The blue flame began to burn. Ximan picked up several pieces of materials on the experimental table and processed them quickly, and then began to purify them on the flame. Ximan processed the materials step by step in order.

His movements were neat. Although he was a little rusty in some places, he didn't make many mistakes overall.

"What do you think?" Snape's cold voice sounded in Carolina's ears.

"I don't know anything about magic weapon refining. What's the point of asking me? On the contrary, you should know something about this, right? Why don't you tell me about it?" Carolina said with a blank look at Snape.

"His refining skills are very ordinary. He is not excellent among magic weapon masters, and his movements are slightly rusty. He is still lacking in magic weapon refining! But considering his strength, he should spend most of his time on improving his strength, which is normal!"

"After all, isn't it his strength that we value? His identity as a magic weapon master is secondary!" Snape said.

Carolina nodded in agreement with Snape's statement.

The two discussed for a few more sentences, and then returned to silence, waiting for Heman to complete the refining.

Time passed slowly, Heman took the material that had turned golden from the fire, and began to carve the final witchcraft model.

"Buzz~" accompanied by a low chanting sound, a strange rune formed in front of Heman, and then emitted a faint light.

Heman took a long breath and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"I have completed the refining!" Heman raised his hand, and in his hand, a ring emitting golden light was lying quietly on it.

"Very good!" Snape said with satisfaction, then walked to Heman and carefully observed the golden ring: "You have passed the assessment. From now on, you are a member of the Holy Shield. Welcome to join us!"

Even if it was congratulations, Snape's tone was cold.

"It's an honor to join the Holy Shield!" Heman smiled.

"You still need to sign some other contracts, please follow me!" Snape led the way in front and took Heman to the depths.

As Heman entered the Shield headquarters, he saw many wizards coming and going along the way, including wizard apprentices and formal wizards, but overall, wizard apprentices were the majority.

Snape took Heman around for almost half an hour before reaching the destination.

"We're here. This is the office of my mentor, Master Corey, one of the three elders of the Shield!" Snape stopped and introduced Heman.

"I see!" Heman nodded to show that he understood.

"Master Corey, I'm bringing Master Heman here!" Snape knocked on the door and shouted.

"Please let him in!" A gentle and kind male voice came.

Hearing Corey allow him to enter, Snape opened the door and let Heman go in first.

Heman entered the room. The space inside was very large. There were several huge bookshelves around the walls, with many books placed on them.

In addition, there was a table near the window, behind which sat an old man with white hair and beard. The old man wore a white robe and a pair of glasses. His cheeks were thin and he looked very energetic, but there was a hint of melancholy between his eyebrows.

"Welcome! Ximan." The old man took off his glasses, then stood up and said to Ximan with a smile.

Ximan bowed politely, then said, "You are too polite, Master Corey!"

The mental power fluctuations emitted by Corey completely surpassed the level of a first-level wizard, and were almost the same as the second-level wizard in Ximan's memory, and were even slightly stronger. It seemed that Corey was not a weakling even among the second-level wizards.

"You don't have to be too formal. You were recommended by Ed to join the Holy Shield. We are a family!" Corey stretched out his hand to signal Ximan to sit down, and then said.

Ximan nodded, and sat down on the chair without refusing.

As for, he left the room tactfully, leaving the space for Ximan and Corey, and closed the door.

"We'll chat later, let's sign the contract first!" Corey said gently.

After that, a piece of parchment on Corey's desk floated up and landed steadily in Heman's hand.

Heman picked up the parchment and looked at it carefully. The content on it was the same as what Ed said. It only required Heman not to harm the interests of the Holy Shield in any direct or indirect way, and to complete a certain amount of tasks every year...

Although there were a lot of contents, they were all insignificant treaties that would not harm Heman's rights and interests.

In return, Heman could exchange most of the knowledge and resources of the Holy Shield with contribution points, including various witchcrafts, knowledge, etc.

Of course, if you want to get better things, you must obtain higher permissions, otherwise Heman is not eligible to exchange.

Both Corey and Heman knew that this contract was just the most ordinary contract. After signing it, Heman could only be regarded as an ordinary member of the Holy Shield and did not enter the core circle.

Unless Heman signed a more stringent contract later or made great contributions, he would not be able to enter the core circle.

After Ximan checked everything, he signed the contract with his mental power.

At the moment the contract was signed, it turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared into the air, blending into Ximan's soul, making him feel that there was some special restriction in his soul.

"Very good, I have basically understood your situation, and the next step is to assign you a job!" Corey looked at Heman and smiled: "Do you have any place you want to go? If so, you can bring it up!"

As a medium-sized wizard force, the Holy Shield naturally has different parts, such as the Research Department in charge of research, the Combat Department in charge of combat, and the Potion Department in charge of potion refining.

Different departments are responsible for different tasks, and their respective functional scopes are also different.

New members like Heman originally had no right to choose, but who let Heman have great potential!

"Master Corey, I am not good at combat or research, but I have a little talent in magic weapon refining, so I want to join the Magic Weapon Department."

"Reasonable request!" Corey agreed with a smile.

"Thank you, Master Corey." Heman breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay! Go out and find Snape, tell him your choice, and he will help you arrange it."

"Yes, Master Corey!" Heman bowed and saluted, then left Corey's office.

Snape had been waiting outside the office door. When he saw He-Man come out, he asked, "So, which department did you choose?"

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