Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

[101] Isn't It? Is This Something Newborn Wizards Can Do? (Seeking Subscription)

ps: The status is not right recently, the writing is a bit too long-winded, too procrastinated...it has been corrected, and the pace has been accelerated...

The wind and snow were still blowing, and there were traces of battle everywhere on the top of the snow peak, which was incomparably messy.

This was the result of Angelet's best control, otherwise the entire mountain would have been beaten and collapsed.

From the wizard's ring, some ropes were found, and they were wrapped around the two women with papery spiritual power.

It's easy to carry...  

The exit was within the nearby mountain wall, and Angelet kicked directly on the mountain wall.


Cracks appeared, and the next moment it collapsed, revealing the dark hole inside.

It seems to be leading to an unknown area...

"You say, how many new students will survive this time!"

At the exit of the cave where the freshmen assessed the secret realm, three wizards who were in charge of guarding the secret realm were looking bored into the depths of the deep cave.

Tick ​​tock!

The sound of water droplets continued to sound, after all, a wizard couldn't help but spoke.

"Who knows, maybe they all came out, and maybe it's not!"

Another wizard yawned and said.

On the contrary, the wizard who let Sulu Zijinhua into the secret realm looked a little confused.

all out?

I'm afraid this is the most impossible thing!

He even preferred to believe that only one wizard could come out.

Hope that guy doesn't screw it up!

This time, it involved a bet between two official wizards.

The sorcerer is called Clinton, he was still very worried, and said absent-mindedly: "Master Bone Demon Wizard and Lord Purple Demon Wizard have a bet, and it is estimated that they will survive among five or seven or eight people...... "

Da da!

At this time, footsteps suddenly came from outside the crypt cave.

The expressions of the three guardian wizards changed slightly, and they looked over.

"who is it?"

Then, I saw a figure wearing a black wizard robe, slowly walking over.

The hair is very long, and the bangs cover the eyes, otherwise you can see the bloodshot eyes and the somewhat twisted and hideous expression 04.

The expressions of the three wizards became a little dignified, and there was a terrible aura coming from the wizard in front of them, which none of the three of them could choose.

The picture retouching wizard pulled an ugly smile on his face, and said actively:

"I am a picture retouching wizard from the Upper House. Among this batch of newborn wizards, there are some who have signed a wizard contract with me. I came to see their situation and bring them back by the way to carry out the follow-up of fulfilling the contract.. ..."

When the caretaker wizard saw the face of the wizard who retouched the picture, he confirmed the wizard robe on his body, and then relaxed.

"It turned out to be the senior of the Upper School, this is okay... I guess it will come out in a few days, but it may take a long time

"It's nothing, I just happen to be free!"

The retouching wizard found a corner and stood there, staring at the exit of the cave with gloomy eyes.

And the three caretaker wizards naturally only have their terms of office.

Then, they glanced at the figure of the wizard who edited the picture, and started talking with each other in a low voice.

"This senior from the Upper School doesn't seem to be in a good mood, his face looks like he wants to eat dirt!"

"However, there are wizards in this batch of freshmen who have signed a wizard contract with the seniors of the upper school. Based on this situation, it is estimated that it is not a good content. This life is considered complete.

A caretaker wizard sensed the aura emanating from the image retouching wizard, which was full of uncomfortable nausea, even ominous and evil...

Immediately, he understood a lot, and a pity expression appeared on his face.

Clintton was anxious, but what she was thinking about was related to Sulu Zijinhua.

Who cares about the signing of a contract between a wizard of the House of Lords and a newborn wizard?

Time passed slowly, half a day passed in the blink of an eye, and the retouching wizard was still standing in the same position, motionless, like a statue in human shape

Finally, there was a sound from the depths of the cave, which was the mixed sound of footsteps and mopping the floor.

It seems that someone is dragging something.

The pupils of the picture retouching wizard fluctuated slightly, and there was an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

This is the breath of the remnant fetus.

The face of the retouching wizard is slightly less ugly.

I thought it was because I still had some leftover fetuses alive.

But soon, his complexion became gloomy, and his eyes were full of viciousness.

In the dark shadows deep in the cave, a figure slowly came out. It was a figure wearing a black-gray wizard robe, holding a rope in his hand.

When he walked out completely, the two people behind him were revealed.

Feel the four gazes, all of them are staring at me, and the emotions expressed are different.

An inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of Angelet's mouth.

The three guardian wizards were a little shocked and said: "It's unbelievable that you were able to pass through the secret realm so quickly, and you have already broken all previous records."

Clinton was also very surprised: "The fastest record in history is seven days, and you only had five days to successfully pass the level!"

"Student, you have a bright future!"

Clinton didn't know who Sulu Zijinhua was going to kill, but only thought that Angelet was the target Sulu Zijinhua let go of.

After all, a group of new wizards cannot be the opponent of Sulu Zijinhua.

Unless he let it go on purpose.

Right now, this newborn wizard can set the record for the fastest customs clearance. It is estimated that after walking out of this cave, there will be a lot of eyes, and he has to pay attention.

Perhaps, it is the investment of some upper school seniors, or even limit master apprentices...

Clinton was envious in his heart. He didn't know how long he still wanted this position before he could get enough resources to break through and enter the House of Lords.

Compared to him, this newborn wizard has already embarked on a shortcut.

Angelet smiled slightly and said, "That's ridiculous, senior."

At this time, the situation of Freya and Sofia was also noticed by the three guardian wizards.

"this is...……"

Angelet briefly explained the situation, but didn't say the real content. He just said that the lower half of the two newborn wizards were bitten off by the extraordinary creature.

But the murderous intent locked on him is constantly getting worse.

Angelet met that gaze directly.

The picture retouching wizard's eyes were sinister and bloodshot, and he looked at Angelet with a distorted face.

He already recognized Angelet as the owner of that figure!

Absolutely unmistakable, killed his disabled fetus and destroyed his plan.

Let his wizarding path run aground indefinitely.

If it wasn't for the smattering of reason left in his mind, he would have already shot that damned guy to pieces.

Angelet and the retouching wizard looked at each other, the former's eyes were indifferent, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The latter was gnashing his teeth, almost hysterical, wishing to tear Angelet to pieces.


Angelet is not afraid of the retouching wizard, and there is no need to be afraid of him.

No matter in terms of strength or what, he is not much worse than the other party...

The retouching wizard's lips moved up and down, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say it in the end.

He stared at Angelet, becoming more and more vicious, and finally pulled away and left.

Not the slightest sloppy.

Angelet also knew that she had to get ready.

Next time, it's time to really start a life-and-death fight with the picture-retouching wizard.

A third-level wizard apprentice from the House of Lords!

On the big ship, he must look up to the existence.

It must be subject to the existence of its rules.....

But at this moment, he already has absolute strength comparable to it.

Angelet said that it was a lie that he was not excited, he already had the ability to control his own destiny.

What about the third-level wizard apprentice!

Dead is also buried!

Angelet is going to find a good grave for the retouching wizard in advance.

The expression on Clinton's face was a little flustered, apparently something Angelet said about the situation caught his attention.

After carefully observing Freya and Sofia's injuries, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not Sulu Zijinhua's method.

It seems that the other party also obeyed his words and did not kill indiscriminately.

There are now three newborn wizards who have come out alive.

The content of the bone demon wizard's bet is that five new wizards will come out.

The three people present only need to try their best to satisfy the content of the bet made by their immediate superiors.

Clinton calculated that the total number of people who went in was about 1,500.

Sulu Zijinhua killed the three people he wanted to kill.

Eliminate seven more people, and the requirements can be met.

At that time, after the assessment of the freshmen's secret realm is over, let Sulu Zijinhua come out...

Everything is perfect.

Clintton then asked, "Student, I don't know what's going on in the secret realm. Have you met any other newborn wizards?"

A pale golden light of data flashed in Angelet's pupils, and all the information was captured in his eyes.

Hearing Clinton's inquiry, he said lightly:

"That's not true... But senior, I should have passed the freshman secret realm."

Clinton nodded, and the three of them entered some information about Angelet into the wizard mark.

Pass the information to the dark terminal.

This is the processing platform connected to all wizard imprints, and has a great connection with information data.

The wizards of the White Bone Society, all the permissions they have are controlled and assigned on the dark terminal...

Soon, Angelet's wizard mark also got the news.

The sign of the nascent wizard has been removed, and he has become a wizarding student in the House of Commons.

The other two guardian wizards also got the names of Sofia and Freya from Angelet.

After entering the information.

Then he said: "It seems that these two wizards are your friends."

Angelet hesitated for a moment before acquiescing.

"The injuries of these two wizard apprentices are a bit too serious. We will treat them and awaken their consciousness..."

Angelet listened silently.

When leaving the cave, Angelet suddenly asked:

"Students from the Lower School who want to enter the Upper School only need to take the graduation assessment..."

The three guardian wizards looked surprised.


So, the graduation assessment is not as simple as the freshman secret realm, it has to be more cruel and worse..."

Clinton said with a sneer on his face.

The thought of trying to make friends with him also faded away.

Clinton already believed that the newborn wizard in front of him had already become the generation of that tall Mu Yuan.

On the wizarding road, it is definitely not far away. 173

And a wizard with such a mentality is generally difficult to correct.

The attitude is also extremely cold.

The other two guardian wizards also shook their heads a bit.

Clintton said mockingly: "If the juniors want to take part in the graduation assessment, it is also possible. No, the end of the year is the graduation assessment of the Lower House. Those veteran wizards of the Lower House

will participate in...

If you have an idea, you can go there!"

Angelet's expression didn't change at all, and she pulled away and was about to leave.

But when he left, he smiled strangely at the corner of his mouth, and said a word to Clinton:

"By the way, senior, don't wait for Sulu Zijin to spend."

Clinton's expression changed suddenly, and his pupils shrank for a while, looking at Angelet's leaving back in horror.

How could he know!

A terrible guess appeared in his heart.

By the way, he seems to have remembered that the people that Sulu Zijinhua wanted to kill seemed to be called Aiya, Kai or something...the last one was called Ann Angelet!!

Clintton was terrified in her heart, subconsciously stepped back a few steps.

It's him!

Sulu Zijinhua's goal, instead, walked out of the secret realm.

It is already obvious what it represents.

"What's the matter with you, Clinton!"

The two guard wizards said puzzledly.

Clinton coughed and said, "It's nothing, I was a little distracted just now."

But in my heart, I couldn't calm down for a short time.

This is simply incredible.

Sulu Zijinhua had prepared so much in advance, but she was actually killed by this Angelet.

This is so ironic!

Clinton remembered the question Angelet asked when he left.

Combined with the matter of Sulu Zijinhua.

A guess that made him a little unbelievable appeared in his mind.

‘Hey, hey, hey, hey, isn’t it? Could it be that this newborn wizard is actually going to take the graduation assessment at the end of the year...

'Is this guy a monster...  

Dun himself is a second-level wizard apprentice, but he still has no confidence to break through the third-level wizard apprentice.

Going to participate in the graduation assessment is basically sending you to death.

But this Angelet killed Sulu Zijinhua, who had been preparing heavily.

What is the difference between this and the third-level wizard apprentice.

Clinton can only say that Angelet is a monster, a real monster.

Behind it is definitely not simple.

How could a freshman be able to do this.

It must have been written by an official wizard.

In the mortal period, they were already planning.

Clinton is sure.

However, the turmoil caused by Angelet is not just that...

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