Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

[106] Rentu Wang Meng, Who Is Comparable To The Strength Of A Second-Level Official Wizard! (Seeking

In the void of the laboratory, light suddenly began to shine.

This ray of light kept floating, and it appeared to be in a state of diffusion, and soon settled down, and finally fixed on the golden surface.

Like uncertain ripples, one picture after another unfolded in front of Angelet.

It was a figure in the modern world. Facing the scene where the roller coaster was out of control and a large number of steel ruins fell down, he could only watch helplessly as the steel crushed another figure below.

The huge impact force is enough to destroy everything, and the figure under the pressure is no exception.

That eye-catching voice, wearing modern clothes, with an unbelievable expression on his face, looks like a garden.

But at this moment, the whole world seemed to be frozen, another little boy came out from nothingness, and said to the figure slowly:

"Big brother, exchange!"

The figure didn't respond at all, and his eyes were out of focus.

There was a bit of pity in the little boy's eyes: "Big brother, you are really pitiful, so I will give it to you, as long as you say in your heart, 'Don't die', he will be able to survive."

The figure finally felt touched, his expression was a bit bloody, and then he looked at the ruins, his lips moved up and down, as if saying don't die

Angelet was attracted by these pictures.

The arm of the crushed figure in the ruins actually trembled.

[Reminder: If you successfully sign in today, you will get a golden reward: Special Word Spirit-'Don't Die']

[Introduction: If you say "don't die", you can survive, and you won't die. 】

[Supplement: This special speech can be used on oneself (passive) or on others (active),

The latter has limitations when used, and cannot be used against beings stronger than oneself. In addition, there is only one chance of 'not dying' every seven days. 】

There was a bit of surprise in Angelet's eyes.

04 This special speech ability is a bit scary, it seems to involve some kind of rules.

Although there is a certain amount of restrictions, it can also be said that Angelet has an extra life.

This is incomparably precious.

It was dawn, and the sunlight penetrated through the clouds, and the day to meet the Polaris was gradually approaching.

There are still two days.

After passing the freshman assessment, Angelet has changed a lot, but it's not a big deal.

It's just that there are more choices when choosing a lower house course.

Once Angelet also had the idea of ​​involving alchemy.

Later, this idea was already dispelled, he didn't have so much time to maintain it.

Now, War Body Wizard, Elemental Wizard, and Pharmacy can occupy almost all of his time.

This is the result of his help and assistance with the Eye of Truth.

From this, it can be concluded how difficult it is for ordinary wizards.

It is no wonder that the pharmacy of the White Bone Society is so scarce, so many wizards only choose one aspect to do it.

Angelet sells into the research of pharmacy, aiming at high school, if Angelet reaches the consummation, he can try to refine the 'blooming miracle potion' that he has accumulated for a long time.

This is an extremely difficult wizard potion, but the effect is also very outstanding, and it can greatly improve mental strength and physical fitness.

It can even make Angelet reach the limit of a third-level wizard apprentice ahead of schedule.

Or the physique has reached the point of extreme wizard apprentice.

At the same time, the path of the elemental wizard and the path of the combat wizard are also carried out at the same time...

With the eye of truth, just enough to handle everything.

"Finally, there is a possibility of a breakthrough in the idea of ​​remnant fetus meditation...Ahahahaha..."

In the laboratory, the picture retouching wizard laughed wildly, as if he was already fantasizing about something.

Wizard instruments are placed everywhere, and they are in operation, making a buzzing sound.

The cage was refilled with test items of various natures.

Ordinary human beings, mortals with a wizard physique, powerful knights who have reached the stage of practicing wizard meditation...

Holding a new test item in his hand, Philip walked into the laboratory. He didn't show the slightest reaction to the insolent laughter of the retouching wizard.

It seems that what I am doing now is just a very simple job.

Seeing Philip's arrival, the picture retouching wizard also restrained his smile, showing a little more restraint and respect.

"Senior Philip, you are back."

Philip's expression was indifferent, and he glanced at the experiment table. The bloody experiments that were going on, various alienated organs, strange flesh and blood tentacles, and the painful wailing of the experimental subjects really made people who saw it, felt it. Extreme physical discomfort.

But Philip didn't show much emotion, and the indifference in his eyes became more intense, like a machine.

With such eyes, even a wizard who edited pictures would feel very uncomfortable, and even feel chills in his heart.

Because this look in his eyes is crueler and more terrifying than his blood.

"I don't have much time, I have already brought you what you want, I hope you can bring some good results to Lord Bone Demon Wizard.

Philip said indifferently.

The picture retouching wizard said: "Of course this is for sure. As long as I have enough experimental subjects, I will be able to perfect the idea of ​​remnant fetal meditation [the superposition of strong points will really take effect]


Philip's eyes fluctuated slightly, and the superposition of strong points seemed to be a very beautiful thing. As long as he absorbed other lives without limit, he could improve his own life.

But the wizarding world itself also maintains order.

That is the will of the wizarding world.

The common will of all wizards to exist means only the purest wizard will itself.

Equivalent exchange is the root of everything.

No matter how excessive or evil a wizard is, they will not escape this point.

The strength of this guy in front of him is superimposed, which is obviously a unilateral request.

Thinking of this, a sneer appeared on the corner of Philip's mouth.

"I hope so!"

The picture retouching wizard suddenly said: "Senior Philip, I have some troubles, can you let me solve them. 17

The picture retouching wizard thought of Angelet, and was going to study on his 'remnant' after reaching a certain level.

Just go and solve Angelet's little trouble.

Otherwise, he always felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

Philip's expression didn't change: "You can do whatever you want, but Lord Bone Demon Wizard needs you to give a satisfactory answer first."

"Of course I know this!"

Time passed slowly, and Angelet's path as a wizard has taken a big step forward.

Those two advanced medicines were quickly mastered and finished.

Then, there is the progress of the wizard's meditation method.

Finally, he has reached the level of fourteen saves with his wizard runes.

The spiritual power has also been raised to 27, which is not far from the 30 point value of the third-level wizard apprentice.

The energy particle unit also reached 270 units.

The power of witchcraft is more powerful, and the casting of spells is smoother.

It can be cast almost instantly.

Compared to before, Angelet's strength in elemental wizards is much stronger,

Already catching up with the progress of the battle body wizard.

Of course, the random check-in every day is not forgotten.

But perhaps due to bad luck, these four or five days turned out to be of ordinary white quality.

Angelet had nothing to do, but thought of an incident that had been stranded before.

That was a subordinate who had randomly checked in and obtained it.

A wizard contract was signed, but it took more than ten days to fully transmit it.

Angelet estimated the time, it was almost today.

With a thought, I checked the situation.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, as expected.

Now Angelet will be able to bring that human Tu Wang Meng into the wizarding world.

Or when you want to summon it, you can summon it from where it was originally.

Angelet thought for a while, in that empty prison, no ordinary life could survive at all.

Even for such an alternative and terrifying existence as Rentu Wang Meng, in the face of such imprisonment, his own strength is constantly declining.

Angelet didn't expect to summon a subordinate who couldn't even beat him.

And with the strength of Rentu Wang Meng lowered, some things you want to do can be done without any restraint.

Angelet was thinking of the Black Sun key.

The inheritance of the black sun wizard is in the hands of Angelet, and it is false to say that there is no desire to peep.

But fear that there is some unknown danger in it.

If someone kills Wang Meng as a base, then there is no problem.

Comparable to the existence of a second-level wizard, wherever he goes, he can run amok ten thousand.

In the endless dark starry sky, cosmic rays, gamma storms, cosmic dust, or some uncertain cosmic wonders... There are many such scenes, and they happen all the time.

However, at the end of the cosmic starry sky, in the region of rotating stars, like a black hole, the chains that spread to the void will make this Guixu Prison, where no criminals can escape, fixed and dead, preventing it from being pulled, giving it Pulled into the other side of that deep rotation space.

In the deepest part of Guixu Prison, among the six cells.

Wang Meng has been waiting since that day when he signed the so-called wizard contract, but his daily life has not changed in the slightest.

As if everything that happened before was just an illusion.

Or maybe he's been imprisoned here for too long. up.

Wang Meng laughed at himself in his heart, he really went back more and more, full of pain.

I imagined some kind of wizard contract, and after signing it, I will be the master of that contract, and after serving for a thousand years, I will be able to regain my freedom.

However, at this moment, he felt that there seemed to be some changes.

That is, my body has inexplicably gained an extra force to move.

440 This made him feel incredible.

Soon, he found out why.

Because at this moment, he is no longer in that dark cage all day long, and has come to another strange four-color light space.

Those utensils that bind oneself also completely disappear.

Wang Meng's burly body began to tremble, as if he hadn't gotten used to it yet.

What the hell is going on here? Why did it appear in another dimension without any abnormal changes.

For a strong man like him, the fluctuation of space can be felt extremely keenly.

But he didn't realize it at all.

This incidates that

The existence that can bring him to this place has a terrifying power that he can't imagine.

Such an existence, how could he come to take such a small role like him.

Wang Meng thought of the wizard's contract, and some doubts appeared on his face. Could it be that the so-called contract is real.

Gradually, a lot of exhaustion passed into Wang Meng's mind, which was an irresistible exhaustion for him.

Can only sleep deeply.

In the world of wizards, Angelet was standing on the balcony of the wizard's house. At this time, the system's boost sound came.

[Reminder: Rentu Wang Meng has successfully transmitted, is the host receiving it...]

Angelet, of course, chose to accept it.

However, I still came to the laboratory with some concealing wizard formations to receive them.

Soon, under Angelet's gaze, a figure glowing with all kinds of splendor gradually took shape in the void in front of him.

In the end, in Angelet's eyes, it directly turned into a burly, naked figure of a man with long hair, various beards on his face, and a large number of

Healed hideous wound.

It seems to have fallen into a state of deep sleep.

This is Ren Tu Wang Meng, the subordinate that Angelet can drive for a thousand years.

As soon as he appeared in the laboratory, Angelet felt an unparalleled powerful aura.

And a breath that far surpassed himself and reached a higher level of life exists.

There was a bit of surprise in Angelet's eyes, and the pale golden light of data flickered in his eyes.

Soon, the data of this human Tu Wang Meng, who was comparable to the strength of a second-level official wizard, also appeared in front of Angelet's eyes.

【Target: Wang Meng】

【Title: Rentu (At least 100,000 people were slaughtered in a certain planet world)】


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