Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

[103] Impossible! Did He Really Come Out Alive From The Newborn Secret Realm? (Seeking Subscription)

The precious instrument was slammed to the ground directly, and the figure in black wizard robe vented his fury hysterically.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!"

The image retouching wizard pushed all the wizarding instruments on the workbench to the ground, with extreme hatred in his eyes.

"My wizarding path, my future, my experiments are all gone... all gone..."

"Angelet, I'm going to tear you apart, I'm going to tear you alive!"

The picture retouching wizard gritted his teeth, with a ferocious expression on his face like a ghost.

The originally unknown evil and gloomy atmosphere has become more intense at this moment, and there is also a sense of madness and resentment in it.

In the cage of the laboratory, the experimental subjects imprisoned here looked at the picture retouching wizard who was going crazy in fear.

Only the picture retouching wizard knows how big his loss is this time.

The freshman secret realm assessment has ended, and only three people survived.

None of his five crippled test subjects came out.

The results speak for themselves.

All this is caused by that Angelet.

The picture retouching wizard almost gave up everything he had for this secret experiment.

If the experimental data can't be obtained, then the method of remnant fetal meditation cannot be perfected.

Decades of hard work and hard work are gone..

It will take at least twenty years before he can gather the resources and dark spots he needs.

Moreover, there may not necessarily be so many experimental subjects.

Qualified mortal freshmen are rare experimental materials.

It can clearly reflect the various flaws in Remnant Taiming's thoughts, and then perfectly correspond to the image retouching wizard himself.

The picture retouching wizard has sinister eyes, constantly venting his emotions,

They even directly beat the experimental subjects in the partially disabled cages to death.

Use various instruments of torture, as well as many experimental residues of wizard-infected nature, to torture.

Seeing these experimental subjects wailing in pain, the retouching wizard's anger was somewhat vented.

But the murderous intent is even more powerful.

For Angelet, he must kill it.

At this time, a strange message came from his wizard mark.

This made the picture retouching wizard very surprised.

But he remembered that he didn't seem to have any wizard friends.

When feeling the information content.

The face of the retouching wizard instantly became horrified.

I couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's a formal wizard-level wizard mark, bone...Master Bone Demon Wizard. 290...."

All of a sudden, all kinds of panic appeared in his heart.

The experiment he was doing was discovered.

In the Newborn Secret Realm controlled by the Bone Demon Adept, if you do this...you will be punished in various ways, even death.

I violated the rules of the White Bone Society... Wait!

Gray areas and gray behaviors are not uncommon in Baigushe.

Even official wizards themselves have this behavior.

But it doesn't mean that these things can be put on the bright side. The bone demon wizard is the official wizard existence in the lower house who supervises everything.

Although, on weekdays, I hardly care about anything.

It seems to be just a name.

But this is an official wizard, and now he has found his own head.

After the picture retouching wizard saw the content, his emotions gradually calmed down.

There are mixed feelings on the face, and there is even a bit of surprise

He was actually praised by the bone demon wizard.

The bone demon wizard found his research very interesting, and he liked what happened in the newborn secret realm very much.

They are even willing to subsidize him and help him complete the various difficulties of the 'remnant' experiment...

And what he needs to pay is nothing more than the experimental data of the "remnant" and the core content of the experiment...

It is equivalent to changing from working alone to conducting experiments in partnership with an official wizard.

The retouching wizard's breath gradually became hot. If this is the case, then a great opportunity is in front of him.

Having an official wizard's endorsement has a completely different meaning from conducting the experiment alone.

That is, what was lacking in the past and what was not dared to do, can be done.

The 'remnant fetus' experiment can also be perfected in the fastest time.

Even superimposed image retouching wizards have never dared to imagine the existence of wizards.

For example, to fuse a third-level wizard apprentice, or even a stronger extreme wizard apprentice

The extreme fanaticism and excitement appeared on the face of the wizard who retouched the picture, it was really another village.

His wizarding path has not been broken, and has continued to a better future.

'Ha ha ha ha………

The picture retouching wizard laughed wildly in the laboratory.

"Angelet, you caused my experiment to fail, but it also gave me more chances (aeee), I will cut off your head and put it in my laboratory, so that you can watch me day and night The wizarding path is perfected...."

The retouching wizard had an extremely grim expression on his face.

The wizard's flame scorched the crucible, raising the temperature of the crucible to an extremely high stage.

The turbid liquid inside also gradually became clearer, and various impurities were separated under the reaction of temperature, leaving the essence in the crucible.

Angelet began to operate with quick eyes and hands, shaved the wings of another night vampire bat, and threw it into the cauldron.

Soon, the pair of wings were also affected by the ultra-high temperature, gradually turning into a part of the liquid in the crucible.

And mixed with it, it doesn't make any difference.

The color also comes in a very crystal clear ice blue color.

Angelet's mouth curled up in an arc.

The new wizard dish he experimented with was finally successfully produced.

It already has a name, it is called Sanbuzhan.

Put the dish liquid into the container,

Then Angelet began to smear the extraordinary venom in the container on his body.

The venom began to infiltrate into the depths of Angelet's body, down to the cellular level, to exercise his body.

Antibodies of the self are also at work.

The flesh and blood cells killed by the extraordinary venom were restored.

The repetition of this process is to make the physical body stronger.

But energy is conserved, if something is gained, something is lost.

The physical body will lose a lot of biological energy during the strengthening process.

Angelet swallowed the prepared Sanbuzhang.

The silk is smooth, and the warmth reaches from the throat to the stomach.

Strong digestion ability, absorb the energy in the wizard's dishes.

The lost part is constantly replenished.

Time passed slowly, and Angelet, who was in the laboratory, could clearly feel the continuous strength of his physical body.

[Hint: The host's physical body is undergoing a deep transformation, and it is expected to increase the physical fitness by about 1 point...]

When it was dawn, Angelet stopped in the process of transformation.

A lot of black dirt appeared on his body, and his whole body was wet with sweat.

Angelet let out a long breath and shook his fist.

In terms of strength, it is stronger than before.

The Eye of Truth began to analyze and found a very strange thing.

That is the depth of my physical body, those strengthening points focused on practicing "Thunder Emperor's Art of War", have begun to be very different from other ordinary flesh and blood cells.

Just like each punctuation, there seems to be some subtle connection between each other.

The number of these strengthening points is ninety-nine in total.

But Angelet has only strengthened more than 30 of them, and more than 60 have not been strengthened.

Angelet gradually realized that this should be the strange reaction formed by the combination of "Thunder Emperor's Art of War" and the wizard's combat body.

The current Angelet is already in the final stage of combat body shaping.

[Hint: The host has successfully completed the "mixing poison and refining body" witchcraft, the fifth stage (20%)]

There were also forty poisonous extraordinary creatures, and Angelet's task was not so easy.

But at most within this month, it can be completed.

【Host: Angelet】

[Level: Level 2 Wizard Apprentice]

【Current Physique: 38.2】

【Current Mental Power: 24】

[Energy particles: 240 directions]

[Elemental witchcraft: 'Black Sun Walking', 'Shadow Corrosion', 'Shadow Piercing', 'Shadow World', 'Heart of Nature', 'Shadow Replacement']

[Battle Body Witchcraft: "Mixing Poison and Refining Body (Four Stages)"]

[Strategy: "Thunder Emperor" (flesh base melting point stage)]

[Wizard Physique: Star Body]

[Innate Ability: Manipulate Starlight, Evolve Nothingness]

[Meditation method: "Dark Tides" (10 wizard runes)]

The value of physique has increased by 1.2 again, and it is almost close to the value of 40 points for the ultimate wizard apprentice.

There was also a smile on the corner of Angelet's mouth.

Angelet did not start to slack off, but continued to enter the experiment process.

He only sketched out one of the nine wizard runes in the advanced chapter of Dark Tidal Meditation.

The difference between the value of mental strength and the value of physical fitness is really too big.

This will lead to another problem.

That is the subtle control over the physical body!

Those bloodline wizards are stronger in their own right.

But it is the mental power that limits the strength of one's physical body and cannot be used to the fullest.

Angelet, as a dual system of combat body wizard and elemental wizard, absolutely does not allow his own physical and mental strength, the gap is too huge.

If a relative balance is achieved, there is even a very hidden benefit.

That is the perfect combination of fantasy and reality balance.

It has a lot to do with being promoted to an official wizard.

Sitting cross-legged in the room of the retreat room.

Angelet's mind was gradually immersed in the content of wizard knowledge in the advanced chapter of Dark Tidal Meditation.

With the continuous increase in strength, Angelet's Eye of Truth can do more and more.

Whether it is parsing or collection... rely on the information and knowledge in Angelet's own brain memory area to conduct comparative search processing.

ability will be greatly improved.

Consciousness reappeared in the dark space, and the ten stars shone very brightly, echoing each other.

Pale golden eyes of data light appeared next to the ten wizard runes, and began to meditate and outline.

A new wizard rune, Angelet already has a lot of confidence.

It is estimated that around ten o'clock in the morning, it will be successfully outlined.

At the same time, the news about the freshman assessment was gradually spread.

After all, several days have passed.

Only three wizards successfully advanced to the result, so some people who have paid attention to understand

The students were stunned.

There was some surprise in my heart, especially Angelet, who also broke through the fastest time for freshmen to advance to the entire Bone Society.

But many students who knew Angelet subconsciously contacted Polaris.

I thought Angelet was able to pass so quickly with the help of Polaris.

When even disapproving, I feel that there is a lot of water in it.

The heat spread for a few days and then disappeared.

After all, it's just a small freshman assessment, and all the students in the lower courtyard have experienced it before.

At most, it's also a bit of jealousy towards Angelet.

I think he is really lucky, actually when he was a freshman in the Commons, he was already accompanied by Polaris' thigh.

Mostly it's some mentality that you can do it yourself.

But as the Zijinhua family who knew some details, they were a little uneasy.

In the wizard dwelling area near the Dark Lord House.

After hearing the news about the freshman assessment, Beria's expression became extremely ugly.

In the lounge, the desks placed by the window were all kicked down by him.

"This is impossible!"

"How is this possible?"

Beria's body was trembling, his face full of disbelief.

He knew how well Sulu Zijinhua had prepared.

Even he had to make some preparations before he could fully cope with Sulu Zijinhua's attack.

Not to mention just a little newborn wizard.

How on earth did he manage to kill Sulu Zijinhua?

Beria didn't feel much sadness in his heart, but he just didn't understand.

There was even a bit of tension on his face.

There is definitely something wrong with this Angelet,

big question!!

Beria had a puzzled look on his face, not knowing what to do with Angelet.

Because everything that Angelet shows, as long as he is aware of the details.

Everyone knows the abnormality.

Sulu Zijinhua has failed, and that Angelet has become a student of the lower house.

So are you going to do it yourself...

Beria was suspicious by nature, so he decided to pass the news to the Zijinhua family.

After all, as a student in the Lower Academy, it was very, very difficult for him to think of making a move.

It is located on the other side of the wizard's residence area, inside the wizard's residence where Longbottom is located.

Gray Zijinhua brought him relevant information.

That is to say, all kinds of rumors about the newborn secret realm.

Longbottom, who was wearing a lab coat, came out of the laboratory. When he heard the news, his face had a very obvious look of surprise.

"You mean that freshman named Angelet has really come out alive from the secret realm of freshman?"

"This...is this true or not...impossible!"

Longbottom's voice was a little unbelievable, even...

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