Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

[126] Welcome To The Black Sun Secret Realm! ! ! (Seeking Subscription)

The warm light rippled slightly, reflecting on the cheeks of the two of them.

A little more rosy, but also a little more warmth!

Angelet didn't speak, and Polaris didn't speak either.

Not even looking at each other.

But the difference is that the two are sitting together, very close to each other.

Angelet still made up his mind and directly signed with Polaris.

Just a touch, you can feel the body beside you tremble slightly.

The whole looks very stiff.

Angelet smiled knowingly, and then firmly held that little hand.

Only after this situation improved, his body softened immediately, almost leaning against Angelet's body.

The two remained tender like this, and after a long time, Angelet finally took the initiative to change the topic.

"I might be going somewhere...."

Before the words were finished, Polaris was the first to answer:

"Is it dangerous!"

Angelet became a little silent, and finally said slowly:


"Can you not go..."

Polaris tightened his body, as if he was slipping into Angelet's arms.

No matter how powerful a wizard is, as a woman, she will always seek a warm 04 sense of security like a partner.


"Is it very important!"


The topic became silent immediately, and Polaris didn't speak anymore.

Just snuggle like this.

The night passed quickly for the two of them.

Angelet took out some extreme quality Blood Roland potions from the wizard ring and put them on the table.

"Although it's just an advanced Blood Roland potion, it doesn't have that great effect on you, but it's all of extreme quality. To a certain extent, it can still help you to a certain extent..."

"I have already arranged everything. After I go and come back, I can try to refine advanced potions. I believe it will be able to help you."

Polaris felt very warm in his heart when he heard these words that were a bit chatty, even babbled about things.

He leaned against Angelet's arms again, tightening his grip.

I don't know when, this chest became so wide, and it was still so warm.

The North Star's voice is very small, but it can be heard clearly by Angelet.

"Don't die!"

Angelet was taken aback for a moment, then smiled knowingly.


Then he actively looked down, and a pair of brown eyes were already looking at each other.

Leaning slightly, the brown eyes slowly closed.

The snow in this cold winter will not last long, and spring will come eventually!

Angelet took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly. The white air drifted far away in the snowy night.

Speaking of which, this is also the fifth time I have walked on the streets of this business district with Polaris.

Originally, Angelet was still a little restrained, and the eyes of the wizards coming and going were piercing and sensitive.

But when he found that Polaris didn't care at all, he also laughed at himself.

Since when, as a man, you are not confident anymore.

Now he already has the ability and level to stand alone.

Holding Polaris' hand, Angelet also directly ignored the shocked and even unbelievable gazes.

This kind of feeling is really good when you can calm down and feel it.

Who said that the wizards of the lower house cannot become true companions with the ultimate wizard apprentices of the upper house.

Angelet said with a light smile: "At most, it will take three days, it will be very soon!"

Polaris has already stood at the entrance and exit of the Upper Court area. The entrance and exit here are relatively sparsely populated, and it is also a place where two people can spend more time together.

"Got it, I'll wait for you!"

When Polaris came out of the Night Wizard's Tavern, his expression became serious, which seemed to be related to the habit he had developed in the lower house for a long time.

As Angelet was leaving, Polaris just shoved him a stack of witchcraft scrolls.

Moreover, they are all third-level wizard apprentices, and the number of witchcraft scrolls at the extreme wizard apprentice level is very large, almost twenty.

It can be said that this is all the deposits of Polaris at this stage.

Scrolls of witchcraft are not so easy to craft.

On the contrary, it takes a lot of energy to make a wizard.

Ange can feel the presence of Polaris' mind in it.

It is estimated that it has been prepared a long time ago.

When Angelet walked back to the wizard's residence, his expression became somewhat serious.

Because tonight, he is going to enter the Black Sun Secret Realm to explore the inheritance from the Black Sun Master.

Angelet didn't know what was in the Black Sun Mystery Realm, and he was also full of curiosity and fear.

But what is certain is that he must make a complete preparation strategy.

First of all, in terms of wizard potions, many auxiliary types have been refined during the refining process.

Whether it is injured or restores energy particles, it can be used.

Secondly, regarding the witch weapon, the Fire Dragon Sword must be brought.

Angelet thought for a while: "Considering the complicated situation in the wizard's secret realm, maybe I should also prepare some wizard formations and the full state of corrupting energy particles.

Angelet also has a very powerful means of life-saving ability, that is, shadow replacement witchcraft.

Then there are two innate abilities born from the body of the stars.

Angelet was not idle either, and created a witchcraft with the power of starlight as the source.

It's called 'Star Radiance' witchcraft.

Bring your own star body to its peak, and become a starlight particle state in a short time, immune to physical damage, and low-level energy particle damage.

"Let's go!"

Angelet said to Tu Wang Meng who was lying on the sofa with an indifferent expression.

"Where are you going, boss!"

Rentu Wang Meng looked at Angelet with some surprise on his face.

He unexpectedly discovered that his boss, not only did not stay in the laboratory to conduct experiments at night, but instead put on a wizard robe, a wizard pocket, and a wizard ring

A powerful aura emanated from him......

What is this going to do, is it going to fight!

It's a big night!!

Rentu Wang Meng's heart became hot, and he immediately remembered Angelet's words before.

Since 337, I have figured out something.

I thought it was like massacring the Zijinhua family.

Immediately, he jumped up in the air and landed firmly on the ground.

"Boss, Rentu Wang Meng is always ready!"

Wang Meng made a gesture with his right hand and raised it slightly.

The smiling face is full of anticipation for killing.

There was a weird smile on the corner of Angelet's mouth, but this time, maybe he couldn't satisfy this guy's desire.

But maybe, it can bring some other things, maybe!

The next moment, the wizard's ring shone brightly, and a pitch-black key appeared in Angelet's hand, looking ordinary.

Rentu Wang Meng looked at the key curiously.

I don't understand my own cheap boss, what is this for...

Soon, his perception seemed to notice something, and his pupils fluctuated suddenly.

The body also reacted to this seemingly ordinary key.


What exactly is this!

Why did he feel a sense of suffocation that couldn't be concealed, as if it was a higher existence that he couldn't touch.

It's even so high that he can't even look up!

Before he could ask Angelet, the black key suddenly burst into dazzling black light.

"Welcome to the Black Sun Secret Realm!"

Angelet smiled strangely.

The black light directly enveloped the two of them, and the deep teleportation from an alternative space teleported the two of them to the dark black sun secret realm separated by an endless distance.

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