"Lord Ximan, you should not have joined the organization yet, right? The path of a wizard is full of difficulties and obstacles. The power of one person is very weak. You need to join an organization. I wonder which force in Edge City you intend to join?" Edwin asked with a gentle smile.

After talking with Ximan, he was very moved. An excellent and outstanding talent like Ximan should really become his companion!

That's why Ed spoke to recruit him.

Ximan had a smile on his face: "I haven't thought about it yet. Do you have any recommendations?"

Ed's eyes lit up when he heard the words, showing a surprised expression, and then his expression became serious again, and his tone became much more solemn: "Lord Ximan, I sincerely invite you to join our Holy Shield!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his right hand and put it in front of his chest to make a slightly strange and complicated gesture. The action looked like a prayer ritual.

Ximan looked at Ed in confusion.

Seeing this, Ed immediately explained: "This is one of our rituals to welcome distinguished guests."

Ximan also had a general understanding of the wizard forces in Edge City through his understanding during this period of time.

There are many wizard forces in Edge City, but there are two wizard forces that are the most powerful, one of which is Holy Shield.

The founder of Holy Shield is a third-level wizard called "Glory Messenger". Glory Messenger suddenly rose more than 20 years ago and defeated the old wizard of Edge City in just three years, making Holy Shield one of the two overlords of the entire Edge City!

One of the important reasons why Holy Shield has developed so rapidly is that Holy Shield has been spending a lot of effort to recruit wizards, and treats every formal wizard who joins very kindly, and gives enough preferential treatment and benefits to make these newly joined formal wizards willing to work for Holy Shield.

Ximan was originally more inclined to join Holy Shield.

Because in addition to Holy Shield, another major force, Bisola Academy, is a wizard force of a college nature. The requirements for the joining of foreign wizards are very strict. Not only does it need to undergo a long-term review, but it also requires foreign wizards who join to make a strict oath.

Even so, they will still be excluded from the core circle. Although the treatment is good, they can only wander around the periphery and cannot obtain any core knowledge and resources.

As for other weak forces, it goes without saying that although the conditions for Heman to join them would be much more relaxed, Heman would not get anything if he went there.

So Heman had only the Holy Shield as his choice. According to what Ed said, the Holy Shield had very few restrictions on foreign wizards, and there was little discrimination and exclusion. For truly talented wizards, there were many preferential treatments.

Relying on Heman's current strength and his identity as a magic weapon master, joining the Holy Shield would definitely be valued, and there would even be a good chance to enter the core circle in the future.

Ed, who was standing aside, saw that Heman had wavered, so he struck while the iron was hot: "If you join the Holy Shield, then I can guarantee that with your strength you will definitely be accepted and trusted by the top leaders of the Holy Shield, and maybe your status will be higher than mine!"

Heman was silent for a moment, nodded and agreed: "Then I'll give it a try."

Hearing Heman's answer, Ed was overjoyed, and quickly took out a pen and paper to write a letter of recommendation and handed it to Heman: "As long as you take the letter of recommendation to the Holy Shield registration office to register, there will be a special person in charge to help you arrange the relevant matters."

Heman accepted the letter, thanked him, and left.

After Heman left, Ed immediately reported Heman's situation.

Don't look at how well Ed said about the Holy Shield, but that was only relative. The competition and conflicts within the Holy Shield are no less, and the competition is more intense than that of other wizard forces!

Ed's faction is at a disadvantage in the recent competition. If it continues, the rights and interests of their faction will be greatly affected, so he urgently invited Heman to join the Holy Shield.

Heman was recommended by Ed to join the Holy Shield, so he would naturally be regarded as a member of Ed's faction.

Of course, Heman didn't know all this, but even if he knew it, he probably wouldn't care. After all, this kind of thing is normal. No matter which wizard force he joins, he will face the problem of standing in line.


Early the next morning, Heman rushed to the Holy Shield with Ed's recommendation letter.

This was Heman's first time to the Holy Shield headquarters. He looked up at the giant building in front of him-its shape was like a huge shield towering above the earth, and around it were densely packed buildings.

Ximan walked into a spacious and gorgeous hall. Wizards dressed in different styles came and went in the hall, constantly shuttling in front of counters, looking very busy.

Ximan took a look and found that many of these wizards exuded the mental power and mana fluctuations of formal wizards. Obviously, these were formal wizards.

Ximan took a few glances and walked straight to an empty counter.

"Hello, is this the registration office for the Holy Shield?" Ximan asked the woman behind the counter.

The woman exuded the mental power fluctuations of a third-class wizard apprentice, and a professional smile appeared on her face after seeing Ximan.

"This is the registration office for the Holy Shield. Do you want to join our Holy Shield?" After the woman felt the fluctuations on Ximan, the smile on her face became enthusiastic.

"I am Ximan, and Ed recommended me here." Ximan took out Ed's recommendation letter and handed it over.

Looking at the recommendation letter in her hand, the woman became more enthusiastic. Although there are not many formal wizards joining the Holy Shield every year, there are also many, and not everyone can have a recommendation letter.

Generally, a formal wizard with a letter of recommendation, in addition to the strength of a formal wizard, also needs to have a special background, strong strength, or special talents.

After the woman confirmed that the letter of recommendation was correct and reported the news, she said, "Please show your identity card!"

Heman took off the silver ring on his hand and handed it over.

The woman reached out to take it, and after confirming that there was no problem on a disc, she immediately handed the ring back to Heman respectfully.

"Please fill out this form." The woman then handed a parchment form to Heman.

The questions on it were very simple, and there were no very private questions. They only asked about Heman's name, qualifications, elemental affinity, etc.

Heman scanned the questions on it at a glance, and after filling out the form, he handed the form to the woman.

"Please wait, I will help you with the identity card right away." The woman put away the form and said with a smile.

Not long after, the woman took out a shield-like badge and handed it to Heman, and asked Heman to leave his magic breath on it.

The shield badge looked very delicate, with a shield carved on it and light golden lines flashing on it.

However, this shield badge could only prove identity and had no defensive or offensive function.

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