Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

【114】Extreme Killing Intent, All Dead! (Seeking Subscription)

Rentu Wang Meng yawned. He stood at the outermost edge of the mud swamp with his back against a big tree, but he could also perceive all the pictures inside the mud swamp.

Including the ambush for Angelet, there are many methods and so on...

After all, his strength was once at the level of a second-level wizard.

Some abilities are far beyond the level of wizard apprentices.

I can't help but sigh, my boss really likes to play games with these little guys.

Generally speaking, he can feel Angelet's own strength.

Even, there is a certain level of threat to him.

It proved that Angelet has some special hole cards.

This made Tu Wang Meng's expression more subtle, and it was unusual for him to feel the danger~.

You know, his current boss is still very weak.

"Sigh, I don't know how long we'll be playing, it's getting boring..."

Rentu Wang Meng stretched himself with a weed in his mouth.

At this moment, everyone who was ambushing in the swamp heard Angelet's voice, which was so abrupt and so clear.

The Leihu brothers were the two with the quickest reaction, and they immediately raised their whole body and mind to be vigilant.

The rich experience prevented the two of them from acting rashly. Instead, they froze their breathing and lowered their sense of existence to the lowest level.

The two brothers looked at each other, and they both saw a very obvious killing intent in each other's eyes.

And a little dignified, it is obvious that the attack just now did not kill the wizard of the lower house, but caused some counterattacks.

That was the sound just now. Once their emotions fluctuate or their breath fluctuates, it is very likely that the wizard of the lower house will notice it.

"Big brother, I feel the blood in my body boiling!"

Tiger grinned ferociously.

Lei also followed the venomous eyes, and smiled ferociously: "This is interesting. If you really die directly, it would be meaningless, but the power of this explosion is not small, even a third-level wizard apprentice can't avoid it. He It must have been injured, or it was Yong Le's precious hole card, a way to save his life..."

The guess of the two of them, if it is in normal times, is definitely the most correct, because the two of them don't know how many hunting operations they have experienced.

Has already accumulated a wealth of experience.


The old wizard of the tribe took a deep breath, his face was moved, the explosive power just now didn't kill the lower school master.

A look of lingering fear appeared on his face, and it was sinister again.

The Zijinhua family invited five hunters this time, and it really wasn't wrong.

Angelet, the sorcerer of the lower house, has gradually become the enemy of the Zijinhua family.

Fortunately, there are five hunters and many traps laid out. The temptation of the Holy Spirit flower is in front. This Angelet should not just escape like this.

With sufficient strength, he could kill that Angelet.

Thinking of this, a faint smile appeared on the face of the old wizard of the tribe.

The other members of the money flower family were not as indifferent as the old wizard of the family, but became nervous.

After all, they are all mortals. Even if they have the strength of a knight, they are still too weak in the face of a wizard with extraordinary power.

"Interesting, the wizard of the lower court is not dead, so it will be a good show, I want to let this guy try my witchcraft trap, but I have spent a lot of effort to successfully get it out... "

The three hunters hiding in the depths licked their lips, their expressions were either ferocious or sinister, neither of them were good.

"There is also my method, my extraordinary poison, which is not something ordinary beings can try. As long as it is contaminated with a little bit, the whole body will fester, and finally turn into pus and die." 1

The other two hunters were surprised by the hunter's words, and immediately moved away from the hunter.

A look of apprehension appeared on his face.

Angelet walked out from another direction with an indifferent expression. Judging from the clothes she was wearing, there was no damage at all.

He glanced at more surroundings of the mud swamp, and after seeing the explosion, there was still no response and the abnormal mud swamp, a sneer of sarcasm appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Forget it, I don't have much time to waste on you, since the Holy Spirit Flower is here, let's end it completely!"

This is also the main purpose of Angelet.

The holy spirit flower can help Reina's soul to warm and nourish, and it can last for a long time.

At least for half a year, or even within a year, there is no need to worry about Reina's soul problem...

The reason why Angelet wasted so much time was mainly to lock the location of the Holy Spirit Flower.

Now, he has successfully locked it.

Angelet's eyes fluctuated slightly, and the light golden stream of data flashed by,

The next moment, his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, only a faint afterimage was nothingness.

Watching Angelet's many wizard hunters, as well as members of the Zijinhua family, their hearts skipped a beat.

There are some bad feelings, and this feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

"The wizard in the lower house disappeared. How could it be so fast, without any breath, that he really disappeared completely..."

"That's impossible. The wizard in the lower house is fine, why did he suddenly disappear? What happened? Where did the new student go?"

The worries in the hearts of all the people present became more and more serious, and even gave birth to a bit of creepy feeling.

The unknown is the greatest horror, and now Angelet has disappeared, and he can no longer be caught.

How could there be no fear.

The creepy voice before still echoed, as if the next moment, the wizard of the lower house would appear and come behind you like a ghost.

"This wizard in the lower house is a bit evil!"

Brother Leihu's eyes were filled with shock. The strength of both of them was the best among the second-level wizard apprentices. They even practiced the special witchcraft that can capture breath and lock the target, but at this moment, they still haven't gained anything.

It's really like the wizard of the lower house completely disappeared into the world.

"It doesn't matter, this situation is too scary. If there is no sign of that guy again, let's evacuate directly."

Ray made his own judgment.

Right now, it still completely exceeded their expectations.

The mud swamp has such a large area, so it stands to reason that no matter where it goes, it should be able to quickly lock on to the corresponding target.

But when their witchcraft was targeting Angelet, it just failed.

Unless the opponent's strength has far surpassed them.

However, just when they had this thought, a pitch-black spike directly penetrated the bodies of the two of them.

Then it continuously penetrated into various parts of the body, completely cutting off their vitality.

when exactly...

There was panic and despair in the eyes of the two of them.

The shadow spikes began to retract, and finally returned directly to the mud, behind the looming figure.

With the invisibility cloak and his ability to mix poison, Angelet is confident that even an extreme wizard apprentice will find it difficult to find him.

Killing two Witch Hunters is just a sideshow.

Angelet didn't hide anything, and didn't mean to take a detour, and walked directly from the front, along a straight line.

During this period, nothing happened, it seemed that he had already left this world.

Angelet looked indifferent, he had discovered at least three traps, and one was more vicious than the other.

The outermost trap of Thunder Tiger Brothers is only the most obvious.

It's a pity that none of them can touch the current Angelet.

All the way to the deepest part of the mud swamp, Angelet has seen the traces of the holy spirit flower.

The tumbling mud formed a different kind of lake, and in the middle of the lake was a standing stone platform, on which the holy spirit flower grew.

The scent of flowers was continuously secreted, causing Angelet to subconsciously take a deep breath.

I felt the trembling of the soul, that kind of extreme refreshment, which cannot be replaced by any feeling.

After all, this is the feeling of the soul, which is far more comfortable than the physical feeling.

Angelet smelled something else in these flowers.

That is a special toxin that can cause life to be corrupted.

Angelet smiled slightly.

Interesting, has it reached such a level?

The toxicity was so good that it even made Angelet's mixed poison body tremble and reacted.

Then it quickly turned into one of his own mixed drugs.

The mixed poison has become more powerful.

The ultimate murderous intent suddenly appeared at this moment.

Angelet looked at the figure that emerged from the mud and rushed towards him.

The speed is very fast, almost in the blink of an eye, it has already come to my side.

0…ask for flowers……

Then, the mud skin under his feet swayed, and the mud skin turned over directly, turning into mud, and completely entangled Angelet's body.

Feeling the sinking of the feet, the instability of the body, and the ultimate murderous intent coming in front of him.

Angelet smiled, but this smile was very cold.

With his right hand clenched into a fist, part of the strength was concentrated on the right hand, and the muscles trembled slightly.

chi chi!

That lore wizard hunter, with vicious eyes, found the most perfect timing.

"Take it!"

After inhaling the poison he had prepared, and being affected by the mud-skinned trap, he couldn't control his body, not to mention reacting in the blink of an eye to deal with this deadly move. .

The only result is death!

"go to hell!"

The wizard hunter condensed a jet-black long sword from both hands, and then pierced towards Angelet's heart.

At this time, two other wizard hunters also appeared, and one of them was manipulating the flipping witchcraft effect of the land.

The little one has almost prepared the extremely powerful flame ball witchcraft.

It is probably to wait until the pitch-black long sword is beheaded, and then release it according to the situation, as a means of preparation.

Even Angelet has to say, the arrangement turned out to be really good.

Even if it is a third-level wizard apprentice, facing such a targeted attack, the only result is complete defeat.


In the face of absolute strength, everything is meaningless.

Angelet's fist was already waving out.

There is no special effect, and no energy particles are generated, it is completely

It is the most common punching, the power generated by the flesh.


The moment the terrifying incomparable power came into contact with the long sword of energy particles, it was directly destroyed into nothingness particles.

The strength began to vent, and the air seemed to be blown up, making a harsh noise.

The blood was splashing, the mist was flying, and even the bones were completely shattered.

"This is impossible!"

The remaining two wizard assassins had fluctuations in their pupils and shock on their faces.

They actually saw that the wizard assassin was blown up and turned into blood mist.

The wind blew past, taking away the blood mist and noise.

Only the tall and straight figure remained, like a towering mountain peak.

The look of waving his fists echoed in the minds of everyone present.

The lips of the members of the Zijinhua family were trembling, and their expressions were filled with extreme fear.

"Monster, monster!!"

"How could it be possible to blow up energy particles and wizards with fists, what a terrifying power...is he an extraordinary humanoid creature!"

The face of the old wizard of the family trembled violently, and he said in horror: "Doom, this is the doom of the Zijinhua family!"

Such a situation is simply unheard of.

What kind of terrifying physical body is required to be able to do it.

chi chi!

The high-temperature fire elemental energy particles scorched the air and spread towards Angelet.

Everything in front of him turned red, steaming up, and the flames intensified.

But Angelet's face was still very calm,

"It's useless, you have wasted a lot of my time."

It was still a simple punch, at the moment when the shadow of the fist fell.

What energy particles, red flames, what super high temperature.

The terrifying wind formed directly by the strength swept through the space and pulled the vacuum out.

Completely obliterated.

After the flame disappeared, the pale face of the wizard assassin was revealed.

Angelet looked indifferent, and slowly raised his finger.

The next moment, the figure disappeared directly from the spot, and then came in front of the wizard assassin who hadn't reacted yet.

The finger lightly touched the wizard assassin's head.


Like a watermelon, it exploded directly.

The last remaining wizard apprentice had already started to escape.

And the running speed is very fast, it has already left several kilometers, beyond Angelet's sight.

But Angelet didn't care the slightest bit.

It was already a dead man.

Instead, he set his sights on the stone platform in the center of the swamp.

The holy spirit flower presents a beautiful milky white color, and rippling afterglow light waves.

The corners of Angelet's mouth curled up slightly

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