Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

[113] Wait, It's All Scum! (Seeking Subscription)

Where the mud swamp is located, is within the Underdark.

a dedicated resource.

The dense primeval forest and the messy trails are full of weeds and traces of many wild beasts stepping over. It seems that there are many threats in this place.

A pitch-black crow was on a branch, looking in one direction, and its pupils reflected the junction of the depths of this primeval forest and another area.

Under the dim light and the surrounding environment, in the bubbling hot swamp, a gloomy and strange atmosphere circulated.

It makes people feel creepy, because this is like a swamp full of mud, and there are still many skeletons appearing on the surface.

It is not necessarily true to say that it is a swamp, because it is more like the ground.

But this land is even more peculiar, and it is full of various raised ground parcels.

When stepping on it, it is like a balloon, full of elasticity, as if covered with a layer of earth.

At this moment, in the deepest part of the mud swamp, there are a dozen figures, discussing some preparations.

Half of them are first-class wizard apprentices of the Zijinhua family, and some mortal knights.

The other half are the many desperadoes that the Zijinhua family has won over through money and interests.

They are all werewolf licking blood, specializing in interception and killing.

"What the hell is going on with your Zijinhua family? You invite so many people, and the benefits you give us are not enough. Don't let us get any benefits by then."

Voices of dissatisfaction slowly spread among these people.

At this time, another voice echoed: "That's right, if I had known that your Zijinhua family had invited so many people, I wouldn't have come. It's really funny. For a small lower house wizard, such a big Zhen Zhan still says he doesn’t believe us Brother Thunder Tiger.”

The two people who spoke were two bald men with no eyebrows or hair. They were extremely burly and naked, but they had a lot of tattoos on their bodies.

It seems that there are some extraordinary means in it, which makes people feel a little unclear.

There was a very obvious disapproval in the expressions of the two of them, obviously they didn't think highly of the other people invited by the Zijinhua family.

The other wizard killers burst into murderous aura immediately after being so excited.

And the Thunder Tiger Brothers were naturally not to be outdone, and burst out their aura.

All of a sudden, in the depths of this mud swamp 220, there was a lot of fights when there was a disagreement, and the atmosphere was extremely suppressed.

The murderous intent surrounded by the cloud directly killed some tiny lives around it.

Of the five Zijinhua members here, the leader is the only first-level wizard apprentice, who seems to be an elder of the Zijinhua family.

The Zijinhua family has reached the point where no one can use it.

Especially when some family members still don't obey orders.

The situation is even more severe.

Some old leaders coughed, and then said slowly: "All of you are the main force that my Zijinhua family invited to kill Angelet, please believe that the Zijinhua family will never lose any of your resources of.

This time, our Zijin Huajia took out such a precious treasure as the Holy Spirit Flower, which can even be passed down, just to lure that Angelet to come..."

"The promise of the Zijinhua family is based on the glory of the Zijinhua family. As long as you kill the wizard of the lower court, the Zijinhua family will definitely fulfill their promise."

The voice of the leader of the clan is very convincing, of course, it is more seductive.

Several wizard hunters present couldn't help feeling hot in their hearts.

This time, the resources that the Zijinhua family paid were not simple.

It is about three times more than hunting a wizard in the lower house on the market.

Enough to make many people take risks.

Now there is a union of five people.

Even if the wizard of the lower house has some ability and means, but if he wants to survive under their alliance, the possibility of hope is almost zero.

Thinking of this, the expressions of dissatisfaction on the faces of several wizard hunters present also slowly disappeared.

Anyway, after killing the wizard of Angelet's House of Commons, everyone will get resources of the same value.

A group of people planted all kinds of terrible traps here, and the holy spirit flower was buried in the center of the swamp by the old wizard.

The undulating land is the best way to conceal the trap.

No one knows that there is a large amount of mud hidden under this land, and there are several wizard killers lurking in the mud.

Then there are some (aeah) triggered witchcraft traps.

Everyone in Zijinhua, who saw everything in their eyes, had a satisfied smile on their faces.

Under such circumstances, even a third-level apprentice wizard cannot escape.

That wizard in the lower house, ten deaths but no life, must die!

The long wait did not make everyone's minds tired, but they were even more excited and excited. After all, the head of the wizard in the lower court represented the entire wealth of a second-level wizard apprentice.

Also promise everyone's share...

Finally they saw their goal coming!

"Okay, okay... I see, you have to do it yourself, my boss, as long as you like it... But try to hurry up, I miss the women in the city, and I'm about to enjoy it."

Wang Meng said nonchalantly, he didn't care what Angelet wanted to do, he just wanted to spend a thousand years without much ups and downs.

You can't kill people casually.

You can't find a woman casually.

You can't even do the things you love.

This made Tu Wang Meng's eyes filled with resentment, and he straightened up.

Aren't the subordinates just tool people? Tool people need self-enjoyment.

Angelet looked indifferent, and directly issued an ultimatum to Wang Meng.

"If you don't want to, you can go back to Guixu Prison. The wizard contract can be changed with the consent of both parties."

Rentu Wang Meng waved his hands, indicating that he didn't say anything.

"You're the boss, and you're right, your will is my power of action.

Angelet walked on the floating ground of the mud swamp, and every time he took a step, he could feel the mud floating under the ground.

This is the nature of mud swamps.

Sometimes, due to some natural reasons, the ground will be broken, so that the mud inside will rush out.

The thick, glue-like mud is as heavy as cement, asphalt-like stench, and even more exaggerated extraordinary toxicity.

There won't be any life that wants to take this mud.

Except for wizards who have some preparations in advance, they can avoid these muds through specific means.

Angelet glanced at the surrounding environment, as well as the agitated land not far away.

It has almost reached the depths of the mud swamp.

And the holy spirit flower he expected has not yet been seen.

Angelet couldn't help saying to himself: "The growth conditions of the holy spirit flower are not too harsh, at most it is rich in natural energy particle fluctuations, and the second is that the surrounding environment is relatively dark and humid.

"Although it is possible for the mud swamp to breed holy spirit flowers, the possibility is so small that I thought it was false news.

"Could it be that Jobs lied to me that there is no such thing as Holy Spirit Flowers?"

At this moment, in front, that is, from the deepest part of the mud swamp, a special fragrance suddenly gushed out.

When Angelet sniffed it, his soul seemed to be faintly touched, which was really amazing.

There is nothing ordinary that can touch the soul.

Angelet is sure that there is a holy spirit flower in the mud swamp.

A happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"This is the fragrance of the holy spirit flower, otherwise it would be impossible to touch the soul, and there is really a holy spirit flower here..."

Angelet quickened his pace and quickly headed towards the depths of the mud swamp, with an undisguised excitement on his face.

He really doesn't need to hide it, because he really needs the Holy Spirit flower.

I also want the holy spirit flower!

The Thunder Tiger Brothers observed the scene outside through specific means, and when they saw Angelet appearing, they were all excited.

However, following Angelet's hesitation, and when he even wanted to retreat, the two bald men hid under the agitation ground, and their hearts became anxious.

"Fortunately, this group of old boys from Zijinhua, who are not demented, have stirred up some of the breath of the holy spirit flower, which made the wizard of the lower house feel it. If we really leave like this, our arrangement will be completely broken. has no effect.

The big brother Lei of the Thunder Tiger Brothers said something.

The tiger was holding a thin silk thread at the side, which seemed to pass through the traces under the ground and connect to another place.

As long as they can be touched by energy particles, they can be directly triggered by the reserved means.

For this method, the two Lei Hu brothers are very confident.

They firmly believe that it is absolutely impossible for this wizard of the House of Commons to survive.

Even if he is lucky and survives, he will definitely be seriously injured, almost to the point of being slaughtered.

At that time, it was time for them to reap their own rewards.

Thinking of this, Brother Lei Hu also had a smug smile on his face.

It seems that he has seen the miserable result of the wizard of the lower house.

The entire net worth of a second-level wizard apprentice.

Brother Thunder Tiger licked his lips.

The passion in the heart is not known to outsiders.

It's a pity that this is divided according to the head. It would be fine if the two of them monopolize it.

Let the remaining three people get rewards in vain.

"Big brother, pay attention, that kid is coming, look!"

Hu reminded, and then, the two of them saw that the wizard of the lower court had walked onto their trap.

Then Tiger suppressed the excitement in his heart, and directly pulled the thin thread.

With the triggering of the energy particles, it seemed to ignite the fuse.

The violent reaction was triggered directly at this moment.

chi chi!

And at this moment, when Angelet was walking on the most frequented and largest land, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The next moment, the land exploded directly under the guidance of the fluctuation of some kind of energy particles.


The energy particles of the fire element are constantly pouring out, which is amazing.

And the power is really too terrifying, it directly set off a wave of fluctuations in the land.

A large amount of mud was continuously squeezed out along with the impact force of the explosion.

But at the center of the explosion, the ground was directly exploded, and the mud inside was vented by the ultra-high fire element energy particles.

After that, it rushed out directly.

A wave of mud was formed, followed by the subsequent squeezed mud, and at the moment of contact with the impact force, the indescribable terrifying pressure instantly retracted.

Sweeping towards the center of the explosion, the momentum was incomparably huge.

"With such a wave of momentum, even a third-level wizard apprentice can't survive. The wizard in the lower court should be dead.

People from the Zijinhua family were very excited when they saw this scene.

The old wizard of the tribe also smiled, and some of his old faces became a little more rosy.

The Thunder Tiger Brothers clenched their fists even more, their faces blushing.

"Successful....direct hit."

"I thought I had some ability, but it turned out that this Zijinhua family is really living and returning, and even such a waste has to be scared..."

Ray said with a look of disdain.

The remaining three wizard hunters also looked disdainful, thinking they were some powerful guys.

That's it!

Even the first heavy method of Leihu brothers couldn't stand it.

Not to mention going deeper and triggering their trap attacks.

There is also the final interception prepared by the five of them near the Holy Spirit Flower.

Saved them a lot of time.

For the reward that is about to be obtained, besides feeling joyful, he also looks dull.

"It seems that you are very disappointed!"

At this moment, an indifferent voice seemed to resound in their ears, which made their expressions change drastically, and even made their hair stand on end.

They can be sure that there is no extra breath around them.

Then the owner of this voice should have amplified his own voice so that everyone can hear it.

If there is a reaction, or if the mood fluctuates, it will be discovered immediately.

Those present were all experienced wizard hunters, so they quickly calmed down and analyzed the result.

He looked at the center of the explosion, and slowly subsided as the fluctuations.

Only a large amount of mud is still erupting, flooding that area.

Under normal circumstances, there would not be any life that could survive such a situation.

However, there are always exceptions!!

Because what they were facing was Angelet who had undergone a complete transformation. .

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