Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

[125] The Inheritance Of The Third-Level Ultimate Wizard! (Seeking Subscription)

The ancient forest garden is still as usual, full of green existence, even if this place is not surrounded by the bone wizard formation, it is in the area of ​​the lower court

The vines climbed to the wall, and under the shade of the tall trees, there were all kinds of strange flowers and trees. The snowflakes in the winter were blocked by the tree crowns, and the chill was also isolated from the outside by the power of nature.

Along the familiar cobblestone path, Angelet walked, not very fast.

The breath gradually changed from white to nothingness, and the temperature began to rise.

Entering the building, the room for refining medicine is still in operation.

When Angelet passed by, the figure inside just came out.

It is Reya among the three pillars, she is extremely tall, and her blond hair is also very dazzling.

But judging from the aura, it seems that something happened, which led to a very unstable state.

Angelet guessed that maybe the attempt to refine the potion failed.

Because of the aura on his body, it was extremely sluggish, and even smelled of various medicinal raw materials.

Angelet just felt it, and guessed what the medicine Reya made was.

It does not need the observation and analysis of the eye of truth.

His medicine level has reached a good height.

It is even called the number one among the wizards of the House of Commons.

Among the House of Lords, there is no one who surpasses him, at most he is equal to him.

"There you are, Lie!"

Reya was still a little bit ahead of schedule, not letting Angelet see the frustration and disappointment on her face.

For Reya, Angelet is a post-"683" comer and their younger brother. Although he has more talents than the three of them, he should not be as good as them at this stage.

Because of Angelet's psychological reasons, he never came to Gulin Garden for advanced training.

Now, it is estimated that maybe he changed his mind and chose to face and accept them.

Sometimes, admitting one's own shortcomings is something to be encouraged. As long as you have the perseverance and perseverance, you can make up for this uncertainty.

Just like now, he just has a big deficiency, and he failed in refining advanced potions.

This is his second refining, and the refining is a relatively simple brandy essence potion. ,

It is in the category of advanced pharmacy, but it still failed, but it also summed up the experience, and it will definitely succeed in refining next time.

Reya has a hunch about it!

And Angelet didn't care too much about it. For him, the only meaning of these three pillars was probably to help him develop the ten medicine channels.

Thinking of the follow-up lineage struggle and the wizard contract signed with the green mother wizard, the parts that need to be abided by.

Angelet still said a few words:

"Your method is wrong. What I'm talking about is the refining method. The aura on your body tells me that you should be refining the brandy essence potion!"

Reya's pupils contracted slightly, and there was an obvious expression change on his face, which was surprise.

Obviously, he didn't understand how Angelet discovered the type of medicine he was refining.

Before Reya could speak, Angelet continued:

"Your refining method is wrong, and some aspects of handling raw materials are also wrong, and the mistakes are outrageous!"

Reya frowned, apparently disapproving of Angelet's words, because in his opinion, Angelet's level is not enough to evaluate him, and even whether it involves the category of advanced potions is a big problem.

Even if it is the other party's talent, the green mother wizard is affirmed, but when he is complacent and even does not study, he cannot surpass him, and even criticize him.

Reya was a little angry, but when Angelet's next words echoed in his ears, his face instantly became shocked, "It's like seeing a ghost.

"You...how is this possible!"

Some of what Angelet said was the key points of the brandy essence potion, including what he was still confused about.

Even the place where I comprehended wrong is said.

He also explained in detail how to correctly refine the brandy essence medicine, and even in the process of telling the story, he also gave many examples by analogy.

It gave him an illusion, as if the person in front of him was not the unremarkable and ordinary-looking Angelet.

Instead, the green mother wizard stood in front of him and told him the relevant content.

This really shocked him, Angelet actually gave him the feeling of a green mother wizard, that is a master of pharmacy, an official wizard.

Could it be that Angelet's level has reached such a high level?

Reya's heart was like waves ups and downs, unable to calm down for a long time, but soon this kind of mind also calmed down, and gradually immersed in the extraordinary knowledge content described by Angelet.

An idea also gradually appeared in Reya's mind, Angelet is definitely not as simple as they seem on the surface.

His potion level is absolutely extraordinary, even far surpassing them.

But this is simply not normal, they often stay in the ancient forest garden, but they haven't seen Angelet come a few times.

How could he reach such a high potion level without the personal teaching of the green mother wizard.

You know, when they met Angelet for the first time, in the pharmacy class, they saw it with their own eyes and heard the green mother wizard say that Angelet is just a mortal, and has never been involved in the green mother wizard's pharmacy class. , is a complete new life.

How terrifying is Angelet's talent? He was able to reach such a high potion level without the constant teaching of the green mother wizard, far surpassing them.

It has reached the point where Reya is shocked, even admired.

The narration of the advanced potion of brandy essence is really too detailed, and he even talked about his lack of understanding of advanced potion knowledge, which is simply unbelievable

Could it really be the eyes of the Green Mother Wizard?

Angelet is really terrifying, such a talent, such a level of potion, really makes people unable to give up the idea of ​​chasing him.

Reya's lips felt a bit bitter.

However, this idea was also broken by the vast knowledge of pharmacy.

When Angelet left here to meet the Green Mother Wizard, Reya still stood where she was, immersed in the content related to advanced potion knowledge.

There is shock in the eyes, and the heartbeat is also pounding.

"I saw it, I saw where my path was, Angelet's words were too sharp, his vision was too deep, and he could see at a glance where my mistakes and omissions were, where I was missing, just These few paragraphs have benefited me a lot, and I have almost avoided a detour for a month or two..."

Reya recalled Jinx's rhetoric, and she wanted to tutor Angelet about pharmacy knowledge.

The expression on his face became inexplicable. With Angelet's current level of pharmacy, he couldn't see the depth at all.

This is simply playing with an ax at the door of the class!

It seems that he has to find time to circle around Jinx, and Yalin... Angelet is really not what they thought.

The green mother wizard is still in the place where she has been staying, the deepest part of the ancient forest garden. This is a loose room that is almost open to the air. It is not the same as the room, because everything is surrounded by flower beds that are taller than people. all around,

And within the flower garden, there is a huge space. The ground is a lawn, full of various flowers and plants, and then there is the huge towering tree in the center.

It has reached the size of six people hugging each other, and its height has also reached the range of forty or fifty meters.

The canopy is also very dense, even in winter, the snowflakes are still blocked out, and the temperature is extremely suitable, making Angelet feel as if he is experiencing spring

The unique figure of the green mother wizard is standing under the bushes of old tall trees, as if looking at the sky.

"Dear Green Mother Wizard, I have what I need!"

Angelet said straight to the point.

After waiting for about five seconds, the green mother wizard came back to her senses a little slowly, and turned to look at Angelet.

And when turning, it is similar to the rotation of the branches of a plant, and it starts to bud.

The green mother wizard opened her eyes, green pupils, with a bit of scrutiny.

"Angelet, if you have a need, you must give something, and what you can bring me is the improvement of your own medicine level, so show it to me."

Today's green mother wizard seems to be very different, and her aura is much smarter than before...

Angelet's expression was very calm: "Your request is met, Mr. Green Mother Wizard!"

Then he directly stretched out his finger, and the green mother wizard also stretched out a green tentacle vine, which made contact with Angelet's finger.

At the moment of connection, it seems that there is a kind of electric shock.

It is actually a collision of biofields between the two, and the resulting spiritual awareness partly involves connection.

Generally speaking, information can be transmitted to each other.

At the stage of advanced pharmacy, it is no longer suitable for the assessment of direct refining of pharmacy, but the level of direct inspection and mastery.

Every high-grade potion is truly precious.

When Angelet came out of the ancient forest garden and returned to the wizard's residence, it was already around midnight.

Entering the laboratory, Angelet began to sort out the harvest obtained from the Green Mother Wizard.

There are three kinds of high-level medicines in total, and the difficulty of refining each kind of high-level medicine is beyond the reach of very people.

Angelet also couldn't fully understand the three medicines in a short period of time.

In order to save time, he planned to conduct a high-level pharmacy procedure first.

After gaining some experience, proceed to refine the Dawn Potion.

[Reminder: The analysis of the advanced potion 'Yeyue Agave' is in progress, estimated time: 24 hours]

Correspondingly, the higher the level of potion, the more time it takes to consume it.

During this period, Angelet is also planning to refine some other advanced potions and sell them at the headquarters of the Bone Club, so as to gain some contribution points and magic stones.

Proceed to buy some mechanical materials that can be used in the first stage of "Avatar" witchcraft.

Time passed, and soon a week passed, and Angelet had changed a lot.

The first is about the refining of the 'Yeyue Agave' potion. After two failed attempts, I finally mastered the trick and succeeded in refining it completely.

And the Eye of Truth began to analyze the refining deduction about the potion of "Blooming Dawn"

This process is also very fast, and soon a more perfect method was designed.

Secondly, there are some materials needed for witchcraft in "Avatar"

Materials, also during this period, gradually—purchased back.

During this period, a small thing happened, that is, Ren Tu Wang Meng seemed to be unable to stand the boring atmosphere.

Every day I want to go out arguing, to vent.

Angelet did not agree, because the matter about the Zijinhua family had already happened.

The headquarters of the White Bone Club is under investigation.

It is said that it is a surviving wizard of the 1.6 Zijinhua family, and an official wizard is requested to investigate.

There are even some clues, but Wang Meng's strength is very high, and he will isolate some investigations and influences.

So it was not investigated.

Angelet didn't take this matter to heart either, as long as the second-level wizards didn't come out to investigate, there wouldn't be any problems.

The second-level wizards, who are important high-end combat power for the White Bones Society, hardly show up.


"Wang Meng, get ready, there are important things to do tonight, related to you, and very important!"

When preparing for an appointment to meet Polaris, Angelet said to Tu Wang Meng who was lying on the sofa in the hall.

"Understood, black-hearted boss!"

Rentu Wang Meng said without paying attention.

After spending this period of time, he already knew the lower house of the White Bone Club very well, and he didn't meet any powerful guys.

He didn't feel the presence of a threat to him, either.

Angelet's eyes were deep, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I hope that Rentu Wang Meng will still have such confidence when the time comes.

It's not an easy place to go tonight.

As long as a normal person can think of the possible dangers in the inheritance place of a third-level extreme wizard.

Even if a little news is revealed, it can set off a big wave in the White Bones Society, and even cause competition among other wizarding forces.

And all of this will only belong to Angelet alone.

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