Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

[104] The Wizard Transforms, Reborn! (Seeking Subscription)

Longbottom digested the news from Gray.

There was still a bit of surprise on his face.

As a third-level wizard apprentice, even a wizard who is advancing to the ultimate wizard apprentice.

To be honest, there is nothing that can move his emotions too much.

Except for the death of my brother last time.

Longbottom looked at Gray and said, "Make sure the news is correct, that freshman really survived successfully.

Gray nodded,

There was disbelief in Longbottom's eyes. As a member of the Zijinhua family, he was still able to know some news.

He reminded the freshman to be aware of the danger, but he didn't really think that he would be able to survive.

The strength of the Zijinhua family is far beyond that of a small freshman, as can be imagined,

Gray said: "The freshman was in a relationship with Polaris, and it seemed to be a partner.

After saying this, Longbottom's expression became a little inexplicable.

There is still a bit of gloom in the eyes.

It seems that he thought of some bad things.

"I know!"

Longbottom's eyes were indifferent, so relying on the help of Polaris, the regiment could survive successfully.

The North Star is that he has a definite reason, to go beyond, to beat the existence.

It is an enemy and not a friend.

If this freshman can become a partner with Polaris, he is also destined to be an enemy in the future.

But unlike Huck Zijinhua and Beria Zijinhua, he won't do such dirty things.

Even against Polaris, it is still an upright battle.

Convince the opponent to lose.

This is what a real wizard family should do.

Defend the glory of the Zijinhua family.

"Wait, Rondoton, I will help you get justice.

As for the freshman, he is just a small character, so there is no need to care about it.

Even his partner, Longbottom felt that it was just rumors,

No extreme wizard apprentice will choose a little freshman as a member of the companion,

The gap between the two is really too big.

In the pitch-black space, eleven stars echoed each other, shining with each other, illuminating one side, and the fluctuation of the water flow below became more obvious.

The pale golden digital eyes slowly disappeared into the space of consciousness. ,

When Angelet opened his eyes, he found that the sunlight outside the window had already shone in.

The time was exactly as he had imagined, around ten o'clock.

[Hint: The host has successfully drawn a new wizard rune, and the mental power has increased by 1.3, and the current mental power is 25.3]

In Angelet's altar, special effects like flowing water appeared.

The improvement of strength, this feeling is really addictive.

Angelet went to the bathroom and washed the mess off her body.

Putting on a new wizard robe, he sat on the desk chair in the lounge.

Reina's finger bones placed on the table emitted bursts of spiritual light, and Reina's soul surged out, floating around Angelet.

Angelet said slowly: "I know, Lena, I will take care of my body, don't worry, I don't want to."

On the contrary, the aura of Leina's soul body has dimmed a little. Under the sunlight, the originally lifelike soul body seems to be a little frivolous, looming!

Angelet frowned, knowing that he had to find a new soul item as soon as possible.

But these are all palliative solutions.

The most important thing is all about the witchcraft in "Avatar".

With a thought in Angelet's mind, in the void in front of him, the Eye of Truth appeared to analyze the progress of "Incarnation".

[Hint: During the analysis of "Incarnation of Witchcraft", the estimated time: 10 hours. 】

The analysis had been going on before, but because Angelet was going to participate in the secret assessment, the analysis was temporarily stopped, and now it will continue, probably around eleven or twelve o'clock tonight.

Or make it ahead of time!!

Angelet calmed down her restless heart for the time being.

Next, he plans to design a set of reversal experimental methods on residual fetuses.

Completely deciphered the "remnant conception" of the retouching wizard.

In this way, even if you face the retouching wizard directly, you can have enough confidence to suppress the retouching wizard.

Although, Angelet had already used the Eye of Truth to read some information about the retouching wizard.

It has to be said that the picture retouching wizard is very strong, he is worthy of being a wizard student in the upper house, a veteran third-level wizard apprentice.

The attainment of witchcraft has reached the point of proficiency, even ten Sulu purple gold flowers are not enough for a retoucher.

His mind is even more cunning and cunning, extremely cunning, making good use of various details and characteristics to win the battle.

Angelet still has some pressure.

However, he also has absolute confidence and can fight with one.

The Eye of Truth has analyzed it, and if I go all out and use the Fire Dragon Sword, the chance of winning is around 70%.

But the battle is always unpredictable, everything is still unknown.

Angelet performed today's random check-in, and what good things can come out of the check-in.

I can only continue to polish and perfect my wizard path,

The successful breakthrough of advanced pharmacy knowledge has reached the stage of consummation.

The next step is to carry out the actual operation of many medicines [test refining.

The recipes that should have had been analyzed by the Eye of Truth before, and the refining techniques were successfully transferred to the memory area of ​​the brain.

So Angelet can be counted.

But meeting, does not mean that the refining will be successful.

There are too many factors in medicine refining, which may lead to failure.

0...seeking flowers 00

Angelet can say that he has completely mastered such a potion only after the real refining is successful.

Thinking of this, Angelet realized that he could also take the pharmacist examination.

Mastering the refining of five basic medicines has already met the assessment content of a basic pharmacist.

An advanced pharmacist also masters the refining of five advanced pharmacies.

Now Angelet has also successfully mastered about two doors.

Angelet decided to wait for the advanced pharmacist formula and master the five refinements before going to the basic pharmacist and advanced pharmacist assessment together.

Save yourself wasting more time.

Angelet made an appointment with Polaris on the wizard's mark, which is to meet at the dark wizard's tavern a week later.

In the blink of an eye, four days passed.

During this period, Angelet also spared a certain amount of time to advance the technique of mixing poison and refining the net.

About five are dissected every day.


Between this back and forth, the progress was quickly advanced to about 60%...

On this day, Angelet trained his body as usual, practicing the witchcraft of 'mixing poison and refining body'.

As the heat wave of the body continues to expand, it seems that the bone marrow is about to melt.

This feeling is really too amazing.

It was too unbearable.

Even a man of iron can't bear it.

But Angelet did it, even if his whole body was already full of boiling flesh like a boiled red prawn.

Angelet's eyes were determined, the extreme pain in his body, and the feeling as if his body was going to be completely melted "It's the witchcraft of mixing poison and refining body that has reached a very high stage.

That is to say, reborn, transformed into a wizard battle body.

But Angelet also gritted his teeth, it was even more uncomfortable than when the wizard's physique was transformed.

After all, when the 'star body' transformed, it was just pure pain.

But this time the transformation of the wizard's combat body was also mixed with some other feelings.

Such as the extremely high temperature!!

As time went by, the changes in Angelet's physical body gradually became apparent.

He had a hunch that after going tonight, the witchcraft of 'mixing poison and refining body' would definitely reach a new height.

Or the realm he longed for.

For the improvement of strength, it will also be high to a certain extent...


My mind seemed to be exploding, and there was a roaring sound.

The bursting pain and heat became even more surging.

Every bone is being reshaped.....


ps: I have something to do today, I came back late, and I worked overtime at night to make up, at least 12,000, believe me... zero..

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