Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

[105] Polaris...And That New Student...Undead! (Seeking Subscription)

In the towering wizard tower that is all white.

The bone demon wizard sat on a throne made of human bones, propped his chin, and had a thoughtful look in his eyes.

The figures below are all students of the Upper School and the disciples of the Bone Demon Wizard.

It can be regarded as the bone demon lineage.

It is in the same vein as the potion of the green mother wizard, and has similar properties.

Among them, most of them are third-level wizard apprentices, but the figure in the first place has a very strong aura, and has reached the limit of wizard apprentices.

"Teacher, I don't know what kind of thing you called us back for!"

"I feel that you are very happy, teacher!"

The first wizard, like the bone demon wizard, was wearing a white wizard robe with a pattern of bones and human heads on it. He looked gloomy and bowed slightly.

The bone demon wizard chuckled and said, "I just thought of something interesting!"

The little guy who edited the picture has already agreed to his wizard contract.

After obtaining the relevant data and content of the 'Infertility Meditation Method', he was really interested in this experimental project.

The allure of superimposed strengths can be described as full.

Although, the bone demon wizard didn't have too much expectation, such an experimental project can have an effect on the official wizard level.

But at least it was an experiment that made him feel interesting, and there was some hope.

Hearing the voice of his eldest disciple, the bone demon wizard smiled faintly and said, "Philip, I have summoned you back this time because there are indeed some things that you need to do.

Then I talked about the information about the retouching wizard.

The focus is on the experiment that came out of the method of remnant fetus meditation.

Philip, who has long pure black hair, has calm eyes. Even the bone demon wizard talks about the various effects of superposition of strong points, and they seem to be indifferent to the feeling of "570".

He just frowned slightly and said: "It is impossible to superimpose unlimited strengths, there will eventually be a limit, or there will be a big flaw, which cannot be made up for no matter what.

This can almost be regarded as some kind of alternative rules...."

The bone demon wizard nodded in agreement and said: "That's true, but it also has a certain value, doesn't it.

"It seems that teacher, you have already made some plans. As a disciple, I will help you complete some things, teacher."

Philip's temper was very cold, he didn't say anything, just watched the bone demon wizard silently.

The Bone Demon Adept had deep meaning in his eyes, and then he said slowly: "If that little guy can really find out a way to make up for the 'remnant conception', then even if there is a limit to the superposition of strength points, there will be a certain limit. In some respects, it can be said that the value is very high.”

"I got it! I'll go help that photo editor and find some experimental subjects to go over..."

Philip said silently.

"I will give you what you want!"

When Philip and many other disciples left, the bone demon wizard said something.

Philip paused, then left again.

Location: Free Zone, Wizard Residence 22, Mountain Area.

Time: 2:30 pm.

I'm afraid Angelet didn't expect that this transformation of hers would last for such a long time.

It also made him change to the greatest extent in his whole body and mind.

chi chi!

A lot of smoke and dust suddenly came out of Angelet's body, and the temperature of Angelet's body dropped extremely rapidly, and soon dropped to the normal temperature.

Stretching out his slender palm, he directly poked the ground in front of him lightly.

Like a bubble, it easily penetrated into the ground,

This is the retreat room of the wizard's residence, made of special steel.

Even for Angelet before, with all his strength, he could only make one fist mark with one punch.

This is really amazing.

Angelet opened her bright and divine eyes.

In the void in front of him, some of his transformation data appeared.

[Hint: The host successfully carried out the fourth stage of the great transformation of the "mixing poison and refining body" witchcraft, and gave birth to some wizards with physical special effects, and their physical fitness increased to 39. 】

[Hint: The special effect of this ability is: mixed poison stronger diamond body. 】

There was surprise on Angelet's face. Simply put, he already owned half of the Wizard's Battlebook.

Invincible and powerful.

Of course, this is on some level.

But against the sorcery of some third-level wizard apprentices, Angelet is very confident.

After dissecting the remaining 20 poisonous extraordinary creatures, the rest of the transformation will be completed.

Angelet focused on the knowledge content of pharmacy.

[Hint: The host has successfully mastered the ‘advanced pharmacy knowledge’, and has reached the stage of perfection, and has successfully mastered the refining of the following pharmacy formulas: Medium: ‘Dreamless Sleep Potion’, ‘Returning to Origin Potion’, ‘Bryn Essence Potion’]

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Angelet's mouth. The effects of these three potions far surpassed the previous low-level potions.

His eyes fell on the three liquid containers that exuded crystal luster on the workbench.

And these three wizard potions are Angelet's best answer to the green mother wizard.

The shimmering light shines in this green environment, and the vegetation seems to have extraordinary characteristics, which can preserve the light from the outside world.

It can carry out self-photosynthesis even at night.

Angelet walked on the cobblestone path, looking at the rapidly growing vegetation in the gardens on both sides of the path.

There is a bit of surprise in my heart.

Soon, in the ancient forest garden, I came to the location of the green mother.

"Dear green mother wizard, please allow me to disturb you again."

Angelet said with a slight bow, expressing his respect.

"Angelet, it's been more than two months since you came to my place last time. I don't know how your knowledge of pharmacy is progressing, but it seems that you have improved a lot... "

The green mother wizard is still the same as before, without the slightest change.

The green upper and lower lips moved slightly, and a voice was transmitted.

Angelet said: "Yes, Green Mother Wizard, I came here this time to acquire the follow-up knowledge of advanced pharmacy."

The green mother wizard smiled and said: "Of course this is possible, but you need to have sufficient reasons to convince me.

Angelet also smiled slightly, and took out the three advanced potions from the wizard ring.

The originally calm face of the green mother wizard finally became a little moved.

Surprised, he said, "Didn't you think you'd come to this point?"

The Green Mother Sorcerer sighed a little, it's only been two months, and Angelet didn't study pharmacy at all in the ancient forest garden.

In other words, Angelet is fully self-taught.


There is no doubt that the little guy in front of him is a complete genius on the road of pharmacy.

Her choice is not wrong.

"You really surprised me, Angelet, you managed to convince me that what you want, I will give you..."

The green mother wizard smiled and said: "You four, you are still the one who came from behind and walked in the forefront... How the medicine lineage develops depends on the four of you

Angelet said: "The green mother wizard is full of praise."

Angelet, who had obtained advanced knowledge of pharmacy from the green mother wizard, as well as two new advanced pharmacy formulas, walked on the cobblestone path, preparing to return.

At this time, I heard a sound coming from the rear, it was the sound of footsteps.

Angelet turned around and saw the blonde Jinx walking towards him, with a slightly dissatisfied expression on her face.

"Angelet, Yalin said that you came to the ancient forest garden, why didn't you study in the ancient forest garden for a while, so you left in a hurry, do you have any dissatisfaction with the ancient forest garden?"

Jinx said with a serious face.

A look of surprise appeared on Angelet's face, as if he didn't quite understand what Jinx said.

"I know that you have some inferiority complex in your heart, but you can't continue to be so decadent. There are only four of us in the medicine lineage, and each of them is very important. Your talent is not the reason for you to act willfully.

Jinx seemed to have imagined something on her own, sighed and said: "If you go on like this, it will definitely not work. Both Yalin and Reya can refine the basic potions to the limit quality, and they have already started to involve advanced potions." Content.....

Angelet, evasive avoidance can only make your potion level not improve. Talent needs to be developed to be a good talent. I decided to give you a make-up lesson. Tell you!'

Angelet said with a faint smile: "No need, I have already obtained relevant pharmacy knowledge from the green mother wizard. As the green mother wizard said, only the four of us can support the pharmacy line, and it can develop and go. How far we can get depends on us..."

Jinx looked at Angelet's leaving back angrily, and sighed helplessly.

She felt that Angelet was completely hopeless, and talent could not represent everything.

Hard work and diligence are also the top priority!!

However, she is already researching advanced medicinal knowledge, and she is sure that she can get some results.

For the pharmaceutical lineage, it seems that she is the only one to provoke the leader.

Angelet, who returned to the wizard's residence, immediately got busy.

First, those poisonous extraordinary creatures that had been dissected several times were separated from their venom and limbs.

Stored in the freezer.

Then, I started to use the eye of truth to continue to analyze the follow-up of the 'Dark Tidal Meditation Thought'.

The next wizard rune is expected, and the results will appear tonight.

Put half of the computing power of the Eye of Truth on the meditation method, and the other half is to start the analysis of the two newly acquired advanced potions.

One portion is called Sweet Grass Potion, which can greatly restore the physical condition of the user, eliminate fatigue, and restore the lost mental power to a small extent.

This medicine is very difficult and very precious.

For ordinary high-level medicines, there is no difference.

There is also a potion called Ocean Heart Potion, which allows the user to go unimpeded in the deep sea, and temporarily grow some special organs, which can withstand the terrifying sea pressure and breathe freely in the sea.

At the same time, Angelet also passed the chrysalis to bring the news that he needs the soul item to Jobs.

The other party also quickly sent a message, saying that they will definitely pay attention to it and will notify Angelet of the result.

Time passed slowly, from day to night, almost just passed in the blink of an eye.

But the Zijinhua family in the Bone Wizard City fell into an unprecedented strange state.

Because the news of the new secret realm gradually spread

On the other hand, they also knew the mission result of Sulu Zijinhua sent out.


From the fact that Angelet is still alive, it can be confirmed that the Sulu Zijinhua should be more ominous than good.

Huck Zijinhua once again summoned all the Zijinhua family members and came to the square. The bonfire was lit, and the light flickered on and off.

It also shined on the faces of every member of the Zijinhua family, making them look extraordinarily gloomy and gloomy.

A little more gloomy and depressing atmosphere is brewing.

It seemed that the next moment, there was a thunderous sound, completely breaking the weird and serious atmosphere.

Huck Zijinhua's face was gloomy and cold, like ice in the twelfth lunar month.

Beria's news, like a thorn, took root deeply in his heart,

Up to now, he really didn't understand why even Sulu Zijinhua died in the Newborn Secret Realm.

It was fully prepared, and even brought the wizard props of the Zijinhua family, the wizard formation...

It is enough to be comparable to the third-level wizard apprentices, and even can be compared to the middle grade among the third-level wizard apprentices.

Why even a few small freshmen couldn't be killed successfully.

Could it be that the Zijinhua family has really weakened to such an extent?

Huck Zijinhua's eyes were complicated, even with a few drops of moisture.

From Rondoton at the beginning, to 1.2 own grandson Hank, to Sulu......

The three wizards of the Zijinhua family died just like that, and there are still three wizards left, which can be regarded as the last foundation of the Zijinhua family.

The loss is really too great.

When Huck Zijinhua thought about it, it seemed that the source of all this had a functional relationship with that Polaris.

Even that freshman, is the mate of Polaris.

Huck Zijinhua clenched her fists tightly, and her eyes became more and more sinister.

Polaris....and that freshman

This is no longer a matter of Zijinhua family glory.

But it has reached the point of complete immortality.

Half of the family heritage has been consumed.

Huck Zijinhua said bitterly in her heart:

'Don't underestimate the Zijinhua family, and don't underestimate the old man, my contacts, everything about me, and Zijinhua can activate energy...

Huck Zijinhua made up her mind to completely destroy Polaris and that new student...

He doesn't care about other things anymore, it should be said that he has some stressful panic.

If it goes on like this, is it true that Zijinhua will be destroyed step by step?

Then it is better to directly use strong medicine [to kill the danger of Yuqie in the bud.

Angelet, who was in the laboratory, didn't know that there were already many undercurrents surging.

At this moment, it is twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, and a new random check-in has begun.

With the movement of his mind, he put down what he was doing.

A brilliant light appeared in the void in front of him, which has never been seen for a long time...

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