Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

[102] Polaris' Heart Revealed! (Seeking Subscription)

ps: I’m not feeling well, I just ate a meal tonight, I’m a little hypoglycemic, dizzy, and today I’m even less... Try to make up for it tomorrow, and spread the plot to the upper house, official wizards, other wizarding forces, etc. as soon as possible world view...

The black sun inheritance that laid the groundwork will be implemented as soon as possible, and the pace is indeed a bit slower. Sorry, it will be accelerated...

"Bone Demon Wizard, it seems that there is no final winner in this bet between you and me!"

Inside the room, the water magician Purple Demon covered his flaming red lips and said with a light smile.

And the bone demon wizard Aike Lei, who was sitting opposite her, also pulled a faint smile from the corner of his mouth.

"I didn't expect things to become so interesting, so how should this bet be calculated?"

The Bone Demon Wizard looked at the Water Demon Wizard with a calm expression,

But the atmosphere in the room was suddenly suppressed.

Any wizard apprentice who comes here will be directly suppressed by this invisible pressure.

The water demon wizard winked like silk, and his flaming red lips moved: "What do you think, bone demon wizard.

The bone demon wizard chuckled and said, "Then it's a draw, what do you think?"

"Then it will be as you wish!"

The water magician said nonchalantly.

But there is a bit of interest in my heart.

Things that can make a guy like Ekeley predict failure.

It's really very rare.

Aike Lei likes to make bets with others, and he has never lost a bet during his years in the Bone Club.

The worst is the point of a draw.

But this is considered a loss for Aike Lei.

Unavoidably, I also became interested in some things that happened in the Newborn Secret Realm.

"Okay, Water Demon Wizard, this time, neither side wins or loses in the bet, so I will leave first..."

The bone demon wizard immediately withdrew and left without the slightest hesitation.

The Water Demon Wizard looked at the back of the Bone Demon Wizard leaving, with a bit of suspicion on his face.

Is it her illusion? Why does it feel that Aike Lei is a little bit excited.

On the contrary, it is a bit abnormal from the previous performance!

But she didn't bother to pay attention to this unpopular guy.

Instead, I thought of the astronomical problems caused by the physique of wizards before.

After so many days, I heard that some old guys used a special method to find clues to the physique of a wizard.

The water magician sneered, I'm afraid he paid a big price for this, so go and invite that coward, the sea witch.

Divination and witchcraft are relatively partial, but extremely magical branch systems.

"That's all! That old guy, Nether Wizard, is really worrying, and he wants to engage in a joint battle in the secret realm, so that the surrounding wizard forces can join forces to carry out the graduation assessment of the lower house, which is really time-consuming and laborious."

The water magician couldn't help but mourn for the wizards in the lower house.

This time, I don't know how many test wizards will die again.

Location: Zhou Residence, No. 22, Mountain Area, Free Zone.

When Angelet walked into the lounge, a cloud of familiar strangeness lingered in his heart.

He couldn't help laughing, he's only been away for four or five days, really......

Sitting on the desk chair, first comforted little Leina's soul body.

Then, Angelet began to process all the gains from this freshman assessment.

The most important of these is, of course, the advanced level of the "mixing poison and refining body" witchcraft, a total of fifty poisonous extraordinary creatures.

Then, the wildness of the black armored dragon returned, and the killing ability and the degree of growth were greatly improved.

And then there is the "remnant meditation method" about the retouching wizard

Angelet, with the core of the disabled fetus in hand, is able to carry out reversal experiments.

In the end, he completely mastered all the wizard knowledge content of the concept of remnant fetus meditation.

With the assistance of the Eye of Truth, the time should not be shortened much.

Angelet thought for a while, and sent a message to Polaris with the wizard mark.

Come to the breeding room.

Angelet didn't waste any time, and put the black armored dragon into the dragon's nest.

I took a look at the shape of the black armored dragon.

The dragon nest needs to be expanded, and it is almost unable to accommodate the huge size of the beast electric dragon.

After the black armored dragon grows to the next stage, it has to be kept outside in the forest.

Angelet came to the outside of the wizard's residence, which belonged to the forest area within a few hundred meters of him.

At this moment, the sky has gradually darkened, around six or seven o'clock in the afternoon,

With the existence of the wizard formation, Angelet doesn't have to worry about these poisonous extraordinary creatures running out.

Still according to the previous method, most of the poisonous extraordinary creatures were stocked in this area.

About ten poisonous extraordinary creatures were left behind and returned to the laboratory.

Angelet's dissection skills have become more and more exquisite, and the ten poisonous extraordinary creatures can also be without pressure.

There is a threat of a veteran third-level wizard like a picture retouching wizard.

Like a poisonous snake, Angelet was very uncomfortable.

Improve the witchcraft of "mixing poison and refining body" to the stage of perfection.

If you can fight against the ultimate wizard apprentice, then the threat of the retouching wizard is nothing.

Secondly, Angelet has to ask Polaris for more knowledge of elemental wizards.

The wizard knowledge given before has completely become Angelet's background.

And the witchcraft "Shadow World" has also analyzed about 20%.

The witchcraft runes, as if they were accumulating progress, the percentage continued to increase.

~The green mother wizard also has to go there, and needs to obtain the follow-up knowledge of potions, but first, the knowledge of advanced potions must be perfected......

Thinking light flashed in Angelet's eyes. The knowledge of advanced potions has reached about 70% before, and the rest can be completed by giving Angelet a little time.

As time passed, Angelet focused on dissecting the venomous supernatural being.

Heads of poisonous extraordinary creatures were constantly perfectly cut, dissected, and decomposed under his hands.

Useful materials are divided, and useless parts are thrown away.

The edible part is also placed in ice water to keep it fresh.

The exclusive venom was put into unused containers and labeled.

These are the materials needed for tonight's experiment of "mixing poison and refining the body"

Meanwhile, on the other side.

In the somewhat dark (Qian Dezhao) room, there are only some stars on the ceiling, illuminating the environment of the entire room.

The whole body of Polaris was submerged in the pool water mixed with star medicine, and he accepted the tempering and transformation of this physical body.

The skin was constantly reddened and hot, but Polaris didn't respond at all.

Only one head was exposed on the surface of the water, and the hair was also floating on the surface of the water.

The expression on his face was dull, as if he was thinking about something.

Suddenly, she seemed to have sensed something, and her pupils fluctuated a little more humanely.

His expression also changed a bit.

His mind was soon immersed in the content of the information delivered by the wizard's imprint on his shoulders.

Polaris smiled like a melting glacier.

It seems that the follow-up materials of the elemental wizard experiment that I prepared can still be used...

That guy is not dead!

ps: I can't stand it anymore, my hands are shaking, I wanted to write...I'm going to sleep first, I feel so uncomfortable...restraint.

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