Wizard: I can extract identities

Chapter 161 Special Treatment

Generally speaking, although the status of a formal wizard is not low, if you want to join the Holy Shield, you must also undergo strict identity review to prevent people with ulterior motives from sneaking into the Holy Shield.

The reason why Ximan was able to pass the identity review so easily was that he had a letter of recommendation from Ed, so his trust was naturally relatively high.

Second, after Ed reported it, Ximan's information had been investigated almost completely. As an outsider wizard, there was nothing to check about his identity, so he passed the identity review very smoothly.

After getting the identity certificate, Ximan walked aside and waited for the person Ed said to receive him.

At this time, Ximan also had time to look around him. The place he was in was quite spacious and there were many chairs arranged. However, there were only a few people sitting here at this time, but all those who could sit here were formal wizards.

Feeling the breath of the wizards around him, Ximan was also full of emotion. The formal wizards that were rarely seen on the East Coast could be seen everywhere in Wensha, but their number was much more than that of the East Coast.

Ximan could sense that the wizards around him were not simple.

You know, there is no simple wizard who can be promoted to a formal wizard. Either they are wizards with backgrounds like Ximan. Such wizards have advantages in knowledge and resources, so they are naturally not weak.

Another type is wandering wizards without backgrounds. It takes more energy to be promoted to a formal wizard without background support, which further shows that they are not simple.

Not long after, Ximan's eyes were focused on the door, watching two wizards walking side by side and coming here. Both of them wore a golden badge in the shape of a shield on their chests. They were the people of the Holy Shield.

Ximan's eyes also flickered: "Finally here..."

There were a man and a woman. The man was wearing a black robe, with a cold face. His whole face was covered in a hood, and his appearance could not be seen clearly, but from his figure, he should be a burly type.

The other was a tall woman with blonde hair, fair skin, and beautiful appearance. She held a magic wand and emitted a faint but vibrant fluorescent green light around her body.

The clothes and headdress on the woman showed her extraordinary status - these clothes and accessories were actually magic weapons, each of which was very valuable.

The arrival of the two attracted the attention of the surrounding wizards, especially the awe-inspiring gazes of other wizards.

The man and woman walked straight towards Heman.

"Excuse me, are you Lord Heman?" The man asked, his tone was cold without a trace of warmth.

"I'm sorry, the sequelae of Snape's experiment made his words sound cold, but he is actually a very good person." Carolina looked at Heman apologetically, and then explained.

"It doesn't matter, I am Heman, are you the people Ed said?" Heman nodded, then stood up and asked.

"My name is Carolina, I am here to receive you, I hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long." Carolina smiled.

Seeing Ximan smiled, Carolina continued: "Please follow me, we still need to conduct a simple test on you!"

After saying that, Carolina stretched out her right hand and made an invitation gesture.

Ximan nodded and followed Carolina to take the test.

The wizards who were waiting around were immediately unhappy when they saw this scene and started to talk about it.

They came earlier than Ximan. Why can Ximan take the test first, while they have to wait outside?

A wizard with a hot temper even shouted: "What's going on? Why does he take the test first, and we have to wait here?"

"That's right! What's going on?!" Another wizard echoed.

Others also expressed their dissatisfaction.

Carolina stopped, turned around, looked at the wizard, and said calmly: "Since you have come to the Holy Shield, you must abide by the rules here! If you don't want to abide by them, you can choose to leave!"

"Of course, if you have reached the liquefaction stage and are also a magic weapon master, you can also get the same treatment. If not, shut up."

"Don't you know now that there has never been fairness in the wizard world?" Carolina's voice was not loud, but it made everyone quiet down.

The wizard was speechless when he heard this. He had just emerged from the protection of his family and became a formal wizard. He had always been responsive in the family and had never had a deep enough understanding of the cruelty of the wizard world.

"Okay, stop arguing, stay here honestly, otherwise... I can't guarantee that you can stay here!" Snape snorted coldly, showing all his momentum, and everyone who was oppressed quieted down.

Afterwards, Heman entered a hall under the leadership of Carolina. Although the area of ​​this hall was slightly smaller, it was also very spacious.

In this hall, there are five or six test benches, including those used by pharmacists and magic weapon masters. They should be places dedicated to the assessment of these two professions.

"Lord Ximan, although we believe in you, due to the rules of the Holy Shield, you still need to take the assessment. The assessment is very simple. You must successfully refine a magic weapon within the specified time, and the magic weapon you need to refine is the most common offensive magic weapon on the market!"

Carolina whispered beside Ximan: "We have prepared the raw materials needed for refining for you. We have prepared three sets of materials for you. You have three chances to refine. As long as you succeed once, you will pass the test!"

As a wizard, strength cannot be faked, but it is not easy to judge the refining of magic weapons.

Ximan said that he could refine a first-level magic weapon, but who knows if he can really refine it? Even if he can refine it, how high is the success rate of refining?

They don't know these, so they need to be assessed!

Ximan nodded, and without further nonsense, he walked to the laboratory table, picked up the refining drawings and refining requirements, and checked the refining materials, sorted them and placed them on the laboratory table, and then began to refine.

While Carolina and Snape stood aside and watched, they also used a crystal ball to record the whole process as a voucher.

Half an hour passed quickly, and the materials in front of Ximan had turned into a pile of crumbs. As expected by Ximan, the first refining failed.

After all, he had never refined this magic weapon, so the failure the first time was natural. Ximan was not discouraged. He adjusted his state and started refining for the second time.

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