showed a look of joy on his face and said quickly: "Please wait, I'll go call Lord Bell."

As he said that, the man walked quickly towards the depths of the shop.

Ximan looked at the man's appearance and had a deeper understanding of the situation of the shop. The situation of this shop was worse than he imagined.

Soon, the man came out, and behind him, followed a figure in a white robe, but the man looked much older than the man, with black hair draped behind his head, vicissitudes of life eyes revealing the traces left by the years, and a gentle smile on his face.

On Bell's chest hung a badge - a badge with a vine entwined around it, representing that he was a first-class pharmacist.

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