Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

[124] Inorganic Avatar Successfully Produced! (Seeking Subscription)

Tick ​​tock!

Blood dripped continuously from the top, and the many flesh and blood humanoid monsters in the isolation room had no facial features on their faces, only a hideous mouth, opened their mouths, and kept welcoming the blood flowing out of a small mouth. of blood.

This is a special feeding device that can feed these disabled experimental subjects and temper their own consciousness, just like domesticating dogs, and domesticate them into what they want.

The picture retouching wizard looked at such a scene, and saw that the self-awareness of those disabled experimental subjects became weaker and weaker, and gradually they could only become a dog-like mental state.

Become more and more obedient......

A faint smile appeared on his face.

Everything is going in a good direction.

Previously, he discovered that the disabled fetus was out of control, and his self-consciousness became extremely violent, so he carried out related experiments in this regard.

Since the self-consciousness of the remnant fetus after fusion is chaotic, and the spiritual emotions of the original experimental subject, and some other things have been mixed into it.

So simply, the retouching wizard will do the opposite-.

When merging into the core of the disabled fetus, these experimental subjects are semi-processed, and then their self-spirit and will are completely erased.

Become a blank slate, or simply listen to the emotional character of your own words.

Becoming your own dog, I believe that even after fusion, the influence in this aspect will be less.

In fact, this also reduces the superposition of a lot of spiritual strengths.

But it is also impossible,

Through continuous research, the picture retouching wizard gradually discovered some subtle things.

There are some shortcomings of the idea of ​​remnant fetus meditation, which can only be made up for by trade-offs, so as to maximize the time.

Compared with being able to control the residual tire more conveniently, losing a little bit of power superposition is nothing.

The picture retouching wizard finally couldn't help laughing out loud, because he had already discovered that these semi-finished products had begun to adapt to this state, and after licking that part of the blood, they began to learn to be smart. , He kept making flattering gestures towards himself.

Trying to get more flesh and blood...

This is exactly what he wanted.

Gained several good dogs.

After these dogs are fused into the disabled fetus, they will become his second generation disabled fetus, which is very different from the first generation.

The price of residual tires of this generation is easier to control.

The only price is probably not as powerful as the first generation.

To be slightly weaker.

The picture retouching wizard has learned to make some trade-offs, but with his personality, it is destined to be only temporary.

As Philip once said, the retouching wizard is very greedy, and he will not waste anything he can ask for.

There was a thoughtful look in the eyes of the wizard who edited the picture, after he got the 'Disabled One' to kill the wizard of the lower court.

It will be able to return, and then carry out mutual fusion with the remnant fetus two, and then the special remnant fetus will be born.

He will also be named the third generation of disabled fetuses,

Perhaps it is possible to add up the advantages of the two generations of disabled fetuses.

This is a deep overlay of strong point overlays.

Thinking of this, the face of the wizard who edited the picture was filled with a smile.

However, one thing to note is that the bone demon wizard is already urging, and needs the latest research data.

And the corpses of wizards that Philip sent recently have gradually decreased a lot.

And the days of coming to the laboratory seem to be getting less and less.

Previously, there were rumors that some fringe areas had frictions with other wizarding forces, and there was news of a war between wizarding forces.

The retouching wizard felt that there might still be some possibilities.

But it wasn't the other party's wizard force that came to fight, but the Bone Society took the initiative to fight.

Just found a good opportunity.

The Bone Society is warlike at first, so naturally it doesn't have any opinions, but it's just as happy as it is.

It is estimated that it will take several years to develop, and it depends on the situation to know whether there will be a real fight.

But it has nothing to do with him, and it is not his turn to go to the front line for the time being.

Moreover, with the Bone Demon wizard at his back, even if the war really starts, there are many possibilities for him to be selected as the wizard who stays in the wizarding force.

rather than being sent out.

But it's okay to start a war, it means that a large number of wizard corpses will be produced.

Those corpses are the best experimental materials for residual fetuses, and they are also alternative nutrients.

It is enough to support the development of residual tires to a higher stage.

Far faster than the current development.

Although Philip is an apprentice of an extreme wizard, he is only one person.

Although it is possible to bring back a lot of wizard bodies, but now that the experiment on disabled fetuses has been thoroughly carried out, once the wizard corpses are simply not enough to consume


He also needs more wizard corpses.

Whether it is high quality or high quantity, he wants it!

There is extreme greed in the eyes of the picture retouching wizard, he is a poisonous snake and an extremely greedy poisonous snake.

swallow everything.

But at this moment, he felt a tingling in the back of his head.

That feeling was extremely obvious and clear, as if a sharp thing had pierced into his brain and was constantly stirring.

The extreme pain spread to every corner of his body, causing him to kneel down on the ground uncontrollably, curled up, foaming from his mouth.

The pupils are also bloodshot.

Gritting his teeth and trembling, he said, "This kind of pain, what is going on..."

Then the corresponding induction appeared in his mind.

And some incomplete pictures, recorded and reflected by the core of the disabled tire.

Through the arrangement left on the core of the residual tire before.

In the blurry picture, it can be clearly judged that this is in a laboratory, a figure is wearing a lab coat, holding a biological scalpel in his hand [towards the ten-core floor of the disabled fetus to straighten the meter.

Then, the knife was dropped directly, and the extreme pain came, and the scene ended here.

The face of the retouching wizard suddenly distorted, and it was full of hysterical ferocity.

Where did he not understand what happened.

"Angelet...Angelet ahhh!"

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'll tear you up alive!"


As soon as his disabled fetus tried to deal with Angelet, it failed!

On the contrary, the disabled fetus itself has become the other party's spoils of war,

It seems that experiments such as dissection are still being carried out.

This made the retouching wizard even more intolerable.

This is his brainchild.

is his everything.

That's all for the Bone Demon Wizard!

After all, he is an official wizard, so he can spy on his hard work,

But Angelet why

A little wizard in the lower house, a piece of shit, dares to peep into the mystery of his incomplete fetus.

How dare he!

kill him!

Must kill him!

The picture retouching wizard roared, and the entire laboratory was filled with his voice.

So much so that the experimental subjects in the cage trembled all over.

The picture retouching wizard has begun to lose his sense of self.

He wished he could find Angelet right now and tear it to pieces.

But he knew that he couldn't go.

There are rules of the White Bone Society restricting.

"A disabled child can't kill you. I admit that I underestimated you. Angelet, your strength is too strong!"

The picture retouching wizard calmed down a little bit, although the loss of Remnant One and the news that outsiders peeped into the mystery of his remnant core made him almost crazy.

But after all, there are wizards who have come to this point, and they still have some wizard qualities that they should have.

After thinking for a long time, the picture retouching wizard came to a result.

That wizard of the House of Commons is in deep water and cannot be underestimated.

According to the results from previous news, perhaps this wizard of the lower house is hiding deeper than anyone else, and his own strength is also extremely terrifying.

At least it has reached the stage of a second-level wizard apprentice, or it is comparable to a third-level wizard apprentice.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to get rid of the residual fetus.

Moreover, the perception is also so sharp that it is actually able to find the disabled one that has been changed and hidden.

The wizard who edited the picture thought it was Wang Meng who had eaten Rentu, and pretended to be him. When he was close to Angelet, he was discovered.

Thus the preemptive strike was resolved.

With Remnant Taiyi's weak IQ, it is indeed very possible.

Then if you want to solve this difficult wizard of the lower house, you can start from this aspect.

The picture retouching wizard also gradually understood those rumors.

Perhaps it is possible to be true, Polaris and the wizard of the House of Commons have become partners.

This kind of strength, as well as the forbearance, is enough for a limit wizard apprentice to invest.

The retouching wizard had a hideous expression on his face, but even so, he would kill Angelet.

In addition to the new and old hatred, there is also the mystery of Angelet's desire to spy on his crippled fetus.

The disabled fetus can only be his!

0...seeking flowers 00

Can only be his!!

"To solve Angelet, we must draw him out, and there are at least two third-level wizard apprentices, so that we can be safe, and in the safest period, we need to make some arrangements in advance..."

The picture retouching wizard's eyes are full of coldness, and many ideas and arrangements have already been produced in his mind.

Wait, then!

Angelet, with the strength to absolutely crush you, I will use your body as a part of my womb.

Don't you want to peek at the power of my disabled fetus?

Then let you become a part of the disabled tire!

But he didn't know that Angelet didn't want to gain the power of the disabled from the very beginning.

But just to reverse the crack.

"The idea of ​​remnant fetus meditation is not a big deal of power, on the contrary, it is very clumsy and has great potential, but it is almost unrealistic and too imprecise..."

Angelet studied all the cores of flesh and blood that he had obtained, and after the analysis of the Eye of Truth, combined with his own analysis and processing, he finally came to a result and gave such an evaluation in such a discourse.

He took off his clothes, threw the biological scalpel into the pool, and began to clean up some pollution on his body.

After cleaning and disinfecting several times, Angelet walked out of the laboratory wearing a black wizard robe.

After a day and a night of research, he has already obtained a lot of results.

It can reverse the residual flesh and blood.

Angelet had a bit of disdain on his face, and he had high intentions, but it didn't work.

It almost didn't take too much difficulty to crack the idea of ​​remnant fetus meditation.

And it is almost impossible to perfect and complete the difficulty

The difficulty is too great.

Angelet wasn't going to waste time on this anymore.

Relying on the core of the disabled fetus obtained by oneself, the reverse core of the disabled fetus that can be reversed is produced.

In this case, the next time you encounter anything related to a disabled fetus.

They can use the remnant tire reverse core to reverse it.

The remnant fetus relies on the fusion of various flesh and blood to superimpose its strengths.

Reversing is equivalent to separating the state of its fusion.

Completely turn the remnant fetus into useless pieces of flesh and blood...

Now, Angelet is ready for more pressing matters.

The first is related to wizard pharmacy and the acquisition of advanced pharmacy formulas.

Second, regarding the implementation of the "Avatar" witchcraft, a large number of related mechanical materials have been purchased, and some of these materials must have extraordinary characteristics...

and also

The third is the follow-up to the wizard's meditation idea. This can be started from the Polaris, or simply from the inheritance of the black sun.

As a third-level ultimate wizard, the Heiyang wizard must have a full set of wizard meditation methods as a legacy.

Its meditation method is definitely higher in conception and higher level than the current dark tide meditation method.

This is one aspect.

But combined with the dark element, and the affinity of the fire element, Angelet is ready to practice dual cultivation meditation.

The assistance of the Eye of Truth will not be too difficult, let alone the assistance of incarnation witchcraft.

Once the inorganic avatar is successfully produced, it will be able to share at least one-third of the pressure of Angelet's experimental courses.

Then let's get started!

Angelet passed on her clothes, and went to the lounge to take a look.

Holy light filled every part of the lounge, and Lena's soul emerged on the phalanx, with a smile on her face, in a state of deep sleep.

And the condition has been maintained very good.

Very suitable for soul transcription of inorganic avatars.

The holy spirit flower can last for three months, and three months is enough for Angelet to make two inorganic avatars.

However, at the very beginning, he had to conduct an experiment by himself.

Prevent hidden dangers from happening.

When I went out, I saw Rentu Wang Meng playing with three Gaotian dogs.

That huge size couldn't pose any threat to Ren Tu Wang Meng, but he was very happy playing.

This extraordinary creature was brought out by Angelet from the Newborn Secret Realm.

Unexpectedly, it survived successfully, and it was kept in this mountainous area.

"Mother Green Wizard, I guess I'm already waiting for you!"

Angelet tugged on her wizard robe, and in the wizard ring, there were various wizard potions that gave the green mother wizard the most convincing power.

He has zero confidence in acquiring the knowledge of advanced formula medicine this time. .

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