Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

[115] A Rebellious Dog! (Seeking Subscription)

The last surviving wizard assassin fled all the way out of the mud swamp.

With an excited smile on his face, he leaned against a big tree and panted heavily.

"I survived, I survived!"

Then, he saw a burly figure with a surprised face, sitting on a bluestone not far away, and gave him a strange look.

Wang Meng said with a smile: "Congratulations, you ran out!"

Killing intent arose in the wizard assassin's heart, and he decided to kill this guy who looked like an ordinary person.

Because he didn't feel any dangerous aura on Wang Meng's body.

Wang Meng yawned, then looked at him deadly, and said something:

"You still have five seconds to explain your funeral, make sure you don't leave any traces, in this world..."

The wizard-assassin looked stunned for a moment, looking at Wang Meng like a fool, what is this guy talking about.

A sneer suddenly appeared on his face, since this guy wants to court death, then let him be fulfilled.

It happened that there was a lot of anger in my heart, and there was also a gloomy integrity because I ran away with my life.

As soon as the wizard-assassin took a step, his body turned into a puddle of thick gray matter pus, and completely disappeared in this world, which can be described as very terrifying.

When Wang Meng saw this scene, his brows were slightly raised, and he couldn't hold back and said:

"Lei Di's poison is a bit too domineering. It seems to be a mixture of multiple poisons. Don't mess with it, don't mess with it..."

Wang Meng was able to see that the real cause of the death of the wizard assassin was the terrorist toxin mixed in his body.

It is eroding its body all the time, and when it reaches the critical point, it is the moment of explosion that will undoubtedly lead to death.

A subtle smile appeared on the corner of Wang Meng's mouth, and he felt more and more that his boss was really interesting.

Jumped up from the bluestone, and then walked in another direction, counting the time, it was almost at that time that they met together.

In the depths of the mud swamp, the result has almost been determined.

The five wizard hunters who carried out the ambush and assassination all died one by one.

And their target didn't even have the slightest damage, which was an extremely astonishing situation.

The five of them attacked together, and there were many traps in the way. Even a third-level wizard apprentice could not survive such an ambush.

It can only be said that Angelet's current strength has reached a very terrifying stage.

And among the third-level wizard apprentices, they can also be regarded as the top batch.

If the wizard's combat body breaks out at full strength, even the ultimate wizard apprentice is not without the power to fight.

Angelet stared at the holy spirit flower, then gently took a handful with his hands, and solemnly put it into the box made of extraordinary wood prepared in advance.

Then, Angelet stepped hard, and the next moment, he disappeared in place and appeared on another muddy surface.

An inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of Angelet's mouth: "So, do you want me to invite you out personally?"

Soon, the members of the Zijinhua family came out from under the mud one after another, their bodies filled with an atmosphere of decadence and despair.

The expression on his face also showed that he had lost hope for life.

They knew that the Zijinhua family lost this time, so their result could be drawn naturally.

The old wizard of the clan looked calmer, and said directly with a pale face: "We were wrong, the mistake was too outrageous, your strength is very powerful, and it is simply not what we can measure by the information we investigated. What you hide is true. It's too deep, Angelet..."

Angelet smiled without saying a word, but there was a little more sigh in his eyes.

The old wizard of the clan still had some extravagant hopes in his heart, and said directly and longingly: "You and the Zijinhua family have no deep hatred, and at the beginning, it was just the tiniest misunderstanding...

It was two women who caused the misunderstanding between the Zijinhua family and you. In fact, the enemy of our Zijinhua family is Polaris... the extreme wizard apprentice Polaris in the upper house, the Zijinhua family is not willing to fight for you enemy. "

The old wizard of the tribe secretly glanced at Angelet's expression, and found that the other's expression hadn't changed much, and was still extremely indifferent.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief and continued.

He felt that he could hope to resolve a prehistoric crisis of the Zijinhua family.

The existence in front of him is too deep to hide.

Even the Zijinhua family's investigation failed to dig out much real information.

Its strength is also very strong, and it is definitely the strongest wizard in the House of Commons, but there was no news about it before, which led to the current result.

The old wizard of the clan was full of bitterness. Why did the Zijinhua family provoke such an existence? This is obviously not something that the Zijinhua family can provoke.

He also didn't expect that the freshmen who randomly find a scapegoat to vent their anger will end up like this.


How could it be a small freshman? Even if he was a student of the upper house of the Dark Wizard Academy with this strength, he believed it.

The result of the investigation happened to be the students of the House of Commons 1.

This result was too terrifying, and the meaning behind it made the old wizard of the clan feel his scalp tingle.

Could this be the handwriting of an official wizard, the result of inserting it, and where the purpose will lead.........

He didn't dare to think about it, and he couldn't think of it at all, but in short, it was definitely not something that the Zijinhua family could hold together.

But now he has already gotten involved, and has already taken the initiative to find him!

The old wizard of the family is also extremely hated. All of this is due to those two women. If it weren't for those two women, how could it lead to the current result.

The most hateful thing is that the two women have already died in the secret realm of the freshman assessment, and they cannot vent their hatred by torture.

The old wizard of the clan said to Angelet very sincerely: "Dear Lord Angelet, this holy spirit flower is a thank you gift from our Zijinhua family. If you have any needs, our Zijinhua family will try our best to meet them, even if it is a need. More holy spirit flowers, more supernatural resources related to spiritual fantasy, all of which can be satisfied..."

But the old wizard of the tribe did not notice the sneer that gradually rose from the corner of Angli's mouth.

The other members of the Zijinhua family have hope in their eyes, and they seem to have the hope of surviving, which is really great.

There was an inexplicable meaning in Angelet's eyes, and finally he laughed directly.

And he laughed loudly, this was the first time his mood fluctuated like this.

The faces of the members of the Zijinhua family present all became strange, obviously not understanding what Angelet was laughing at.

But soon, Angelet told them Dalu.

"It's really interesting, Zijinhua family!"

The old wizard of the clan was full of hope, and said in surprise: "Dear Master Angelet, thank you for your generosity, our Zijinhua family will definitely not let you down..."

However, before he finished speaking, he felt a sharp pain in his chest.

A slender white palm had already directly pierced the position of his heart, and then the heart was crushed, resulting in blood spattering and a steady stream of powerlessness.

The eyes of the old wizard of the tribe were full of disbelief, and there was even some shock on his face.

His lips trembled, and he exhausted his last strength to say the words that he wanted to ask the most in his heart:

"Why is this exactly why... Master Angelet, haven't you already agreed to reconcile with the Zijinhua family!"

The other members of the Zijinhua family, with extreme fear in their eyes, subconsciously took a few steps back, and even fell to the ground directly.

"Dead, the clan elder is dead!"

"This... we are finished... Help, I don't want to die!"

"I want to live... I didn't do it, I don't know anything, don't kill me..."

The four members of the Zijinhua family started fleeing in all directions, trying to escape for their lives.

Angelet just watched with indifferent eyes, without the slightest reaction on his expression.

An indifferent voice slowly echoed:

"I think you made a mistake. Now it's not the grievances between Zijinhua and me, but the grievances between me and the Zijinhua family that have to be settled... 17

"What is the Zijinhua family? Why do you really think everything revolves around your Zijinhua family?"

A mocking smile appeared on the corner of Angelet's mouth.

"I think this is not the case in this world, but revolves around the stronger... No matter what the initial result is, the actions of the Zijinhua family can only have one result, and that is to disappear! "

"If the Zijinhua family disappears, then everything owned by the Zijinhua family should be mine. You actually took my things and came to apologize to me, and even wanted to consume my resources in exchange for my forgiveness. ...Your thoughts are really interesting!"

Angelet's eyes became more and more indifferent: "Okay, enough time has been wasted, you also know a lot of things, the tomb chosen for you is very good, and there are so many people to accompany you, you won't be alone if you go down, let alone Confused"

"So! Wait for the Zijinhua family to be destroyed!"

Angelet's eyes fluctuated slightly, and the next moment, the heart of the old wizard was directly crushed.

With the withdrawal of the hand, the powerless corpse fell down with a bang.

Angelet shook his hands, then walked towards the exit of the mud swamp.

At the same time, the escaped members of the Zijinhua family directly turned into gray pus and became part of this spiritual swamp.

Angelet was walking on the road with an inexplicable look on his face. He finally understood why those film and television villains in the previous life were so talkative, instead of killing the decent protagonists.

It really has a unique sense of comfort.

However, Angelet has some big differences.

That is to say after killing in advance.

Feeling the increasing excitement of the mental state, some mental pressure accumulated before, as well as mental exhaustion are swept away.

Angelet, right now, is at the absolute top.

Location: Bone Wizard City, at the gate of the city.

Because of the mobilization of the Zijinhua family, the entire Bone Wizard City has become a little more complicated.

Not only the people who come in and out, they will be questioned and investigated by some Zijinhua family members, and they will pick up some magic stones...

There is no way around this, the Zijinhua family is one of the top wizard families in the Bone Wizard City, and now for some reasons, the entire Zijinhua family has become crazy.

Whoever is arrested is attacked.

Even if they belong to the three major wizard families, the other two will not offend the Zijinhua family at this juncture.

Make up for the loss.

Who knows, if that Huck Zijinhua is crazy, he will attack them directly.

Two figures slowly followed the crowd and entered the Bone Wizard City.

One person is slightly thinner, of course, this is compared with the burly man next to him, if it is really counted, it can be regarded as an extremely strong figure

Pulled out.

"Lei Di, can you let me go on a killing spree, I can't bear it anymore, the smell of war, the smell of killing..."

Rentu Wang Meng grinned with 3.7 teeth and said, quite a bit like a family dog.

There was a sneer at the corner of Angelet's mouth, if he really believed some of the words and actions of the guy next to him, that would be the worst thing.

It's full of bad humor.

In fact, Angelet himself knew it, for Tu Wang Meng, who was comparable to a second-level wizard.

For Wang Meng, at his current level, the things he needs to do and the things he is exposed to are very boring, without any pressure or challenge.

Even the strength of Rentu Wang Meng has fallen to the level of a first-level wizard apprentice.

But with that level of strength, one is destined to see more things.

Angelet's eyes were deep and indifferent. No matter what kind of psychological thoughts he had, he had to do it to kill Wang Meng under the contract of the wizard.

Obedience to Angelet's orders is also an absolute fact that cannot be changed.

"Isn't this exactly what you expected, so what are you waiting for..."

Angelet's lips moved, and asked back.

Rentu Wang Meng's grinning appearance gradually disappeared, and instead he showed a ferocious smile, with sharp teeth, which made people feel a little shocking.

"as you wish!"

Angelet looked at Rentu Wang Meng's disappearing back, neither joy nor sadness on his face.

Just show me your strength.

As a dog, a rebellious dog, if you really want to tame it completely, you need to understand it in advance.

Angelet's eyes were extremely deep, and an inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. .

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